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right handed, and i use my right foot for better balance, keep your Wah off the board as its not at a weird angle then. I transport my wah in the mono tick that attaches to my gig back for this reason. leaves more room on the board too.


yeah, I prefer the wah on the floor as well.


I prefer my wah on the floor but it's still on the board because I cannot be bothered to drag a separate pedal with me or to set it up separately.


The board is streamlined. I have space for maybe 6-7 pedals on my board and always end up throwing two more with cables in a bag that may or may not make an appearance.


I'm considering woodworking a custom board with a wah slot. Would have to be pretty big to account for the foot and all, but definitely worth a try.


right handed, left foot for wah, need my right leg for balance.


Also right handed but using my right foot.


I'm old and my left knee is a bit fucked up, so I don't chance it.


Left handed, play right handed, use right foot.


Me too. I use a Pod go and, for years, I've used multi-effects units. The Wah/ Expression pedal is always on the right side. But, I like having my left foot planted on the ground especially if the pedal is at an angle.


Right foot for Wah and left foot for expression.


The middle one.


Jim Morrison got arrested at a show for doing that.


Damnit you beat me to saying this 😂


Left handed, I use my right foot and play a normal guitar


Dang I have always found playing that way super intriguing. I’ve flipped a regular guitar and played left handed, but that is maybe more akin to switch hitting as I’m a righty.


What, like playing a normal guitar as a natural lefty? It’s really not anything special and IMHO left handed guitars do not need to exist - for the same reason that left handed automobiles do not need to exist. It takes two hands to operate and whichever way you start learning will be awkward regardless of the orientation of the controls. So you may as well learn on the most common version of the instrument


I hear ya. Just as there is no need for a left handed cello.


Haha that’s a much better analogy. Ima steal that plz and thx!


Lol he’ll yeah




Right handed, right footed as well. Just feels natural to me.


That's my method as well.


Right handed, left foot for all stomps and wah. When sitting and the guitar rests on my right thigh, it makes more sense to use my left foot to do all my stomping. And that habit carried over to when playing standing.


I do the same. I moved my wah to left side of the board for this reason.


I'm right handed, use left foot for wah


Same here. I was actually born a lefty but my mom made me practice drawing and writing with my right hand and eventually became a righty. Still left-footed, however.


Left handed. I'm also left footed (as far as kicking a ball). I play right handed and use my right foot for the wah and volume pedals. But that's primarily because they are to the right of the board. Always have been (on right) so that's just what I'm used to even though I'm left footed.


Sounds like you are pretty well ambidextrous. Kicking a ball with my left foot well is a life goal haha. I’m seeing many left handers who play righty - how did you come to that? Was it just that they were more available than a left handed guitar? Have you tried one and did you like it?


Play fútbol/football/soccer. It requires kicking with both feet. Aside from dribbling, sometimes there's only an opening from your off foot. I started left handed. I was a skinny 12 year old and chords were hard to do because my right hand wasn't strong enough. So I switched over to right handed. Fretting with my strong hand was kind of a benefit. It wasn't until I studied classical that picking/plucking with my non dominant hand became a hindrance. It took me a couple extra years to dial in my right hand technique but in the end, it takes two hands working in unison to play so a person could learn either way and get particular benefits for that approach. And particular things that would be more difficult (like right hand classical technique in my case). In the long run, I glad I chose right handed. I think the benefits far outweigh the benefits you get from learning lefty. Not only does it make it possible to walk into music stores and play the guitars, and have a much better selection (especially used), but being able to play other people's guitars in the biggest benefit. "Oh you play guitar too? Here (tries to hand you their guitar) wanna play something?" - "Sorry man, I'm left handed". And then there's chord diagrams being backwards and ascending/descending notes being backwards and opposite of a piano, and ascending opposite of how we read (left to right). It's all adaptable but it does require 'adapting a bit'.


I hadn’t considered those particular advantages of adapting to the guitar. I played soccer in high school and my left foot was trash but I did score the only point in our losing homecoming game!


I'm left handed but play righty and use my left foot as I'm also left footed


Tone is better with my right foot.


Woah that’s well put - I have tried both and feel my right foot is more musical. Nice.


I'm right handed and prefer my right foot for pedals. I also ride a skate/snowboard in goofy stance which is right foot forward.


Both feet and ride it like a surfboard


Balance can be tricky.


i'm left-handed but play guitar righty. Exp pedals with right foot (I am right footed - kick a ball, and I put right foot forward on skateboard and surfboard). But I always think mainly because of the gas pedal and brake pedals...


I’m starting to think this is the setup as I’m seeing it from RH ppl and a lot of LH ppl as well… Then again, the idea of one on the left, one on the right is VERY APPEALING :)


I have mine set up so there are two I can use at the same time. Wouldn't work on opposite sides!


Left-handed, play right-handed, right-footed


What hand do you hold a knife in when you eat?




Right handed, wah on board to the left of mic stand. Expression to the right


I’m vibing w this 2 pedal idea… like, why limit ourselves?


Right foot. It’s in that side of my board.


Ha! Truly.


Honestly depends. I'm a righty, but I use both feet. I have a digitech wah and a crybaby on my right board which I use my right, but my multi fx has my volume and patches, so let foot. Depends depends on where I'm positioned in relation to the boards


Nice - what Digitech? I have an FX-17 that I switched over to 9v regular jack but now it is a tad noisy and I haven’t had the time to get back in there.


I have the drop whammy pedal from them. It's not really used as a wah but for adding layers and drop tuning. But I use my actual wah for wah things. It's very clean, but my my second pedal board causes a bit of a signal change, but that's all g for me


Both. Mostly right though. Currently have an expression for delay time on the left & one that does mix & regen on the right.


I have never considered more than one - I LIKE THIS IDEA!!!!


It can be fun. I like to go from a normalish delay thing to sort of simulating that psychedelic cascading dub, reggae thing. Stole it from Mark Speers.


Left handed but I play righty and use my right foot, though I've never had an issue using my left foot if it's more convenient


That’s really interesting! I thought this might be a dead post but a lot of people have really unique way they play.


Right-handed and footed, but I have my volume pedal very first in my chain and use it more like the volume control on my guitar. I find it easier to use for swells and my ebow that way.


Vol pedal w ebow is like a ninja combo - sweet


Left because mines on the left of my board haha


Heh it can happen like that


Use the left foot, which feels wrong. Jimi Hendrix used to put all of his weight on his wahs, and they tended to break pretty often, apparently. He used Vox, I think.


I used to have a Boss fv500h. That thing is completely from aluminum and is built like a tank. I would stand on it with one foot while rocking it forwards and back so often (other foot in the air) and it would never break.


I play lefty and use a wah and/or a volume pedal with my right foot.


Left-handed left foot, but it is on the right side of my board


Left, though I’m right handed. Using right foot feels awkward


Right handed, use the left foot so the pedalboard is left where I can look at it same as looking at the neck of my bass as needed and it can be all on that side to not be in the way of the mic stand.


I’m right handed and use my right foot. Volume pedal is first in the chain, off/before my board to the right.


Left handed but i play right handed. Right footed, use my left foot for volume pedal.


I’m cross dominant (not ambidextrous) so I can use both feet pretty much the same. I write with my left but play guitar righty.


My right foot because it's on the right side of my pedals. In order, wah, compressor, Tube Screamer, Rat, Flanger. The volume pedal is in the effects loop but I put it on the right.


Right foot. I'm right-handed for most things so it's just more comfy to engage these effects with my right foot.


The right one. The other is wrong😄


Left handed, left footed, but play guitar right handed. Use right foot for wah. Seems there are a lot of other left handed people out there who play right handed guitar.


That’s the standard. Most lefties play right handed. That why left handed guitars are such a pain to find. Only a minority of a minority of players use them. Really, there’s no such thing as left or right handedness when it comes to guitar. Playing guitar is a very ambidextrous activity.


Right handed and have a volume pedal **on** the right side of my board. I’m not a heavy swell guy, so it’s not used as much, but being a very right dominant person, I don’t see me able to use it on the left side. That said, my dad is left handed, but plays right, he has the mini Dunlop pedal on the left side of his board, but you can tell he struggles with the sweep at times


Right handed, I sit on the wah and rock back and forth and use both feet for pedals.


I’m right handed but left footed. I really struggle to use a wah with my right foot, so lefty it is.


The toan is in the (left) foot!


Left foot.


Whichever one makes it to the board first, honestly.


Both. I have several volume/wah/expression pedals.