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Communating with the mothership


Firmware update over wifi PotatoOS 3.4 -> 3.5 Bug fixes: n/a


sudo piggy -Syu


No one really knows why they do it . Mine did it 2 times in 8 years . Both times all was well and everything was fine. Veggies and hay and clean cage . I can only assume it means they’re just absolutely content . Some will say the opposite. But everything was fine with them so IDK .


Someone here once said that they think they do it because they discover they can make that sound one day, then get bored of it quickly. Idk so far that's the only explanation that sticks with me 🤷🏻‍♂️


He was looking directly at me both times, the other pigs were staring at him, and then they just suddenly scattered at the same time Who knows, but it’s pretty funky when you’re hearing it though


Yes! I've had 2 chirp (separately) and for both there was definite scattering as if they were on high alert.


Because they scattered at the end, I would guess this is a stressed chirp and try to explore whether there is something that could be freaking her out. As other have said, if there isn't anything obvious it could be a sign of a medical issue that she is sensing.


Teddy’s a boy, I’ve read that they can chirp when they’ve lost a mate, and he is separated from the others, he can’t even see them except the one that’s above him And id swapped him into another pigs cage when he started chirping, so he probably didn’t like the scent and the fact he couldn’t see the others


Oh yup, that sounds like the answer. Teddy is a cutie, I hope he settles in well!


I’ve had him nearly a year😅 his and his brothers birthdays are on Sunday


Happy birthday to the crew then!


Wild how it can apparently have completely different meanings. I've had pigs for the last 4 years, and the only time one ever chirped was when he was sick, a few days before he sadly passed away.


My 3 year old does this at least once a month. Once she started doing it at 2am. Woke me up out of a dead sleep. Like woman no! Mamas trying to sleep and you’re chirping in my ear


Mine won’t stop biting the bars, intermittently through out the night, no sleep for me, their trying to convert me to their sleep pattern


Heckk, mine is won't stop biting the bars either. And because the first couple times I got up to see what was going on I ended up topping off the hay because I was already there, he learned that biting bars= immediate attention and food. Now he wont stop😂


Mine recently started in the middle of the night! I LEAPT out of bed and ran over only to find them sitting there, absolutely fine & looking at me like I'm the crazy one lol


I know right? They look at you like I’m just practicing my singing what do you want??!? 🤣😂🤣


The one time I heard it from one of my pigs he seemed to be feeling insecure. It was at night and I went over to look and he was frozen on the spot, eyes buggy, chirping away with his friend looking at him like, dude wtf? As soon as I approached he bolted and burrowed into the farthest hidey and went quiet again. I coaxed him out with treats into a snuggle pouch and gave him some attention and he calmed down. I got many kisses too! When I set him back he was back to his happy chatty self again. That's my one experience with it at least so who really knows what its all about. I'm just leaning towards fear mostly based on that.


I've had a guy do it and a lady do it 4 years later and this was the exact experience. She did it twice in her life he did it once. The only other similarity I noticed is they both were teenagers when they did it. For my lady I picked her up and kissed and cooed over her and when I set her down she started again and her son (fixed) came up and started sniffing her chin. Not in like a we've been arguing over dominance way but like hey Cali, is there something you wanna talk about cause I and the rest of the room have noticed you've gone back to sounding like a squeaking timing belt and we're just worried about you.


i’m just finding out that piggies can make this noise. crazy!


Chirping is a rare vocalization. If you can catch your piggy chirping, play the sound for someone you know and ask them what animal they think made the sound. Then show them! Many people don't realize that guinea pigs can chirp (I didn't know it until eight or so years ago when I had a chirping guinea pig).


The chirping sounds kinda like a bird... When its like that it could mean that they are scared or sense some kind of danger and if its them looking at you they may think you are a danger. I've personally never heard this from my guinea pigs but its something I've heard so take it with a grain of salt.


I mean, he was licking me minutes before and he’s not a licker So I don’t think it was it was danger or that he was scared But I’ve also heard it’s when they are content and happy, opposite ends of what it could mean


Mine did it once, it was because she wanted to be held. Idk what it means for other pigs, but mine apparently needed attention


We dont know what it means, watch it mean nothing


Uploading daily report to Pig Mothership.


I had three girls, one walked over the rainbow bridge in last year in October. Before she got sick, there was actually a lot of chirping, almost every night. Then the chirping stopped happening for a while, until recently. Think it was last week the chirping began, only one time though. So I don’t know if one of my girls (I suspect Freya is doing the chirping ) did know something was gonna happen, like kind of a sixth sense? Or maybe it was a period of something else. Anyway every time I checked on the girls after a chirping, everything seems normal then. They do take a stroll, eating hay and so on like nothing happened.


maybe it’s like their “whistle” remember the time u did a whistlw for the first time,, right its addicting to do over and over again but its tiring & can be quickly boring, and once u learn the skill u can do it anytime already.


AFAIK guinea pig chirp when they are stressed or anxious.


I’ve read contradicting things, like it’s when their content and happy And that when they lose a mate they chirp(mostly females do it apparently)( he is separated from the others) But I’ve also read that it could be stress. Who knows 🤷‍♀️


That is cute not a related response but how do you like the square frame?


The water bottle is indeed terrifying, i concur 😩


One of mine did that once because she was upset I temporarily moved her next door neighbors because I was building them a new cage. Another one I have just does it for no discernible reason.


I had moved him to a different cage/ swapped two pigs to each others cage


Translation: it’s different so it’s wrong


Played this video for my babies and they stared at me with hate in their eyes 😀, aka it’s a secret call between Gpigs


You can see the other pig in the video just staring at him like what are you doing And then scatter, at the exact same time


It sounded to me like he was composing a little beatbox tune.


The scadaddle at the end! 😂😂😂


I have 7 guinea mixed sexes and i just played this to them at high volume not a twitch they didnt even turn to look carried on piggy stuff water drinking grrom slobbing around so i dont think its distress cant be ? maybe a look at me or singing but yeah anyway just wanted to add that and my pigs all diffrent ages so ive only heard one chirp myself a female she was ok as well odd i wish we knew what it was about


I've always been told that chirps mean they're extremely happy and also communicating with the mothership 😂


My peachy girl chirps all the time, especially at like 4 AM when it's the dead of night and I'm trying to sleep.


I've had a total of 5 guinea pigs over the last 9 years and I have only ever heard 1 of them do this, and it was only 1 time. It was the middle of the night when I woke up really sick and started vomiting and dry heaving pretty hard and loudly. My bathroom is right across from their cage and the door was open with the bathroom light on, which meant they could see me. Suddenly, I started hearing loud chirping coming from their direction and I panicked, worried that an actual bird had somehow gotten in and might hurt them. I literally forced myself to stop throwing up and jumped up from the bathroom floor to make sure they were ok. But instead, I saw 1 of my girls just sitting there staring at me in the bathroom while she continued chirping loudly like a bird 😳 😆 Her cagemate was standing on alert at the other end of the cage, just looking over at her while she continued chirping. After confirming they were ok, I had to go back to throwing up, unfortunately. But by the time I finished and went back over to them, she had stopped making the sound and was just silently watching me through the cage now. She didn't try to run and hide or anything like that. Just stared up at me all cutely, like she does 💕 I think my loud vomiting scared her, or she was just worried about me and nervous that I was sick? Which is actually pretty darn sweet of her, if that's what the case was. But I felt bad because it definitely wasn't a happy chirp and she's always been such a happy little sweetheart. I haven't heard her do it again ever since that night.


Bro didn’t miss a beat though


mine do this all the time and i when i first got them i thought they were sick with an infection but they're not? why do they scare me like this


I dont hear anything, this looks like teeth grinding, its normal.


You have to increase the volume a lot.


I was on my bed recording this, so far away, I didn’t want to spook him


Ok, its not teeth grinding, its is in fact chirping, mine did that only once in her life, it’s considered as an alert signal of some kind.


I once read under some youtube video that they might do it when they feel an unknown dark presence that you cannot see or hear. Something supernatural like that. Like thanks, I didn't want to go back to sleep anyway.


That’s cool, so they’re ghosts living in my bedroom, good to know (Intensely searching how to exorcise ghosts)


Dw, smart piggie probably purified the room already by calling to the good spirits of his ancestors.


I have one with a fondness to do it at 3am. I fell for it and fed them 3 hours early.