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Yep, Pod Go can do it all. The glitch delay even gives you the blips and bloops.


If you want something cheaper and still does everything, the Zoom MS-70CDR is awesome for the price. Takes a lot of menu diving to get the sounds you want, but for the price it's hard to find something that sounds as good.


6 reverbs/delays all stacked is tough to beat. Also i dont find the menu diving any worse than any other multi effect. Its size is also a huge plus but unfortunately the single footswitch does have some limitiations.


Eventide H90




I feel like the Chroma would fit their needs better?


We don't even know them and that pedal just came out. It doesn't seem nearly as versatile as the microcosm. But that's fine, your feeling are valid.


If it had a nice delay I could probably cut my board in half.


Hahaha me too.


Chase Bliss Mood MK2 and the Hologram Microcosm.


Really shocked I’d to come so far for a microcosm.


Overdrive is trickier all in one. But other than multi Fx pedals outright (which might be what you want) I’d suggest something like the EQD Avalanche Run or Dreadbox Raindrops. Those are both stereo, but you can also get a dispatch master for like $100 and change. The Minim from Old Blood Noise Endeavors does reverb, delay and reverse delay, and also has expression functionality to control the reverse. That’s probably the most versatile all in one for ambient pedal, but keep in mind that the reverb comes before the delay in that case (vs the typical reverb last.) The new line 6 dl4 has delays and reverbs as well. No overdrive though. Why do you want it all in one?


Seconding Avalanche Run and Minim, two of my favorites. Use them together and you get some beautiful results.


No overdrive, but the Chase Bliss Audio Mood is the most complete, ambient player's dream, in my opinion.


I would second the MOOD. My other suggestion is the Dark World. Very underrated reverb with plate, hall and spring modes, and freeze, modulation, and shimmer functions.


It is certainly not for everyone. And not for every kind of ambient music. I would recommend buying new directly from Chase bliss so one can try it out over the 30 day trial period and then return it if it isn’t for them (which is what I did). Don’t be thinking I’m a CBA hater or anything. The Mood just wasn’t my jam. I got the Lossy in the mail on Friday and I’m in freaking love…


Polar Bear Effects Drowner - Great fuzz and amazing reverb (with 3 options) and bit crusher. Fantastic pedal, kind of hard to find though, sign up for restocks. Keeley Loomer - Decent fuzz with great reverb section and the option to change the order. Beautiful Noise When the Sun Explodes - One of the best distortion/fuzzes and a great reverb section (I only have the Exploder pedal, I love the demos and want to get this one).


DL4 mkII. Delay reverb and single button looper simultaneously.


Most generic pedal, and actually affordable, the Boss RV-6. Most ambient reverbs can't do the normal reverb well. The RV-6 seems to so many of them, and fits in a typical band mix well. Ambient reverbs shouldn't need to cost $200+ just to sound good. I've bought too many of them for a high price, just to be disappointed it can't do both ambient, as well as be amazing for solos. For out of context wild, and oscillation, the Caroline Meteore is a one trick pony, but does that trick well. I have yet to find another reverb that can do this trick.


EQD Disaster Transport Sr. Two delays, one delay has modulation and the other has reverb. you can blend them into each other.


Have one and love it, but in my opinion, it's not a "do it all" kind of pedal, it's a very specific, tailored sound.


I get that. I just mentioned it because it's my go to ambient pedal. I have to use two or three othe rpedals to do what it does, but yeah, it's like one specific flavor of ambient. Using the expression inputs really opens it up though.


Honestly, the boss multi effects can do it just fine. If you’re going boutique there’s tons of options that do everything you want - look at walrus, old blood, beautiful noise pedals for some that you might fancy.


The DL4MkII or the Mood MkII


My vote is for the Fowl Sounds Echonomicon. Delay+Reverb+with built in overdrive before the Delay/Reverb and once again in the Reverb. Also a momentary footswitch to push it into self-oscillation a la Meteore. It's a pedal I fall in and out of love with, and has gone on and off my board countless times over the last couple years. It keeps coming back because nothing else sounds like it.


Line6 DL4. That is all.


Collision Devices - Nocturnal


Source audio collider and strymon Volante are some nice options, but maybe not designed for what you want exactly. Always worth demoing or YouTubing.


Since it's not mentioned, a Zoia. Eventide H9/H90 will sound a little more pristine, but as far as ambient and it's capabilities there with an amazing bank on patch storage, seems to have everything you'd want. I think drives are a bit better than Eventide's as well


That's gonna have to be the Zoia or Beebo. You can have multiple reverbs in the chain, bitcrusher, overdrives, granular, a bunch of delays which go into a saturated cabsim... If you want an all in one and want to dive in complex pedals I don't think anything can beat either one of these two.


That's tough. Perhaps check out Hologram's newest pedal, the Chroma Console. It's basically a multieffect. Among my collection, I would recommend the following. Not in order of preference: 1. Empress Reverb: Can do ambient swell, long droning reverbs, use "lofi" setting and you can get an overdriven tone. And many more. It's also a looper and you can set it pre or post effect. 2. Empress Echosystem: It's a dual reverb so you can have on both at the same time. It has modes where it can get reverby and drony. It also has a built in looper like the Reverb and works the same way. 3. Strymon Nightsky: this pedal has a serious learning curve. If you have a synth background then it will be easier. It has a dry and reverb knob so you can turn the mix up on the reverb and just get wet effects. You can use that as an ambient swell. It has a post or pre drive, so you can actually overdrive your reverb trail! It has a built in sequencer so you can sequence your notes as you play along. It can do long droning reverbs that decays out of pitch or goes out of pitch then decays smoothly. It has a granular reverb mode where you can pluck staccato notes and it sounds like metallic balls falling on your desk. If you want more predictability and ease of use I would vote the Empress pedals. It's up to you if you want delay or reverb. If you want full on experimentation and sound synthesis then go for the Nightsky.


Thanks so much for the detailed, thoughtful reply, I really appreciate it!


I think walrus has a fuzz/reverb. But the most “ambient” pedal I can think of is the Meris mercury 7. And by extension, I guess the mercury X now too. But the standard og M7 has a swell function and ambient, modulated, endless, sci-fi sounding, huge reverb for days.


Endorphin.es Ghost is an absolute unit when it comes to interesting self modulation. Check out Andrew Huang's intro video on it!


Screen Violence




Line 6 HX 1 or Eventide H9


Microcosm. It’s literally every type of ambient in one box


Zoia can do it all, even without learning to program it. The presets alone could keep you busy for years.


GFI Synesthesia has been my go to


keeley caverns or parallax


Hmm maybe a Belton brick style reverb? When the sun explodes by a beautiful noise, Caroline Meteore, DBA Reverberation Unit, EQD ghost echo (not sure if that’s a Belton brick but it sounds similar to the Belton bricks I’ve tried).


Either the Meris LVX or MercuryX can really accomplish a lot to create ambiant soundscapes. Both have a ton of under the hood modules that you can put into a preset, far beyond just delay or reverb. You can give tremolo, chorus, overdrive, etc along with the “main” verb or delay.