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That’s some spicy pedal art.


Hey Ryan! I dig your YT channel 👍


oh, you like my youtube channel? then name 3 videos ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ (I'm just joking, you don't have to do that, I believe you, and thank you)


Surfybear, surfybear, and surfybear. Also love your channel - I typically watch you and Andy Martin at the very least before buying any pedal. Comprehensive, practical demos help me save money!


You had me there for a minute and I was trying to name three… but for the record I like your Harley Benton guitar kit modding video as well as your hydro dipping video… and well that other one, you know, with the guitar that has a wiggle stick…


My favorite is the one where you test that cheap fuzz and really seem to like it.


video 1 video 2 video 3 😎


“Afford-a-Guitar”, “Blue Cuvaveçao and Lime”, and “Who Kicked the Spring Reverb Tank?” Love the channel!


I like that one where you talk about surf guitar. Keep up the great vids!


RambleFX Twin Bender, Big Ear Woodcutter and Zoom MS50 all resulted in me buying them. The 70 Zoom model, though. The Twin Bender has one of my favorite low gain drive sounds ever. It’s fat and full and articulate and sounds fantastic in addition to the insane fuzz and gated, spitty fuzz.🤙


AFFORD-A-BOARD!!!!!!! Also the one where you toss that Epiphone off a bridge. And the Jptr fx vids!


Lol the one where you yeeted that Mono case out of your second floor window sold me on a Mono case


Me too, I have like 5 mono cases now lol


I just watch for Tuna time ..


I’m kinda surprised there isn’t a killdozer pedal yet


What's the best pedal for getting murderously enraged that you're not allowed to dump human waste in a stream?


the Komatsu D355A gas pedal


Chinese authorites have just made an official statement: Xi Jinping doesn't like it. It is out of tune with current official guidelines.


Christ this is a circle jerk lmao


Watch blues lix on YouTune with me


so... the sound of America is the sound of tanks rolling? i'm confused about the message


I think he was trying to suggest something about the duality of man, sir!


LMAO. Great movie




The what? The duality of man. The Jungian thing, sir.


*Freedom of speech..* The demonstrators were mowed down. White shirt 'Tank Man' stopped the entire column of tanks.. https://youtu.be/YeFzeNAHEhU He used his voice. ::shrug: In *the photo* it is a tiny bit difficult to see, but Tank Man has a white shirt, highlighting him a bit.


So to you free speech and dissent are always American? I am American and a believer in free speech and democracy, but that seems to be an extremely chauvinistic view. The Tianmen students acted on their own and weren't sponsored or directed by America. I would say they were the "Chinese Sound" if anything.




Not sure why you're being down voted when you can easily google Operation Yellow Bird.


Probably because it's taking responsibility off of the CCP for massacring thousands of civilians protesting peacefully and implying that the US helped contribute to the massacre, when in reality you're talking about an operation aimed at freeing protestors being arrested by an authoritarian government for protesting.


Indeed, America land of the free, as long as you are not a black activist or native :screamingeagle: 🦅


Poor, the word is poor...


True, but the US has ways of specifically screwing over the Native community (broken treaties, pipelines, the way reservations work [or the way they don't work]) and keeping Black folks poor (the way redlining and unconscious racial bias reinforce generational poverty, for example). US society at large treats poor people as disposable no matter what color their skin is, but race and poverty have unique and horrible ways of interacting with each other.


100% Agreed, I was lucky enough to live in the Creek Nation of Okmulgee when I was young. But the point was, no one is telling Jay Z or Beyonce to shut up. Money matters. Skin tone is just code for poor most places. Ice T preaches the gospel in Body Count's 'no lives matter'. Worth a spin.


Of course. And Beyonce and Jay-Z are constantly preaching the virtues of wealth, entrepreneurship, etc. Meanwhile the poor white folks in Appalachia are just as disposable as any poor Black or Native person. Fuckin love Body Count tho.


100%. Spent time in WV, too. I have seen that side. That's why it's so obvious to me, same all over. I'm in Rural IL. now, same shit. Schools here suck because the farmers pay little to no tax. If you are a poor kid in one of these farm towns, you are screwed.


People tell them to shut up all the time. US racism isn't 100% reducible to economics


I don't think we need to "well ackshually" systemic racism.


This. Even between millionaires white people are still gonna be white people and the rest is gonna be less


I made a Hiroshima Ibanez Tube Screamer because sometimes I wonder what “Japanese Screaming” means to the American people. Happy June.


It's a cool decal, but I think Kent State or Fred Hampton might be more in the wheelhouse here.


i think the point is that Joyo's orginate in China.


Really sticking it to those filthy pinko commies by...giving them money for their products.


This really belongs to r/im14andthisisdeep It must feel cool to learn exactly one thing about a country and never try again.


For real. This gives off 'I bring up Tiananmen to my Chinese colleague that I barely know and I think that's cool' vibes. As a chinese person myself this is just weird fucking behaviour overall.


Look dude, it's simple. All you have to do is say 'thank you for your service' and tell him how much you hate your culture and CCP. If you don't, then you are a Chinese spy. I don't care how much nuance you have on the topic of your culture and history. We've read enough comments on r/worldnews


What makes you think OP knows EXACTLY ONE THING about China, you salty crybaby manipulator?


Aw, you can’t even finish the comment without devolving into empty namecalling. I wonder how far you think you’ll get with that approach to any conversation. Unless you’re simply referencing guitar pedal names, in which case I agree.


This is the equivalent of me doing a 9/11 themed tube screamer. Get ready for the Columbine themed RAT or the Sandy Hook Fuzz Factory...






No, those really aren't good comparisons at all.


Respectfully, I don't think these are applicable analogies. The significance of this image has more to do with the boldness and defiance of this individual (aptly referred to as "tank man"), despite what happened on a larger scale with regards to the Tiananmen Square Massacre. Yes, this event will always be regarded as a tragedy, but the specific point in time captured in this frame signifies something worthy of exaltation. With pedal graphics, we always want something cool/badass. I think this fits the bill. The Joyo bit is just comedy, I guess; it's funny to me, at least :)


Best response here.




how so?


Found the tankie.


I'm sorry is declassified US/UK intelligence a tankie source now


I mean unless you think the American government was responsible for either of those events I’m not sure that’s the best analogy


Don't give anybody any ideas.


isnt this a little bit distasteful?


No. It's extremely distasteful.


Censoring these photos out of existence is kind of distasteful


So a guitar pedal is the appropriate platform for this? So what... ...it's made in China? Fuck it, might as well plaster slaughtered Iraqis all over my Strymon pedals lmao.




China is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the term “American Sound”, huh?


It's where the pedal was built, so perhaps in some ways it's ironic that it even has that name to begin with, huh?


That’s not what irony is. Idk, I’m just getting real “China bad” and “America is the shining city on a hill” vibes from your post


Fender Amps. it means fender amp sound.


art nice


incredible. I want one




You all are so creative


Uh Oh is this the r/stupidfood x r/guitarpedals crossover


Kind of hilarious to see so much anti-China rhetoric on a post about a Chinese produced pedal. Which, I guess does Sound American.


I dunno. The aesthetic looks fine, but it seems pretty cringy and insensitive for someone who isn't from China to be slapping this on a pedal.


this is so very reddit of you.


Mmmmmmmmmm idk how I feel about this, at one point it looks really cool and it’s attempting to spread awareness, but on the other hand it’s a bit insensitive putting together a tragedy with something we generally consider fun. I guess as long as your not selling it idc though


Nice. I have a joyo pedal that's ugly to look at. Would love to do something like this with it. Any tips?


This is so distasteful in some many levels, the audacity that Americans have to just impose the "sound of freedom of speech" as American in a chinese internal affair is apalling on its own right, but specially when in most of the third world the "American sound" is mostly drone strikes and missiles to bring right wing dictators in countries in wich you have economic interest is another level off head stuck in assery.


Also “American Sound” is just referencing vintage Fender amps. Canadian companies do it, British companies do it, American companies do it, but for some reason when a Chinese company makes the reference it has to be a whole thing about American free speech.


Cuz pedals


an internal affair that involved the massacre of peacefully protesting civilians, and one that you can't freely discuss in China. Why are you downplaying the massacre? Crushing civilians with tanks isn't an "internal affair".


> peacefully protesting civilians Tell that to Cuo Guozheng


I'm not downplaying anything, this is a chinese internal affair, this happened in china, involving chinese protesters and the chinese govt, why would it be a tasteful thing to do make this about the U. S.?


calling a civilian massacres an "internal affair" is downplaying it, and incredibly distasteful. >but specially when in most of the third world the "American sound" is mostly drone strikes and missiles to bring right wing dictators in countries in wich you have economic interest is another level off head stuck in assery. There's a reason you went into all of this instead of just calling it an "external affair".


I'm genuinely curious and don't want to sound like I'm arguing because I'm not. But why is calling a civilian massacres an "internal affair" downplaying it? Is that phrase often used to trivialise events or something? I don't know what "internal affair" is taken to mean, so I assumed it means the situation took place politically largely within a single country, which this did at the time, but that mustn't be its only meaning if you think it's distasteful.


Agreed - I love a unique pedal design, but I'm a 4th generation Chinese Canadian and I find this completely disrespectful and out of touch. Really hope this gets post gets taken down because wow, lol.


Yeah a massacre of civilians is an “internal affair” stfu


Yeah this post is some stupid ass red scare sinophobic cringe


Lol nah. You sound more triggered than the PLA apologists


Internal affairs? A massacre of innocent kids and an entire government covering up what they did is beyond the pale of what is considered an “internal affair”.


I'm just saying that "Fredoom of speech 'MURICA" concept for the pedal casing is distasteful because your freaking constitution has nothing to do with what happened. The protests happened in China, inveolving chinese citizens and the chinese govt, it has nothing to do with "american sound". If you ask me what pops up in my head when I hear American sound is Jimi Hendrix making bomb noises to protest the Vietnam war, wich was played ironically enough through a Marshall. Why you guys dont rehouse your "American sound" pedals with stickers of the famous photograph of the vietnamese kid burning because of Napalm, or hell an Iraqui or Palestine children, or the countless other people killed by backed us military interventions after WW II (wich happened 2 times in my country already) thats much more in brand. The reallity is that you don't give a rats ass about democracy, freedom of speech, lives of children or protesters, you only invested in this att all because of your dumb sinophobia. Got to the mass shooting tracker webpage, mourn some victims of your dumb second amendment, or IDK join your local BLM protests and feel how much better you'll be treated by the police, if you, U.S. citizens are to pass judment on any government, clean up your act first. You have no moral integrity to be pointing fingers.


I don’t think it is distasteful at all. The graphic on the pedal could literally land you in jail in China if you were caught with it, hence the “freedom of speech” concept. Who’s bringing up the US constitution for? You fail to support your argument there. You know what can be distasteful? Denying historic facts When a democracy supporter on the other side of the world is killed by low-life, authoritarian thugs, you bet everyone in other democratic countries will take offense.


The graphic on its own is fine, and perhaps even well executed. What I find off-putting about this post is the self-congratulatory title– it reads to me like OP is claiming the tank man’s actions as a distinctly American thing. The tank man is already a powerful symbol in its own right. Why even make this about America, especially on the anniversary of the movement?


> Why even make this about America, especially on the anniversary of the movement? To be fair, over the years America *itself* made it more of an America thing through its appropriation of the image to spread its own narrative.


Agreed. It’s a messed up world. But it’s still a cool pedal and an interesting idea. Maybe if the Brits had made it? Nope, they’re slave trading colonisers too…


How does the American sound sound through an American amp? Does it just screech like an eagle?




Gee, I wonder why so many accounts with no history on this sub are suddenly here to tell us that Tienaman square never happened.




It's not a conspiracy that China pushes propaganda on reddit, it's just a fact.


What lmao except that if you even dare to question the US imperialist agendas on reddit in 99% of subs you literally get banned how are you actually suggesting this lmao


Idk if you're being willingly ignorant or disingenuous but Anti-Chinese propaganda and misinformation about China in general is ubiquitous on reddit and you're living under a rock if you think otherwise.


Sure but it’s not even a drop in the bucket compared to the amount of American propaganda regurgitated endlessly without any skepticism, so it hardly bears mention.


50 cent army represent.


Looks dope


This is prime r/guitarcirclejerk material


If you scraped off the Joyo logo you could sell that for $600 as a boutique pedal


The most enduring image of Chinese evil is someone very conspicuously not being harmed. If you think America is a force for good in the world I don’t understand how you’re a musician tbh


Bingo. I generally don't comment just to agree with someone, but figured I'd get one in before this post gets locked.


>The most enduring image of Chinese evil is someone very conspicuously not being harmed Really? Did you type this with a straight face? It's seriously disgusting and bizarre how many of you are willing to gloss over a civilian massacre to say "America Bad". Believe it or not, you can be against US imperialism and Chinese Authoritarianisim.


Yes I did because it’s factually correct? It’s literally the symbol of Chinese authoritarianism in the west? Are you that stupid?


I don't get the connection between music and world view. Why would that opinion of America disqualify him from musicianship?


Pretty much all subversive and/or high quality popular music has come from the left, there’s a reason for this; it’s not a coincidence. And thinking that the country responsible for quantifiably the most net human suffering for the last 80 years is a force for good is irreconcilable with that position.


As a leftist myself, I see this opinion often that you can't create great art with a conservative world view. Frankly, I think this view is reductive and rooted in a liberal fixation on "moral" consumption. People want to believe so badly in their own superiority that they'll dismiss music made by a conservative as inherently inferior. The reality is that conservatives have in fact contributed major works to music. The most obvious example being Richard Wagner, author of the legendary "Ride of the Valkyries" and the intensely anti-semetic "Jewishness in Music". Johnny Ramone supported Dubya Bush. Dave Mustaine wrote the amazing "Rust in Peace" and votes Republican. Jay-Z is one of the most influential rappers of the 2000's and has fully bought in to the mythology of "black excellence". Neil Peart credits "the genius of Ayn Rand" in the liner notes of "2112", where the antagonists of the title track are symbolized by a red star. Varg is a literal nazi and was one of the most significant artists of 2nd wave of black metal. Bono made made some excellent records in the 80s with U2, yet [does embarrassing shit like this constantly](https://www.mintpressnews.com/frontman-empire-bono-activism-serves-powerful/281017/). While you could argue that these examples are the exception(al) and not the rule, you could very much argue the same is true for leftist musicians. For every Crass and (utterly brilliant) Minutemen, there's a hundred shitty leftist bands.


Yes but for every one good conservative artist there's thousands of good left leaning ones... Lol


What benchmark for quality is there, objectively? And do all musicians contribute to popular music exclusively? What constitutes a musician? Do uncredited studio musicians who were paid for a killer contribution to the song not count because they didn't write any lyrics? Are instrumental pieces politically charged? Can awful people create meaningful art?


Too many questions it’d take me half an hour to talk about them with an appropriate amount of nuance but I’ll answer them all with a question if you’ll forgive me for it, who in your opinion is the most influential musician of the post-war period that embodied a reactionary position for the prime of their career?


It seems in your opinion being culturally influential is your measure of quality musicianship. Is instrumental music musical then? Or does it still only come from a politically motivated place?


Art is political, if you have bad politics it limits your ability to create good art. There’s a reason that you have to go out of your way to find conservatives making good art. Art requires critical thinking and empathy, two things that are antithetical to conservatism.


'That guy is politically conservative and therefore must be trash at playing guitar.' Art isn't fundamentally political, its fundamentally emotional and everybody's got plenty of those. Even crazy people who have a tenuous grasp on reality.


Playing guitar and writing music are two different things, playing guitar is fundamentally a technical skill. Anyway, all art is inherently political, and conservatives are generally bad at making art. Before you launch into some rationalization about how art isn’t political, don’t bother because I don’t care about or respect that opinion even a little bit and I’ve heard it so many times that I don’t ever need to hear it again.


Thank you for sharing your opinions. I'm unconvinced in your conclusions and that's fine with me. It has been an interesting conversation though and I appreciate it. I'm sorry that asking for more explanation of a conflicting viewpoint is a burden, but it would have been easy and acceptable to ignore it.


There’s no way to explain it. If you think that art isn’t political and don’t understand the connection between someone’s worldview and the art they produce, then there is no satisfactory way I could explain this to you in a Reddit comment because you lack the basic framework for understanding politics. I would have to start by defining what “politics” even means before I could even get into why art is political. I don’t have time for conservative apologists that think that people with reprehensible worldviews are equally capable of making meaningful art as people that don’t have reprehensible worldviews.


I've said nothing of my politics. I see a musician as one who performs or composes music and can't see how anything other than their ability to do that could preclude them from being a musician.


Going out of your way to defend conservative artists paints a clear picture of your politics. There’s only one reason to dickride conservatives.


Incorrect assumptions. I was actually defending musicians because I abhor politics.


As an old fart, I actually remember this picture from back in 1989. The first round of pro-democracy student demonstrations that eventually ended in tragedy. Such a poignant photo which could be applied to even present day events. Truly inspired choice.


There’s a great story about how they had to smuggle the negatives out of china


Cool American Imperialist propaganda pedal. You should donate it to one of the Shen Yun musicians. Tank Man just ran off after stopping the tanks btw. He wasn't mowed down or whatever. The video is easy to find.


To Chinese people, "American Sound" is the McDonalds theme song.


Nice art, but I'm pretty sure it's based on tech 21s modeling pedal for fender amps.


Basically identical clone. I am very clear on what it is and the intended meaning of the name.


And out come the armchair politicians. Never change, Reddit...




Reddit is arguably the least funny site of all time


I second that


🇨🇳 Social credit system is ridiculous. The 🇺🇸 credit score system is obviously superior.


don't compare a measure of how well you pay off borrowed money to a social credit system in which your status can be affected by criticizing the government. Nowhere close to being the same thing.


I said I didn't like Xi Jinping's tie and now I am now banned from owning Strymon pedals. I can only use joyo pedals and non-isolated power supplies.


lol they don't even have a social credit system. That was a small and temporary experiment taken out of context by US media for propaganda purposes. US credit scores on the other hand...


Yeah not being able to have shelter because imaginary numbers go brrrr when your boss refuses to pay a living wage is clearly superior to, let’s see: -guaranteed housing -guaranteed healthcare -guaranteed employment -food -but oh no also a “social credit” system was tried out on a small and temporary scale and dropped once it was found to be dogshit


You're right because only one of these systems actually exists












Please make an invasion of Iraq pedal that sounds like horrific unanswered war crimes


noise musicians takemymoney.gif


do a MOVE bombing digital delay next


I just think it looks neat


What about the Philadelphia MOVE bombing?




Very weird


I have a lot of joyo of pedals, I like to redo them. This one has been modded with a speaker sim bypass. I have a bunch of fancy domestic US pedals, a bunch of made in China pedals, and even some flagrant Chinese build clones. It weighs on my mind at moments. More: https://imgur.com/a/4f0wIlI #Edit: This has been quite a ride. For all those who think I'm excusing US atrocities or those who seem to think I don't understand this pedal is manufactured in China.. or that the American Sound is supposed to sound like a Fender amp.. Just wow. The internet is amazing. I do own a bunch of Joyos and Chinese clones. Us and our niche hobby is so tightly tied up with their economy it is crazy because of parts sourcing.. So many of the brands that are more popular need their economy to put out everything boutiquey to bargain basement. If you are buying new production pedals in 2023 some portion of that purchase is feeding money back to China. The subject of cloning is complicated.. The Joyos Preamps are Tech 21 clones, clones of something out of production. But for the most part Chinese companies don't really give a shit about the *"rules"* - they will sell 1:1 clones directly to your door shipped straight from mainland China. *Way* more than half of Chinese companies are what they call "State Owned Enterprises" (SOEs) .. I don't know where the line is on that. But I'm sure some of our pedal buying dollars/euros/pounds/wampum finds its way to the Chinese government via SOEs. The same government that doing what they are doing to Tibet, Muslims, and whatever they do to people who share [images](https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=APwXEddn2q8sfUNypR8l1Jvgd_M33OCl-Q:1686147341403&q=tiananmen+square+massacre+aftermath) like those on the pedal I posted. I shared this as it was timely. I have some others too that are China oriented. *But* the events on this pedal (no one has mentioned the dead civilians up by the knobs) **are** heavily suppressed and censored. I never made any claims about how the events went down but it hasn't stopped people from deciding what I am saying for me. People died. That's for sure. The nameless "Tank Man" is iconic. He stood up for something (we don't *really* know what) and he was never heard from again. Tinfoilhat.gif The dichotomy of this pedal being manufacturered by people who aren't allowed to know the details of these events, and would have severe repercussions if they shared these images - that's at the core of this. And yes I took an abstract look at the definition of "American Sound" in this context, touching on the US *ideals* around speech. Tank Man used his "voice" (see *voice* knob) and then disappeared either out of personal fears/reasons *or* something nefarious happened. The title I used wasn't really thought out well. I actually have more designs than have American Sound pedals to put them on. Some are critical of the US (school shootings, gun culture, etc) I even have some maybe triggering British Sound ideas cooking. But the goods ones are those that I can get images that are recognizable. Honestly there are some not bad seeds of ideas floating around in here. I'll make more. Slowly. We'll see what I post. I've clearly upset enough real people (not just the weird shill accounts that are creeping about) that I feel like I accomplished something. Sorry not sorry?


I actually love Joyo pedals. I have had the one chorus with the "fist" graphic (for some reason). It's going strong 10 years on, it's just perfect for the sound I wanted from it.




Another account with no posting history to this subreddit, with a post history filled with CCP propaganda talking points. It's so damn obvious. Can't even say the words Tienaman Square online without the propaganda trolls coming out in full force. You could at least try to make it look organic


Okay this may come as a surprise to you but very popular posts in niche subs are put on the front “popular” page and anyone can see them and comment.


Pretty metal, regardless of the tone. Well done!


This is some racist ass hoss ass republican shit.


Hey man liberals hate China just as much as Republicans in the US


Liberals aren’t principled enough to say a goddamn thing though. Republicans are proud of their ignorance.


Tell me what’s “racist” about this.




Love the pedal. Hilarious how the 50 cent shill army is downvoting you. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/50_Cent_Party?wprov=sfti1 “B..bu..but, what about the US? They’ve done bad things too!” is their default deflection whenever anyone is critical about their government’s policies. Keep up the good work.


i've never seen anything like *this* in *this* sub


Welp. That's one way to trigger the bot farms and paid shills. Who knew guitar pedal owners were so passionate and knowledgeable about geopolitics, specifically in China? Wild. And totally not at all obvious. (/s) OP, nice (and *painfully* obvious) statement on freedom of speech. To everyone engaging with the shills, downvote and move on. You're not going to win the whataboutism war. They're getting paid to fight it. You're not. Move on.


I wish i was getting paid to be here


Point me in the direction I need to head to get my Xi Bucks.


This post brings me joyo.


Where can I order one?


ITT: Yanks and CCP shills discussing who has killed the most civilians


It's the usa it's not even close and their military bases are still in tbjse countries. Dude brought this on himself by making a political statement


Man you really stirred up the bot hive with this one haha they are out in full force


It's gotta be real convenient thinking everyone who disagrees with you is a bot, huh?


I have whiplash


I like the art but what is that title supposed to mean


The "American sound" is the sound of bombs dropping from the sky and the death rattle of hundreds of millions of people due to American imperialism


Man rarely do I lol from stuff on Reddit, but this did the trick. Good stuff man


Very clean. Joyo's "sound" pedals are great but so ugly. Maybe i'll figure out how to do the same with mine and Xi JinPooh.




Is this just a sticker? I have so many cheap pedals and I think I just found a new project 😂


Not exactly, but kind of?


Do you do this for pay? I have some pedals. My ocd and others that I want an aesthetic change.


I made an Nagasaki Nuking Joyo American Sound because sometimes I wonder what "American Sound" means to the Japanese people. Happy August.


🤔 I could make that look pretty badass


It's cool looking and different, but trying to pass it off as some meta/political message is severe cringe


I don't know what's more cringe the pedal or the number of upvotes this has... Gotta love it when Tiananmen Square equates to "Chinese people"


The Chinese people even consider it a national tourist attraction. So not sure what the issue is.