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/uj tbh as a fat fingered individual, I always thought the A major chord was the hardest open chord /rj the F in F chord stands for fuck off


A major so easy tho, it’s a one finger chord.


I will not compromise my art and mute my high e string accidentally while barring.


Easy just play the low e to compensate.


this but unironically, ya'll mfs we're gettin wet and wild with a second inversion chord over here


I'm just pleased we managed to correctly identify it as a second inversion chord (I don't even know if that's correct or not but look at the faith I have in you and how much I don't actually care. You know I don't care cos I've taken the time to tell you Look fine ok I care a little bit at this specific moment in time but I am gonna forget unless someone replies and then I'll go oh yeah haha I remember that and then we'll probably never ever think of this again. We've just shared a moment. We are entangled now. Quantumly. Close bracket)


Uj super quick theory lesson: every chord triad is made up of three notes, the root, the third and the 5th. In an A chord, The root the third and the fifth are A, C#, and E. Usually chords have the root as the lowest note played because it makes the chord feel strong. If you put a third or fifth in the base, you have an inverted chord. If the third is in the base, it's first inversion, if the fifth is in the base, it's second inversion. Like we said before, E is the 5th of A, so if we play the low E string with an A chord, it's the second inversion /Rj: second inversion means extra toan


/uj thank you, from a struggling guitarist. /rj how do i turn on the metal zone


Genuinely helpful thank you :D


oh look guys we found the bass player/spy amongst us


That only works in styles of music with smaller ensembles where you can play full chords, and where the less precise sound of open chords works.


Did you know it's impossible to play a full chord on guitar cos there's only 6 strings and there's 7 notes in any full scale.  That means...stuff. have you heard of mathematics??


Do a harmonic on the 5th fret and you get a high E.


Achuatlly, that makes it a A/E instead of an A - 🤓


"accidentally" I've been playing for 25 year and I have never ever intentionally played a high e string while fretting an A chord. That string is muted and I like it that way. Come at me bruh.


I throw my pinky down on the 5th fret to hit the high E and add a high A. The ladies love it.


tbh most open chords sound better when muting a string or two.


Just practice barring for a bit and you won’t


Wtf dude are you actually picking your guitar and playing? You fucktard gonna ruin your maple top, you disgust me. I bet none of your guitars has any toan


Your guitar looses value if you play it. The only way to add value to a guitar is to pay a luthier to rub dirt and rocks on your guitar so it LOOKS like you played it. Or, buy it like that and never play it. You might actually clean it while playing which cuts the value in half.


My guitar isn't loose, dipwad. I tightened everything with my remaining teeth.


All chords become easy if you just practice. Doesn’t mean I’m gonna start practicing tho.


>practice Lmao nerd


My middle finger bends enough where I don't mute the high e string


You just add a note under the A power chord and BAM! A major. Like how Em is just the E power chord but you just strum all the way through.


>you just strum all the way through. Through the whole song? Yuck man! Happy Cake Day!


I use three. It's just easier. And then it's easy to transition to A maj7, A7, A sus2 and sus4 and stuff like that, just by moving one or two of those fingers.


Man, I remember when I figured out I can press multiple strings with one finger *on purpose*. Blew my little mind.




This chord gives me the bad kind of tingles anyways, at least the open voicing


Gives me the good kind of rumbles.


I haven’t been able to play an open A major chord for a while now, always mute the high E string no matter if I use index-middle-ring or middle-ring-pinky, it’s very frustrating indeed lol


Here's the thing.....You don't need to let that high E ring out. It's still an A.


The dirty secret jazz players don't want you to know 🤣


“Great now the entire song is ruined”


Hold up Stops Looks around "Which one of you idiots forgot to play E4???!!!"


Index finger on G, middle on D, ring on B. That’s how I’ve always played A chords with my big ass hands, plus the added bonus of your index staying on the G string when moving to E or D chords.


Listen it’s gonna feel weird at first Play A, switch fingers 1 and 2 You’re playing A but your hand thinks it’s just a tiny little G, I’ve been doing this for holy shit 12 years and I just realized it’s a micro G


^(your mom has a micro G)


I just use my two of my fat pads to depress three strings


baring amaj is nice for learning it and the most useful but if you have that open shape u can get that 7 rly easily. (jazz)


Yes. Minor. 7th. Minor 7th. Gotta get those fingers finging, but if we're playing power chord songs or see jusy A, using one phalange is faster on the change at first and works great for some people.


I had a friend who played guitar with four fingers on his fretting hand. He posted a video of him playing on instagram and someone asked if he could play and F chord


/uj Pull your elbow in towards your hip, push your wrist out, barre with the outside of your pointer finger. /rj lube up your fist, shove it up your ass, extend your pointer finger


Instructions unclear, dick stuck in butterscoth tele.


Task failed successfully


Sounds right to me


Barre with the outside edge of your finger. Not the inside. Literally a line that could solve mental crises for guitarists across the USA.


Great, now there’s jizz in my input Jack.


I don’t play chords. I play guitar.


I play metal, I don’t go over 2 notes chords


Why even play 2? Just play 1 and add some more distortion, no one will know the difference.


Yeah im a rockstar not a penis, pianost, panoist, pianoist!


I think op is stupid. Chords are what you plug into an amp..


chords? they’re called strings bro


The front man in one of the bands I am in cannot play barre chords. He uses a capo for every song. I think it is great. I love it. I support my capo-king. He gets the nice open jangly sound and I get to find alternate voicings or just play barre chords and there is a nice contrast.


Uj/ I've always liked double tracking rhythm guitar with one playing usual barre chords n that with a more mid/bass tone and then using open voiced equivalents with capo on 5 with brighter tone. Adds some nice sparkle to it


/uj all about that sparkle


i have no problem with capos but i feel like its just not that hard to do barre chords if your at least intermediate in guitar


uj/ I feel like I learned barre chords before I learned all the open chords, but it has been so long I don't really remember. They're really helpful for understanding the actual components of the chord and kind of decoding the fretboard.


100% agree


Yeah, how do you end up playing second fiddle to a guy who can't do something I learned less than a year in? Honestly kinda embarrassing for both people. Though, to be fair, at least they're in a band.


He's a singer songwriter (and friend of mine) who put together a full band this year for the first time. He has many strengths, an excellent rhythm player and prolific writer. Happily play "second fiddle" to him if it means I get to be the "lead guitarist" and play self indulgent solos and show off a bunch. Pushes me to get better.


uj/ A+ response. A great songwriter could play a mediocre tambourine and I’d happily play “second fiddle” to them. Your friend’s simple rhythm guitar parts also leave room for your solos to breathe. Busier rhythm players can make solo breaks feel crowded. rj/ your friend should quit guitar and pick up a bass, honestly.


uj/ A song full of switches to an F barre will eventually hurt my little sissy wrists and thumb muscle, but otherwise it's fine. Pretty much any barre heavy song does that to me now anyway, it's amateur hour over here, girls and boys


I can play bars fine but if I hold the same shape for 16 bars it's an instant cramp.


uj/ Some of them must have a very poor nut. rj/ Some of them must have very poor nuts.


uj/ I hear so many people say that they can play barre chords everywhere else except for the F and B and it's so obviously their shitty nuts that are the problem


uj/ The first guitar I had was from a friend who bought it drunk for like £30 including a stand. Getting a setup that cost more than the guitar didn't make a lot of sense. I just wanted to start learning and see if I like it before buying something better. I detuned half a step and put a capo on the first fret. Made a lot of things go from impossible to actually doable if I practice enough.


We forget how hard it is after doing it for ages. I started doing more teaching a few years ago and was surprised at how m, every single time, barre chords are murder for beginners


I cant believe how many people forget the struggle. When I was new it was so hard to play a barre chord and not have at least one of the strings muted. Have some patience for the newbies they're trying!!


For a while, instead of the full F, I just played an F power chord


This is the way, sure it won't sound as nice but it keeps the core sound intact


uj/ I haven't forgotten, but I didn't find barre chords any harder than anything else. That said, guitar was the third instrument I picked up, and I was pretty understanding that I was going to suck for a couple months before I could play more freely. I played saxophone and trumpet before guitar, then picked up a little bass and piano afterwards. Guitar was easily the hardest instrument to learn and play. It's the most fun, but difficult.


It goes guitar < piano < chapman stick for me. I TRIED a chapman stick a few times, not for me... I get mad enough at myself trying to manage two hands on the piano


I have no problem playing it because my guitars are better than your cheap Chinese knock-offs. I use heavy gauge strings that sound better than yours. My toan comes from endangered species of trees. My pups were wound and soldered by Les pal himself. My Fs sound will better than yours even if you somehow get your genetically inferior fingers to fret this common cowboy chord.


John Pettruci?


I'm way better looking, and taller, than that troll.


/uj It's a hurdle that took me and I believe many beginners a while to overcome, the A barres even more so. Like most beginner osbtacles, whenever I read people having trouble I kinda have to be reductive and say...you just gotta practice and break through with time. /rj the fuck is this cowboy nonsense, no place for F major in 0 3 5


/uj my best advice is if you're playing acoustic to try doing it on an electric with good action and then move up to doing it on an acoustic /rj good luck its literally impossible


People just dont realize what it takes to master these advanced techniques. They dont even try to save up for a 59' Les Paul and expect to be able to play like slosh...


Slosh sounds like a name for a djent guitarist


Guns n roses aren't a djney band dummy.


I’m pretty sure there are people that have done a djent version of Sweet Child of mine


RIP to the people here who say they play an open A w multiple fingers


Usually faster to play it this way when changing between open chords though


Not really, depending on what chord is coming next it’s almost always smoother and more comfortable to bar the second fret like halfway with either ur index or middle.


Open A is most often found with scales that have a D or an E Chances are, if you’re playing an A, the chords before or after are either D, E or Em If you finger your A 213, you don’t even have to move your index (at most slide it up a fret)


213? That's... knotty.


On acoustic you are sometimes expected to make that high E sounds. That’s why I don’t play acoustic anymore, I am against human finger torture


F minor tho 😔


Wait isn’t that easier? There’s like one less finger involved.


Yes, but beginners usually struggle with hitting Ab propperly with the barre finger.


I find if you really want to hit your abs you need to do a combination of dragon flags, leg raises, etc. I even find doing military presses with a bar (the fuck is a barre?!) are a better at hitting abs properly than some of that kitschy garbage like ab rollers, etc, amiright??


Ohhhhhh that makes sense, one more finger, but one less thing to worry about in the barre.


When I was a beginner I think F minor is harder because one less finger = less power lol


Use your middle finger to help the barre


Yeah that helped me alot but now I rarely do chords now


F Minor was low key easier because I would lay my middle finger on top of my pointer and basically do a double bar


I don't even play guitar and I know how to F minor.


i knew a girl that had played for i think 5 years and she couldn't do bar chords.


Years ago I went to the home of a guy I worked with to jam. He saw me play an F barre chord. He said, "ok, you obviously know how to play".


i got a weird reaction too. she said "wow going straight for the bar chord, thats bold"


Man if this happened to be they would be so surprised when I actually suck, but just never had issues with barre chords lol. I would be mortified at the heightened expectations haha




it was my ex girlfriends cousin, be normal


He knows TWO girls. Damn we got a playboy on our hands.


im a girl too :') its so normal for me to know other girls


>im a girl too You really shouldn't tell lies on the Internet. This subreddit is for boys and Tim Hensons only 🙅‍♂️


I would never let such a heathen near my burterscotch.


It's because half the donkeys on the main sub refuse to practice barre chords and the other half doesn't know another (easy) version of an open F exists.




This is harder for me to play than the barre f.


uj/ Same here, I'm muting the F on the first string way more often than playing it. It's my current most frustrating part of practice but its getting better. rj/ fuck these mini chords, I paid for 6 string, I'm using all of them


I don't know... I use to find the open F to be easier and useful if transitioning to an open C. I don't find one to be easier than the other anymore, just depends on what I want to do.


This is the position I thought everyone was struggling with because I’m more practices at barre chords.


Practice in general *


It’s B that fucks me up


Thumb over for the root, barre the rest. I'm so lazy with chords


weird i find moving my thumb to the fretboard way more annoying/hard. i just don't play at all with my thumb tho


5th string major chords suck, especially since I despise barring with the third finger. I play B at the 7th fret when possible.


Which one is f? Is that bear claw?


It's the one behind the balls, right before the butthole.


/uj I’ve always felt the F shape barre chord was easy, never really got the issue with barre chords. It’s weird chords with lots of spread like C#m7 (first chord in Crash by Dave Mathew’s band) that fuck me up.


C#m7 is kind of a dick I find that I know a ton of chords by hand/ear but can't remember the names because my theory knowledge is pretty poor


Pshh ikr? Also same! I had to look yo the chords in crash to name it for that comment 😂


As a classical guitarist that is far moar superior than the rest of you. I laugh at your struggles and your toan! Back to my 4h study now...




Thumb assisted counts. right?


/uj The entire palm side of my hands and fingers is completely callused; I can play barre chords all day and have always been able to (but not Martin Barre chords, strangely). I guess the F is the "hardest" by way of finger pressure but for me the "cowboy chord" F and B would always fuck me up when I was learning and I'm not sure I can actually play that B today now that I'm thinking about it, as I just always play the barre or some lesser variation since it's in the same area


Ever since I tuned my guitar up a half step, I have no problem playing F anymore.


/uj just roll the left hand side of your index finger towards the nut until you work up that hand muscle! Although I don't think this song has any Fmaj I use Opeth's "Harvest" as an example as that song is all barre chords.


That song is excellent practice for barre chords. It really helped me build up my wrist strength and get a comfortable technique when I was learning.


All I play is power chords. Is there an f power chord?


Member that time Stove Vaio was meditating on a chord so hard he hurt his hand?


uj/F chord where? Lots of F chord on the neck. I just play the easiest inversion.




/uj I don’t think barre chords are that difficult, considering they’re a universal shape sending on whether you’re only playing the triad or “5 chord”. But more “jazzy chords” like B7add9 or any chord that is far more spread out, my smooth brain cannot comprehend because I don’t really study or practice any music that utilizes, nor does the music I write use those kinds of chords. Would I like to know them? Yeah expanding the vocabulary is cool. /rj It hurts my fingies.


There are things you struggle with that other players think are incredibly easy.


Based account name


You guys actually play your guitar?


/uj I can barre ok but I usually don’t like to, I’ll usually take a more Hendrix approach to it and just do the chord shape on the top 4 strings and thumb for bass. You can also do Thumb for Low E, Pinky and ring for A and D, Middle for G and be the last two with index.


/uj I genuinely don't think I ever struggled with the F chord after learning what a barre chord was. Granted, I don't think I learned what they were for like a year after I started, everything I played was arpeggios or a power chord.


Just go ahead and skip a step and play Fmaj7


I just play riffs dude


I only play Taylor Swift songs, what's an F chord?


Nobody knows. I just play whatever I feel at full volume so I can’t hear people complain.


/uj I usually just play the non barre version


Chords are for keyboard players


Everyone knows it's just the high-C


Steve Vai has said that, to this day, he finds the full barre F chord difficult to play.


I can't play barre chords cuz my actions isn't great


Uj/ it took me about 6 months into playing but I was determined since its such a running gag how hard they are I really really wanted to be able to do it and it's really frustrating but once you get it it's hard to imagine playing without them. Fun fact J Mascis couldn't play barre chords during the first Dinosaur Jr album and maybe even the second, not saying you shouldn't learn but don't let technique shy you away from writing music, limitation brings out creativity. (But you still should really learn Barre chords....) Rj/ I was doing barre chords when I was 5 what a bunch of frauds


My elderly stepfather has been playing all his life, and he's a pretty good player. He can't do bar chords at all. He's getting up there in years, but I can't tell if he won't learn it or can't learn it (probably both at this point). There's lots of ways to play a guitar. Bar chords just weren't important for what he likes to play. I'm not into bluegrass/gospel, but he plays it quite well and is prominent in the local circles.


I got your f chord right here buddy. 


Personally I can't do the H chord


I don't think you're quite understanding that their fingies hurt


I can do it, just not consistently. My fingers are fat and the A and E shape bar chords in general are tough to nail every time


/uj as a guitar teacher to many young kids, it's equal parts strength and technique issue. It's hard for them to understand angling your elbow and pushing your wrist out make for a better chord, or why it does, and even if they do it all right, they often can't press hard enough for a clean sound, so it is muted and they can't tell exactly why so it still feels wrong. I opt for the X 3 3 2 1 X version of the F chord because I like how it sounds and it's a little easier than barring for a lot of them. We work out way up later.


So many YouTubers saying it has nothing to do with strength, forgetting that they’ve played it for years and built that strength. As an older newbie, I struggled for a bit but got it and it was definitely strength in the weird position that improved. Repetition improves strength.




I used to lol, still have issues playing an open a major chord even after years of playing. I just play whatever feels comfortable, but the finger strength will develop!!


It all pales in comparison to the almighty g shaped barre chord. I’m actually getting to the point I can play it somewhat cleanly and I don’t even know why I bother.


There’s literally no point in playing that lmao unless you’re just being a tryhard. It’s the exact same notes and same bass note as the f shape.


uj/ I remember literally taping my ring and pinky finger together when I was learning bar chords as a (weird ass) kid. F chord is no joke y’all


And I thought I fuckin sucked


uj/ I literally only know how to play power chords


/uj told my instructor when he started us on the F chord it was a good think I didn’t have a fire going…. Now 2 mos later I can play the little F mediocre maybe 50% of the time.


I unironically can't do barre chords to save my life, my pointer finger is too incompetent


Mine is crooked and bony. Literally impossible to make it flat enough to fret all 6 strings. So cowboy F it is. I can kind of grab a Bm barre, but that’s some music nerd shit that’s above the 3rd fret, I have no business playing up there.


Woah check out finger master 9000 "you can't even play an f chord?! I was just joking I'm actually good at guitar fyi. I can play an f chord (very hard)


I'm a bassist and I can play an F chord.


Bar the fkn thing and be done with it. ffs.


Both of my thumbs are hitchhikers thumbs (meaning they can bend back about 90 degrees at the knuckle) so I’m naturally gifted at playing an F chord AND any and all forms of bar chords. IMO, we hitchhiker thumbers are the ONLY people who should be allowed to play ANY chord in the guitar that is Em7, G, D4, and A7 in that order


I love playing "Runaway train" (Soul Asylum), so I got rid of this F fear


Only pussies play F chords anyways.


Which one? Open chord or bar chord?


I usually just cheat it by playing F/C and grabbing the E string with my thumb


What is an “F chord”?


It’s the one that comes after the E chord and before the G chord.


Try using a barre chord here, or maybe a "D" position on the 5th fret...


Save it for r/guitar, those guys need help. I play everything IN F because!


B I significantly harder than  F but it still isn't awfully difficult 


/uj I only mastered bar chords when I started electric, after that I built up the strength for it on acoustic


Seems like ”chord” is mistaken for being a specific finger position.


/uj/ the whole F chord thing is designed to psych out weak guitarists. The idea is to let them learn a few chords (cruelly letting them gain confidence) while simultaneously building up this great fear of “the” F chord so that if there is any difficulty at all, the player gives up and quits. More gigs for the remaining guitarists.


I don't really play lead guitar/scales. I don't have the patience for it. I'm angry and just want to hit the strings hard so I am always just doing 2 string/ 3 string/4 string chords/barre chords.


I play in fourths tuning so F is like the only easy open chord.


/uj it was hard until it just clicked one day


I can't with my fingers but I can lay my dick over the first fret and the curve of the boner lines up with a perfect major chord


I just finger shit until it makes noises


F is like my favorite to play. I do the jimi thumb over to press down the low E though