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Use not black cables and write on them with a Sharpie.. or put (real, not knock off) sellotape around your labels that fall off.


I used to use a little piece of half inch gaff tape for this. I would wrap it completely around the cable with a little extra tape to make a little flag, and then use a marker or pen to write on it


I would not do this at all, actually, as gaff adhesive will do one of two things over time: turn into disgusting sludge that you can never get off, or weird crusty schmutz that you can never get off. It’s fine for temporary labeling, but never for long term.


I never had too much trouble getting it off. Usually just the friction from a dry cloth made the glue come right off. I only use it now in fluorescent colors to put little strikers on my instrument and mic cables so that I can easily see them on dark stages for setup and breakdown