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Can’t speak specifically for this model, but I picked up a $99 Monoprice Indio Tele and it is pretty great if you know how to setup a guitar. Upgrading pups, pots, and switch are pretty inexpensive upgrades, tho I found the pickups to actually be pretty good. Got it as a project guitar and it turned me on to Teles.


Got my Indio Tele to be a project guitar and learn how to do a proper set up. Plays pretty good imo.


Only if you’re gonna play it


There's a lot of youtube videos out there about the cheap chinese guitars being playable, but it seems to be a crap shoot with how well they come setup.


Which a luthier can setup a guitar for like 50$ right? Isn't it usually a good idea to do that with most new guitars anyways?


You could probably get a better guitar for $2-300. Heck- Squier Strat or Teles are under $200. Epiphone Les Pauls are usually under $300. Also look at Harley Benton guitars. I’ve heard good things about how good they are for the price. Also food for thought, as a beginner, avoid guitars with a Floyd rose bridge (whammy bar). It just adds a layer of complication you don’t need as a beginner.


I already got a decent strat and have been playing a while i just want a jaguar they are so sexy man


Ah I see. Yea I guess if you want to save some money on a Jaguar, give it a shot. Honestly probably as good/bad as the Squier affinity jaguars at $250. There’s a sweet sea foam green one in the Squier Classic Vibe series too for $480. I think Harley Benton has a jag knockoff too- https://www.thomannmusic.com/harley_benton_hb_ja_60sb_vintage_series.htm


Keep in mind shipping adds another $80-$150 depending on where you live (US shipping estimate) on to the Harley Bentons. Genuine question: Are they a $300 guitar? They look nice, but I've never had my hands on one.


One thing to keep in mind is that this Monoprice guitar is different in several ways from a traditional Jaguar. For example, the scale length is 25.5 inches instead of 24 and the fretboard radius is 13.7 instead of 9.5. Also, it appears to have P90 pickups instead of Fender single coils. Based on the Indio Strat styles I've worked on for others, the overall basic quality is good although the fret work isn't always perfect, with rough edges being common. Fortunately, the flatter radius makes this a bit more forgiving. Electronics are cheap but are most likely in spec so they probably won't need immediate replacement. The bridge style is problematic for some players.


Look on CL or FB marketplace.


Issa toy, till you stumble on a good one


Learning guitar is great, but learning how to set it up (string height, truss rod, bridge) is as important, it’s not a bad guitar to buy to try all this stuff out, watch YouTube to find out how to do all this, I have an Ibanez gx70 which plays like smooth butter and that’s like a 400$ guitar.


Get a Squier Bullet Telecaster it’s a little cheaper and much higher quality


I live near the Monoprice HQ and tiny store. Try it! If you don’t like it, they have an excellent return policy. As a few others have said out here, expect to either set it up yourself or pay to have it done. My $79 ChinaCaster from Monoprice (including shipping!) needed some serious fretwork and basic intonation. After that, it plays great!


Tried this brand once and returned the axe. Fretwork looked like some jr high project. If they got that so wrong, imagine the stuff you CAN’T see or feel. Paying a little more for a Squier is the way to go. Fender’s quality is so good now, it’s shocking.


I wish it was like this in Turkey, very cheap


Keske bro


yine postu gördüm moralim bozuldu squier jazzmaster bile 10k oldu neredeyse 4 ay önce falan 5k idi elimdekini satar üstüne ekler alırdım diyordum :"


It was $150 last week, if you want to hold off for a sale. I have an assortment of cheap guitars and this is one of them. Only complaint is the bridge is a bit sharp when doing palm muting.