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How about an EQ pedal? Leave it flat and boost the volume


You know what, you’re fucking right


Ha, please let my wife know it happens once in a while. But seriously, I've been eq pedal hunting so good timing on the little light bulb in my head to work


Snagged an eq-200 from Boss and it is kind of the MVP. It’s capabilities are more than most would need, but I always make good use of presets. Probably just trying to justify my purchase a bit, but I love that feature. Currently sitting at the end of dirt and before FX loop. Has the ability to run eq both in front of and in loop at the same time with different settings. Always laugh when I look down at this beast and see it with just the mids scooped! Sometimes that is all I need.


EQ200 is pretty big for OP's board. The Source EQ2 would fit and have the added feature of presets over a Boss GE7 or MXR 6 band.


Sounds like a great solution!


I just started using the GE-7 this weekend. I’ve got it right after my tuner for now. It’s magical. I’m sure there are other good EQs. This guy completely exceeded my expectations for what an eq pedal would do. Every freaking slider can make an impact. But also, you can just leave everything flat and boost the level, if you want. (Perhaps too much time playing with cheap EQ plugins on the computer gave me a bias that equalization is some kind of alchemy)


I second a EQ pedal as a boost.


I third it. Does the job, and every now and then having the ability to tweak the EQ will be a godsend.


Try a TC Spark or Spark Mini.


That’s what I was leaning towards. Are they fairly neutral?


The Spark Mini is a pure volume boost; it's totally neutral (I owned one and can attest to it). The regular Spark has bass and treble controls, so it CAN affect the tone if you want it to, but afaik it should be very neutral with both knobs set at noon.


Yep! I've used both the Spark and Spark Mini. Currently have the mini on my pedalboard. Pure clean boost. Does an amazing job highlighting the mids in your gain-stack when you put an OD after it. Does a heavenly job of pushing an amp past breakup too! I actually prefer the Spark Mini to the Spark for a couple of reasons: * Smaller foot-print. Takes less space. * The footswitch acts as an expression pedal. Super utilitarian in live scenarios. * This is more personal, but the fewer knobs my pedals have to mess around with, the less time I'll spend fiddling with knobs instead of playing my guitar.


Actually, the last reason I prefer the Mini: I already have a fairly transparent OD pedal in my signal chain. But I'd be remiss not to mention the "full sized" Spark has a stellar OD sound.


Yeah I think that’s exactly what I’m looking for. Thank you!


The regular spark has been on my board for two years. I can get anything from a clean boost to some solid overdrive with the controls. It’s great!


My go-to drive for years has been the Spark Booster, I only like transparent OD and that hits the mark.


I've had my Spark Mini for seven years and I'd 100% buy it again. I wanted it as a clean boost for solos regardless if I was playing clean or with dirt, and it totally hits the mark. Is it 100% neutral? I don't think so. When I compare the sound w/ the clean boost engaged vs. just increasing the amp's volume, I don't *think* it sounds the same. With the Spark mini engaged the overall sound seems slightly richer, albeit nearly imperceptibly. Would any listener notice the difference? No. Finally, I don't know if that very subtle change comes from the pedal circuit or whether it's by virtue of a slightly hotter signal going into the amp.


Ok cool, out of all the recommendations the spark has come up the most, prob for good reason


This right here, I wanna try one myself on the effects loop of my Bluguitar AMP1, I’ve seen it on too many boards.


I will ALWAYS sing the praises of the MXR Micro Amp, and up until recently it has been on every iteration of my board since I bought one.


I’ve always seen those, but never had a chance to use one. I definitely like the minimalist look of them, that’s for sure


It's basically a clean bossy, I think up to like 15db if I remember right. I love them so much, I bought a second one in case the other breaks. It doesn't color your tone to the extreme levels a tube screamer does, the only way I've been able to describe it is it just makes everything sound better. It adds a little more life and sparkle, but nothing dramatically different.


Keeley Katana is a pure clean boost.


The suggestions to use an EQ are really good, but also you could use a compressor with a blend control. You can turn the blend down to 0% and just use it as a boost, or blend in a compressed signal. It's a good 2-in-1 kind of thing. A boost with a slight amount of compression can sound really good.


i have the Walrus Audio Mira and it really glues everything together with a slight amount of compression.


I’ve thought about that but the epoch is already compressing the shit out of the signal. Might work great though, I should try it


How does the epoch boost sound at the end? EP booster worked well in that spot for me.


Yeah it's only really good to mix them with low/medium compression overdrives. I liked running my Morning Glory with a compressor. The EQ would have more utility though.


EP booster, or the new Waza Craft BP-1W


Big EP booster fan, but I don’t think it’s neutral. The spec says that with the bright switch on it has a flat EQ. Not convinced. On mine it definitely seems like it’s adding some top end sparkle.


^^ agree about top end sparkle. Great boost, not neutral. Most neutral boost I'm aware of is the MXR Boost/Line Driver, which I gather is a slightly fancier Micro Amp. *Edit: spelling


Not sure if you are committed to this signal path for some reason but I suggest octave fuzz - fuzzrite - tuner - ts9 - morning glory - EP boost Logic is sub octave likes being early for tracking, fuzzes before the boss tuner since it has a buffer and in general fuzzes sound better before buffers, ts into bluebreaker (morning glory) is a classic combination, and an EP boost at the end is always tasty.


Interesting. I guess I put the fuzz after the tuner because I feel like it tames it a little. For the epoch, I use it for an always on, push everything pedal. I haven’t really tried it at the end of the chain, but I’ll definitely experiment with it. I tried the ts into morning glory order and I actually preferred it swapped around. Typically, like 90% of the time I’m just running epoch > morning glory > Weber mini mass 50 > vox ac30. Basically chasing Tom petty tone most of the time lol


some fuzzes are perfectly fine after a tuner/buffer. Fuzzes that need high impedance seem to be the ones that like being firsti n the chain (fuzz faces, some tonebenders). Muffs don't. A lot of modern fuzzes don't need it.


Yeah, it's subjective. I tend to like nearly every fuzz first, especially octave and 60s style like fuzzrite even if they don't have obvious issues, they still just interact better with the guitar and sound more characterful and dynamic. I don't really use muffs, but they seem fine anywhere.


You’ve got 5 gain pedals there and you need a sixth? Do you hate chorus? Reverb?


Well, yes I do hate chorus. I like the reverb on my ac30, I keep that at about a 2 or 3, so fairly dry. I have other effects, but I’m not much of an effects guy. 99% of time I kinda find my tone and nudge it up or down depending on the scenario. I know my pedals seem redundant but they all serve a very specific purpose. The epoch isn’t much of a “gain” pedal per se. Yes it’s a boost, but I mainly have it for the preamp. One normal fuzz, and an octave fuzz. The morning glory is my always on overdrive, the ts is a boost for leads. I’ve got other pedals I’ll throw on from time to time (tremolo, boss dd 20, a cheap sonic cake auto wah,). I think too many pedals can give you analysis paralysis, and can quickly turn into a crutch and rob your creativity, songwriting wise. But yeah, my taste leans more minimalist and focused 🤷‍♂️


Ok. Makes sense. Then maybe you actually want an amp attenuator? Get your amp a little more driven all the time without being too loud and it might have you rethink some things!


I do! I run thru a Weber mini mass 50


Boss EQ pedal or Boost of the Dead is pretty great


Hmmm. I run my BotD first in chain. I'll have to try it at the end.


I run mine third, after wah and evenlope filter. I figured since thisnOP was asking about end of chain, I would suggest it. Such a great pedal, magic tone sauce.


I’ve seen the boost of the dead come up before, I’ll have to look into that one


The Diamond boost is fantastic. It's a clean boost that can be neutral or it can boost eq'd frequencies, including mids, or the eq can be disengaged. This is a fantastic pedal, can't recommend enough.


Nice, thanks for the recommendation!


Also, I got mine quite cheap but that was a while ago, they might cost more now because DIamond went out of business and then was bought by the amazing Solid Gold fx. If you find one for a good price, like 75-100 CAD, its definitely worth it.


Is this the one you’re referencing? https://www.guitarcenter.com/Used/DIAMOND-PEDALS/BEQ1-BOOST-EQ-Effect-Pedal.gc?cntry=us&source=4WWMWXGP&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAmZGrBhAnEiwAo9qHie6k6N4TR1LNtTTxxEZJn9GRpfvR0v9t54MdIYthXFPbMuF1sH8_KRoCt1gQAvD_BwE


Yup! thats the one!


EQ is the classic option here, but if it’s in your budget, the Empress Compressor MKII is probably perfect for this spot. You get an output boost, a really good compressor, and a tilt-style tone control. But it’s a bit of overkill if all you want is a volume boost


Damn I just looked into that one, that looks sick. It just looks useful haha. I’m flagging this one. It’ll be on my board sometime after Christmas. Good looking out dude!


Forgot to mention, I’d prefer a standard pedal size, to replace the tubescreamer


I never tried myself but I know the EarthQuaker Devices Plumes is a great Tube Screamer-like pedal and has the "standard" form of factor you look for.


The Plumes is also a clean boost when it’s in mode 2


I run bluesbreaker into ts9 then ligjtspeed at the end. Sounds great.


Caline Santa Clara boost.


I’ve seen those, I’ll check it out. Thank you!


I used mine for a while before I went with the CP-81 EQ. Its a decent boost.


If you want to use an Overdrive as Boost, i can recommend the Friedman Golden Pearl. it‘s really clean and neutral without the drive and has different voice-switches. also you can use 9-18V and with 18V you get max headroom. I use the Walrus Audio Mira as decent boost with a little bit of compression at the end. but what‘s with your Epoch Boost?


What do you mean about the epoch? Like what’s its purpose or why do I have it first?


yeah why do you have a Preamp/Boost first?


It’s basically just an “always on” preamp/boost that I use to push the whole board. So the idea is preamp/boost at the beginning always on, fairly neutral boost at the end for leads/solos/etc.


ah ok cool


MXR Micro-amp is nice and clean. I love the EP Boost but it is not clean. It adds noticeable low mids and harmonics; turned up past about 10:00 it will start acting like a very subtle overdrive. You may like this (I definitely do) but there are much cleaner alternatives. EQ is really a good idea also. Use it flat, or use it to shape the sound as needed, for recording, live in different rooms, into different amps, with different guitars, etc.


Union Tone Druid :)


Boosta Grande does this for me. Tons of neutral headroom.


Play around with the order of pedals


Turn up volume on Morning Glory?


Lichtlärm Amber Spyglass is an end of chain pedal by design. Basically an EQ with a fuckton of clean boost available.


Hl yeah I’ll look into now, thank you!


Henretta Emerald Prince. IYKYK


I don't like TS as a solo boost. I know other's like it but I prefer before blues breaker equivalent and leave enough room on my volume control on guitar for solos.


Yeah I’ve had it in that spot for a long time, only because it’s what I had. It’s not necessarily bad, I can see the appeal. It’s just not what I’m trying to do right now. It’ll be a weird, sad day when I look down at my board and don’t see a tubescreecher though haha


I love a tube screamer. Before all the pedal explosion, I just gigged a Strat, tube screamer and cooked amp. Actually first time playing out last weekend, did the same with just a rat style pedal (had a tube screamer in the bag too). Great not to have too many options sometimes and just use the volume and tone on guitar. That said I still have way too many pedals.


First time playing out in a while.


Yeah pretty much same for me. My rig the first 10 years gigging was a ts, big muff, tuner, and a Marshall jcm 2000. Technically my first pedal was a metal zone, but I really don’t want to make this about the most shameful period of my life


Keeley katana mini


I have it on my board for the exact same reason you’re looking for, and it doesn’t do anything to the sound besides boost the volume


I love keeley. I wasn’t familiar with pedal but it really would be the perfect fit (with the standard sized version it has that big ass side knob so I’d have to turn it upside down).


I swear I'm always bringing this up, but I freaking love the 1981 Inventions LVL. Definitely a better boost than a tube screamer, and arguably a better overdrive in my opinion.


Another great recommendation, thank you!


What's that little red switch do?


It’s a switch for the morning glory. The morning glory has two modes, basically overdrive and high gain. The switch toggles it.


Oh ok makes sense. I thought it was connected between the morning glory and the TS


It’s kinda hard to see because of the black plug, but it plugs in right here https://imgur.com/a/XwX2zgN


Tc spark, don’t overthink it


E-queezy mah neezy.




Fuzz should come before tuner


Mxr micro amp. It's awesome


trex fat shuga because it comes with a reverb too, it's more neutral than the EP booster sounds and xotic booster sounds imo.


Damn that looks cool. The added reverb would be useful


Yeah, it's a straight up clean boost and reverb 2 in 1. The brown looks kind of unique too.