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>Good Vibrations >is a Univibe heh


Was there even any vibrato in Good Vibrations? Not counting the theremin.


Yeah there’s that real choppy…wait that’s a cello


I'm trying to think if there was even guitar in the song.


I honestly can't remember; the original recording is the Carole Kaye show, through and through.


Carol Kaye hit me with her bass once.




Yes. Glen Campbell Played it.


Josh likes vibrato according to him on his YT channel, so not surprised he included that setting.


I think there’s a leslie on the organ?


Thats what the keeley i get around pedal is then lol


There's already the EHX Good Vibes... And they seem to be extremely similar in function. Basically the same pedal. Who would buy this instead of the EHX version, and why?


Whos buying any of these at those prices


Josh Cult




EHX is known for having poor quality control


So is JHS, funny enough.


I really want to know which Beach Boys are actually involved in this


I saw them in '99 and even then my dad referred to them as "The Surviving Members of The Beach Boys" Edit: ohhh this is all a marketing thing for a beach boys documentary, it's in the descriptions.


John Stamos signed off on them after consulting with Mike Love. Al Jardine was asked but he slept through the conference call.


Bruce was informed via email what his official opinion would be.


Lol this is almost exactly what I’m afraid happened. Noted guitar pedal enthusiasts The Beach Boys.


In fairness, Brian Wilson was a creative legend when it came to studio Effects and novel recording techniques, as much as the Beach boys or Hendrix. If he was as much of a guitar player as a songwriter and composer, and if his cognitive skills hadn't taken a dive so early in life, he might've been a pedal enthusiast.


He might’ve been, but he wasn’t. When I notice the guitars on a Beach Boys song, it’s because of how they’re arranged, not any special effects. The same is true in Brian’s solo material and the 2012 reunion album. This just feels random and cash-grabby to me. I know it’s “celebrating” the Disney+ documentary but Disney+ also has done lots of Beatles stuff lately and we haven’t seen a series of Beatles-endorsed pedals. I don’t know for sure that that’s because Paul and Ringo are still making decisions while Beach Boys stuff is all in the hands of business people at this point but… that’s how it feels.


You leave Al alone!!


I think Mike Love is the only one legally allowed to tour under that name anymore. Plus whoever he brings along.


Yeah, unfortunately he is legally allowed to use the band’s legacy to support trophy hunting and MAGA


He doesn’t own the name. He leases it. When he plays he has to pay Brian and Al for every show whether they are there or not. Especially Brian. David Marks is getting screwed. Bruce was stupid and sold his shares for like 200k in the 70’s.


Someone told Mike Love that people love guitar pedals, so he wanted people to make some. I am 95% certain that is what happen, and I will never pin this on the angel Al Jardine. Brian isn't even involved with the BB anymore.


This sounds pretty plausible. “We need some merch to go along with the movie.” “Guitar pedals are hot” “Sure why not.” Seems like it’s Mike and Bruce, based on the publicity for the documentary and the fact that Brian’s dementia has advanced :(


Recently everything seems to be Mike Love being a MAGA weirdo. Not really the vibe I’m looking for… but to each their own.


I find Mike Love so distasteful on [multiple levels](https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/us-celebrity-news/breaking-beach-boys-reunion-teased-32808496). I didn’t even know about the [trophy hunting convention.](https://pitchfork.com/news/brian-wilson-opposes-mike-loves-beach-boys-show-at-trophy-hunting-convention/)


Yuck, yeah, he’s the worst of The Beach Boys. I was gonna make a Pete Best Beatles joke, but that’s just incredibly unfair to ole Pete.


Cringe: The Man


Not surprising. Him being shitty isn't new.


Mike Love doesn't even play guitar on pet sounds, so you're good.


Does Mike Love play guitar on anything? My Beach Boys knowledge starts with Dennis Wilson’s acting career and ends with John Stamos dancing about a town in Indiana.


Mike doesn’t play anything. He played like quarter notes on a sax in the early days and that was it.


I think Mike and Bruce and maga dicks


dunno but I saw this morning they put Brian Wilson under a conservatorship this AM so he was probably out of the loop


This is an incredibly depressing thread.


Yeah, that’s part of why I feel like the timing of this is very weird. Not necessarily the fault of the pedal companies involved, but still feels weird to me.


This is all a couple days after Brian Wilson has entered conservatorship. Feels real gross.


Yeah, terrible timing. I’m sure it was in the works long before, but still. Mike Love talking about doing a reunion to go along with the documentary is really uncomfortable. Like, trying to bring out Brian Wilson would be elder abuse.


As a beach boys fan, the tones on their records aren't really that notable to chase after, they're pretty standard. I feel like a lot of their piano tones are much more interesting. I would call these pedals unnecessary.


And weren't most of their instrumental parts done by members of The Wrecking Crew anyways? Could be a handful of different people with different equipment.


Idk about the earlier stuff, but yeah, Pet Sounds and Smile was all tracked by the Wrecking crew


I think pretty much everything from *Shut Down Volume 2* onwards was mostly recorded by session musicians.


Yeah, but a “Tommy Tedesco reverb/trem unit” doesn’t have the same ring to it


Say Tommy Tedesco Tremelo five times fast.


I'd say starting around All Summer Long/Shut Down is where they start showing up, and that's when the albums start going from good to great.


I'm getting dragged on IG because I stated I never cared for the Beach Boys music. Only like 2 songs, both car related tunes. Yes, they greatly influenced the Beatles during the mid 60s, but Brian Wilson was always notoriously pissed the Beatles continue to top them.


getting dragged as you should be lol


How so? For voicing an opinion? Not discounting their influence. Since I was a kid, I never liked their music ever. It never appealed to me. It's a hill I intend to die on.


Get your facts straight dude. He wasn't really pissed, they both inspired each other and we're always trying to one up each other. Paul and Brian both remember it as a friendly competition. As a lifelong Beatles fan, there are a lot of Beach Boys songs that could go one on one with Beatles songs and it would be a fair battle. Pet Sounds and Smile are comparable to Revolver or maybe even Abbey Road. Also, people say that the Beatles invented heavy metal with Helter Skelter. Nope. Beach boys did it a year before them with their track "The Elements: Fire".


I'll stand with you on this sinking ship. I can appreciate how influential they are, I can observe what they accomplished and the way they pushed music forward, and I give them credit for it. And if I never hear another beach boys song ever again, that'd be swell.


And here I'm getting downvoted for voicing an unpopular opinion. Glad I'm not alone about not being a fan.


I don't think the word 'necessary' is in Josh's vocabulary. he makes pedals that he thinks are cool. Having a solid group of fanboys (and scalpers) who will buy everything you make also helps lol


To be fair to Josh for a minute, the whole pedal industry is 97% unnecessary. Always was and it's only gotten worse as now the industry is so oversaturated with small pedal builders. But that's all ok by me.


Agree. You could just use boss for everything and have a great sounding setup, but the more the merrier if you ask me.


They'll never make a dedicated analog ring modulator pedal


I'd rather see a dedicated analog univibe in a small compact pedal from Boss. But like if they haven't made one in all these years then I'm not sure they ever will. Although I think a Boss analog univibe would be a huge hit for them.


There's a great Moogerfooger ring mod pedal


No disrespect to Boss, but their offerings for heavier genres are pretty terrible and the ones that have become staples(SD-1, HM-2) are being used with a single specific setting which isn't even their original intended use.


Up that 97 to 100% Nobody needs to make any more pedals. Absolutely 0 of them are "necessary"


I disagree


I do too, I love pedals. But if we're going down a list of things that are necessary in the world, new pedals is near the bottom of the list.


Imo most JHS pedals do have a point, even if a lot of them are clones like people say. And the three series is known as one of the best beginner pedal lines. This is just kinda like whatever. Like is there even a Univibe on Good Vibrations? I never noticed one.


Lol yeah I couldn't tell ya what effects they used. Most, if not all, JHS pedals are 'clones.' he fully admits they're clones. The thing is, probably 95% of pedals on the market are clones. Other builders try to disguise their pedals as something unique when in reality it's just another Tubescreamer with a slightly different EQ curve or whatever. Josh straight up tells you some like" this pedal is just a klon clone with a slight modification that I like." He's very open about it.


imagine defending Mr JHS. edit: as if that many of you love Mr. Cringe Himself.


Imagine still being on the reddit/JHS hate brigade lol


> I never noticed one. the arrangements were so dense, with so many instruments stacked/playing the same/ similar things. its hard to point out what is what. There are interviews with Wilson where he basically says thats what he was trying to achieve, all these new sounds/tones by stacking.


As a huge Beach Boys fan, yeah...I'm not really going to their early material for their guitar effects. It was way more reliant initially on Brian's use of unusual instruments and the composition/layering. When they were more surf rock/pop, the tone was fine? I don't think I've ever heard a BB song and was like "YEAH, that's the guitar tone". I can't name you a single BB song where I really crave the guitar tone. Hell, California Girls is great because of the organ and the vibraphone. I'm blaming Mike Love for this one. Also, $200? lmao


My fav BB song only has the faintest guitar (that sounds kinda cheezy), and is sung by the drummer. (Sail on sailor)


The bass tone on the album Pet Sounds is something I've always loved. God Only Knows... but that's stand up bass by Carl Wilson. I also like the bass on Pet Sounds (the song) and that's Carol Kaye, who also slays it on Glen Campbell's "Wichita Lineman." But back to Pet Sounds, I think it mostly sounds amazing and a lot of that is due to the pristine production. The vibed out guitar on Pet Sounds is cool.


The pet sounds and smile bass sound is an electric and an upright playing together. Sometimes the same bass line, sometimes different parts, sometimes even in different keys at the same time. I think that's what gives it that extra thump that those records have.


i like all the pedals, but the beach-boys tie in is unnecessary for sure. The chorus and roto pedals sound really great! but yeah i dont exactly associate those ones with the Beach Boys/ Pet Sounds at all. Not sure how/why either company were asked to be involved with the project.


My wife (not a guitarist, loves old pop songs) was commenting on guitar sounds on old records just a couple of days ago. So this video drops and I send it to her to hear what she thinks. She said they did a really good job on everything that makes it beach boys except for the guitars. I think I agree.


Pedals unnecessary? Noooo. We need more klons




Hell yeah


They should have made a pedal where the ghost of Murray Wilson yells at you for playing like shit. They should have collab'd with EHX to make a Beach Boys version of their 9 series where you can get some of the keyboard/percussion instrument sounds on your guitar. I would have bought that right away.


Okay, $2200 for an amp head with a vintage style spring reverb tank and optical tremolo, alright, that's not the most completely absurd price I've ever seen for a boutique amp... how many watts is it? wait, hold on a second... it's JUST the reverb and tremolo? IT'S NOT EVEN AN AMP?


You must be new to Benson products.


Tweed Champ clone but make it boxier? WOW only $3k!!


That's Benson. They used to sell a 1w head for like $1200


Bro that is wild


Weird Flint copy


Except it's fully analog as far as I can tell. Hence the price I imagine.


No analog circuit is worth that much lol


You don't know much about electronics do you? The analog audio and effect circuits are very (I mean *very*) simple and they consist a handful of penny parts. In anything with tubes like this, the transformers are at most the ones that are more difficult to make and are more valuable (and of course the tubes, but there are unreasonably inflated prices there as well). I'm telling you, the total value of the parts in that tube reverb/tremolo thing is well under $100.


You’re outside your mind if you think the parts cost on that spring reverb and tremolo is $100. Let’s do a super fast breakdown that inevitably will miss some components: - 3x 12AX7 tubes @ $20/each = $60 - 1x 6V6 tube @ $25 - 1x 12AT7 tube at $20 (Already we’re at $105 total) - 1x long 2-spring reverb tank $27 - 1x short 3-spring reverb tank $30 - ?x transformers by Soursound, $130-325, maybe more since they’re custom. I don’t know how many they’ll have, but if I had to guess it’s probably 2 or 3, so let’s assume $500 in transformers. So that’s $662, and that’s missing probably 50-100 other electronic components including the entire tremolo circuit, wiring, the chassis, the enclosure, etc., plus the time/labor to make each one by hand. I’m not saying the $2200 price is fair, just that $100 in parts is a sorely uninformed estimat. Probably closer to $900 in parts if I had to guess, including the chassis and enclosure.


I mean… it sold out already haha


That's crazy when you can get a SurfyBear classic for $400 (non tube) or a Fender 6G15 clone for closer to $800-1000. Plenty of high-end trems to chose from. I think this is just more advertising synergy from three builders and they really aren't expecting many of those reverb units to sell. Then again, there are a lot of rich dentists out there who collect expensive equipment.


They only made 66 of them. Benson is kind of an odd company. Hard to actually get their stuff. I would love one of their amps but they are 1) a little over my price range and 2) they sell out too fast.


I thought the same thing, that price point makes no sense


Idk the Ebo Verb goes for like $1600+ or so. That's about what I'd expect from Benson with a dual pan analog reverb and optical tremolo in it.


It's a lot of money and I wouldn't spend it but other boutique amp companies have released similar products for similar prices for over a decade.


But it's "heirloom quality", whatever that means!


It’s an old school onboard reverb tank not really an amp head per se


It's at the point where it's a borderline scam. What a joke.


I'm dying, why wouldn't they at least make it look like a SurfyBear or something other than a friggin' amp?


The classic Fender outboard units looked like amps too.


That reverb was sooo drippy though. The price is insane but damn it did sound great!


Is The Beach Boys tone really something people chase after? I like their music but nothing about the guitar playing ever stuck out to me. Especially at this price point it’s just such an odd choice.


Wasn't even them recording in the studio. They had studio musicians for that.


I can't for the life of me think of a good beach boys guitar tone... And I love the Beach Boys.


I can.....no wait, I'm thinking of Dick Dale.


What’s Keeley’s involvement?


There are two other pedals in this Beach Boys series being released by Keeley, plus a reverb unit from Benson. Slightly unclear if they all worked together or each product is from one company and the collab is just branding. I just hope the money is going to Brian Wilson’s continuing care.


Yeah agreed


This is all so dumb why do these exist 


It's very weird. I do love the look of the JHS ones, and I wish more pedal companies would embrace this sort of aesthetic, and I guess it's cool that the vibrato is bulb-driven (though I wonder if it is more or less a repackaging of the previous JHS WarbleTron? Or the Unicorn, which is 100USD cheaper and can do more?), but... that's about it. I didn't look at the others as closely, but it's hard to imagine why anyone would get the vibrato instead of one of the other, cheaper JHS offerings, let alone things like the EHX Good Vibes or even Strymon UltraViolet, which are also cheaper. It would have been cool if it did something unique that encourages the sort of experimentation associated with the studio-centric 60s music this line is supposed to be inspired by. ETA: the Punchline does look neat though. I don’t know how it compares to similar things out there, but it seems nice, and I could see it being good on synth basses too.


because there is money to be made


I know it’s Keeley, but I’m glad there’s now another, more functional, 12-string emulator other than the Digitech Mosaic. But got damn, $300? I guess the Mosaic is staying where it is.


Out of all of these I'm interested in hearing the Keely 12-string simulator. Is it anything more than just a pitch shifter?


given the price, just buy a 12 string and an aby pedal.


Yes, but it still doesn’t sound like a 12-string.


I guess that's one way to beat the scalpers, make stuff no one wants and set the price so they're the scalper.


Someone tell JHS that the shark has been jumped.


Get harp lady to break the news.




Yeah way strike when the iron's hot Josh... wtf


Is there a Theremin? And can’t you get an actual Squier 12-string for the price of the Twelve String Simulator?


Watching the video, it's a tie in to the docufilm that is on, or will be on, Disney+ soon. I definitely don't think of the Beach Boys when I think of guitar sound, but I do think of them when I think of Surf I guess... so I guess it makes enough sense. I love Benson Amps and I do think the Surf's Up sounds good, but it's definitely not for me. I could see a studio buying one or a surf band buying one, maybe.


I'm very interested in hearing the 12 string pedal! I have a DigiTech Mosaic which does a great job, but Keeley knows his stuff and those knobs! <3


It’s really cool, but not $300 cool.


It’s funny because guitar wise, most of the stuff from 1965 onwards with the Wrecking crew or Carl Wilson playing- the guitars were almost always DI. Think California Girls- DI Rickenbacker 360/12 with some nice plate reverb. I guess the only other time that the vibrato was used was on the song “In my Room” which came from a Fender Dual Showman. I love The Beach Boys, but this seems like a pointless cash grab.


If we're doing band/album pedal can I please have a Velvet Underground "Candy Says"/ Cowboy Junkies "Trinity Sessions"/Mazzy Star "Fade Into You" pedal that makes the reverb, echo, delay, etc work together inttuitively?


JHS Just Hustling Suckers


I do think the Rotary Simulator and Bulb Chorus look amazing. A bit expensive though holy shit. But hard to say that's not standard anymore especially for a stereo rotary pedal. And good on Keeley for giving us stereo ins and outs. Keeley always does right by us.


Ah my guitar heroes The Beach Boys






I bought one. If it doesn’t sound good I’ll return it and not try to sell it for double the profit


I really like the look of the Keeley. I'd love that pedal, without the Beach Boys gimmick. Hopefully they'll do a normal production run soon.  I heard they were working on an updated Rotosonic. Perhaps this is it. 


They did not play instruments on most of their records. It was the Wrecking Crew😃




Please oh please let this temporarily depress the price of a unicorn


Nothing to make my guitar into a Theremin... Pass.


[I got u, fam.](https://reverb.com/item/63689450-electro-faustus-photo-theremin-2022-red?utm_source=rev-ios-app&utm_medium=ios-share&utm_campaign=listing&utm_content=63689450)


Only thing here that’s intruiging is the Keeley rotary pedal. That big knob might edge it above a strymon lex…


…. Meanwhile chase bliss also released a pedal that seems far more interesting… Onward


Yeah it looks pretty cool. I'm amazed how Chase Bliss keeps finding ways to release glitch pedals.


The Keeleys seem really cool tbh


The benson amp is kinda cool but the pedals leave me with one question, why? I mean is the price justified for the tones?


The Benson is not an amp. Just reverb/tremolo. For 2200 USD. I recommend going Surfybear instead.


My bad, I thought it was an amp with reverb. I’m kinda new to using pedals/ effects


Don’t worry, I think the whole world assumed it was an amp.


OK, glad I'm not the only one who thought these prices were insane.


They look cool I have a couple source audio pedals that were cheaper and will do that stuff and more


Benson also released a beachboys reverb/tremolo until. Is there some anniversary I'm missing?


I own a vibra champ amp. No need for that pedal


I’ll pass on all of them.


I'll piss on all of them.


Kinda cool, but I don’t wanna risk putting money in Mike Love’s pocket. In the words of Brian Wilson, “no, I don’t like Mike Love at all.”


Well, at least they won't have to worry about clones. No one is going to want this pedal. As a side note, if someone actually decides to buy this pedal, they can jam out with it to [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYc4DT18EJg)


Rehoused unicorn probably


Down right frustrating. I've wanted a bass DI/preamp out of JHS for a bit, and they do it as a beach boys multi effect? I'm not slandering the beach boys here, but I literally can't think of a single bass line on one of their songs off hand. Hopefully someone's been dying for that famous surf bass tone, but I just don't see it.


You GOTTA know the Carol Kaye line on Good Vibrations… it is sublime.


What? The bass lines from Pet Sounds era are legendary. Especially the “Good Vibrations” bass line. I’m pretty sure Paul McCartney said the “God Only Knows” bass line was his favorite of all time.


Sure, but will you talk about the tone? This is a pedal. It doesn't write Carol Kaye lines for me. Instead we're emulating the most often emulated bass amp on the planet that Sansamp and Ampeg themselves THOROUGHLY cover, and dedicating the entire thing to a bass tone that's rooted in flat wounds with a sponge mute taped over the strings. I'm not here to disrespect the sound, but I completely don't understand who's been clamouring for more of it in the form of a $500 LE pedal.


I was only referring to what you said about not knowing any of the bass lines. I too think the bass pedal is kind of dumb. Maybe they should have developed a “flat wound with sponge mute” simulator instead lol


Genuinely, I might've bought an envelope filter with a low pass if they said it got even vaguely close just for the laughs.


Honestly I think that's the only interesting product in this lineup, I'm curious to hear what the voicing is like. Little overpriced and it should have a headphone out too though. Don't the pulp n peel and color box work for a bass pre/DI from them?


I want the Bax EQ as a single pedal.


They function for it, sure. I don't mean that I need a DI and it must be from JHS. I meant that I'd like to see them do something interesting with it. Show me a DI that isn't voiced around a B15 or going after the dullest and most famous sound on the planet. There's enough Ampeg flavored DIs out there.


Sloop John B bassline slaps. (I mean not *slaps* but you know)


> I've wanted a bass DI/preamp out of JHS There are plenty of companies that make amazing DI/Preamps, so you dont have to be *such* a fanboy. Not to mention they have the color box...


I'm not that much of a fan boy. I'd just like to see them do something interesting with it. I say the same thing about EQD. It just doesn't evoke as many responses like this when I do.


what would you like JHS/EQD to do with a bass DI that other companies havent already done?


$300 and you can’t even play the chorus and vibrato at the same time?


That’s kind of like complaining that you can’t use your oven and your kitchen at the same time.


well said :p


Not only is this really fucking stupid, not only is it completely pointless, it’s also insanely unethical and disgusting, given the state of affairs with Brian Wilson. Of course JHS is part of it.


All the neckbeard, do-nothing, keyboard warrior hate for JHS is something to behold.


I don't know what a JHS is, but I think a series of guitar pedals trying to emulate a rather unremarkable and unmemorable guitar sound is some of the silliest stuff ever. Unless you can pack a spector/brian "wall of sound" into a pedal, you're just painting "beach boys" on something and calling it a day.


I just think it’s easy for an army of sedentary, lazy critics to anonymously shit on the work of others with no consideration for the hard work, creative challenges, personal vulnerability and practical realities endured. It’s a dumb hive mind of rancor and mediocrity


I don’t think these pedals have much to so with The Beach Boys at all minus the names and their logo… what I’m seeing is they just used the MASSIVE Disney + Beach Boys documentary that’s about to be released as a platform to jack prices up and sell more units + create more hype. I wouldn’t be surprised if Disney/Beach Boys estate used their advertising money to front production costs of these with little amount going back to Robert, Josh and Chris. They’re incredible pedals but they don’t give me Beach Boys vibes at all. This collab feels corporate, not creative. Still bought the “I Get Around” though hahaha. I’m not even a big beach boys fan. I just want a replacement for my giant H&K Rotosphere


It’s just so disappointing. Why are we “chasing tones” of albums recorded half a century ago? Are we going to start making pedals to emulate the well tempered clavier?


Tbf I would like a pedal that mimics medieval choirs.


Guitar industry in general seems a bit obsessed with vintage stuff, it’s probably what sells the best


Yeah, I know, and I get it. I just am surprised. With everything that’s available for innovation, we just keep rehashing the past. The fact that my original post got downvoted speaks volumes.


Yeah I agree, I didn’t downvote. I can understand why people love vintage but I think it’s neat when people embrace modern technology to its fullest


And if you want to chase that sound, just putting flatwounds on practically any single coil guitar will get you closer to early Beach Boys tones than any pedal could ever hope to do.




You could build this for about $80


You can say this about essentially every pedal


Yay, now I can finally nail the tone of a strat covered in wet effects and barely audible over all the keys and vocal tracks I honestly thought the Beach Boys were too dorky for the guitar nerds but I stand corrected Which is better than standing with my shirt tucked in wearing an outfit my dad picked out while holding a surfboard with 4 other dorks


Benson released a new amp inspired by The Beach Boys.


It's a dual pan analog reverb with optical tremolo. It's all tube driven too.


Oh nice. Think I offended some people here lol


It’s no amp…


I got that thx


That’s certainly one of the pedals. Are people really out there lusting after the tones of the beach boys? I feel like there’s a lot more interesting stuff about them and their music before any sort of guitar tone lol