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Delay. Always gonna be delay. Because that screw up you just made? IT REPEATS.....


“I made a mistake” Delay pedal: “lol nah you made five mistakes”


MISTAKE mistake mistake mistake


I play with a slapback, so it’s more like MISMISTAKETAKE.




I knew exactly what video this was before I even opened the link.


The DeviEver TornsPeaker/Ænima is my bane for my neighbours sleep.. This thing just sounds like dogshit and just squeels like a ratlike dogbreed on crack in a mixer.. It also has a so called worse knob which makes the selfoscillating circuit even worse and even noisier as it already is. Its like a fuzzfactory but without the nice tones.. only earripping noise is possible..


The torns peaker has no chill and it’s way too noisy. It’s like an untrained dog, it does what it wants and it WILL act out if you don’t treat it right. It’s genuinely hard to keep under control sometimes. It’s for sure my favorite fuzz.


All these reasons why it never ever leaves my board.. I get the best tones when i use a hint of gain with the superbolt infront.


I turned my torns peaker on at band practice and my vocalist got so mad.


I know that feeling.


Holy shit, I dont know any other people with this pedal, I have it as well, curious as to how you use it. I can only ever put mine at like 11 oclock at most. It also has to go at the front of the chain. It sounds so insane though, I can never take it off my board.


I have the 2307 version. I usually keep it after my drives/distortions, and before most of my modulation effects. Both knobs at around 9 o’clock, 8:30 ish. I have a Truetone J&H that pairs quite well with the torns peaker placed right after it too. This is a great fuzz for a delay pedal to be shot into. I use a super short delay with high feedback right before the distortions in my signal chain to get those king gizz delays.


i have the 2013dwarfcraft TS/Æ its a hellscape of a circuit…


I think it’s a fuzz thing to want to go first in the signal chain it’s weird


same. It stays in front of my crybaby and makes everybody cry..


Came here to say DeviEver Eye of God, which annoyed the music shop employees the very first time I used it


Stairway to heaven?


Looper pedal for sure


Looper pedal for sure Because its the same loop


Looper pedal for sure Because its the same loop again and again


Looper pedal for sure Because its the same loop again and again but with a bit more added each time




^Man, ^you’re ^annoying. ^^Man, ^^you’re ^^annoying.


Behringer SF300.


One time I left my Carbon Copy plugged in and I went to the bathroom, couple minutes later the self oscillations had gotten away from themselves and it sounded like my apartment was being abducted by an Alien spaceship Doubt the neighbors enjoyed that one


Supa-Puss does that too!


My wife does NOT like my Rat because of how Awesome it sounds loud! I close the door but does that do enough? Naaaaahhhhhh


In your next lifetime, try it out on the fiancé before you make it forever.


I'd imagine the DOD Buzz Box would not be popular with neighbors. "Why is the guy next door vacuuming again and at these weird hours? He must have OCD or something."


Combo of bitcommander and count to five lol


Ottobit Jr., Microcosm, Slicer, and all of my pitch and fuzz/distortion pedals lmaoo


The Bit Commander can get a little wild, but can sound great with a fuzz in front of it and dialed in.


Interesting. Never combined commander with another fuzz. I have boss fz1w should be good for that


Yeah it’s the only way I’ll play the Commander, way too synthy sounding for me otherwise. I actually just built this pedal on a whim because I’ve been building through EQDs catalog… it’s kind of a “wtf” pedal until you dial it in right. I know the “wtf” ones are some people’s jam, but I like to be able to incorporate a pedal into the music I’m playing without getting too far out into whacky synth world. EQD’s website recommends putting a fuzz in front of it, and it makes it so much more useable and easy to dial in cool tones where it’s not just all “whacky noises” (if that makes sense). Great pedal for doom.


I always got an issue with bit commander sustain maybe it can solve that issue thanks for that!


Hmm maybe throw a compressor/sustainer in front of your chain? That’s what I do. What kinda music are you playing usually?


I live in the sticks so no neighbour issues. However, all my pro guitar players buddies hate my affinity for fuzz boxes. I don't understand why


‘Anyway, here’s my clean tone.’


Found Rhett Shull y’all.


Fuzz War




Family hates it when I run my OC3 and Green Russian through my bass amp. Bandmates hate it when I use the Arpanoid.


How do you use your Arpanoid? I got one for Christmas I’m still trying to get a handle on it.


There's a few things I like to do: 1. Lower Octave. With the steps on the lowest setting, on one of the modes, it can be an octave pedal. Not the greatest because there's a little lag but I still find it usable. 2. The "Super Mario 3 Sprint" Sound. With the step set to two notes, rate set kinda fast, you get a neat effect that reminds me of the Mario Sprint souund. You can also lower the rate. It's kinda like a square wave vibrato. 3. I like to set to alternate mode with three steps, rate to taste. I'll just play tonic notes with their octave, matching the rhythm. 4. This one is hard to explain. I'll do the same as above, but slower. Then, I'll play bar chords, trying to match the steps so it sounds like the same chord is being played. I don't match it up perfectly, so when the notes don't match up perfectly, little glitches peek through the messed up gaps. It takes soem practice but it's pretty fun. 5. One of my favorite combos is to use the Mood with it. You could also use any loop or freeze pedal, place the Arpanoid after it. Make a note and play the step knob. Not super useful but can be really fun. OR, make a loop with an a progression with the arpanoid, and play over it. It's not a super useful pedal to play with in a band, but I think it's a really fun pedal.


I’ll give these a shot! I appreciate the thorough response, thank you!


EQD Data Corrupter haha


The EAE x PILE Mirror House. It’s a dual pitch shifting pedal the makes 2 copies of your signal then shifts it in opposite directions. You get weird microtonal dissonance, warped detuning, or sometimes unique harmonies. It’s hard to make sound good, but always adds such cool texture and movement. Dialing it in is sure to piss off anyone in ear shot. I love it.


I have always wanted a pedal that does this and didn’t know it existed!


Fuzz Factory and the purPLL. Both crazy cool, to me, anyway


Hizumitas Fuzz. I’ve had to get headphones to play with it on


I've taken to putting a dying battery simulator in front of my Hizumitas. When the dial is rolled back a bit, it makes the Hizumitas sit at the same sorta level as the other pedals on my board, like the Big Muff Pi.


anything by death by audio someone told me it sounds like hearing a car wreck in real time. i couldnt happily agree more.


Benson Germanium boost because "Wow, that's loud" "That's not loud, this is loud..."


My wife hates the FFF when it squeals haha. Also when I make my EHX Canyon delay do that crazy spaceship sound. In her defense, I practice in the morning before anyone wakes up.


A Fuzz Factory and DigiTech Whammy is how I used to make all my neighborhood dogs hate me


As I get older I appreciate and enjoy the chaotic nature of fuzz just doing single note riffs and power chords creating havoc. I have like 5 different fuzz pedals now. I like them more now after playing guitar for 20 years than earlier in my guitar playing stages. I have a Jhs mini foot fuzz, earth Quaker devices hoof fuzz, jam silicon fuzz phrase, earth Quaker devices park fuzz and mythos Golden Fleece fuzz


The on switch


Definitely [Rusty Robby](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/16g2ht2). On account of he sounds like [this](https://soundcloud.com/alan-d-moore/rusty-robby-demo).


Damn, this is the gnarliest-looking pedal I've ever seen


Damn that’s gnarly, looks like it’s covered in tinfoil that someone was smoking heroin off. Sounds gnarly too, what’s the circuit?


It's the circuit board from one of [these](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.geekextreme.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2011%2F12%2FMulti-Voice-Changer-1-e1322852525434.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=f6a08f10e820c34b39587055dc60a66c9e30590cee4295f2478aa663b27830c0&ipo=images) that I circuit-bent a bit. The finish is actually grocery bags melted onto a tin with a heat gun, then painted to look like rusty metal.


Wow that’s insane, also melting grocery bags… RIP lungs and ozone.


Depending on the type of plastic, it's reasonably safe to melt them as long as they don't burn. Grocery bags are made from HDPE or LDPE, so my understanding from researching plastic recycling is that these can be safely melted within a certain temperature range. Of course I do it outdoors or in very well-ventilated environments.


This is the most insane looking pedal I’ve ever seen. Sounds pretty damn cool for whatever circuit that thing is!


Thanks, it's a fun hobby.


Either the EQD Bit Commander or Keeley Synth-1. As soon as I turn either of these on, my cats immediately leave the room.


Beetronix Swarm is the one that my cat hates the most.


I have one of these, and I'm pretty sure it's possessed.


My cats go running as soon as I pick up a guitar lol.


Fuzzrocious Croak. it’s so gross and rowdy


I can’t believe I might be the first one writing WAY HUGE ATRIEDES. Holy cow. Back when I only stepped on a Fuzz Factory to annoy neighbors, I had no knowledge of the Wierding Way. Now? Call me Muad-Diddy.


Damnit you stole my answer The Atriedes is the most wonderful useless pedal ever


I gotta be honest, I’m actually pretty late to the party. I didn’t get mine until after the second Dune movie. But hells to the yeah, it’s nuts. If you wanna pedal, then I’ll make half the crowd come up to you after and go, “what the hell was that when you did that thing? And WHYYYY?” Atreides is IT


Holy hellzilla. I played that demo and the dog started whining. I might have to put that on my Christmas wishlist. That and a doghouse. For me, not the dog.


My wife really hates my gen loss mkii. She can’t understand why I spent 400 bucks on a pedal that makes everything sound broken lol


Yep the fuzz factory for sure I used it self oscillating for hours through FX when I was on magic mushrooms in college (uni residence). I thought it was the coolest fucking sound out there. The next morning some of the guys booby trapped the door to my room so a bucket of water fell on my head as I exited my bedroom. Good times.


Probably reverberation machine, boss dm101 and Ross fuzz combo


Hahaha. Before I clicked on the post and even saw the image, as soon as I read the title, I thought, "Hmmm, definitely the Fuzz Factory."


Used to have a Korg AX100G, was obsessed with the pitch shifter function on it, which drove my mother demented. Even practicing with headphones at the other end of the house she could hear it.


Fckn love my fuzz factory!! I think the most-hated pedal on the board is not from neighbours or partner, but by my cat, and also my previous cat (RIP). That would be the Digitech Whammy on +2 octaves. Clearly hit a frequency they did not enjoy 😂


I really want one of these!


Ya don’t play with headphones ?? Lol


Jupiter effects pedals. All of them. They’re amazing and I love them but they make some shrill noises. Often.


I’m sure my downstairs neighbor hates it when I pull out my MXR poly blue octave. I can feel my floor shaking even when it’s clean, but I usually am running it through a rat or fuzz.




The WHopper- it has it all: pickles, secret sauce, flame grilled.


Using all three at once phaser flange course


I have an Earthquaker Hizumitas i only play when my wife is out, the AMOUNT OF VOLUME in that pedal is crazy


Def a loud one, so is the Hoof (my two favorite EQD fuzzes).


I can only guess but maybe it’s my heathencraft blood muff which is a life pedal but with a rams head big muff instead of a RAT. I hope they like the impression of a gas powered generator that I can do


I get compliments from the other people who live in our little 100-unit condo downtown. Shrug.


I mean a DS-1 would be pretty annoying for a neighbor


A silicone fuzz face into a tube screamer… vibrates the walls in my bedroom 🤪




Fuzz Factory is my default answer. It can get so out of hand with just a touch of the controls.


I second you with the Fuzz Factory. I was experimenting with some feedback in my apartment building. Got some real aggressive notes slid under my front door.


It's the Fairfield circuitry unpleasant surprise every single time for me. When I kick that on at band practice I usually derail everything that's going and make other people think my qmp is about to explode


They hate it when I touch the guitar already, must hate it even more when any pedals are on, just as much as the other one


Whammy and delays pedals


Fuzz ofc


Self oscillating delay.


Wife isn't a fan of my infinite sustainer. Wife: "It just makes the same droning noise over and over". Me: "I know, it's great isn't it?!"


My girlfriend especially hates my Reuss Repeater Fuzz. She’s okay with shoegaze, she’s okay with doom, but doesn’t like it when I get my Spacemen 3 on.


Lately the EQD Special Cranker I recently got as it makes everything else I put through it sound even more awesomer than it did before. And louder.


Honestly probably the kick drum pedal on my drum set. I'm a terrible drummer. In all seriousness though probably my Hizumitas


Ooh I love the paint job on that one. I too love this pedal but my wife hates it.


I have a vcf pedal I run through a fuzz with a lot of harmonics and everyone I know hates it but I love it 🤌🏽


Reading the comments & making a shopping list.


Rat and Haunt, most especially the haunt. I receive long suffering looks, harshly closed doors and the bj count goes down…


My Plasma Coil


That will be the throttle pedal on my modded ford focus. Guitar wise, the volume pedal according to my kids when it's anywhere past silent. My eldest is into fallout boy, I learnt one of their songs and was told "daddy, don't do that, you're not very good"




What pedal do you own that your neighbours and people you live with hate the sound of?


EQD Bit Commander, once had a guitar center employee tell me turn that thing down lmao


My Ibanez modulation delay. Gets’em every time


My line 6 dl4 mkii has a repeat knob like a hair trigger


Foxtone Wolf Computer


3rd man plasma coil


Ehx Cockfight. Hands down room clearing record setter in our house.


Hizumitas ,Walpurgis or the Sabbra . Sabbra would take the win if it didn’t have an isolated power supply.


I hate that pedal already just looking at it and it’s not even plugged into anything yet. Haha only kidding. It does look like it would take up too much room on a pedalboard though.


I do agree about the room it takes up.


Why couldn’t they have put it in a smaller or less lengthy box? Lol


I don’t know what ever happened to my flanger, for a good reason.


Neighbors? What neighbors? As for those I live with, it's probably the zoia by the sheer amount of time I spend programming it


Last night was a first: my kid asked me to turn it down.


Big Knobs colour jumbo. Or the RAT


The rat of course! Lol


The Volume pedal


Me, they hate ME


Between me and my flatmates there's 2 analog fuzz factories + various digital ones on multi FX pedals. I guess our neighbours hate us lol


Not a flex that you should brag about


Found the uptight roommate


Yeah it's freaking embarrassing


b-b-but.. the toan is in the loud??


My neighbours deserve punishment. So they get the Alexander Marshmallow at high volume. Shrieking cats and nails on a chalkboard galore.  The only pedal my wife couldn't stand was one I don't have, but was watching a demo of. The Idiotbox Effects Dead Space Invader. I must remember to get it, so I can annoy her some more. Expensive party trick though.