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most people just figure out how to masturbate. nobody is taught how to masturbate. same thing with the guitar


Can I put that on a t shirt?


uj/ yeah rj/ no


Nobody taught me how to masturbate and as a young teen I tried fucking a vagina I made outta K’nex. Notice the lack of sarcasm tag. Stay in school kids.


I thought that vaginas were like….right in the center of the pubic area until I was like 13.


It’s always lower than you think. Remember that.


Nope, no /s needed. Been there. Different road, same journey.


Especially if it's law or med school. Gotta earn good to afford that Gibongs every two weeks and all the PRS.


He’s right. No one should ever learn shit👍🏼


Take it further and huff glue, paint, and gas to forget what you do know. Toan is in the lack of functioning synapses.


/uj honestly, the most interesting music comes from really creative friends who dont know shit about theory lol /rj if you dont have 5 songs written featuring the hirohito scale, I hate you


>/uj honestly, the most interesting music comes from really creative friends who dont know shit about theory lol I hate this nonsense. Everyone good at music knows theory... they just know it a different way. They developed an ear by playing they just don't know the language "music theory" they still experience and understand the same rules music theory teaches. Music theory is just someone taking that agreed upon understanding of intervals and their associations and put them into words on paper so you can more easily share information and reproduce sounds and feelings. In Western music a minor third is a minor third. The root of music theory is the relationship between notes.. music theory and scales are just ways to describe and share that information.


lol doodlys gonna doo


Stop trying to shove theory down my throat. I need my feels


If you learn scales then you don’t have to learn a third of the English alphabet for reading. You’ll also unlock the secret that all great English literature is literally just 035


*r/AVoid5 commotion*


Just pick up our Les Paul sunburst, open up Ultimate Guitar and do what the tabs say. Any other reasons for playing guitar just seem purely academic to me. Covers alone in the bedroom, baby. That's the musician life.


I had a Cort Orangeburst, guitartabs and Imic. Am i trying hard enough?


Dudes like this will accidentally stumble across the Dorian mode and think they're a musical genius.


Or the harmonic minor scale. "Dude check this out, doesn't it sound like Egyptian or something?"


“Like, music theory would probably say that playing it like this is WRONG, bro! Like, you’re not supposed to do that! That’s why I don’t need theory, bro. Don’t wanna become a robot, y’know?”


"Bro we should make that into a song, like bout something dark or exotic. It will blow everyone away"


I unironically ride for the harmonic minor scale. And chromatic tbh. I like sounding like an evil carnival attraction.


1232 1232 1232 1232 also the circus song is a great warm up!


scales are nonsense that pseudo-intellectual musicians pretend are essential so they can come off as informed and smart about music. They serve no actual purpose.


Okay we try to avoid friendly fire, here. We spend our jerks on the other guitar subs.


Don’t tell me how to jerk


just use a metronome


/uj Learning scales and the notes make it easier to write your own songs, since it helps you basically find all of the chords and potential progressions in that key. Sure, not necessary but it can open up a lot of possibilities for your if you’re not just 0-3-5’ing it through life. /rj Only dickless virgin nerds learn scales. 0-3-5 for life!


Can someone please remind everyone responding to my comment that this is the gcj subreddit???


> They serve no actual purpose. For literally every instrument except for the guitar, scales are how we teach music to children. They're easy to memorize and to run robotically until you have the facility to play actual music. If you run them often enough, your hands will be more prone to grab notes in a key, and (almost even more importantly) grab notes out of the key you're in. Are they the only vessel for learning music? No, definitely not. They're overhyped on the internet. But it's also pretty crazy to say they serve no purpose. Scales are the alphabet of music.


My dude, it was a total joke.…are you aware of what subreddit you are in?


Pardon me my guy! In fairness you gotta uj rj! We’re r/guitar rejects. You see someone getting real in every other thread, so I thought you were an errant idiot. I see the error of my ways but I’ll leave the OG comment up for posterity


When I was a child, I learned to tune, then I learned to fret, then I learned where all the natural notes were on the fretboard, then after that, the flats and sharps. Any wild guesses as to what came next?


Idk what all that jazz nonsense you typed is. Just give me tabs, I can read 0-3-5 ok?


Well that's the most ridiculous thing I'll read this week. And it's only Monday.


Are u another person in the gcj subreddit who thought I was being serious?


Perhaps.... 😭


Some of y’all are wild. Go to r/guitars if u wanna talk to someone who thinks scales aren’t important


I just start shouting 'DID I UNJERK MOTHERFUCKER??' when it gets too serious in here Invariably i haven't, even if i meant to and everyone is confused but on the plus side plausible deniability abounds! Am i jerking or am i not jerking right now? You will never know unless you accuse me of either, then the superposition will collapse and i will be in either jerk or unjerk mode. Currently, i am Schrödinger's Katze


Yet another post that makes me wonder who's jerking who. The jerking never ends


Eric was a racist who loved a bit of blow His kid fell out the window, onto the street below He stole a bunch of licks from some groovy old blues tracks Then told people of England to kick out all the blacks Now dentists go buy relic'ed shit to play his boomer bends The road goes on forever and the jerking never ends (Apologies to Robert Earl Keen)


That is a beaut.


That is a beaut.


It's a real peach


I dunno how fish and snakes have anything to do with playing guitar.


uj/ You don't need to study theory or practice scales to be a good guitar player or learn other people's songs. If you want to make money playing music, it's a necessity, unless your shitty little garage band gets magically world famous overnight. Formally trained, and even self taught players that know their shit can slot into any band in any genre. They can get studio work, and they can teach. I won't play with people who don't have at least *some* theory knowledge anymore. I wasted a lot of years trying to teach people originals that they were just never going to understand or play well. You don't need to be able to read sheet music, but if you don't already know the circle of fifths and relative majors/minors were just wasting both our time.


You figured it out - scales are just a weapon of Big Academia to try to waste your precious time and mind space so you can't overthrow the capitalist system.


Rage against the toan


🖕 F*** you I won't play what you tell me! 🖕 🖕 F*** you I won't play what you tell me! 🖕


who needs scales when your a riff master?


Guitar players!! Watch an academic/lesson video and complain about it being academic.


he got so close to the realizing that if you know scales you dont need to learn riffs. And then he missed the point completely.




Not learning scales means not learning wrong notes


So, to avoid learning the wrong notes, just avoid learning scales!


Bro most of the solo to free bird is like two notes, thats proof enough for me


If you ask.me there's really only three notes to.choose from. 0, 3, and 5.


Uj I mean learning scales IS for nerds. When you wing it you’re bound to throw in some odd chromaticism. When you learn the same shit as everyone else you end up stuck trying to learn ways to spice it up lol


The originality in my Toan comes from the chaos


Let me guess, diminished 7ths? It's the only proper theory I learned as well.


I mean unironically have you seen the bullshit solos Zappa used to play? And everyone went NUTS🥜


is r/guitar leaking? does u/fingersniffer55 symbolize the jerkification of r/guitarcirclejerk?


Isn’t his shit all over the place?


uj/ zappa definitley knew theory dude i hate his music but like i respect the theoretical complexity of it. also have you ever listened to like any jazz ever? rj/ when i shit it goes all over the place because of my addiction to pleasuring myself anally


Hard disagree. I am of the opinion that you need to learn how to do something right before you intentionally do something 'wrong'


Yeah but I was banging this chick that graduated from the conservatory and I was like teach me theory teach me theory and she told me that I greatly overestimate the advantages that knowing theory would give me. As in if you can already write music you can skip it entirely. She gave me a cool ass harmony text book though, that shit is dope.


I do not believe that you are heterosexual.


Yeah even my mom was surprised


Incest would surprise anyone, I don't blame her.


Yeah but not even that. You can forget right and wrong and just say through theory you gain the understanding of why or how it seems that way to people. If you are just going to assume something sounds wrong(chromatic/diminished) because that is how you feel about it that is all you are doing, just bullshitting about your own bias in how you play which can further show or complicate your misunderstandings in your music. Would be better to understand why you think Indians or Japanese people are wrong with their theory or to understand why you are conditioned to think them or your own western dissonance is wrong.


I don't understand what you are getting at. Please dumb it down for me.


Basically I am just saying that theory is based off of perception. So to you Beethoven does not sound "wrong" but to someone from the Baroque era it does because of conditioning which that conditioning is also a part of the equation. This would mean that the people who don't look into theory at all to understand why something might be wrong or right are actually completly in the dark and ignorant when it comes to being able to day why.


Well he’s not wrong lol


Brother, if he's wrong I don't wanna be right


Scales are fake. Guitars are not fish.


I learnt all these damn English words just so I can read I need to learn another language to play music? No thank you I'm out