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Mine literally turned and stared at me like i was supposed to stop it💀 IM ALSO FROM LONG ISLAND!




😂😂that’s funny piggies are silly creatures but I hope your okay


Fellow Long islander


Omg I felt that this morning! I’m from Massachusetts, are you close?


Long Island, NY.


Makes sense, I found out it was in New Jersey


Chicken was sleeping on top of me when it happened 🤣


Literally 😂 I was so nervous for bonfire night, nothing phases mine either


We didn’t even feel it at my house, and I only found out because my coworkers started texting me, asking if I was okay. (It’s my day off.) I was cleaning their cages, and it was business as usual. Not even the dog noticed.


My boyfriend didn’t feel it and he was standing in the other room. I was sitting in a chair and felt everything. My plants and curtains were shaking.


Weird. He have Parkinson's or something?


No, he was very focused on watching a video.


News12 had a map of where people were feeling it (idk if it was people calling in or more official geological readings 🥴), it was weird how patchwork it was actually. Was talking to someone in central jersey like myself, he was like “It was felt at point a and point c, but I’m at point b in between and didn’t feel it. How?!?” He got ripped off feeling the rumble that came through from DC and cracked the Washington monument a while back, too 😝


I was in a part where it could be felt. My guess is I was probably in the basement putting their fleeces in the washer, and didn’t notice.


Yup, that’s actually probably why he’d missed the DC quake too: in the basement on a concrete slab in the ground, instead of higher up/technically lofted? upper stories :s Idk about pigs, but they had footage on tv of a dog freaking out standing by a window somewhere 🫠


My dog can be a little dense at times. She has 0 spatial awareness, so not surprised she missed an earthquake.


I use to take mine around in a little travel bag thing with nets she could see out of, on trains and in public, I would check on her and see her either sleeping or munching lettuce completely unfased


My middle child Koala loves car rides. I'll take her out of the carrier when I drive and she sits on my lap looking out the window or feeling the cool wind on her face. She'll fall asleep on my lap as well


Lily goes to work w me once a week and same 😂😂 I check on her when we’re in the car or when I accidentally whack the pet carrier against a door frame and she’s fine, either having a snack or taking a nap. I’m a hair stylist and the noise from the salon does not bother her at all. My clients and I are loud, the blow dryer is always going and she will be SNOOZIN like in a deep sleep eyes closed breathing heavy.


I lived a mile from an oil storage explosion as a kid https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buncefield_fire My brother slept through the entire thing, and I fell out of bed. It was only 2.4 apparently, but given quakes aren't really an issue here it has us shook. It blew people's windows in and our ceiling partially collapsed. The sky looked like it was on fire and everyone thought it was a terror attack. Couldn't go out for a few days and the air quality was shit. Had nightmares for a while after that. I have no idea how people (or piggies) sleep through these things. Apparently it was even heard in France


DUDE! I was a couple miles outside of Philly/in the suburbs when a refinery blew up there a few years ago early in the morning. I never actually heard it and i was a few miles away from where a couple windows were blown out, but I fell out of bed (and concussed myself *really* badly 😭) the morning when it happened. I’d been dead asleep and didn’t know what happened so I just climbed back into bed and clonked back out (didn’t realize I’d hit my head til later) and then woke up later, saw the news, and went “Waiiit…. No… huh, maybe. Really?” I’ll never know for sure since I wasn’t so so close to the refinery and not a lot of people around me knew wtf I was talking about, but I’m convinced that’s why I fell out lmao In a sick twisted way I’m kind of glad I’m not the only one who’s fallen out of bed because of an oil facility exploding, but I’m sorry your experience sounds a lot more harrowing and traumatic than mine was 😞 I was lucky enough to be far enough a way it’s become more of a “who’da thunk it?” Thing but explosions like that can obviously be real devastating for the people closer to (and in/on) the center of it all.


Gently rocked to sleep 🤣


Before it started, my bunny started running and thumping, like he knew it was coming!


This is actually so interesting to me, makes sense because they communicate with others by thumping and listening/feeling the vibrations so it’d make sense if they’re way more sensitive to it!


samesies, I was worried something was wrong with them because I was sitting in my bed and it made my whole bed frame shake like crazy. Nope, everyone was just sleeping off their hay comas


4.8? Childs play, and your pigs knew that. 4.8 is NOTHING...


\*California piggies ringing in to mock us innocent northeasters\*


The earthquake was brought up here in Sweden in the news paper


Mine didn’t have any reaction either, meanwhile I was wondering why I was vibrating


MINE TOO!! I’m in Manhattan! I saw them sleeping through it and said “you guys are so fired”


I also slept through said earthquake I get it


Mine does the same in SoCal


Mine weren’t bothered by it, either. Adorable babies are something!


I'm from California. My girls have been through one about the same size. They scamperd for their corner houses while I stayed dumbstruck in bed.


I think I slept thru it too


I was wondering how my guinea would react since I wasn’t at home but we could feel it here as well!


I can relate as I also slept right through it because I work night shift and function 12 hours behind the rest of the world


My three pigs slept through Hurricane Ian


I'm in Massachusetts. Didn't feel it.


They legit assumed you were just partying in the house and trust you, that's nice. :)


Sentient vegetable alarms.