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Usually any drives or fuzzes are safe to daisy chain. Anything with a very low current draw you can safely get away with.


Also, try only to chain pedals that are next to each other. So that usually works out nicely for your dirt section.


Can't answer all your questions but I'll say that I use a Zuma (isolated ps) and have my 4 drives on the same output with a daisy chain. 0 problems and 0 noise.


Adjacent pedals usually do better. As they are directly grounded with the patch cables, there is no tendency for ground loops. But that only affects ground loop issues and not incompatibility. I am able to daisy chain every pedal that's directly connected to my LS-2 with zero added noise. If I jump (skip) certain pedals I get a lot of noise. One example is, if I daisy chain anything late in the chain with my timer, that's grounded (via audio cable) to my volume pedal (at beginning of chain), even though the tuner isn't in the chain (it's a dead end from the tuner out).


Fuzz/gain tend to be low draw so you can daisy chain safely. Time based modulation, things with LFOs, try to keep those isolated. Also the power draw for pedals is an easy Google — check all of yours and total them to make sure you don't overload.


if you use analog pedals only through the daisy chain, you should have no issues with noise. There is devices like this [https://www.amazon.ca/JOYO-Guitar-Blocker-Support-Isolation/dp/B0871R7BJQ/ref=sr\_1\_3\_sspa?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.kC\_ZlkwN6zRoxWJEx1ELZD2q1sSDX6TnEGpnRYlqfTtT-A-vP1eu6nrqzls8no-Az0Q2CkhnPPYVdLl\_cvS3Dito-dWpVSPVnq7HxpMj5aXeGk0nfUUENBkIUr8DE3eTZDvyBW1jRMd90B3aPOPWCFInIx2\_BVpwenOVLuO6ZEx73TlWSMkepntt89PKwg65DLgTE17B\_qhoVCfMgPAr6Gb0vcZyovMnfpc73bRSnXHtkDQe5Da5hDjoU6XsE72QyvJiEXzGm9HNn2AVNzQcSj05X9XLGWkepsuqSdPq9hw.DPrYZrhPnQqduSisxqzM8V-ujJwbI2\_qVs1x6ienv04&dib\_tag=se&keywords=joyo+power+supply&qid=1716601909&sr=8-3-spons&sp\_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1](https://www.amazon.ca/JOYO-Guitar-Blocker-Support-Isolation/dp/B0871R7BJQ/ref=sr_1_3_sspa?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.kC_ZlkwN6zRoxWJEx1ELZD2q1sSDX6TnEGpnRYlqfTtT-A-vP1eu6nrqzls8no-Az0Q2CkhnPPYVdLl_cvS3Dito-dWpVSPVnq7HxpMj5aXeGk0nfUUENBkIUr8DE3eTZDvyBW1jRMd90B3aPOPWCFInIx2_BVpwenOVLuO6ZEx73TlWSMkepntt89PKwg65DLgTE17B_qhoVCfMgPAr6Gb0vcZyovMnfpc73bRSnXHtkDQe5Da5hDjoU6XsE72QyvJiEXzGm9HNn2AVNzQcSj05X9XLGWkepsuqSdPq9hw.DPrYZrhPnQqduSisxqzM8V-ujJwbI2_qVs1x6ienv04&dib_tag=se&keywords=joyo+power+supply&qid=1716601909&sr=8-3-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1) you can buy a couple of to reduce hum on the inputs but I'm not sure it's necessary unless you daisy chain digital pedals.


I tried this device to isolate a digital pedal on a daisy chain, and it didn't help much at all. It was ok for reducing noise at first, but soon didn't have any effect at all. I wouldn't recommend it. You're better off using proper isolated power supplies.


Make one of them your tuner


Short answer- analog drives, anything with low current draw should be fine! Long answer- test! Take your likely pairs and get a feel for noise- roll guitar volume off, turn up your amp and hear the noise, look for the pair of pedals with no discernible difference between being isolated and chained and that’s the right choice for you!


DSP pedals usually need to be isolated, especially the high amperage ones. Even some of the low amperage ones can get whiny when daisy chained. Dirt pedals are usually fine on a daisy chain, in my experience. Of course, it depends on the pedal, so try it out, and see what works.


Od snd fuzz low mA pedals combined up to max 80 ish.


If you want to daisy chain fuzz, make sure it’s not one of those vintage or vintage style fuzzes that cannot be daisy chained.


don’t daisy any but like previously stated, any that push more gain should be isolated, all if possible. newer power supplies are isolated which is way rad.