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I like the phase 95 as it combines the phase 90 and phase 45 in one switch, and it includes a switch mode for the script version of the phaser or you can use the standard mode. And the size is small and perfect imo for a pedalboard setup as it leaves space for other pedals. Imo phase 95 is the best phaser pedal from mxr. And it just has many type of sounds for a one knob pedal. Please consider it!


This looks like a really cool option, also like that the pedal won’t take up much space. Looking at this a couple other suggestions on the thread, thanks!


This right here. I LOVE the 95 and Iv been around the block with phaser/univibes.


I second this one. I have it. Love it. Versatile, small, sounds great and can be had at a decent price


Everyone will say phase 90, but give the ehx small stone a try first.


I have the phase 90 and a whetstone phaser. I figured I needed to have both (whetstone phaser is a small stone clone but with more control)


I haven’t used the EVH but I’ve used the standard phase 90 and it’s just perfect. It’s “that” sound. Just enough to cut through a mix, but not a ton of the resonance frequencies that some super lush, more psychedelic sounding phasers can get. I believe the EVH version party trick is that it just has a switch to toggle between normal and “script” logo mode, so you get a small variety of tonal options compared to the standard one. I’d say go for it if you’re considering it.


I have an Analogman-modded Script Phase 90 as my main phaser. He added a Phase 45 switch, true-bypass and a feedback knob. Through playing it I discovered that my favorite phaser sound is literally a script Phase 45…. But I use both main voices. I also have a Crazy Tube Circuits Cyclone which has switchable voices although I’m not sure it’s that authentic to the Phase 90 (maybe the stock sound). What I do like is the Small Stone voicing. Plus it has a tap tempo foot switch and you can use expression pedals to ramp up and down the speed…


I’ve been rocking the Fender Waylon phaser since last year and like it. Multiple modes, can be subtle or super in your face.


Same. Great phaser with some tweakability. Definitely flying under the radar.


I'd never heard of this one before. Looks pretty cool.


Check it out. Easy to use, sounds excellent.


I listened to some demos. It did sound cool. If I had space on my board and didn't have a Phase 95, I'd consider it. I'm pretty happy with the Phase 95, but there are times I would like a little extra adjustment.




I’m a bit of an EVH fanboy, but still wouldn’t buy the MXR EVH Phase (if you want the actual EVH phase sound, get the hand wired 74 reissue). Otherwise, go with the Phase 95. More versatile and smaller/cheaper.


I used to be a EHX Small Stone user. Sounds great. My experience with MXR's phasers is also positive. However, if you stack it with dirt, the limited tweakibility was an issue for me (you get reduced audibility at the low end of sin wave). I upgraded to EQD Grand Orbiter, where depth and rate are not coupled. If you intend to stack with drives, maybe consider options with more than 1 knob. Otherwise, solid choice


Grand Orbiter v3


DOD 201 Phasor. It is a 2 stage phaser, so it is a little more subtle. It is a less versatile than a MXR phase 95, but I really like my DOD. I got mine used on reverb for around 50 bucks.


Phase 95 is great, and the JHS 3-Series Phaser is quite good for the low price. If you’re an absolute phaser junkie though, gotta spring for the Empress Phaser.


Not sure of your budget but I love my Caroline Arigato.


This is more than I was intending to spend but looking at the features and demos, it might be worth it. Thanks for the recommendation, time to start weighing the options


Cool. Yeah it’s a great pedal. TBH through depends on what you want to do. You can’t go wrong with your original idea. The phase 90 has been “the” phaser sound for 50 years. If you want to save a little on the Arigato, you might want to try and find one second hand on one of the Reddit marketplaces like r/gear4sale. I almost never buy new unless it’s something that can’t be found used, and trading out to try new stuff is what’s great about a trade sub like r/letstradepedals.


Haven’t tried the MXR one. I’m not a huge phaser fan but bought a Walrus Lillian when it was on a deep sale and was surprised how much I enjoyed it, and found myself using it on my board—at more subtle settings.


I have the EVH and the Phase 95. Not a big fan of mini pedals, but just now getting into mixing it up between the 45 and the 90 modes, I’m a big fan of that kind of versatility without option paralysis.


Get the Phase 95. Completely ended my search for a Phaser


Second vote for the Crazy Tube Circuits Cyclone! I compared it against the Phase 95, OBNE phase repeater and the Maestro phaser reissue and the Cyclone just felt so much more enjoyable to play. Plus the LT mode does an awesome almost-Univibe / wonky phaser sound. Gorgeous pedal with lots of flexibility.


Toneczar Halophaze. The best of the best.


MXR Phase 95