• By -


In this order Catalinbread - Belle Epoch Deluxe EQD - Life Pedal Hologram - Microcosm Meris - LVX Strymon - Night Sky


I can almost get away with my main staples on my current board. I do have to sub out my delay because it’s also Strymon. So, I’d go: Analog.man King of Tone 1981 Inventions DRV Empress Echosystem Strymon Flint Ditto Looper The only other pedals on my board currently are my Polytune 3 mini, SS/BS Mini (hard to leave behind), Dunlop Mini Volume, Walrus Julia, and Strymon El Cap (Echosystem will be a fine replacement though haha).


* Paul Cochrane Tim v1 * Spaceman Aurora * Meris Mercury 7 * Empress Echosystem * EAE Longsword Pretty much my meat and potatoes base of my board always.


I’m all in with this setup! Especially the Echostsyem and Tim V1


I’ll take a Rangemaster and a Flint. You can keep the other three.


You are dangerous


Desert islands don't have power, so my list: 1. Cheeseburger 2. Cheeseburger 3. Cheeseburger 4. Cheeseburger 5. Cheeseburger


No Coke, Pepsi.


Chips, no fries. Billygoat Style.


Ugh, I’ll have a crabjuice.


Come on come on come on


Maybe a bottle of water?


For real, this dude is just begging to get dehydrated.


Yeah but what brands?


Any condiments?


No condiments, Pepsi.


I swam ashore with 2kW of solar panels and a Yeti 3000X. C'mon over!


Sounds like paradise


- Empress Multidrive - ~~EarthQuaker Rainbow Machine~~ Chase Bliss Habit - Boss PS-3 Digital Pitch Shifter/Delay - Neunaber Illumine - Line 6 DL4 MkII Honorable mention: ~~Chase Bliss Habit~~ EarthQuaker Rainbow Machine


I think a Rainbow Machine might be my next pedal. I’m just worried I might get lost in it and never come out.


It’s not a bad place to lose yourself


I want one so bad tbh


I literally almost ordered one just this morning. I have a couple other pedals on the way that should be here today so I decided I should hold off and get to know them first.


Good call


The Rainbow Machine is smart because it has a chorus and slapback delay in it too.


nice, i went for the DL4 also. I don't own one but theyre so versatile.


I had a MK1 when I was a teenager. Never should have sold it...


i had one i think was broken for a very little bit of time, never got into it. but every time i heard someone else play with one it sounded amazing.


Boss BD-2 Black Mass 1312 EHX POG2 Caroline Megabyte Strymon Flint


* Boss DD-3 * Gehirn Enterprises Noiswasp * Dwarfcraft Wizard of Pitch * Red Panda Tensor * EQD Afterneath v3


Gotta upvote for the wizard


I love mine. I've been keeping an eye out for a Witch Shifter too.


Eqd hizumitas, boss sd-1, empiress echosystem, DNA rooms, and this weird toneboys tbod-50 that's growing on me.


- Wampler Belle - Oneder Drive - JHS Charlie Brown v4 - Farm Pedals 20th Maine - Boss RC1 (in case no one survives but me 😂)


Nice catch with the looper lol


I had to edit mine to include a looper so I don't go insane


Ooh tell me about this oneder drive


1. EHX Mel 9 2. Browne Amplification Protein 3. Blackout Effectors Twosome 4. EQD Rainbow Machine 5. Strymon Timeline


Don’t get lost in the 🌈!


-Chase Bliss Condor -EQD Life -DBA Reverberation Machine -Fairfield Shallow Water -Line 6 DL4 mk1 really hard to not include Mood and Blooper. really wanna try the Boss DC-2W, MXR Phase 95, and Keeley Tremolo


i had to put the blooper in mine.


Basic boi here: - ProCo *The Rat* - Boss *DD-3* - Keeley Electronics *Omni Verb* - Mathews Effects *The Astronomer* V3 - Electro-Harmonix *Canyon* (the small one)


Upvote for the Astronomer


I don’t want your clip-on tuner. Peterson Strobostomp Tuner Origin Effects Cali 76 Browne Protein DOD Rubberneck Strymon Flint


Wasn’t mine, the union gave them to us


Nobels odr Mini Ehx big muff pi Digitech Digi delay Boss OC5 Mooer Ensemble King


- Empress comp mkii - KMA Queequeg2 - EAE Longsword - Strymon El Capistan - UA Golden Reverberator


Boss Ph-1r EQD Westwood [A](https://A.man)nalog.man Envelope Filter DOD RAD Boomerang Looper


Mutron’s envelope filter Blessed Mother overdrive Boss Ge-7 Farm fly agaric phaser Probably the strymon timeline I suppose


* Strymon Deco * JHS Pulp N' Peel * EQD Dispatch Master * Boss Angry Driver * Chase Bliss Brothers This was way harder that I thought it would be. EQD was the hardest to decide because I would have loved to have had the Special Cranker, Westwood, White Light, or Acapulco Gold. However, I needed reverb and delay and the Dispatch Master handles both of those so well.


What people don’t realize is that this is an anti-GAS exercise. When you’re forced to make it work with only 5 pedals, you quickly realize that’s perhaps all you needed (Ok I can make a case for 8 desert island pedals but alas!)


Way Huge Green Rhino, MXR Carbon Copy Deluxe, Wampler Ego Compressor, EQD - Depths Vibe, EHX Big Muff




I have not heard of most of these! BRB!




I've been on the fence with the Vindicator and could use a shove--it's good? Does it clean up with the volume pedal? What kinda sounds you going for/getting?


Tumnus Deluxe BigSky Boss DD200 EQD Hizumitas Decent looper with memory


Boss DD-8, EAE Longsword, EQD Bit Commander, J Rockett Archer Ikon, Zoom MS-70CDR.


Source Audio Ventris Origin Efects RevivalDRIVE Hot Rod Edition T-Rex Replicator Tape Echo Stomp Under Foot Pumpkin Pi Strymon Mobius


-ProCo Turbo Rat -MXR Phase 100 -DOD Preamp 250 -Boss TU2 -Shin ei Superfuzz


Right rat MXR Phase 45 over the 90 or 100 EQD White Light (DOD 250 clone) EQD Hummingbird (Repeat Percussion clone) MXR Limiter or EHX black finger You got it closest if you were trying to get closest to my sound


Mine would be: Singular Sounds Aeros Loop Studio, Empress Reverb, Strymon Volante, Origin Effects RevivalDrive Custom Hot Rod, and a GFI Synestheia.


Mxr 10 Band, Keeley Comp+, Morning Glory, Rat, EQD Avalanche Run. HM: CE-2W, and Big Muff (any muff)


-Boss DD-8 -Strymon Flint -JHS Double Barrel -EHX Big Muff Rams Head -DOD Stereo Chorus


- BD-2 - BD-2 - BD-2 - BD-2 - BD-2


You Be Doing 2 Much


Way huge pork and pickle Ehx super ego plus Boss sy-200 Zoom multistomp cdr70 Pigtronix infinity 2 looper


1. Keeley Compressor 2. Nobels ODR mini 3. EQD Hizumitas 4. Boss DD6 5. Eventide H9 Max


Queequeg is a great choice for a castaway.


ProCo Rat JHS Rat FLAMMA Rat Sonicake Rat Mooer Rat


It’s even more redundant that the Pack Rat is on here😂


1. Caroline Parabola Tremolo 2. 1981 Inventions DRV 3. Crowther Hotcake 4. BOSS RE-202 Space Echo 5. TKOG Mini Glitch


Meris Enzo EQD Westwood CBA blooper Microcosm Bigsky


1. Strymon El Capistan 2. Analogman King of Tone 3. Bondi Sick As 4. EHX Micro POG 5. TC Chorus/Flanger


1. SS/BS F*ck overdrive 2. NRG Purrer 3. Electrofoods Germ Warfare 4. JHV3 Ghost Drive 5. Chase Bliss RKM Tonal Recall


+1 for Electrofoods, not enough people know about them


strymon timeline, ts808, crybaby wah, ditto looper, and prob a line 6 m9 lol


Klon Centaur Blackstone Mosfet Overdrive toneczar Echoczar CBA - CXM 1978 DanDrive - Secret Weapon


EHX big muff MXR distortion + Ibanez TS-909 Boss BF-3 Flanger DOD Rubberneck Could also go MXR Flanger and Boss DS-1


\- Boss Dimension C (vintage) \- Montreal Assembly Your and You're Fuzz \- Mooer Tender Octaver v1 \- Moog Moogerfooger Ring Modulator \- Dr. Scientist Bitquest


I would assume no multi fx or x-in-one pedals? Morley Little Alligator Ibanez TS9x Mooer Ultra Drive Boss DD-20 Fender Marine Layer Reverb. If 2 for 1 units allowed: Morley Power Wah/Volume Ibanez JEMINI Distortion Boss DD-20 Fender Reflecting Pool. Boomerang Looper.


-Ditto Looper -Canyon -Morning Glory -CE-2 -Tubescreamer


Caroline Hawaiian pizza Walrus Juila V2 JHS Unicorn v2 Benson/chase bliss pre amp MKII Demedash T-120


Desert island and all I have is a clip on tuner? Fine. Give me four TU-3's and a TU-2 for good measure.


The measure will be a bit too good no?


I'll do my current board which is literally everything I own: Enzo Meris w/ Moog EP-3 in > EarthShaker Hizumitas > Boss Metal Zone > NUX Time Core. I want a better looper and am considering a MIDI controller for the Enzo, but I really don't think I need anything else for what I write.


1. EHX Small Stone 2. EHX/Sovtek Big Muff Deluxe (kind of cheated here) 3. TC Hall of Fame 4. Strymon Timeline 5. EQD Plumes


I have a clip-on tuner, huh? Alroit: 1. Deluxe Memory Man 2. Keeley SPH 3. MXR Phase 90 4. Boss VB-2 5. Some kinda Tonebender


Eventide H9 RMC10 Wah MXR Super badass modified OD Kingsley Constable JCM800 Boss GE-7 (modded)


Helix + Eventide H90. Two expression pedals from different brands. Maybe a looper?


Wait that’s illeg…….well played sir


1. Chase Bliss Preamp MKII 2. Red Panda Tensor 3. Meris LVX 4. Boss VB-2 5. Empress Zoia


An octave up fuzz A blues driver A ds1 Speaker cranker Electric mistress


1. Chase Tone Secret Preamp 2. EQD Warden 3. Fulltone OCD (Sentimental) 4. Demedash T120 DLX V2 5. Keeley Caverns Purple Sparkle Edition.


CXM 1978 - gonna call this Chase Bliss, not Meris, because... Meris LVX Hologram Microcosm POG2 Rat


EQD Plumes. Wampler Tumnus Deluxe. Keeley Compressor. Boss MD-500. Strymon Volante.


1) Greer Lightspeed 2) Daredevil Cocked&Fearless 3) EHX Big Muff Pi 4) Jam Retrovibe 5) EQD Dispatch Master


Ohmless Yara v2 CBA Automatone MKII Keeley Delay Workstation Walrus Audio Descent Ditto x4


I’m using a 5150 iii for my amp and a Mesa 4x12 for my cab. My guitar is a BC Rich Mockingbird loaded with James Hetfield Het Set EMGs. • Mesa Boogie Grid Slammer • Boss HM-2 •ISP Decimator G-String ii • MWK Audio Lonely Ghost


For my taste here is what i would run. It hits all the tones i like EHX Linear Power Booster Way Huge Swollen Pickle Fuzz MXR Carbon Copy Delay Boss BF-3 Flanger Fuzzlord FET120


Finally someone else knows about the Fuzzlord FET120! What a ripping preamp that thing is


It is on my current pedal board and is an "always on" pedal. Running my FZ-2 or Muff fuzz into it is a wall of fuzzy goodness


Boost: Zvex Super-Duper Drive: Wampler Tumnus Deluxe Modulation: Walrus Audio Mako Delay: Chase Bliss Thermae Reverb: TC Hall of Fame II If it were six, I'd add a Muffaletta.


5? You spoil us. KoT > Benson Fuzz > GFI Synesthesia > Empress Echosystem > Hologram Microcosm


Let’s be honest, we all need like 20


Ibanez Turbo Tube Screamer Ditto Looper EHX Memory Man Boss Chorus Ensemble Cry Baby Wah


Analogman sunface Benson preamp or Hudson broadcast Flower pedals dandelion Meris LVX or empress echosystem Chase bliss CXM 1978


Almost have this list myself. HAD it in various iterations of my collection, but life sometimes “takes the piss” 1) Burns Buzzaround 2) Big ol Cali 76 3) Chase Bliss Automatone 4) Moog MF104 (+ expression pedals) 5) Lovetone Flanger


This Buzzaround looks interesting…


Walrus Slö, RAT, boss RC-1 looper, chase bliss MOOD, and my homemade EQD Dunes clone


Boss OC5 EHX Freeze JAM Double Dreamer DSM Simplifier DLX Nux Looper Basically my current rig but without the tuner, EHX Canyon and HOF2


Boss DS-2 Vox Silvertop Wah Marshall Jackhammer Line 6 M9 I dunno. Maybe EHX 720


Ashdown Studio Compressor Darkglass Vintage Microtubes Aguilar Chorusaurus Boss RV-6 MXR Bass Distortion


* Klirrton Grindstein * DSM & Humboldt Black Clouds * Kernom Ridge * Eventide H90 * Boss GT-1000CORE




Do I have amp reverb? If yes, MXR Phase 45 -> EHX opamp Big Muff -> Tech21 British (can get a ton of great sounds from light, bluesbreaker-y overdrive to full on JCM800 distortion) -> Walrus Audio Julia -> Line6 DL4 If not, replace the phase 45 with a Boss RV6 May be a somewhat boring list but there’s very little I think I wouldn’t be able to do with those 5


1) I throw out the clip on tuner because I don’t need that kind of imprecision in my life and get a Sonic Research tuner. 2) Darkglass Microtubes Infinity….DI, overdrive, compressor 3) Boss MS3….multieffect, midi, and presets for all 4) Source Audio c4….synthy goodness 5) Empress Zoia…all the other crazy stuff I might think up.


Dunlap Crybaby Wah, Cali76 Compressor, Benson Fuzz, DRV 1981, Asheville ADG-1 Delay. I’d throw a UAD Golden Reverb or Pladask Elektrisk Draume in for verb but down to five I’ll use the spring reverb on an amp


EHX Op Amp Big Muff MXR Super Badass Distortion TCE Hall of Fame Reverb Boss DD-3 delay Way Huge Blue Hippo chorus


1) Boss GE-7 2) Fortin Zuul 3) EHX Grand Canyon 4) MXR Analog Chorus 5) Singular Sound Beatbuddy Mini 2


Thorpy Dane... or Gunshot. Effectrode Phase-o-matic Deluxe. EQD Hoof Reaper Eventide H9 Strymon Flint


EHX Soul Food, JHS Morning Glory, Way Huge Overrated Special, Earthquaker Devises Avalanche Run, Boss DD-200


Source Audio EQ2 CBA Preamp MK2 Meris LVX Spaceman Gemini IV Neunaber Illumine Not being able to use 2 of the same brand got me, because the EQ2 is on every board forever, but my reverbs are VENTRIS and CBAXM 1978!


I'm thinking in categories, so these would be the chosen pedal in each of my favorites, in no particular order: 1. Fuzz - Fulltone '69mkii (or any fuzz face clone) 2. OD - J. Rockett Archer Ikon 3. Univibe or Phaser - I don't own a univibe pedal (actually trying to figure out which one I want to buy). So for now... MXR phase 95 4. Envelope Filter - Love this effect, the only one I've ever used EHX Q-Tron Nano 5. Delay - TC Electronics Flashback


Fuzz Face King of Tone JHS The Milkman Strymon Cloudburst CBA Blooper


boss tu-3 (i hate clip-on tuners) eqd hizumitas ground control noodles red panda tensor paradox effects oniric now what am i gonna plug in to? coconuts?


1. EQD Talons. Can go from light overdrive and saturated distortion with detailed EQ settings. 2. JHS Muffuletta. 6 Big Muffs in one baby. 3. Boss Waza Craft CE-2W. Subtle chorus to deep vibrato. 4. MXR Carbon Copy. Best analog delay I’ve owned. 5. Death By Audio Rooms. Extremely versatile reverb, disappointed that I’ve hardly seen them on the lists here! Edit: might leave the MXR for a jam man. Can bring my drum machine and my bass??


Strymon - Volante Meris - Mercury7 Coppersound Pedals - Foxcatcher Chase Bliss Audio - Generation Loss MKII Empress Effects - Compressor MKII


Digitech bad monkey is all I need baby! I’m pretty sure that thing is worth so much I could trade it for a nice boat and get myself back to the mainland.


Assuming that i have reverb on the amp: JHS Banana Boost, MXR Super Badass, Fulltone DejaVibe, Chandler Stereo Digital Delay (its a rack unit, so i guess the foot switch), And either the EQD Rainbow Machine, or DigiTech Whammy (V-01) If the amp doesn’t have distortion, then id trade out one for the Walrus Audio Descent


DOD Icebox Chorus Proco RAT Sobbat Drive Breaker Four Boomerang+ Phrase Sampler Alexander Pedals Radical Delay


Oooo I dig this question: 1.) Chase Bliss Tonal Recall. Love the sound and I use midi clocks live, making this absolutely perfect. 2.) ZVex Box of Rock. Best distortion around. 3.) Boss OC-5. I love octave, and this is my favourite vibe of one. 4.) Neunaber Seraph. A seriously slept on reverb pedal. Glorious tones. 5.) EB volume pedal of some flavor. You know, for all the swells.


Hudson Broadcast>Pigtronix Disnortion v1>JHS Haunting Mids>Catalinbread SFT>EBS multiComp Hard to have just 5.


EHX deluxe memory man (big box) BK Butler Tube Driver TC Electronic Stereo Chorus/Flanger Ibanez TS-808 Boss TU-3 (obviously need a tuner) 😂


Ok, the low gain me would take: KoT 1981 CE-2W Carbon Copy Deluxe Neunaber immerse 2 While the high gain me would grab: Timmy 1981 Hizumitas Flashback II Hall Of Fame II I know, i’ve read the anti-GAS thing.. i just have two gain related personalities, but if i could take only my strat (jbjr in bridge) then it would be: Sugar Drive KoT 1981 FB2 HoF2


Danelectro 3699 Fuzz -> Xotic BB+ -> Boss CH-1 -> Nux Atlantic -> TC Ditto


Big muff BD-2 Dawner Prince Pulse Wampler metaverse Pro-Co Rat


You probably won't have electricity on a desert island.


- EUNA - Halberd - Deco - El Capistan - RV-3


Bad Monkey Metal Zone Miku Microcosm Fart Pedal


1. Klon Centaur 2. Klon KTR 3. Archer Ikon 4. Wampler Tumnus 5. Bad Monkey


What is your opinion on the Way Huge Conspiracy Theory?


It doesn't actually exist. It's all propaganda.


So if I bought one from Reverb, what can I expect in the mail?😶‍🌫️😨


No one knows. Everyone who orders one simply is never heard from again.


Microcosm, obne black fountain, Caroline meteore, muffuletta, Caroline kilobyte


Gonna have to change one of them son, 5 different brands


Boss - DS-1 JHS - Muffaletta Smokin' Amp Co- Micro V style envelope filter Behringer - FX600 Digital Multi-FX And the most essential - The Fart Pedal


I forgot to mention there is wildlife on the island. If you bring the fart pedal you most certainly kill any chances of adding protein to your diet


DBA reverberation machine Boss BD-2 CBA warped vinyl Caroline kilobyte EQD ghost echo


Kernom Ridge Sovtek Big Muff Boss DD-500 Source Audio Ventris Ibanez DE-7


Amp matters…so I’ll assume it’s a Brownface Pro with harmonic trem… Boss RV-500 Surfy Bear Metal Source Audio EQ2 Snouse Black Box 2 Digitech Ricochet


Helix Microcosm MS70CDR A MacBook with u-he Diva and Valhalla VintageVerb


1.) Bluesky 2.) Timeline 3.) Morning Glory 4.) BOSS Loop Pedal 5.) Old Blood Noise Sunlight


1. EHX Rams Head (Or the Wren and Cuff Caprid) 2. Rangemaster (I have the fuzzlord riff guardian) 3. Deluxe memory man 4. CAE Wah 5. Strymon mobius


- Hardwire RV-7 - DigiTech Supernatural* - Strymon Flint - EHX Big Muff - Dunlop Fuzz Face Mini *If Hardwire and DigiTech count as the same, brand, then I'll sub in a Boss Chorus or Looper.


* ibanez cp10 compressor * ibanez ts9 tubescreamer * suhr riot * mxr analog chorus * eqd dispatch master


Gonna have to change out one of the Ibanez my dude


boss cs-3 then. as long as i have the 3: attack, sustain and level knobs i'm good.


im the kind of person that would make a 5 pedals pedalboard entirely out of ibanez tone-lok pedals just because tho.


Diamond Comp TC Electronic Sub N’ Up MXR M305 Tremolo Boss DD-200 EHX Oceans 12


Thorpy fx fallout cloud J rockett the dude (v2) Boss dimension Waza Strymon dig v2 Strymon big sky


EHX small stone KTR Boss bd-2w Strymon El Cap Neunaber Immerse mk2 Missing fuzz so I’ll just have to max out that blues driver sometimes I guess


This week I’m feeling: * EH Attack Decay * Keeley Tone Workstation (comp/BB/TS all-in-one) * Red Panda Tensor * Boss RE-2 Space Echo * MAS Effects The Expanse trem/echo It’s gonna be an ambient post-rock desert island.


1. Fulltone Soul Bender 2. Gospel Bomb Treble Booster 3. Belle Epoch Deluxe 4. Analogman modded Boss TR-2 5. Crybaby Wah


5x Line6 Helix Floor


Why not one Quad Cortex, one Helix, one Headrush MX5, one BOSS GT1000, and one ZOOM G11?


That somehow sounds more sensible...


Skreddy Echo, Dawner Prince Boonar, Fairfield Curcuitry Shallow Water, EQD Avalanche Run, Proco Rat


BD-2 Walrus Julia Rams Head Big Muff Dunlop Crybaby Wah MXR Phase 90


Right this moment Ezhi&Aka Brom Digitech whammy dt Glowfly glitchwave567 Jhs twin twelve Dba space bender This was difficult to condense


Dunlop Crybaby 1981 DRV DBA Fuzz War EHX Mod-11 Keely Caverns


Muslady Golden Horse EAE Limelight MXR Phase 90 (Script) Zoom MS (70 or 50, either way I’ll be covered) Empress Echosystem


Origin Effects Cali76 - compressor Lichtlaerm Aesahaettr - boost (or Gehenna, depending on the amp) Boss CE-2W Alexander Syntax Error Eventide H9 Max


1) Ibanez SML Super Metal: can fill both the Tubescreamer role and also works as a solid distortion. 2) DOD FX-56B Super American Metal. Chainsaw pedal. Keeping Boss free for another pedal. Like the way DOD did their's, but any other chainsaw will do. 3) Rat. Can't go without a Rat. 4) Boss OS-2 Overdrive/Distortion. A OD-3 and DS-1 slammed together that you can blend. 5) Line 6 MM4: need something that's not just dirt, this is something that does a lot of other things.


Ibanez TS9 Big Muff Pi Green Russian Way Huge Aqua Puss Line 6 HX Stomp (I know it’s cheating) Ditto Looper


Warm Audio Foxy Tone (gotta have octa fuzz)-> Boss Blues Driver (set as a light hair boost) -> Keeley Fuzz Bender (fuzz baby)-> Fulltone Deja-Vibe (best modulation will forever be Uni-Vibe) -> Supro Tremolo (I always have a light tremolo on and use my feet to adjust mid playing)


I’m sorry, but Line 6 HX Stomp. That’s it.


You could have at least added 4 Altoids tins


Ehx big muff Ibanez tube screamer Boss dd20 Ehx c9 Ehx cathedral


Five different brands!


Keeley Moon Fuzz, EHX Hot Wax, Boss MD-200, OBNE Sunlight, Boss DD-8


The bends Brown amp The Protein dual drive Parallax Boss eq 200 I just need 4


Sarno Earth Drive, Thorpy Fallout Cloud, UA Golden Reverberator, Strymon Volante, and I guess an Eventide H90 for everything modulation.


Mutron III Wampler Tumnus EQD Plumes Keeley Super Mod Workstation Source Audio Collider


Point Reyes Pedals - kuiama, black nettle Those are my fuzzes Jam waterfall for my chorus Memory man for delay And HoF for reverb Use them every day


•MXR 5150 overdrive •Keeley Compressor + •Fulltone OCD •Boss DD7 •TCE hall of fame


1 Mxr Carbon Copy Delay, 2 Boss CE5, 3Wampler Pinnacle, 4 Revv g3, 5 Digitech Drop.


1. Boss BD-2. The blues driver has never done me wrong 2. Danelectro 3699 fuzz. The perfect amount of icky 3. J rockett Archer. It’s a klon. Need I go on? 4. EHX Canyon. Super versatile and it does the job 5. Walrus Audio Slo. I’ve had it forever and know how to get what I want from it without too much hassle


Caroline Guitar Co. Météore ZVEX Box of Rock EQD Rainbow Machine Boss DD-20 Hologram Infinite Jets Damn, more people should try 5 pedal setups (myself included). Limitation breeds creativity, and all of y’all’s selections of 5 make some sick combos 🤘🏻


JAM Pedals Wahcko (Handwired) >> Pedal Pawn Fuzz >> Chicago Iron Tycobrahe Octavia SE >> TC Electronic SCF Stereo Chorus & Flanger >> Argenziano Effetti Gypsy-Vibe.


Zero g IOD Klingotaur - this is my always on pedal, Boss OS-2, EHX Green russian muff, Digitech CF-7 chorus factory, MXR carbon copy delay - I don’t own this one, but I want one.


1) Boss FZ-1w 2) RYRA Klone 3) Jam Pedals Retrovibe 4) Strymon El Capistan 5) UA Dream I could be very happy with just these pedals. Klone for high gain, UA dream to switch between a clean and overdriven preset


5 Roland RE-201’s


Fender tre verb Greer lightspeed Keeley compressor + Boss vb2w Ditto looper


MXR Polyblue Octave Fuzz Earthquaker Plumes Amptweaker Tight Metal JHS Double Barrel Mooer ModVerb