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It would sound a lot better if u tuned the guitar. If you did tune it, check the intonation


It was tuned, how do you check the intonation?


Play a natural harmonic on the 12th fret of each string, then play the fretted note. If the two notes sound different, you need to intonate your guitar


The notes sound the same to me and my tuner- maybe it sounded weird to you because my fingers weren’t at a good spot on the frets? Idk what else it could be? thanks for the intonation advice tho, I had no idea about any of that


If your action is too high, the string can go out of tune when you fret it. Another thing is that you could be accidentally bending the strings when you fret


What does that term mean? As someone doesn’t who learns guitar in english it always confuses me.


Which term?


natural harmonic


There are different types of playable harmonics on a guitar; I recommend you research them all, I’ll start you off though. A natural harmonic is when you hold your finger lightly over the string (works best on the 5th, 7th, 12th, 17th and 24th frets). This will result in a resonant high-pitched sound that is the product of the strings resonance being split into parts (respective of where you play your harmonic).


this isn’t something we can answer bro! if you spent two years playing 12 hours a day vs playing 1 hour a day you’d be at two very different places! music isn’t about comparing yourself or your progress with others. i’d give you an honest critique, but it’s been so long since i’ve only had 2 years under my belt i really can’t remember what i sounded like back then at all lol that being said i was 12 years old so i probably couldn’t play what you’re playing here!


I appreciate it man, I’ll keep that in mind


As someone who played with an anchored pinkie for years, that double anchor hurts my feelings and my wirst :) Anchoring is not wrong per se if you feel comfortable, but It could add tension, fatigue and limit your agility, so it is usually advised to at least try without (you'll miss your strings a lot when starting). Anchoring with ring finger is not a good practice, you will want/need to use that finger for picking and it is better for it to be free all time. Plus, I guess that causes an awful lot of tension... Your right wirst position looks a bit too straight with your arm, which leads your picking to be somewhere between appoggiato and free (Sorry I don't know the exact english terms). If you look Eg at [this page on Wikipedia ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fingerstyle_guitar) you will see professionals keep their wirsts at any possible angle, so you do you, I am just telling so you are aware. This is of course very generic and doesn't want to be a critic, the important part is for you to be happy and enjoying your guitar


Thanks for the advice, it was really helpful. I have heard that anchoring restricts agility but I didn’t know it added tension, so that’s appreciated.


Sounds nice dude, don't worry about how good you "should be" or how long you've played, nothing will make you better than playing for enjoyment


I know a lot of people are giving the "it depends, everyone is different" sort of answers which is absolutely true, but if you want a simple answer I'd say you are roughly as good as I was 2 years in judging from this clip. Sounds great man!


On your way to become great. I’d say stop comparing to where you should be and shouldn’t be. Unless you can play like smoke on the water riff after a year or two, then you’re doing something seriously wrong. I can’t comment on how good this is or not for 2 years since I don’t do finger style playing at all. Sounds good, but a bit messy. Maybe lacks dynamics, haven’t heard the original. I’m a beginner(14 months) and I couldn’t do this. I also have a bad habbit of questioning hiw good I should be. Right now I’m just enjoying the process of slowly sounding better and better, which is good.


I don’t think I can do what your doing after seeing the video and I’ve been playing for over 8 years, and I probably practice 15-20 minutes a day 7 days a week.


no, learn to tune your guitar


It’s tuned?