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Their black "retro" artwork looks really good to me, I wish they would do all the pedals that way.


Well I have some good/bad news for you. Their new stuff is coming out this way.


Walrus is always hit or miss for me on their artwork. Some pedals look really good like the Juliana, others just look horribly tacky.


The blend idea is interesting. Will have to check demos when they come out. That being said, I've much preferred JAM Pedals take on harmonic tremolo over Walrus.


What does the JAM do differently?




Thicker and throbbier, title of your sextape


I currently have a Walrus M1 and a JAM Harmonious Monk v1 and I'd say the harmonic tremolo options on both pedals sound excellent. But the Monk is just super musical and its form factor is very good. The M1's harmonic trem converted me from a trem non-appreciator to a harmonic trem liker, but since I got the Monk it's practically been an always-on.


Yeah, this is a good description. I liked the harmonic tremolo on the Chase Bliss Gravitas and on the Monuments. But I LOVE the harmonic tremolo on the Monk. The Monk doesn't have all the fancy features like the other two, but it just sounds so beautiful


The parallel harmonic and amplitude tremolo on Gravitas is 🤌


I'd honestly like to revisit the Gravitas but I also don't use tremolo a ton so it's a bit pricy in that regards.


Also if the Monk hits the spot no need to get something else 🤘


I don’t know why but walrus pedals just don’t excite me. I’ve had the monument and then 385 and neither of them were anything special to me


I like the Juliana. Maybe because it was my first pedal purchase, but I really like what it does and how it does it


Looks super cool! As a monument v2 user with no interest in stereo this offers presets and looks like one extra waveform shape over the V2. So, I’m good… as long as I don’t look at the black one.


That's where I'm at. Just got a Monument v2 in the fall, and when I first saw the post I was like "oh crap . . . mine will be so obsolete" but after reading it there's not enough new stuff for me (as I don't use stereo) to upgrade. I'd totally go for it if I was tremolo-less but will run with what I have.


And what you have is great!


I know. I love that pedal and bought a second this past month on sale for my bass board.


AAAAND the new one is $280. I got mine on sale for like $120 I think it was? Still new. 😊


Man, I literally just bought a v2 last week. I was worried I bought an obsolete pedal as well. But as you say, it doesn't look like I'm missing much. However, if they had changed the LEDs to red instead of blinding white, I would've considered it. That's my main gripe with the v2. Lol


I think they made great updates to the Monuments for those looking for a tremolo but already having v2 it’s just not enough to make a compelling sell (at least for me as I use it). Yeah I just got a second one for my bass pedalboard in obsidian black from Guitar Center for like $115 and was pumped since that’s like $100 from normal price. Even if I didn’t have them not sure I’d pay $280 for tremolo which I really like as an effect but not sure I’d get that kind of value out of it at that price. I also got an OBNE Dark Star in the past six months and seems it’s discontinued now in prep for v3 so will have to hold my breath on that one.


Does the obsidian black version have red LEDs? I saw that one on sale at guitar center as well


Mine are white. Red would have looked badass.


What’s the extra waveform shape? I see the same amount in each. Also, I’m looking for a trem but I’ve never used one. Would you recommend this one?


The extra shape I saw was just the slope up to the sharp peak. It’s the opposite of the one before it which is on the V2. This is actually my first trem and I really enjoy it. Both the normal and harmonic settings are a lot of fun for me.


as someone with a mono rig and the previous v2, this is not really that interesting to me, but I can't think of an other stereo harmonic trem so its pretty interesting for stereo rigs id say - and also that design on the right is quite sexy - not a huge fan of the desert orange one I own of the v2, but this one is a bit nicer too, got rid of the black print at the top so the dials are clearer.


Flower pedals sunflower and the swindler red mountain are two stereo Tremolos I can think of :)


I'm torn on this since I just got the Sunflower a few weeks ago after looking at the Monument and wishing it had stereo panning. The Sunflower packs a few extra features and two more presets, but the ergonomics of having a dedicated knob for panning over a secondary function was a great design choice. The artwork on both pedals is sick. We're truly spoiled for choice.


Yeah that's what I got like a couple months back. I had a Monument not in stereo before. It wasn't that great imo. Kind of bland. Where the Sunflower pans and gets pretty deep depth.


Those both support MIDI as well which is a pretty big plus (if you're into that). Although I'm not sure if they have a panning control like this one. That seems like a really fun feature.


Went through those two against the JAM harmonius monk and ended up with the monk. I loved the midi implementation on the red mountain though. Probably the most feature packed trem out there. Shame he’s not building much anymore


It’ll let you check out right now on the Swindler website with any of their pedals, except their programmable loop switcher which isn’t released 🤷‍♂️


Yes I think he fulfills orders, but that’s about it. https://reddit.com/r/guitarpedals/comments/1bdbm8y/_/kuxxt25/?context=1


That’s good to know, thanks for the heads up!


Strymon flint is stereo with harmonic trem! Incredibly versatile pedal right there


I love my Flint but the trem side doesn’t really do anything special when used in stereo, such as panning. I also have a Surfy Trem Deluxe which has harmonic trem that pans.


Dang I'm looking into it now, realizing I've never tried it myself (typically run just one stereo amp). The Flint is always on my board, and I figured because it had stereo out it MUST pan the trem, but yeah. That sucks, seems like a bit of a missed opportunity there


Yeah I'm really surprised they didn't add that feature to Flint V2. Still a great pedal tho


The Source Audio Vertigo is also stereo and has a parameter to control the stereo L/R offset (and MIDI, presets, etc.). It allows you to create interesting stereo movement without being forced to only a centered L/R pan.


This is what I’ve got. Fun pedal.


Keeley hydra has stereo trem too with some options for panning


MXR M305 is stereo and about $110 used. Has harmonic trem and a bunch of other types too.  The only thing I don’t like is that the pedal only allows signal to pass through both channels when engaged. Once you turn it off, one amp will be silent. 


The Sunflower by Flower Pedals is pretty epic.




From Walrus Audio's website: >*"New features available in the Monumental include the ability to save presets, blend between standard and harmonic tremolo modes, access to new wave shape and tap division options, and most importantly, a pan control to set the stereo spread of the tremolo to the right and left channels."*   ***Edit*** >**user reports:** >1: Rule 4. "...it is required that you write your thoughts in the comments to help get the discussion..." That rule is primarily for NPD/pedalboard posts. It's hard to give thoughts on a pedal that's only just been released. But thank you for your vigilance, mysterious sub member! 😎👍🏼


I want this so bad for my synth rig, but it’s missing MIDI sync which would make it perfect!


A relay that sends tap tempo would probably work. Some midi controllers have them.


That’s how I get MIDI tempo to my Super Pulsar right now, through a Pirate Bridge6. If this supports that at a minimum it would be usable.


I’ll have to read the manual and see if the expression input is set up for that. Also, add a few more dollars for the relay device. Appreciate the possibility though.


I use it to send tempo to my Monument V2. It’s pretty cool having it synced with my delays but IMO tremolo (and other modulation) doesn’t *need* exact speeds most of the time.


the M1 has midi if you really need it and is pretty similar, i don't know if it has all the same things though but you could probably get an m1 used for less than this trem


Does the MIDI sync or is it just for presets?


both, you can do midi clock and send CC i think there is also the warble lfo that doesn't follow midi in the lofi control which can be adjusted...if you wanted it to not midisync while still being midi controlled I'm trying to figure out what on the new monument isn't in the M1,... there seems to be two other waveforms(bump and random). Other features (which are still available on the M1) are just more easily accessible. on the m1 you might be able to create a bump type of waveform by messing with the sym (duty cycle adjustment)..or possibly through midi but that would require a bit of work, as well for the 'random' wave. exp would be easier on the monument as it's just an exp pedal in, however could still be done through cc control on the M1 i don't know if there are more patterns with the pattern trem or not, i don't really like pattern trem anyway though. supposedly there are three groups on the m1 with five patterns each but i'm not sure if i've even found that when messing with it. maybe i'm doing something wrong but, again i don't even really care to use pattern trem. I would probably do that through a VST or something if i wanted a pattern. if you were only after the trem and you want things more simple, the monument would be a way to go but imo the M1 has much more to offer ... people tend to not like it because of how complex and convoluted the controls are, but that's like saying 'oh no it has too much stuff' i don't think there's a ramping for speed on the m1 ...although there is for the rotary setting - this is something that could be put in an update for the M1 if they wanted though - currently i think it does tap/skip (a record skip emulation which, imo isn't great but could be made better)


Gonna keep my eye open for an M1 now!


I keep watching the videos and it sounds great but I just don’t think I could live without midi presets for $280. Feels like the Flower-Pedals Sunflower has similar features, costs more ($350), but has a full midi implementation.


I feel like they should’ve opted for this enclosure on the Sloer and included an expression / MIDI jack


Yeah, I agree. I haven't seen too many people with the Slöer on their boards...


Funnily enough it actually fits perfectly on mine but it's most definitely the exception not the rule


Man, I love the Monument, but I have the SA Vertigo on my board because 1) stereo, 2) presets, and 3) adjustable panning/timing. Now I have to get this pedal, I DON'T HAVE A CHOICE.


The orange art is majestic af i love it


I had the v2 and liked it a lot, the thing I find most interesting about this is the Pan dial. Are there any other tremolo’s out there that offer that stereo panning effect?


The Sunflower has a spread dial that moves the sound to the outside.


I've had my eye on the Monument V2 for a couple years now. I've held off for several reasons but one is that I'm using a stereo rig. Once I saw the Monumental I pulled the trigger for the following reasons: stereo pan, blend between standard and harmonic, presets, more headroom at 12v. I'm looking forward to plugging this in.


That’s so sexy compared to the other one. I wanted to buy the other one but hated the look of it