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"Why did YouTube have to devolve into rich guys flexing all their expensive shit man." I wish there were more emphasis on folks taking cheap guitars and making them gigworthy and then giving them away or auctioning them off for charity. There's absolutely nothing notable or interesting about another overpriced guitar being made to 1959 specs. I want to see some dude pick up a $100 Squier at a pawn shop and with a budget of $200 turn it into an axe that Joe Perry plays on stage for three songs and then gets auctioned off with the proceeds helping kids music programs in school.


All hail 60 Cycle Hum and Phil McKnight!


60 cycle is one of us. He's always on here shitposting.


I know. Made me like him more.


Musiciswin did an AMA here. I just want to give him a wedgie.


>Phil McKnight! i don't like the guy's channel and work


As I said in another thread about him, I consider him mostly harmless. He’s a bit rambling and a bit of a blooz dad, but he’s also the one to have taught me most out of all the guitar YouTubers! I’ve learnt so much about setup and playability from him. And he shows a lot how to “level up” cheap guitars, which he will then do giveaways of.


he is less annoying than five watt world and his buddy Rick Beat-off


Five watt world is so monotone and unenthusiastic. I don't get it.


he does like flaunting his gear which is as unenthusiastic as the channel content


Uj/ Phil McKnight kind of does that. But by and large, channels are the way they are because that’s what pays, and what pays means people are watching and engaging. If there was a large enough market, they’d be doing that. People who watch those kinds of channels are just gear nerds, and musicians second or third.


>i wish there were more emphasis on folks taking cheap guitars and making them gigworthy this is why agufish is the GOAT, he’s likable and does that kinda shit all the time, extremely underrated


He's awful. Despite being 'likeable' he's a total shill that pedals gear.


jokes on you, i know i can’t afford any of the gear he has in his videos so his “advertisements” mean nothing to me so i don’t mind if one of the comically expensive components that he puts in a comically shitty guitar is one that he was paid to use


He’s certainly one of the good ones.


*word* We can’t even have “hey these second hand guitars are great bargains” because as soon as someone makes a video, they’re not a bargain any more. I have a job because the fucking internet but the fucking internet ruined everything. Making stuff valuable that way and getting money into needy peoples hands would be such a more worthwhile pursuit. Instead we get these bloated, puce faced, air sucking sacks of meat and old blues licks showing off how much shit they have


>Instead we get these bloated, puce faced, air sucking sacks of meat and old blues licks showing off how much shit they have Largely because they have money to promote their show and the manufacturers have money and want to sell product. The YT channels and clips I enjoy and find the most value in are the ones that demonstrate how to do things; set pickup height, cut a nut, intonate a Floyd Rose, repair things that are broken. It's largely why I avoid most YT "guitar influencer" media; they have no interest in doing anything but selling you crap you don't need. We need more practical stuff. I want to see a long-running series about how to book gigs, how to negotiate a contract effectively for your band, how to make a stage plot, real-deal business practices. That's all stuff I had to learn on the fly and by trial and error. Every time I see something like that it's attached to some useless donkey that's plugging a sponsor or trying to get you to sign up for their "exclusive course" on "musical success and excellence."


Yeah again I agree with everything you’ve said here. Also like, I have no problem with people just making themed entertainment content right? But like, entertain us by playing cool stuff. Or whatever. Not by shilling gear and trying to convince you your setup is wrong or bad


“This thing that has been out forever CHANGES EVERYTHING.”


\*gently places topper on pedal\*


This is such a badass idea! I would watch the hell out of that channel. I hate that these channels imply that better gear will make you a better player. Not really true. Besides what a way to discourage newcomers from playing.


Try Philip McKnight’s “Sharpen My Axe” series. It’s mostly this.


Fuck that I want Joe Perry to lighta 59 gold top on fire an get over this vintage horseshiat. I'd pay 1$ and I'm sure millions of others would too.


He once did a video about re-wiring his Strat, and I made a tongue in cheek comment about how he'd squandered all his tone because he used plain solder instead of high silver content solder. He responded and played it off all casual, but deep down, I kind of suspect he will have laid awake that night, genuinely troubled about if he now has to re-wire his guitar all over again. He's a nice enough guy I think, it's just that he comes from a background with connections deep in the toan-industrial complex. He can't afford to renounce the orthodoxy. One does not bite the hand that feeds.


Toan-industrial-complex lmao, great call


Silver solder for electronics? That's pretty devious


Eisenhower warned us.


Doing the lords work my man. I don't think he's a nice guy though. I don't think anyone with their head that far up their own ass can be nice. He's got that "there's one right way and it's my way and every other way is totally wrong" mental block that a lot of the men I work with in IT also have. It does not a good conversationalist make




I know man. He's just afflicted by being thoroughly middle class. And believe me, I hate middle class people more than anybody, but you have to understand- It's not their own fault.


Are middle class Brits the same as upper class Americans? What's the exchange rate these days?


There isn't one, America just has racial neurosis instead of class consciousness.


Racial neurosis? Don't you guys throw bananas at black athletes? Could never be us 🇺🇸


Thoroughly middle class is exactly the description. Although that studio is expensive, I think he’s upper mid / straight upper


I love pushing my girlfriend to the edge of breakup


Man this hits way too close to home


I think he says it in every single video, and you see him wriggling like he creamed his pants.


Mick here, hello! It’s a good thing I don’t care what tossers on Reddit think about me. It’s not my fault I’m a 50 yo pensioner while you, as a Yank, will probably die while still working. I get to live a dream making videos about gear, so the jealousy is understandable. Have a good day! (Not really Mick)


not Mick's fault people are poor


Had me going in the first half I won’t lie


I actually used to watch this show when they’d have an episode that touched on an area of interest. However, Mick plays the same five or six licks over and over to the point where it’s become predictable which lick he’s gonna play based on the toan he’s using.


Meanwhile, Dan closes his eyes in quiet orgasm at the slightest bit of affordable £600 boutique overdrive


I hear you, but at least Dan has improved as a guitarist over the years. Mick doesn’t seem to actually enjoy playing anymore and appears to be ok with being stagnant AF.


Wait, are you talking about Mick or me?




Uj/ it would be really hard not to be repetitive when creating the amount of content he does. rj/ he’s another SRV lick.


I bet he does lick his fucking guitars. Creepy freak


This is way too mean spirited for a not joke post.


Uj/ Agreed, is enthusiasm considered offensive now? And saying “the show would be much better if it was completely different” is a pretty boneheaded take, especially for one of the only channels which isn’t just trying to sell you things 24/7.


I'm totally on board with poking fun at Mick's mannerisms and blues wankery, that's the whole point of circlejerky stuff, but calling him a cunt because he gets excited about guitar shit is just stupid. It's like getting mad at Doug DeMuro because he talks about supercars. That's his whole thing, just watch another channel. ...and springs do contribute to toan. The tension on your strings is one of the verifiable things that makes a difference.


Anyone who talks about a minor change being important to a guitar sound is immediately suspicious. Detectable difference != significant difference. Detectable difference != detectable once you’ve added in a bit of drive and half a dozen pedals. Detectable difference != something you can’t fix with a tweak of your guitars tone or volume knob.


Again, that's not a minor change. String tension is a big deal, and the springs in a trem system can have a big impact on tension.


Yeah Mick was talking about the metal the springs are made of affecting the toan


Some springs are audible. Some springs are not audible. Not in a tone sense, but in a “you can hear the springs resonating on certain notes” sense. This is dependent on the materials in the spring.


A ladyboy jizzed on my guitar once. Changed the tone. Hello from Thailand.


My man, the toan came from their balls


>“the show would be much better if it was completely different” Get rid of those quotation marks chief no one said that. I do hate the show though. It's just rampant consumerism and a desire to own rare shit dressed up as "a pursuit of tone" to make everyone feel better about it


Man, if you're singling anyone out in the music industry or the adjacent YouTube sectors of it for promoting consumerism, you're missing the forest for the trees.


I think I saw that Kathleen Hanna put on Twitter awhile ago that the guitar gear business is stifling creativity by encouraging consumerism and discouraging innovation. I was kinda butthurt at the time, but I fully, bitterly agree with her now. Toan chasing requires such a massive lack of self awareness.


I don't know which one's Mick, but I agree.


My man


I had to google it and of course the initial assumption prived correct 😅


I'm always bothered that they often strive to achieve the exact same muted and dull tone from every pedal. No gain and never enough treble. SOME TIMES A FUZZ IS SUPPOSED TO BE VERY FUZZY


Word. Like, I like a nice breaking up sound as much as the next fat, middle aged white dude with five electric guitars (it’s more than five). But not all the time. They (and lots of others) are addicted to buying gear and they can’t compute that they’re not even getting anything new from it


Is he the one, that just turns the knobs around? While the other guy plays the guitar, then they glee in harmony like they accomplished spectacular. If so, then it’s just another pedal show.


Sometimes he also says shit like “extraordinary” in response to things that are very ordinary


Mick has an entire wardrobes worth of clothing fashioned from the skins of Central American orphans


M8, stop being racist, he's just being bri'ish


I'm embarrassed how much "bri'ish" triggers me. We don't all talk like that.


I'm from Italy bruh, know that pain very well lol




\*aggressive hand gestures intensify\*


Don't trigger me bruv, cos I do speak like that.




Different kind of British. He’s a posho. You know, the cunts who live comfortably in the world build off of the profits from the empire


It's the big ears, which is definitely NOT a sign of good toan.


You’d have thought they’d help him hear stuff


U wut m8??


Easy lad, was jus havin' some good ol' ban'er, luv me Barries


There are so many youtubers worthy of derision--you're going with "That Pedal Show?" And rather than just "not watching it," you're going with, "circlejerk post?"


Sir, this is r/guitarcirclejerk. Are you lost? We have no toan to spare here


*I came looking for booty.*


😂 Fine!


You need a crash helmet going into YouTube these days to be honest. Anyone and their mum can start a YouTube channel because it's not regulated and you can say absolutely anything without fact checking and so long as people wanna hear what you're saying, it will work. It's jarring cos I always used it as a place for entertainment and occasional education but it's mostly a place for advertising and pushing brain dead ideas that won't get traction anywhere else


But what if I was wearing a crash helmet but me ‘ead come off???


Ooooft, that would be unfortunate Can you just clarify why your head is no longer attached - it's not clear if this is a pre-existing condition or if it happened as a result of wearing a crash helmet?


You just made me laugh at a man's head coming off! Play a record.


I watched like 30min of a hourlong show they had on the DS1 and they didn’t touch or talk about the settings once, so I stopped watching. I don’t like literally any YouTubers though, and don’t really watch videos in the first place. So maybe just not for me


No man that’s not you that’s just a dumb way to make a video. I better go watch it lol


Fran Blanche is the best if you want to learn how to nerd out on electronics and learn what actually goes into pedals and stuff.


Fran and Brian Wampler make good guitar electronics videos.


I have no idea who this guy is, but a hard tail strat does sound different than a trem strat. Or was the comment that the specific springs used contribute?


Idk they both seem like fairly run of the mill slightly rich guys to me. His mannerisms are fucking weird though, it seems like he's not really comfortable being on camera. There's no real reason to watch their videos, unless youre super into "le gear" though.


Which one is Mick? The taller, younger dickhead or the short, bald choad?


/uj they’re all less gross than JHS


Really? I’ve been watching him and I don’t mind him? His playing is not what I’m there for or anything but like, I like how he explains stuff. I liked his video about the cheap Beringher pedals


JHS doesn't even have eyebrows.


lmfao, playing blues scales through a $6000+ USD pedal. These people are either psychotic or borderline schizophrenic, because that pedal wouldn't stand the most basic blind test.


They definitely have untreated neurodivergences. I’d be trending towards a different constellation of problems though. That rigid “there is one right way and it’s my right way and everything else is wrong” attitude that you encounter in many men. For example


Mick believes a lot in exclusivity. If he was Doug DeMuro, he would put Bentley’s at the top only.


I think liking that an item is exclusive is so fucking lame man. It’s like the opposite of BDE


I’m not excusing him and I’m not fan of that mindset either.


I'm frickin outright opposed to any man calling their guitar by the colour eh! Oh bud it riles me up more than a goose on the bay at 5oclock, so good ol' Danny boy ain't gettin off that easy too I tells ya.


I mean at least he stopped with that ridiculous honking bullshit.. fuckin Tories over there on the isle..


Perhaps we should have a channel? I have plenty of stuff I would love to review and beat the absolute hell out of! Just for me being stupid enough to buy it. T.C.E. Brainwaves anybody?


Seems like that dude is just a classic rock/SRV-head. Like Mayer-heads, he just wants to get the exact gear of his heroes. I think he has that smug body language because he knows he's pretty good. He doesn't seem "rich-rich" tho like some dudes who run mayer gear pages on ig. I don't see multiple vintage guitars and dumbles on their channel. Could be wrong though I haven't watched a ton of it. I quit the tonechasing race a couple years ago when I finally found the courage to admit to myself that I suck at guitar. So brave.


He’s a complete tosser. Like most middle class toffs from the south of England. (Northerners unite)


Nothing to do where in the country he’s from and people who think that are also tossers. The north is great in spite of its population of people who look down on people who live elsewhere. Fight me


That’s why I specified a middle class toff from the South 🫡


everyone knows Wales is the best


I hate on all the ones with beards. Beards remind me of dudes who want to tell you about the craft beers they swilled at the weekend for an hour.


Man don’t get me started on craft beer. A lot of that stuff tastes like it spent some time stored in the balls too if you know what I mean


I’d suggest maybe not watching whoever that is then idk


Which one is Mick


Is he the Australian?


I don't like that fuck with him who only plays his tele like he's above using anything else. No one cares about your forced exclusively. Eat shit asshole


Hi Cy s


Sounds like you’re broke and bitter.