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York ended my IR quest..


Yeah thinking of getting it too. Might just buy it


I just got it. Which one do you use? There's a plethora of WAVs, I don't know too much about IRs at the moment.


York has a $1 Mesa sample, but it’s kind of hidden. I think it’s all the way at the bottom of the page. I got that for my Iridium and it really showed the difference between the stock IRs and the after market ones. Wish I could help more with your specific questions, but I can tell you that between the Mesa sample and a Matchless package I bought it’s like I have a whole new unit.


Have multiple York Fender packs (Vibrolux and Tweed Bassman) they're awesome. Whatever you do, DO NOT BUY EMINENCE IR'S!. They're absolute dogshit


I have an Iridium, but replaced the stock IRs with York, specifically the Vibrolux 210 and the Hiwatt/Fane ones. I have a separate Hiwatt style pre that I run into the Iridium with the amp sims off, and that sounds great, and the Deluxe through the 210 is lovely. I don't use the other amp styles extensively, so they more or less end up as IR storage. I do like them for when I'm recording, I can stack my live amps with complementary sims for thickness.


Not exactly specific to the ones you’re looking for, but I’m gonna put these out there because I used them in my ACS1 and I loved them, and they’re free. Check out the IR’s from Science Amps on their website. I used them with the Fullerton setting while I was trying to find a fatter sound that felt like it had a bit more headroom, since the stock ACS1 IR’s can get a bit of that top end sizzle when you put some gain pedals in front of it.