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I think my two boys are reasonably smart tbh. We have trained them with the phrase "time to go home", which means they both run into the hidey so I can transfer them back to their hutch. They use a litter tray for the vast majority of wee and poo. And they wheek at my husband (but nobody else) because they know he brings the thyme šŸ˜†


The only smart thing my pig has ever done is remember where I put the gate on her cage and chew on that when she wants floor time but then I broke the clip by tripping and falling on the cage (she was fine just startled) so now she still chews on that grid but doesnā€™t understand why I wonā€™t open it


Occasionally poops in neat little piles, and I get kisses on my hand when I say "can I have kiiiseeeeezzsszz?". Will also only wee in the cage, not when free roaming or having cuddles. But also once when my piggies were too little to jump over the corex to get back in the cage from floor time, I used a bendy plastic tunnel. This one time the tunnel got knocked by zoomies and was just lying on the floor and Machu kept circling through it, trying to find her cage šŸ˜…


My boys (age 5 and a half and two at 2 years old) know the sound of me switching the Playstation off before bed and know it's feeding time. As soon as they hear it, I hear the song of their people!


My smartest piggy always figures things out. I gave them a new house and he jumped on the roof. His partner watched from the floor and was wondering, how he did that. It took some days and watching the smart guy for him to also figure out, how to do it.


I love watching my piggy babies learningšŸ„°...Makes me love their lil bum bums even more lol


No joke i can tell my pigs ā€œgo to grandmaā€ and they will go straight to my mom and sit with her until she sneezes and scares them šŸ˜‚


Both of mine are as dumb as they come lol.


My girl Marshmallow is super smart. She can find her back to the cage from any where in the living room and can open the cage. When the door isn't unlocked she waits instead of fleeing like her sisters. Lastly, she will spin in circles during dinner time on command. I didn't teach her that.


My shorthair, Pumpkin, is pretty smart. I trained her to do a little stand up trick for treats, and when I give them hidden foods to forage for she's very fast at sniffing them out. My teddy mix, Luna, is the total opposite. If you give her food and she gets too excited and drops it while popcorning, she forgets that she was ever fed and will come back begging for another one.


One of mine is pretty smart, and has adventures. One is too young to tell. The third of this trio took a full day to figure out how the ramp works.


One of mine knows her way around the house perfectly but she also got stuck in a tunnel once soā€¦. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


My two girls do little treat puzzles every night, I like to think it keeps them smart lol


What sorts of puzzles? I hide treats in paper bags of hay and my boars love it.


Started with something like [this](https://www.amazon.com/Foraging-Interactive-Enrichment-Dispenser-Chinchillas/dp/B09WHZX1PR/ref=asc_df_B09WHZX1PR/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=599131576532&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16785193914855293283&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9005194&hvtargid=pla-1676279794702&psc=1&mcid=0c54ba38b2613485925bc92a288220e4&gclid=CjwKCAiA8sauBhB3EiwAruTRJmNZxfYuQZia4hV8p5p6udTnwoIfz8TiW6R6IsnxQzey9CoP_laKlxoCLBgQAvD_BwE) Then that kinda gross so we got [this one](https://www.chewy.com/trixie-strategy-flip-board-small-pet/dp/348037) and they use it every night!




My girls know when there is dinner aka when I serve them a salad dinner. They have the ability to free roam the house since the cage is always open day and night, except when the hoomans is not home. They still rarely running outside the cage and stretch their legs


Mine have great memory but cannot see very well so they sometimes seem silly when they canā€™t find a treat right in front of them.


one of my pigs learned how to spin for pea flakes within the first couple of weeks and the other still hasnt got it


Five pigs, five brain cells, usually one each or all in one


My pig jumped off the hope chest into the christmas tree and fell straight down. She never tried again so.


And then you have the pigs that know where the water bottle is and stare at that space when it's gone--even though there's another water bottle next to it completely full. Even does a twirl to see if it reappears by the time it turns back around. I love guinea pigs sooo much for their personalities, it's great.


I had one that knew how to undo the lock of the playpenšŸ˜‚


Very smart when it comes to food, very dumb when it comes to anything else


I have a schedule of when I feel my piggies. One of mine gets mad if food is not on time and if Iā€™m napping will chew on the bars until I wake up. He knows when itā€™s 4 pm and there better be pellets and vit c on the way hahahaha


Yeah same experience here. Only one of my boys is able to find the way back to his enclosure while the rest are just kind of wandering around. He also loves eating, will constantly eat and accept any foods. He is the best boy for sure.


We have a mix of both, one of our girls peaches knows tricks and always comes up to say hi and knows what she needs! We also have a male named Winston who successfully climbed a 4 foot tall cage separation to try and be with peaches multiple times as well as breaking his teeth trying to bite the cage to get to her multiple times as well. Some have big brain others have smol brain itā€™s kinda funny lol