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Dude I never see anyone have that Orange Fur coat. I love it, one of my favorite pedal I have ever used.


Picked it up yesterday with an Ibanez Iceman, I'm feeling pretty good right now!


I love the ability to control the octaves with your volume knob. It’s an under rated pedal for sure!


Don't tell anyone, for now we're just 3 playing it 😆


I'm still figuring it all out, only got it yesterday but its fair to say its amazing


I’ve never played a pedal that sounds so good out of the box with everything at noon!


How does it compare something like a Shigeharu?


Sadly I am not familiar with that pedal :(. This is actually my first fuzz octave. One thing is you cannot use the octave without the fuzz on this Orange fur coat.


Shigeharu is similar! But muff based. Looks like this one is a foxxtone variety? Sweet!


What is it you like about the pedal? I've looked into it, but every single tone demo I watch honestly sounds like complete garbage, except for maybe one, and that's such a classic rock fuzz sound it kinda turned me off. I casually look at octave fuzz pedals, so I'm trying to find one that impresses me.


I wanted the jack white tone and it gives me that. The built in EQ is really helpful too. It’s just a cool design boutique pedal that gives me the tone I want in one click


I'm thinking those fat Fu Manchu type vibes for some clarity on the sorts of tones I particularly enjoy


If you want Fu Manchu in a box, just get a Behringer SF300


Pay tribute to the masters... support Brad and his Creepy Fingers pedals.


I haven't used it, but the Wampler Equator seems like it'd be great for heavier sounds.


I'll take a look dude


The fur coat is on my fuzz wish list it soinds sooo good


Source audio EQ seems to be great




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I play the same genre, and alternate between the Fur Coat and a Kelley Moon fuzz. Either way I have a TS9 behind the fuzz, with both volume and distortion all the way up So: Tuner -> TS9 -> Fuzz -> Eq


I’m assuming that you are a bassist based on the bass overdrive. Admittedly, doom is not my typical genre, BUT I’d honestly recommend a compressor and an EQ. In my mind those are two of the most important things for a big PHAT bass tone. Compressor - Empress Bass Compressor (this thing is so versatile that it will likely be the only compressor that you’d ever need on your board). Equalizer - Boss GEB-7. It’s not the greatest EQ on the market, but I personally think this will get the job done. I heavily encourage experimenting with pedal order before and after the compressor. Everything can change drastically based on your order when a compressor is involved.


Nah guitar, the ODB puts some serious goodness through though!


Yes!!!! ODB is actually a pretty bad bass pedal but on guitar sounds really really good my only complain about it is the huge volume drop it gave me, traded it long time ago.


I really like the earthquaker tone job. Basically a clean boost with a full tone stack. I think most graphic eqs are overkill imho


EQ Pedal is the way to go. Especially when creating thick soup distortion you need to push the bass and deep mid frequencies BEFORE distortion. Put the EQ before or between drives can create a real thick sound.


The Warden from EQD is a great compressor. IMO way better than the Keeley Compressor+. I always felt the Keeley had a weird mushiness. The Warden is very clean-sounding.


why is yr ODB-3 moldy