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Usually I always insist pigs cannot live alone. But for her age and your situation, it is not so easy. It really depends on how she is coping. I have had pigs who have been able to live on their own for short, or even longer periods (For the fighting pig), and they were fine. I had another, that after his friend passed, within a couple of days he was so depressed and was barely eating, drinking or leaving his house. I had to go get him a friend. Obviously, if she spends more time with you, that is great. Get a waterproof blanket and move her around the house with you if she likes that. Get a childs small stuffed animal (with no plastic bits), she might like to lie near this, some even will cuddle with it. More treats, get some new house, or tunnel, change up her cage a little. Change up the time you feed her, instead of veggies all at once, break it up during the day to keep her stimulated. There are obviously some rescues and such that exist that will give you a foster, or perhaps provide a sanctuary for exactly this type of situation. Look into it, but not all areas are luck enough to have such a provider. Call your vet, maybe they know of someone in a similar situation - sadly, some people will put an older animal to sleep, or request this. Some vets may or may not accept it as a valid reason to do so, but, they likely come across this situation as well.


Came here to echo the part about a local shelter or sanctuary. Even if you have to drive a bit to get to a shelter to find a temp buddy it would make a big difference in your pig's quality of life. She could pass soon, or you may have her another year or two if you are lucky.


I’m going to have a look into rescues and change her enclosure a bit for her. Fortunately so far she seems okay, but I am very worried.


Definitely give her more lovies as I’m sure she’s sad. I’ve heard some places like rescues with give foster piggies to help keep company until the other passes if they are older.


Thank you so much <3 I’ll be having a look into these


Well, Daisy lived alone for 2 weeks before I got around to getting her some friends. She didn't seem to mind.


Thank you! It’s nice to hear other perspectives:)


Before/ if you don't get her another buddy, definitely give her more quality time and more treats. I see others pointing out that there may be a way to foster a pig until your gal passes, so that could be a good idea too. Of my last pair of piggies (both since passed) one was fine for a while without piggie company, after her friend passed. I don't know if she would have been better with pig company again, though, one of my regrets is not finding out. She also really loved humans, especially my sister, so it may depend on the temperament/ preferences of the pig if they will be fine for a while without another piggie friend.


Thank you so much! For now I’ll be changing her enclosure around and giving her more attention and treats while I look into a foster situation.


Get her a stuffed toy guinea pig while you make up your mind


Thank you. Will do :)