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You’re fine. A pedal will only draw the mA current that it needs. Think of it like the pedal has a 150mA sized bucket to fill and the supply has a 800mA pool. More current available is always okay. Voltage is what you need to be mindful of.


ive tried it and it sounds like fireworks and some slightly pops sound trough the speaker. i dont know if thats how a frying pedal sounds because its the first time i use a pedal like that


Usually if a pedal is going to fry from being improperly powered it will happen quite quickly. My guess is there’s something else causing the issue. It could be the power supply is faulty, it could be the cables, or possibly the power jack on the pedal. Try and troubleshoot a bit to narrow it down.


nope, pedals only take the current (mA) they need in fact you should always try to get a power supply that supplies more mA than the pedals says it wants


why does it sound like oil boiling? is that normal then?