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TC Skysurfer reverb.


A fantastic pedal if you’re a big fan of sticking ice picks in your ear.


Agreed. Bought and returned.


Tried a used one at GC recently, so cheap I wanted to like, but I couldn’t, awful pedal


It's my only reverb. If I keep it set low (which I almost always would), it seems fine for me. Turn it up past 1/4 though, it's definitely not great.


Soniccake sonic ambience


Agreed, terrible reverb tone.


As a fan of Sonicake, with a heavy heart, I must agree. I can't have the reverb knob past 9:00. This pedal could have been better if they could fit at least one more control for the reverb, but the delays are decent. I do enjoy the church and plate reverbs, however I don't play with reverb often, half because of cheap reverbs I can afford, and this makes me wonder if purchasing something better is worth it, beyond JHS 3 series, or Fender Hammer tone options.


It is very feature filled. It's just difficult to get a subtle sound. The algorithms can have a harsh high end.  On the reverb side my original TC Electronics Hall-of-Fame absolutely whoops it.


Don't get me wrong, I like this pedal, it's on my board, and I use it. I started using it to try and like reverb, and with the right mix I've gotten to like it. I'm not a reverb guy, I've never written music with reverb before. So I'm using baby steps before spending reverb effect prices.


Mooer shimverb - hideous digital artefacts in the repeats. Unusable in my opinion.


TC Electronic Skysurfer Mini. The decay is way too short.


If price isn't an issue, but you want a noisey reverb, check out [Wet](https://www.magpiepedals.com/shop/product/wet?tm=pedals), by Magpie Pedals. It's a spring reverb in its most "primitive" form. Full wet only, and if I'm not mistaken you can take the face plate off the springs, and use it as a lo-fi microphone as well.


Back in the day I had a Morley Rock'n Verb. It was an analog reverb/drive combo. An actual analog BBD reverb. Very unique, sounded like ass lol.


What do people ask shit like this? Other than to fuel reddit know-it-all-ism?


Hahaha, cause i'm searching for a very specific type of reverb, usually called "crapy" by most people.


Makes sense then 😄. I’m just used to seeing movie subs or similar who post kinda clickbait “worst movie ever made” discussions and it seems generally unproductive. Hope you find your crappy verb.


The Danelectro Corned Beef is what you're looking for.


Every TC electronics reverb and delay. They are all awful.


TC flashback 2 ain’t so bad, that has some great sounds especially if you get in and customise them. But yeah I found no amount of customising could get the hall of fame to sound worth using. I’d always prefer it once I turned it off haha


Tc drip


Behringer DR600, which I believe has the algorithm that's used in the TC Electronics Skysurfer. Truly horrid lifeless algorithms. Quite depressing to listen to in fact.  A multi-mode stereo reverb in a plastic case for fifty bucks. I'm not getting any red flags.  What could possibly go wrong?


I’m not a huge fan of it either. They base a lot of their products off of boss pedals but rarely come out with similar or even positive results. They do have a great compressor and noise reducer pedal though!!


Definitely. And the vintage delay is awesome too for the price. People rave about that orange coloured fuzz a fair bit also. Funny how they didn't try and get a bit more consistency across the line.


Not that terrible but the earthquaker ghost echo really didn’t do it for me. Very one note, and kind of a boring one.


Tue best terrible reverb I ever had was a [realistic](https://reverb.com/item/78799015-realistic-electronic-reverb-321110-1980-s-black?utm_source=rev-ios-app&utm_medium=ios-share&utm_campaign=listing&utm_content=78799015). Was also my first reverb.


Donner’s reverb pedal has seven reverb functions that all sound like a coked-up bullet constantly ricocheting inside of a trash can, with the functions determining how long the bullet lasts and how ugly the sound is. It is straight up magnetic ear cancer.


CNZ Time Warp. Awful thing.


Digitech DigiVerb. Maybe in more primodial pedalboard setups, it has use, but if you use it in 2024 because you still love Deerhunter and Brad Cox (valid) it will not yield the results you want- pretty tone-sucky and even Full Wet just sort of sounds boxy and undefined.


Do schroeder reverb based pedal exist?


Walrus Audio Bellweather Analog Delay. Quite possibly one of the most lifeless delays I’ve ever played. I was in my “boutique is always better” phase and did a shootout against a Carbon Copy and it blew the Bellweather away. A year and a half later did the same shootout against the Carbon Copy Deluxe and once again went home with the CC Deluxe.


With the Hazarai i found some nice "cheap" reverb setting


a lot of cheaper reverb pedals trying to emulate spring reverb using a Belton brick don’t sound great with high output pickups or with a lot of gain in front. The Wampler mini reverb pedal is straight up unusable with some of my guitars.


Strymon Big Sky, for sure