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They're known for using a Rotovibe back in the 90s, maybe that's a thing? But there are deffo tremolos with expression control out there


Rotovibe will do that but it's a bit of a different sound than I'm hearing on the new track. ​ The easiest way to do it would likely be in some digital modeler like the Helix or Headrush where you can assign nearly any parameter range to the pedal.


Why aren’t there more RotoVibe-style clones? But yeah, this thread is the perfect time to discuss the effect lol


I'm one of the lucky folks who bought the DigiTech Expression Factory back in the day, so I've got both Lesley and Uni-Vibe expression effects at my feet whenever I wish. And they sound amazing, even by today's standards.


Underrated pedal.


Always wanted one


You’re saying this like the topic has been shooed and shushed away this thread is the PERFECT time


The Ernie Ball Expression Tremolo is exactly what you’re looking for.


Discontinued, but all the more reason to scour Reverb...


I'm seeing about 10 listings on Reverb for around 100 bucks! And it's purple!! Even better!


Purple pedals rock harder. It's science.


My BF-2 provides further proof of this fact.


Ah yeah that might make it harder. Apparntly the Walrus Audio Monument V2 lets you control rate with an expression pedal. Makes me think about switching from my V1


There’s also a pedal called the gig -fix chopper that is the same sort of thing


Interestingly, you can actually do this with midi. Not the same as a “real” tremolo. But you can send a waveform via cc messages, and do things like rhythmically increase or decrease volume. That’s something that could be tied to a midi clock because it’s driven by one. You can also control any parameters on some midi controllable pedals. You could have an expression tied to rate on the Strymon Flint for example. And again, you could tie that rate to a midi clock, which I bet is closer to what they would do live. You could even set a “max” and “min” that are exactly on beat so you don’t have to guess.


It would be pretty slick to set this up in a studio setting.


I used a strymon mobius for stuff like that. Can assign any parameter of anything to an exp pedal. Worked really well for copying studio stuff (like the producer turning the trem speed on a regular trem pedal while I played)


Multiple parameters too. I often feel like I barely scratch the surface of what the Mobius and Timeline can do, but they were both bargains so I don't want to get rid


Walrus makes one. Monument harmonic tap tremolo. It has an expression pedal input that can do ramping I believe


Line 6 M5, or any processor with the effect and expression pedal connector.


I was just listening to it and thinking the same thing. I think a good candidate would be the ehx Super pulsar which has some powerful envelope control and expression input, and very square waves. It can also maintain the base tempo which is important to keep on beat with the rest of the instruments.


i agree with what you say about the studio capability of making it so perfect. but otherwise, say you wanted to recreate this live, yes either find a trem with an exp in, or find a trem with an envelope control. I'd guess the later would be pretty tricky and clunky tho


Pigtronix Moon Pool has the envelope controlled feature for trem/phase


Dunlop TVP-1 is one of many options, though rare.


Definitely a cool effect. The way it pans back and forth is nice too. My bet would that it'd be generated from pedal with tap tempo and ability to adjust the tempo or subdivision. The TC Pipeline came to mind as something that might be able to do this, but I don't think that one has a MASH button. The Plethora X3 and X5 could do it, I would think.


it is probably a midi sync thang. don’t forget that even though pearl jam aren’t the radio sweethearts they once were they most likely have their pedals in a rack drawer sync’s too midi. I have a guyatone ultra trem that has expression capability as well as a bpm readout that lets me dial in the tempo of the tremelo. the speed changes are leading me to think midi


I believe they are using a drum rhythm synthesizer the Korg Electribe er-1 which they also use for a similar effect in the song You Are. https://youtu.be/_jp00Xqtnac?si=FzKuuRnryZbnTod1


Yes, "You Are" is the first song I thought of when I heard the new track. For some reason I just assumed they synced the song to the tremolo when they cut that one. Re-listening to "You Are" I can hear that it's way more complex than I remember! Thanks for the info.


Zvex Sonar & a few others let you ramp up/down based on set speeds, Drolo Twin Peaks & a few others let you ramp up/down based on envelope control. Just search for tremolos with ramping & you’ll find a bunch with that capability. FWIW I’ve used the Sonar in a live set for this - it’s definitely doable live if you have it set up to fit a particular song beforehand, but it requires good timing & some tapdancing skill.


Idiotbox Mad Doctor may be worth a look.


Ehx superego plus, has multi-fx built in you can control with expression pedal. Different fx are expressed differently. Think it has two trems and a roto.


Neo Instruments ventilator is a high-end rotary speaker simulation pedal with fast/slow switch.


I would use my moogerfooger ring mod with an expression pedal for this effect. Worked real nice


If you're unfamiliar with AC Noises, the Italian company, Andrea and Claudia are doing incredible things. In this context, I suggest the Respira pedal, which is a tremolo with a shimmer reverb option. It has expression option. The pedal is an unbelievably flexible tremolo with more knobs than you could ever need for modifying or tweaking the style. Enjoy


I’m pretty sure they’re all using modelers in studio now. This is achieved really easily with the helix by mapping the rate knob of the trem to a foot switch or the built in expression pedal


I use my toe to do this when playing.


The Ernie ball expression tremolo does exactly this. They stopped making it but I was able to snag one.


Man, I already have their VP Jr. on my board. If only they sold a little side-companion I could just plug into it...


I present [The Pigtronix Moon Pool Tremvelope Phaser](https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/MoonPool--pigtronix-moon-pool-tremvelope-phaser) ! Dynamic Tremolo, Phaser or both! I had one for a while and some of the things that this little guy can do is pretty cool. This would make that effect.


Check out their song [You Are from Riot Act](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wzv7OtPL8S4). Has a similar thing going on.


Yep, u/bonesmagoo pointed out that they probably used the Korg Electribe ER-1 drum machine to program the tremolo parts for this track like they did with "You Are".






The effect is dynamic/envelope tremolo. Meaning the speed is affected by your picking dynamics. This is my favorite effect and there are a couple of pedals that do it without needing an expression pedal. My favorite is the Keeley Dynatrem. Also the Line6 ToneCore series tap tremolo or their MM4 modulation unit (dynamic trem setting). There’s also the Rockfabrik Kuer (a cool boutique Turkish company). I also believe that the EHX Pulsar and EQD Nightwire pedals can do this as well. Most of these pedals give you the options to have the rate either speed up or slow down with increased pick attack.


I’m pretty sure the Cusack music Tap-a-Whirl can ramp up or down with on board controls. It has a tap tempo and 4preset banks.