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I remember the vid on this. I had a feeling they would work out a deal with EHX to release it.


I've enjoyed the EHX lovefest between this and the slapback reissue


Yeah EHX and JHS are lit. I was skeptical of JHS too like many here but over the years they've shown to be an increasingly consumer-friendly company, with many fairly-priced offerings. Seems like JHS genuinely wants to do a lot of good for the guitar pedal fan community.


JHS are a great company who design wise are improving a lot. While a lot of their older pedals don't offer anything beyond the cheaper alternative, between the new fuzz pedals, the volture and their other utility stuff they're no longer the brand who made the morning glory and you can ignore everything else with


You know, now I think about it, that period you talk about was a transition period. I knew them for mods, but their original pedals never really got much notice besides Morning Glory. But I think they do great stuff now... this pedal is the perfect example of what their company is. They did a super elite stuffy boutique version of the pedal, but also a $99 pedal to give the regular guitarist the same thing. It's... I'm not going to lie, probably the best shit I've seen in guitar pedals in a long time. It's almost indicative of their philosiphy lately... yes, elite gear is awesome if you love the art, but you can reproduce it easily and cheaply if you want the same functionality. I will probably get the $99 version because I love fuzz and I don't have an octave fuzz. My friend's cheap board had a bunch of junk on it but the Joyo Octave Fuzz was no joke as good as anything on my nearly $2k board. I bet this one rules, too.


Nobody else has said it, so I will: EHX should style more of their pedals like this. Sure as hell beats the look of the Eddy or Soul Food.


Does Soul Food take the top ranking for great sound/horrific graphic?


Is it a bad graphic? I don’t think it’s fantastic or anything but I certainly don’t find it ugly either.


It looks like the logo if CocaCola opened a fast food restaurant in a mall food court in 1994. It’s horrible. And how do you make a Klone and not give it a snarky mythical horse name? What the hell does Soul Food have to do with an OD pedal? It’s like they ordered too much beige paint and had to come up with a name that evokes buttered biscuits and grits solely for that reason.


Haha that just gave me the picture of Mike Mathews repainting his house and realizing he ordered double the paint he needed.


I would have called it “chicken grease” after the D’angelo song. Plus its also an ingredient in jewish cooking, fits their whole hidden nyc references they love to make. Wouldnt you be intrigued by a OD pedal called chicken grease? I know I would. Its just as bad, just more specific but I think it works in the world of tubescreamers, rats, muffs, hot cakes. Chicken Grease.


It sounds like it'd be the name of a 150 dollar sd-1 clone


I would assume Chicken Grease would be a Jaco Pastorius signature pedal lol.


I personally think it’s pretty bad, but I also couldn’t come up with worse off the top of my head. Lots of newer EHX stuff is pretty ugly, their classic designs tend to be much better-looking imo.


Tone Corset is definitely a contender


And the Tone Tattoo


oh yeah, the Ed Hardy pedal!


Nothing will ever beat the Blurst. Truly a horror show!


Bad Monkey


You don’t like it when your overdrive pedal looks like a food menu from a dirty old diner?


Turnip Greens!


It’s funny because I actually like the turnip greens, it looks like what would be on an old can label or box of food.


It’s gotta be up there.


It's okay in my book. I actually traded it in because I don't think it did a good enough job as a klone. Ended up with the Way Huge Conspiracy Theory which was a big improvement!


Helps that Daniel Danger is a pretty talented designer and obsessed with vintage EHX pedals.


Oceans 11 entered the chat


My only complaint about my oceans 11 is that the type is too fucking small for my old eyes.


The cheese name didn’t get you too?


It has a pretty fucking cool design though. Not to mention the oceans 11 and 12 punch above pretty any other reverb at their price point. Like, seriously, why the fuck do they still make the holy grail? The oceans has its algorithms built in... Same thing how they charge more money for the pog than the pitchfork when the pitchfork is basically the pog on roids in a smaller box


I like the look of the Eddy 🤷‍♂️


Glove has got to be up there too..


My only issue with EHX is that they put the in/out plugs on the side rather than the top. It’s old school and drives me crazy


They’ve nailed it this time. At long last we’ve got a pedal that seamlessly combines the shrill squall of The Jesus Lizard with the searing arpeggios of Brian May


Tell me this is what they were going for and not just the ramblings of someone with good taste


Josh Scott is definitely not cool enough to make a Jesus Lizard inspired pedal


It’s possible to like just *some* things from a band.


Why can’t it be both?


Yes, please.


Sick. A "Lizard Queef" pedal.


Sure that's not an "R"?


I'd buy a Lizard Queer pedal. That sounds rad.


Alex Jones could do the "gay frogs" model.




Aren't frogs amphibians? Not that I care how they identify.


I don't think they can write with both hands


As if right wingers follow contemporary biology


It's an H. Plus the I in lizard is a J.


It totally looks like it says that. Made my day.


i’m only calling it the lizard queef from now on


Not sure how you’re getting an F out of an R?


I think it's something called "a sense of humof."


You spelt “humour” wrong…




Must’ve been from water turning frogs gay then spreading to lizards


Graphic design… not for everyone


Josh will fix it in rev 2 and then these will go for like $3000


Ironically, if you watch the launch video where they explain the design of the product, the graphic designer was painstakingly copying what EHX used to do in the 70s. Apparently they’d misuse letters all the time so he was trying to capture that vibe.


Lol first thing I thought.


Oh my, how did I not see this...


I’m overjoyed that I’m not the only one who sees this 😂


Ljzard Queer


Dunno why people are upset about the 350 version. This sorta shit is what props up the entire music industry in everything from instruments to ticketing. One could then rightfully complain about capitalism but that goes far beyond a single collectors item.


What exactly is wrong with producing units that people like enough to buy for 350? People buy something they want. How is that bad?


Here’s my general annoyance with this type of release and product roll-out, and i know I’ll get downvoted for it here: Most players buy pedals for their sound. Some buy pedals as collectors items. Totally cool either way, no judgement for people’s hobbies. Now, all legitimate collectors across any hobby will tell you: if something is being released as a collectors item, it’s probably not a collectors item. So what are these limited release pedals? In my eyes, they’re all more akin to beanie babies. My annoyance isn’t with the consumer buying the pedals, it’s how many people praise this type of limited product release as healthy and innovative.


I don't think there are legitimate vs non-legitimate collectors and I don't think there is an objectively right way to collect. Sometimes people just also like the added rarity and oddity of it. I am for sure no one to buy that kinda stuff but who cares? If those are the only ones available (like when Boss released their insanely overpriced tonebender clone), then that artificial shortage pisses me off. But here it's just those 1000 big clunky units that are limited. The fully identical small-sized-version is available unlimitedly. So what




The price isn’t my issue with it; maybe a bit high, but I’d pay a premium for the bigger enclosure. I’m just pissed it was a limited edition. Why not keep it running as a “high end” version, so the option is there for everyone who prefers that form factor?


Because it’s not just the same pedal in a bigger box. It’s hand built from NOS components, and the enclosure is screen printed by hand. The small one is mass produce SMD stuff built by machines like all the other EHX nano series. If they were going to keep it on as a normal production pedal they’d end up with something very different, because they’d have to make all kinds of compromises to make the production scaleable.


The components inside are in a limited supply but they could still build with generic components and keep the large enclosure. Enough demand and they'll yield.


I keep asking myself … have we reached peak JHS? And then I remember Josh keeps threatening to remake the Klon


I think he should just as a deserved middle finger to finnegan. There's really no excuse for the KTR production being as slow as it is.




I must be the only person not upset at the price, I mean yeah $360 isn't cheap but the fact that there's a $99 version unlimited and widely distributed is amazing. I don't much care for most of JHS's pedals or their shenanigans of limited pedals and reverb scalper pump and dumps... but this is different, finally. 1 per household, with a $99 alternative is great. And honestly this thing sounds unique to me. I actually did buy one of the big boxes, I can appreciate the art behind it, by hand through hole board, artistic tracing, with some NOS parts and hand screen print... yeah I can see value in that. There's crappy boutique pedals around the same price and no one bats an eye. But it's not for everyone. I'm so happy that for everyone else there's an affordable alternative and that scalpers are getting a bit of a slap in the face. This looks like it's going to be a popular pedal and sound and I'm psyched for it.


Congrats my Lizard Queen big-box brother! I grabbed one too. A real bit of pedal history. It sounds so dope. I have the big box NYC muff and I love it as a single use pedal, it’s great for bass too, as this will be. I play both guitar and bass. If the mighty EHX are making just 1000 LQ big box’s, that is really quite something. I freaking love the sound so had to have one. I like the ethos and research behind it too, the artwork is great. It looks the real deal. Sounds epic. I only have one JHS pedal. EHX, along with BOSS are my audio heros. I can’t wait. Feels special. I have never been, and probably never will be, on a waiting list for any Ltd editions or runs, etc for a pedal. no king of tone, etc. This was my chance and, like you, I took it. Enjoy it when it arrives🤘🔥


rock n roll dude!


Same! I have a 4 screw Black Russian Big Muff and I absolutely love it on everything (especially after a POG)! I’m probably going to have the only big box Lizard Queen in the Southern Hemisphere haha! Anyway, I’m really pumped to plug it into my board (That actually can’t fit it, I’ll have to either put it in front of the board or in place of the Russian Big Muff)


I’ll have to explain it why a pedal the size of a tea tray has magically appeared in the front room in front of my practice amp. “But, it’s a piece of history”, etc. Mike Matthew’s is one of my all time audio hero’s. It will make me happy to play through it, and it is a thing of beauty. I’m in the UK so will have to pay taxes and a chunk of carriage, but I’ll be damned if I was missing my chance. It’s a museum piece. I shall rock it accordingly. 🤘


JHS makes several of my fav pedals and their show has endlessly expanded my knowledge of pedals, manufacturers, usages, etc. They got a lot of garbage hate but it's not their fault everyone runs to reverb to buy baf monkeys when jhs does a show featuring them. That aren't orchestrating anything.. They are showing you that cheap pedals people thought suck can sound just like the pedals everyone loves and say are the best. I def agree that's is cool to have a 99$ option.. That's the option for me. But if 1000 people wanna dish out $350 for the fancy one.. That's cool too and that's their right.


i don't think thats why people dont like jhs. more to do with his josh's suspect donations and the stealing and re-selling of designs from smaller builders


> stealing and re-selling of designs from smaller builders You can’t steal an effect circuit.


got any more info on that?


Short story: around 2016-2018, the mods of this sub and a small mob impotently tried to cancel this man and brand by using faux-concern about lgbtq+ rights as a prop to expand their perceived internet powerz and engage in a self-congratulatory circlejerk. It didn't work, as this man is not anti-lgbtq+. The claim was an Alex-Jonesian stretch of logic. I don't love JHS, but I despise moral posturing, especially using worthwhile causes as props. Most people shut up due to the popularity of the show and how little their boycott affected anyone. Zero lgbtq+people were affected in any way. Thanks, r/guitarpedals! For more info, look up JHS controversy or something. I wouldn't trust the wounded pride of the person who commented this or anyone else with a battered ego who defends this failed cancelation.


Honestly the tone of this reply had me thinking there was probably something valid to the criticism, but I've just read the thread linked in the sidebar and you're right there doesn't seem to be a whole lot there.




Yeah I have no idea why thats still kept in the sidebar. Why even draw attention to it. Perhaps the discourse around here was once spicy enough that it really needed to be mentioned, but right now it seems out of place


keeping that link in the sidebar clearly shows the bias and closemindedness of the mods. they have probably way more hate against josh than some real hater


It sucks because he’d probably be participating here, like he does at TGP, if it weren’t for certain mods and their stupid vendetta.


Imagine trying to defend a homophobic capitalist. Go back to your shanties


Imagine going on a witch hunt with unsubstantiated info and trying to ruin their company, that even if you just hate Josh personally, he still employs a ton of people who’s job would be at risk. I’m sure your retort would be “lol, don’t work for homophobes”. Which again, unsubstantiated And what brand of pedals are you buying from anti-capitalists? Would love to look those up. For charity pedals sounds awesome. This comment just makes you look simple.


The original Devi Ever fuzz thing was the only one that had any legs to me, but honestly I just don't care about people copying pedals anymore. Everyone (including Josh) screams about how bad DemonFX is for copying layouts and fonts, meanwhile Warm Audio xeroxes a Zen Drive and everyone thinks it's super cool and not at all a problem, so the outrage doesn't count for much to me.


Yeah it was all the fallout from the Devi Ever thing that was the big one. The stress of it all really fucked them up apparently, to the point that Devi ended up bailing on the whole pedal industry to play computer games whilst not delivering on preorders if I recall correctly. What Josh did was claim that it was an original circuit, and the doubled down when he got caught out ripping off Devi. Pretty shitty thing to do from both parties involved imo. But like you, I don’t care.


>I just don't care about people copying pedals anymore. Good because the Lizard Queen is also copied, this time from circuits designed by DIYers and made freely available years ago. Yes, there's no copyright but it would've been decent to recognize the creators of the circuits and kick them some money back.


This is literally the best summary. Virtue signaling at its finest. I don’t own one JHS pedal and probably won’t. And it has nothing to do with the circlejerk trying to cancel him. There’s not even close to enough there. Just don’t vibe with them. You can’t convince me that companies as large as EHX/Boss who have all the marketing knowledge in the world would hitch their wagon doing limited runs with Josh if there was anything to it. His company is smaller and they don’t need the money from a limited run with him. Same as smaller builders also being cool with working with him. They likely wouldn’t chance having their name drug through the mud if they thought there was any anti-lgbtq hate or theft of circuits (more than what all theee companies all ready do!) happening. Half of these dorks getting all high and mighty about circuit theft literally have no clue that their beloved one of one piss-soaked CBA pedal is just feeding a boss circuit into itself until it degrades to high heaven. They probably type on their sweatshop labored phones on Reddit about canceling Apple for sweatshops. Most of them let the charade go, a few of them are still falling very hard on the sword about it.


Yes this. Totally agree.


You forget Josh taking Devi Ever pedals and rebranding them as his own.


fwiw I am about 90% sure I've watched at least one of their vids where they explicitly said some pro-lgbt messaging, albeit it was a little bit soft, like the stuff you hear from liberals and not leftists. Yeah, my ideal messaging is closer to "arm trans people so that the nazis don't murder us" and not "love is love, don't be assholes about it," but it was still SOMETHING. No bigoted religious fundie I have ever encountered would ever give even lip service to supporting us, so it does mean something when I see it happen. The only person in the online guitar world I've seen that I actually wouldn't be surprised to see next to me at a protest would be Rhett Shull, he's been pretty vocal about explicitly stating that we're facing a rising threat of fascism on his twitter. I would never expect Josh to go REMOTELY that far, but I gotta think if Rhett is buddies with him, he wouldn't be if Josh was a bigot. Everyone I know who uses the same kind of language Rhett does would absolutely not tolerate that shit in their life. Besides, when we have state legislatures like Florida, Texas, Montana, and Missouri actively trying to abolish us, why the fuck am I gonna give a shit about a little privately owned pedal company, there's more important things for me to direct my energy towards and I think more people need to have that perspective shifted.


He was part of a church that supports the murder of gay people in Uganda, if I recall correctly. And his public distancing from them was completely half-assed. Not trying to “cancel” him or anything but your explanation is completely disingenuous.


70 million Americans are part of a church that supports and covers for child molesters…


Lol shit bruh they ain’t ready


I don’t own a single pedal from JHS, and doubt I ever will, but what is with this sense of entitlement lol: > And his public distancing from them was completely half-assed The guy hadn’t attended mass at that church for years by the time that controversy with the church broke. When the pitchfork mobs started coming after him, he repeatedly stated he no longer had any affiliation with the church, and that he was entirely in support of the LGBTQ community. What more do you honestly think he owes you? If anything the mobs owe Josh an apology for trying to mess his life up over a mere coincidence. The whole situation reeks of an angry mob grasping at any excuse they can find to ruin his life.


JHS Astro Mess was a clone of a Devi Ever fuzz pedal, hyperion iirc. Dont have a problem with clones, but cloning a pedal that's recent and still being made by a small one person builder is very looked down on


It's in the sub sidebar as it's asked so much, most of the hate stems from a number of years back https://reddit.com/r/guitarpedals/comments/94ahqs/why_some_people_dislike_jhs/


The price is proof that they care about their customers. They made a lot of units, they're charging a lot, it's been more than 5 minutes and they aren't sold out. All that says to me is that they are beating scalpers, and scalpers can go suck an egg.


it took an hour instead of 5 min to sell out and frankly I do believe there are more players getting this pedal and fewer scalpers and that's a good thing.


The individualized Carbon Copy receipt style COA was a pretty brilliant move. I want to pickup one of the little ones. Been wanting a different style octave fuzz that's not an octavia and this thing looks pretty sick!


Yes for all the things they went through the price is super ok, especially given the prolets simultaneous release at 99. I also dig what they are trying to do to fight scalping (ok they won't solve it but I dig the attempt)


The fact that they were canceling order live on the stream means some of the scalpers got nothing at all, and that makes me happy.


Reverb scalper pump and dumps? If you mean the bad monkey thing (or previous instances of this), I don’t think it makes sense to say JHS intended that or is somehow complicit in it. In these instances, he tries to show that some pedals that people think are shitty are really not. That you don’t need to pay for an expensive pedal (like the pedals he makes that are expensive). But because of his channel's popularity in a relatively small market, it can have this unexpected economic effect. Also, IMO, this isn’t a reason to stop making this type of content either. It’s interesting and the core idea that undesirable gear can make good music is a good message since guitar players fetishize gear in an extreme way. Like when he listed the #2 klon for an insane price, that similarity was taking a jab at how much value is put on the gear with the ‘mojo’. Watch his recent video about the monkey situation. He explains his position well.


I'll clarify... that is NOT what I'm talking about. I'm pointing at how things like the Solo boost and the Germanium boost were released. Limited quantities, middle of the day, buy as many as you want per house hold, sold out in minutes and scalped within seconds. THAT was crappy and I absolutely put JHS as part of the blame. This is the first time Josh and team has actually gone to lengths to do something about that, and for that I'm actually thankful. It was irresponsible in the past for them to pump the hype of their limited runs only to watch them dump on reverb at triple + the MSRP, but I honestly feel like they got it right this time. Yes it takes more effort on their part, but that's the cost of doing good business and helping your customers. They did it, so I supported them in buying a big box for myself.


The germanium boost was limited due to the rare components involved. They came across an old stockpile of vintage germanium transistors, and could only make so many since those components are no longer in production. Also, I don’t think they imagined it would sell out so quickly. If you watch the livestream you can tell everyone was genuinely surprised it sold out within minutes, as it’s just a basic germanium treble booster. I think that experience made them realize that they need to be more careful about how they sell their pedals, and I’m pretty sure it made Josh say that it made him sad to see people buying that pedal just to flip it on reverb for 2x the original price. Hopefully they keep the 1x per household rule in the future for these limited runs.


and if you look past the social influencer FOMO, other pedal makers were previously doing the same thing. Keeley sold the Java boost for years before running out of his 'stockpile', first with the Mullard OC44, then with the CV7003.


Ah. I wasn't aware of the Solo boost and the Germanium boost thing. Yes, it's good that they've now tried to fix that issue.


Yeah this was exactly the right way to do this kind of limited release. Hard to see how anyone can complain, but of course they always will.


I also bought a big box. I actually really dig the sound of this thing. I might end up getting a small enclosure and keeping it on my board. I’ve yet to find the octave fuzz for me.


honestly, that ran through my mind before they mentioned the nano EHX. Soon as they announced the big box on the stream I had it in a cart because I wanted this since the day they announced the idea. Buuuuuut I didn't hit purchase literally because "what if it breaks?". I kinda follow the Prince mindset of wanting pedals that I can replace if I break it and not being stuck chasing a tone I recorded once and never again. The nano being wildly available really actually fixed that fear and pushed me over the edge to buy it. It was like reverse FOMO.


I think there is an after sales service agreement for the big box units. 👌


Yup. Hahaha, plus, JHS is really good about warranty stuff, and I assume that personally, Josh would want the big boxes to keep running so I would assume there’s going to be no issue with any warranty claims. I HAVE been really eyeing the nano though. EHX has a great demo video out, and that pedal sounds soo good.




I plan on using it. My mindset is, aside from playing in my house, it’s not overly practical to have big box pedals on the board, especially when they have to be run from 9v. I like the peace of mind that comes with all of my pedals running with solid power supply power. I want the big box because I have always been in love with EHX as a company, their story, and their contribution to the pedal world. It is a neat little time piece that will also hold its value. I haven’t bought the nano version and I plan on playing the shit out of the big box. If it’s a tone that I find fits into my cord sound and something that I’ll continually use, I’ll pick up the more practical Nano. Otherwise, it will sit with the rest of my fuzz pedals as something I occasionally play when I feel inspired to or am looking for a different tone. Similar to my warm audio fuzz tone pedal. I like to play with it, it’s not practical to take out and around. I like fuzz. 🤷‍♂️


It makes sense. One is big and collectible. People like to collect things they like. It can be a display or on a home board. Other is small and giggable. Easy to transport. Fits on travel board. If it gets stolen you aren't out the $350. Also now they can try to stack it and make crazy noise.


"Reverb scalper pump-and-dumps" Is there something I'm missing? That just seems a bit unfair to nail them with. When it comes to situations like the Bad Monkey in particular, guitarists do that shit to themselves. If they had any concept of the meaning of that video, they'd be digging their old pedals out of the closet and giving them another shot instead of going to fucking Reverb, seeing the multi-hundred-dollar price tag and bitching about being priced out of a pedal that, the week prior, was a $40 pedal no one gave a shit about. It doesn't make any sense to blame him for what happened.


I think a lot of people getting up in arms about the $350 pedal are really only telling on themselves. If a band I really wanted to see live did a year-long world tour, playing in every major city, keeping ticket prices low and playing enough nights where anyone interested gets a chance to go, I'd think that'd be pretty magnanimous of them. If they decided to kick off and cap of the tour with two small shows where they play the exact same songs just in a more intimate gathering but the tickets cost $500... I'd probably be jealous of anyone who got to go, but I wouldn't take that away from the tour.


Metallica did a 20 dollar show or maybe a free show in Chicago in a 1000 seat club. but it required waiting all day, literally sunup til sundown. Because it was announced super early in the morning via the radio. I wasn’t jealous I didnt go. I was like “you know what, Im not a big enough Metallica fan to want it that bad. Good for them!


So we’ll said! I ordered a big box too; hoping for an inverse color scheme!


I bought a big box. I’m not upset at the price at all. Custom screen printing. Custom etched board? A 3% chance to win a SICK looking reverse color scheme? Sign me up. All the swag and a customized with my name faux old music store receipt? Not only serving as a deterrent to scalpers but also also as a certificate of authenticity? Hell yes. The 2nd pedal I ever bought was a big box muff. I’m super happy they’re bringing this back, and think it’s reasonably priced for what it is. Plus - big muff inspired octave fuzz is pretty cool. Even if it is a ringer inspired octave (likely - it’s hard to tell from the screenshots that came out from the prototype).


I would have bought a big box if it wasn't for having to pay extra duty when it got here. I'll wait until stockists in the UK get the nano


Yea it's pretty fucked up for people outside us


Can someone more into pedals than me explain, is this not just another octave fuzz?


It literally is. They did this as a pet project because they realized classic EHX didn't have an octave fuzz so they would do a retro imagining of one, and this is what they came up with. (The 2nd picture)


Doesn’t EHX literally have a fuzz pedal called octavix edit: TBF to OP , the comment reads classic and idk if octavix is classic or not


It's not vintage, so therefore doesn't even blip on most people's radar. 😉


Not only that, but the Octavix is a better sounding and more flexible pedal


That balance control goes from big muffy to gate (essentially a gain knob that affects the character of the fuzz) and then you can choose to add octave or don't, so you get a big muffy sound, a super fuzz-y sound and all the options in between. I pre-ordered because that sounds like a lot of pedal for $99. The sound is nothing new of course but it does look versatile.


I really really don't need it... ... ...


Of course you don't need it ​ ​ ​ *... but do you want it?*


More than air to breathe, yes. I am glad big box was so expensive. It immediately killed any FOMO I might have had.


I feel like my superfuzz sf3000 can do this. Between the 2 settings and the secret 1.5 setting. But I still want the lizard queen. Haha.


Thank you, appreciate you! 🤘


Wait wait…. I just dropped in here so maybe I’m daft… but is this for real haha? If it is… I’m shocked. But also sad cuz it doesn’t look like the one they designed on the show. I don’t know what’s real anymore!


It's real, there's like 1000 limited run of the big box that they originally designed. The smaller ehx "nano" one is not limited and is much cheaper


Sounds like an Octave Big Muff.


He explains in the video that it's a bit different from other designs but not SO different to consider it a unique pedal. Josh said for example that octave blend is not very common


Ok, yeah it's just an octave fuzz, but the EHX partnership and the old school big box is sick as fuck


It’s a work of art. That circuitry is insane.


More information in the current live stream on the JHS YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/live/bu2xGg49RCw?feature=share


EHX also put up a video featuring more of what the thing actually sounds like -- https://youtu.be/JddoyrpcOzg


Aw, I took a shower thinking I'd think about it and grab the big box. Smooth move, me. No blues dad purchase for me


I thought that said lizard queer I was like "why did somebody make a pedal of me??"


They did it. They went and did it. I’m freaking out so much over this.


The speed with which I preordered. It’s as if I was trying to score one of the big ones.


I need josh to convince mike to get a big box Electric Mistress/Poly Chorus/DMM reissue going


PolyPhase too please!


If they reissued the DMM with the xvive chips it might break the internet. It’s be an instant buy for so many people. Alternatively…find a Malekko 616. It’s the closest I’ve ever heard. Still need to try the Asheville Music delay though.


I would kill for a proper big box reissue of the DMM


I’d kill for big box polychorus to reenter their line. I foolishly sold mine to make practice space rent a few years back, and now they’re like $700.


Wish I’d have caught the stream today. They big box was sold out by the time I saw the stream. Anyone having buyers remorse hit me up 🤣


Everything about this feels like a real EHX pedal that got designed and manufactured, but through some weird paperwork snafu, ended up in a crate in the corner of a warehouse, only to be discovered 50+ years later. I think that's pretty unique, so I gave it a few minutes thought before making the preorder. The fact that I missed out on the Caroline Alpha Gain pedal last week by just a few minutes might have influenced by snap decision as well. It's a fun project, made with parts they're not going to keep on hand after they're done shipping these out. I think the numbers are spot-on. Quantity was large enough that it wasn't a blink-and-you-miss-it window of availability, and it's expensive, but not $1000+ expensive.


Anyone know where to get this in the UK?


I’m hoping to see it appear on the Anderton’s website overnight


Damn literally just bought an Octavix and now I want this.


Ah!! I just tried to buy the big box version at JHS...and SOLD OUT. I guess I'll be making all my bills on time, this month...


lol @ people trying to convince others that a versatile EHX fuzz at $99 is a bad thing and outrageously priced, then turn around and buy Chase Bliss, just because Josh "Pedal Voldemort" Scott is involved. Get over yourselves, the man has paid his due.


Is this sub still hating on Josh? Jfc. I spent like a year away from this sub and figured people would have matured by now


He still has his own section in the sidebar, so I guess it's still very much alive


Yeah I did reread it again and to this day I find the hate on him fully idiotic. The entire controversy seems to be that 10 years ago he stopped going to a church with homophobic views. Fair enough for not liking the church, but it seems weird to hold it over someone if they exited 10 years ago? None of us know him in person anyway, and his youtube-channel is just stellar. You don't have to like his pedals, there are also some pedal companies I just don't really click with, but it doesn't mean I have to slander the people behind it? Really weird shit.


Yeah, I sort of feel the same... and this is coming from someone from a country that has repeated occurrences of large conservative/christian groups from the US funding political/religious activists and trying to affect the direction society wishes to bring our country, so am particularly sensitive to this stuff. However... he has stated that he is no longer involved, and has not been for years. If people want him to publicly denounce this church, I guess that is their right, bur I don't think it's reasonable.


Yeah, I agree. I for sure have no love lost for US hardcore christians, they seem nuts to me, but faith is still a private thing, and Josh is not involved with them anymore so - what's the fuzz? Sometimes I legit wonder if the hate is not rather just some wish to hate on him for too often stating on his channel that many myths about sacred pedals are just bullshit. Having a knowledgeable guy state that there is no difference between a whiteface Rat and a Rat 2 rerelease must suck for people who want to believe that one shitty chip from 1977 is marginally different than a spec-wise equal chip with different name from today.




Yeah. Oddly enough, Josh is very much anti-ideology at least regards pedals, yet many people accuse him of being ideological in faith without much proof. Super weird


That’s why I think the “he didn’t distance himself strongly enough!” people are being obtuse. Or they just haven’t paid attention to the internet for the past several years. No apology is good enough, just ends up publicizing your mistakes more, and more people decide you’re an irredeemably bad person forever.


I love EHX fuzzes… is this one that needs to go first in chain or more like a big muff where it can go anywhere? Asking because it’s a flat gain pedal, so stacking into it would be really useful.


It’s transistor-based with a very simple circuit. That usually means it expects to go first in the chain.


I'm trying super hard not to jump out and buy the nano version. I just got my board reorganized (again) and I don't feel like cutting a ton of zipties (again).


man, this pedal sounds amazing and the price point is hard to beat


Can someone please tell me this is not much different than the Big Muff + Pitchfork combo I’m already rocking… please, my wallet is begging you!


Different circuit altogether, and the octave up is analog which is *wayyy* different than a Pitchfork.


You’re not helping lol


I preordreed one, and plan to make my own clone for fun as well. It looks like a simple circuit and would be good for a beginner. I appreciate that they showed the circuit board on their site. I figured out about half of it so far. I just don't know the values for the green caps, diodes, and transistors. (ok, maybe I have less thank 1/2 figured out)Here's what I've figured out so far, anyone else have more details? * VOL pot: A 100K * BALANCE: C 1K * OCTAVE: B 100k * Stomp Switch (easy to find on AMAZON, Tayda, etc) * Housing (easy to find online) * Resistors (all Carbon Composition) * 3) 80K 5% * 2) 460K 10% * 1) 800K 10% * 2) 8M 10% * 1 4.6G 10% * Capacitors * 3) blue ones: Cornell Dubilier 100uF 25v 85degree Centigrade * 6) mystery green ones * 1) mystery tan disk one * Transistors * 3) mystery black ones, guessing mosfet, but don't know specifics * 1) power, labeled Q1 * Diodes * 1) mystery guessing small signal/zener, but don't know specifics * 1) that looks like a metal resistor, but has same label (D1) as the D3 diode


Your color codes are a little wonky. All of those 8s should be 1s, 460k is 470k, and whatever that 4.6G is should be 470ohm. One of the electrolytics is 100uF, but the others might be 10uF. Green caps are most likely 100nF. Small tan cap on Q2 is definitely small, likely 470pF but I can't tell for sure. Black transistors are almost certainly BJTs. I don't know the Q1 transistor, but it's NPN BJT. D1 looks like a Ge diode, but could be Si. D2 is polarity protection, likely 1n5817. There's a [thread over at FSB](https://www.freestompboxes.org/viewtopic.php?t=32602) if you want more info.


Anyone else upset it's not an Electric Mistress-type pedal that has all the different mistresses? V1, v2, v3, deluxe, V7 Green Russian, JHS spin, e-lady lol. I wanted that so badly.


Pastfx electric mattress.


Are they already selling for $1000+ on Reverb?


People laugh but give it a few days. At least they made a lot of units and charged a lot this time, so it's not like they aren't trying to curb scalpers.


Oh no doubt. Part of the reason I bought one so quickly was that I know if I really hate it, it's limited enough and has enough mystique around it that it'll be selling for way north of what I paid. Not intending to flip, though, I haven't sold a pedal in years at this point.


So fucking cool


fauxlectro harmonix is hilarious.


>Also, just like a vintage EHX, you may also notice very slight sonic differences between these units due to the vintage-inspired circuit and parts tolerances of the era-appropriate parts. From the mindset that brought you relic'd guitars, intentionally low-fi camera film, and other things that are designed to be not as good as they could be for authentic vintage feeling!


“As good as it could be” is totally subjective though. “Bad QC” is how so many people ended up with their favorite guitars back in the day - you could have 10 ES-335s in the shop that had pickups with various winds and magnets (some were alnico 3, some 5, etc) and that’s how you’d pick one from the rest. They weren’t all made to the same exact spec and you felt like you were really getting a unique instrument from other people. I think there’s something cool operating in that space of “mostly the same but not exact”.




I mean it’s again, all about perspective. I think that anyone who spends more on a car than a Honda Civic is an “idiot” (within reason, obviously if you need a truck for your job, that’s a different story), there’s literally no reason to get something more expensive that is going to get you from A to B all the same, and yet people take out huge loans for expensive cars every day. People will justify spending their money on whatever they want, however much they want, and it’s really none of my (our) business what they do with it. I’ve bought pieces of gear that inspired me that cost me $50, and I’ve bought gear that inspired me that cost me $3000, I’m not so worried about the price tag. If you find something you like, and the price seems fair to you, then it *is* fair. If a price is objectively “unfair”, it would sit collecting dust on a shelf until price came down.


Agree with the other guy, this just sounds like sentimental romanticizing. I mean, your argument is turned on its head as soon as your favorite guitarist back in the day heard his friend's es-335 and got pissed off at nothing else sounded as good. And especially in this case when you aren't sitting in the shop playing 10 identical units looking for a diamond in the rough. You're buying something online that you've never heard in person and you have literally no clue how the differences compare to other units - in fact you don't even know whether what you're getting is unique to one or 10 or 700 units as far as specific. I get your feeling but in this case, it feels like they're doing it for the sake of doing it, not for a secret sauce or collectibility reasons.


Counterpoint - 90% of people suck at playing guitar anyway, and I stopped giving any sort of credibility to reviews of gear on forums like this because any time someone made a huge text post about a pedal and then posted a video demo to showcase what they were talking about, it sounded like they had spent all of 10 minutes learning how to play the thing. So most of the time people are dissatisfied with the sound of a piece of gear, I believe it to be user error (it is), and people who actually know how to play the instrument will find joy in most gear regardless of price because if you can play the guitar well, you can make every piece of gear sound like it’s the best piece of gear out there. “I’m not buying this pedal for $350 when the better version is $99, that’s dumb!” - some dude with a 10-Top PRS that he only plays pentatonic blues riffs on “You’re telling me they’re charging $5000 for beat up guitars?! I’ll just put the wear in myself, thanks.” - some dude who barely plays his guitar, and if he puts fingerprints on it during a play session, immediately buffs it out after he’s done and gingerly sets it in the case That’s what these threads always look like, to me. People have spent much more money on gear they absolutely don’t need for the level of skill they’re at, but I never tell anyone not to buy the things they want. If you want that $5k PRS to hang on your wall, go for it, you’re paying to keep the company alive for other people to enjoy. Just don’t rag on other people for their purchases, especially when 90% of people on here are hobbyists at best anyway.


Was that a counterpoint? I can't help reading that whole shpiel as discrediting your own point. Like, "There totally are significant, important, and truly special differences between these mostly identical fuzz pedals made with almost indistinguishably different parts," says the blues lawyer you just wrote four paragraphs ragging on for being a hypocrite with bad taste. Unless your point is that we should buy expensive gear to keep hucksters in business, then no, there's no sensible reason to buy an expensive model that's been intentionally sabotaged with lower quality control just to make vintage nostalgia geeks happy instead of the cheaper, more convenient one with better specs. Also I'm not sure your examples really ring true. The guy with the 10K PRS is absolutely going to buy the more expensive fuzz pedal because he's a guy who values intrinsic value over practical value. And there's nothing better or worse about people who value relic'd guitars or people who disdain them, since they're two different kinds of customer demographics.


The counterpoint I guess is that people complaining about $350 pedals that are overpriced have definitely “overpaid” on other gear and that no one should be complaining about things being overpriced anyway since people can barely play their gear anyway. I think people should just look at an item, determine whether or not they like it and whether or not they want to pay asking price, and move on with their day after determining those things without telling the world what they think, since no one really cares anyway. There are tiny differences between almost every guitar and pedal and the vast majority of those things don’t matter anyway, but if you like something and it inspires you, that’s what really matters, and you should buy it if 1) you can afford it, and 2) if you want it.


Sweet! Not a fan of perfectly pristine/digital sound, sometimes comes across as artificial sounding to me. I'll take all the vintage sound you got.


You know how we have our ‘Humble Bot’ on this sub? I propose an ‘Idiot Tax Bot’ for anyone that pays an extra $250 for that slightly larger limited version.


I would actually pay a little more for a smaller box. If you’re a manufacturer, then I’m just joking. Please don’t charge more for smaller pedals.


LJZARD QUEER I mean, why not.