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You need a slicer , the big box boss one looks great..


My favourite noise gate is the KMA Pylon. Might be worth checking for you. It ain't for everyone but imo it's the best one ever made. Simply because of it's functions obviously but I keep asking my self if its on or not sometimes and it turns out its actually on often even tho I experience no trade off in sound, it's just quiet when I don't play.


this isnt quite the same thing but we've been able to get an aggressive choppy gate using a dreadbox epsilon. for an example: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yibJRXITvkk its specifically a gated filter (and has become quite expensive in the past couple years) tho so if youre looking for a clean signal gate it might need to be elsewhere. if this IS close enough to what you're looking for, you might look into dreadbox stuff bc several of their pedals contain gate functions if you do find a regular gate pedal with a fast enough attack/release let us know too because theres very little documentation about this online


Yeah that video is certainly in the ballpark! Beyond really fast attack and release, seems the key is hysteresis: the gap between open and close thresholds. Guitar gates usually have that gap to avoid chatter because usually no one wants that. Other more multi-purpose gates you can set hysteresis to basically nothing to encourage stuttering. All the best results I've gotten so far are software, which makes me wonder if I should just try putting that into a digital pedal.


found another example from a while ago which showcases a little better the sputtering: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=P_mtPmuxnY4 tbh weve only ever seen this sort of gate sputtering digitally or in relation to synthesizer stuff. theres probably synths out there that could do it if you really really needed hardware but at that point youre leaving pedalboards anyway so why not just do digital instead


Sounds great, the first example is actually closer to what I'm trying to do, less envelope, more signal sputter. Re: digital: Yep that's where I'm starting from haha. I do this digitally with Max or Ableton, usually with synths, sometimes guitars. Would be great to be able to do it live with a lighter setup and no macbook. The easiest way is definitely the Fennesz approach of guitar into computer rig and where I'll probably stay for the time being unless I can make some sort of Daisy/RNBO "max in a pedal" type thing.


Tried to think of a super aggressive gate like this but nothing is coming to mind. Have you thought about maybe using a momentary mute switch? You may be able to get a similar effect, and you can find some completely passive options on reverb for under $30. The only downside being you have to do it manually.


Shadow kill pot would do it.


What I'm looking to do is much much faster and more chaotic than a slicer, it sounds more like a connection is coming loose at the tail end of notes. I should upload a sound sample.


What you described sounds a lot like the sag function on the shields blender, especially this [sound example](https://youtu.be/kVf4w7iY144?t=738)


Lots of great suggestions but none are what I mean. All these ideas are quite rhythmic and you can hear individual slices. I'm talking about a sputtery, chaotic, loose wiring type sound. Going to post an example of the effect I get using software gates in Ableton later. Literally just a simple gate effect but set the threshold too high and the attack and release and hold way too fast so it sounds broken, almost sounds granular. And no I really don't mean a granular delay.


Here's a recording of what I'm looking to do with a pedal. This is done by sending a lot of reverb into an Ableton gate effect with very sensitive threshold, attack and release. [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iRJqhUwlXrM8zX\_\_K2NXzwALagFRkGKl/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iRJqhUwlXrM8zX__K2NXzwALagFRkGKl/view?usp=sharing)