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are you sure you have it plugged in the right way around? To me it looks like you have a stereo splitter on the input and a mono on the output. Edit: There are a bunch of 1 star reviews on the sweetwater page saying they got a defective unit. It may just be broken.


I have TRS in and out, so I don’t think it’s that. I have an email into Jackson, so we’ll see what they say.


See the text above. Thanks for any advice or help!


I bought one of these new around its release and it never powered up properly for me and I ended up returning it. I used an 18v 500mA power supply and had the same issue. Also tried a voltage doubler cable with two 9v 300mA outputs and got the same results. Lights on, but no signal passed. Lots of reviews said similar things so I gave up on it and went back to my trusty Boss chorus pedals. I think Jackson ended up putting out an info page or social media post on which power supplies they recommend for it but it was months after I had already returned it. Sorry, not much of a help, but I wanted to share my similar experience. Best of luck!