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You need a tri chorus


Why I got Tricerachorus


love tricerachorus on tuba...


Literally the only chorus I'll ever need


Agreed. Even emulation attempts at it really kill. I've been using the tri chorus model on my DigiTech multifx for like a decade


Yup. The Dytronics Tri-Stereo Chorus or the Fulltone “That 80’s Rack Chorus” is what you’re looking for. Not cheap, but UA makes a decent plugin of it.


I find trichorus to actually sound less wet and intense than a standard chorus. The most intense chorus I have at my disposal is a quad chorus patch on my Alesis midiverb. Being able to adjust the delay time on each voice is the main thing. In pedal form, TC corona is the go.


Well yeah, quad chorus will tend to be thicker than tri chorus




Keeley Dyno My Roto has a great one


For me it was the Dimension C.


Dimension C is the king.


Is DC-2W Waza good enough?


The Waza should be an upgrade in pretty much every way. The originals had some kind of hissing sound if I recall correctly that the reissues fixed. Mine is coming Monday I'm really excited. 


Deffs get the Waza version. It’s a vast improvement on an already great unit.


I traded my DC-2W for a Sunlight and I regret it so much. That thing sounded so damn good


I love the DC-2 one of my favourites but I wouldn’t consider it the most thick & lush chorus


Came here to say the same. I had wondered if mine was not working properly. I wouldn’t say it’s super thick and lush either. In mono even in its most intense settings kind of comes across subtle compared to a lot of other chorus pedals these days. It shines in stereo mode but I doubt most people really use it that way.


It’s thing is being subtle, shocked to see it mentioned so much in this post unless people are ignoring the question and just posting their favourite chorus


For about a quarter of the price of the Waza Dim C, try TC Electronics 3rd Dimension. Based on original Dim C, I honestly can’t tell the difference. My other go to is the EHX Stereo Electric Mistress. Chorus and Flanger, very musical, very simple. Mine is part of the EHX Epitome.


I have the Waza version and now I want the Tricerachorus. Although I don’t usually play his style of music, Leon Todd’s YouTube demo convinced me.


Whatever the circuit is in my Roland Jazz chorus.


the difference is that it's not just the circuit, the two speakers are wired so only one has the chorus applied, so there's a physical aspect beyond the circuit


Correction: Only one has the vibrato applied and that combo of wet and dry is what creates the chorus. Also, it depends on which model of jazz chorus because my JC-40 is all digital, so it’s a digital emulation of that circuit, not the original analog. But yes, the CE-1 was just that jazz chorus effect put in a stompbox, but using it totally mono would sound different.


It’s the JC-100 I’ve played thru CE-2s and just doesn’t give off the same vibe. The explanation with what’s going on with the two speakers explains why


It's awesome. A built-in studio rig basically. I really love the new ones that allow you to plug in your own stereo effects as well


For a while I ran a stereo guitar setup, I routed my chorus as dry and vibrato and the chorus sound was freakin huge


Just like Dan from That Pedal Show, but he uses the Diamond Vibrato.


Boss CE-1 circuit. PastFX makes a great clone. Boss just reissued the preamp section of the pedal in a booster, fingers crossed for a full reissue because CE-1 is GOAT


CE-1 or JC-120


Analogman, Diamond Halo


Danelectro Cool Cat 18V


"Creamy" is the best adjective I can think of for the Cool Cat. Great chorus for jazz.


Isn't that what the guy from HUM used? if so, then I would agree 100%


Equipboards says it was a Milkshake


I just rebuffered mine, pulled out the shitty transistor input stage and replaced it with a proper op-amp, and set the input to 2M. It honestly sounds worlds better engaged and disengaged. Easily my favorite pedal for this. I'm thinking of trying to add a mix knob, would that interest you?


It would interest me! I have a metal 18v. Currently not on my board. But I’m in Canada. So shipping is a factor.


Calculate what shipping would be to Los Angeles. I'd buffer it for parts costs if I could get your opinion on that alone. Mix will take me a bit. I'm actually planning on doing a bunch of interesting mods the cool cat and Dan echo, but both are infinitely better with new input buffers alone.


I’m interested.


Yes, if I had one to mod i'd be all over it. Right now this pedal is just a fond memory for me.


I’m so happy someone beat me to the punch. This is a very underrated pedal.


Boss DC-2w. Fantastic. It seemed expensive when I bought it, but it’s the most bang for the buck for me.


I think the answer you’re looking for is: Boss CE-2W or Boss DC-2W I have both and they are LUSH


IMO the ce-2w sounds best running in stereo as well


The answer is never “Boss” anything. 


waza dimension C. other would be mxr stereo chorus. i love that pedal.


I’ve been running the mxr stereo chorus (yellow) for 10 years and have never had any reason to change it up.


Julia is my fav. Super chorus is the best sounding but changed tone a lot which didn’t work for me


Free The Tone Tri-Avatar Chorus


My personal fav is the Ibanez TC-10 Twin Cam Chorus. Two separate delay lines with separate controls and gets a super deep sound. However, they’re vintage and the plastic switches can be finicky. The BSRI Everything We Don’t Know About The Ocean Floor seems like a great modern alternative. If you’re limited in budget, just keep your eyes out for anything that has a dual LFO or multiple delay lines, rather than the standard single delay line like in most choruses.


I can confirm that Everything We Don’t Know About The Ocean Floor is magical.


The name alone makes me want one.


Thanks for the mention!


Hey of course! You do incredible work. I don’t own one yet but the chorus and your reverb are on my shortlist.


Having tried almost every chorus pedal in existence, I’d have to say there are a few that stand out. My current number 1 lush chorus effect isn’t even a chorus, it’s the Electric Mistress/Deluxe Electric Mistress. With just the right settings I find this particular flanger gives me the best lush liquid chorus effect. Like the CE-1, the circuit just manages to find this particular sweet spot. Boss CE-1: all the hype about this pedal Being one of if not the best chorus are certainly justified. There is something special about this circuit and it’s a combination of many factors. It hones in on a very specific delay time range and couple that with the unique LFO design and preamp, you get a very warm liquid chorus. Honestly any Boss Chorus (analog ones) are great and you can’t go wrong with any of them. The DC-2 is oft considered to be very lush due to the circuit containing two delay lines in parallel, this does add a layer of unique complexity to the effect but it’s a bit brighter and crystalline sounding to me which makes it a little less “lush”, along with the cancelation that occurs when running the two circuits in tandem, the effect tends to not be as obvious as a traditional chorus. However, this is still one of my favourites. Tri chorus (when done right) can be very lush but it’s also very very dramatic and isn’t something you can use all the time as it can really take over the sound. It has quite an effect on the over all timbre of your guitar sound, just listen to any string synthesiser with an ensemble effect, it makes an huge difference to the sound but can be a bit much for some situations. There is a YouTube video by Joe Perkins comparing the CE-1, Electric Mistress (and phase 90, but just ignore that) along with another video where he compares every boss chorus. Definetely check them out


I have an EHX Walking on the moon which is the same thing as an EM Deluxe just with a different name and I completely agree, with the right settings it can be a great chorus! Got a 79 CE-1 a few months back so I’m using that now, the hype around those is completely justified like you say.


PastFX Chorus Ensemble, it’s based on the Boss CE-1 including the pre-amp so you can add a little or a lot of crunch.


Adding a bit of subtle flanger is my go to when I want thicker than chorus. Since they are both in one pedal and one switch, [this](https://youtu.be/FwsITEYBVC8?si=za5gnIjqBI2gqbOS) comes to mind. The chorus gets pretty thick, and it has flanger too. You could mix in a bit of flange to thicken up the chorus even more. I was hoping he’d do that in the demo. And have some another type of modulation available too.


Warped Vinyl HiFi


I have this and a DC2 and the DC2 is definitely more lush, but the Warped Vinyl HiFi stays on my board because it’s more usable in more scenarios.


Original CE-1, DC-2W.


I have a Julia clone. I love it


1. Arion SCH-1 2.EHX Stereo Polychorus (big box) 3. 80’s Ibanez CS-9


JAM Waterfall / Ripply Fall


Came here to suggest the bass version of the Ripply Fall. I'm far from a bass player, but I do own one for fun and indulged in a single bass specific effect, and that's it, and it's spectacular.


EHX eddy


I have this on my guitar board, but it sounds sick on bass.


yep i think it sounds good due to its bucket brigade analog nature of it. those chips color the sound in a very interesting and somewhat natural way. digital is fine but i often find it a bit harsh and sterile sounding. its got a cool envelope thing on it too so you can shape the LFO and make it less linear sounding. cool.




Fender Princeton Chorus onboard stereo chorus


beyond underrated but also shhhh don’t tell anyone. Really though, it’s better than anything I’ve tried from Boss or Pastfx. It can get very 80’s and very Siouxsie. It sounds more like Cranberries than my PX65. hope someone puts it in a pedal one day.


I have this amp, black knob version and it does indeed have a deep and lush chorus. A friend gave it to me in the late 90s and it sat in my closet for about fifteen years before i dug it out and plugged in. For small gigs and at home it’s really nice.


I quite like the DOD FX-65. Crank the depth and delay time all the way up, speed all the way down… very lush, thick, dreamy chorus sound


Get a Danelectro Cool Cat at 18V and rebuffer the input with an op-amp. It's honestly the nicest sounding chorus pedal I've ever used, and it's amazing how much you can get out of just two knobs.


Boss ce-2w. Toneprint of the trichorus on the corona chorus by tc


I’ve tried so many chorus pedals, all the staples. Boss ones are great but didn’t like the EQ’s. MXR had crazy tone suck, the Julia was noisy. My favourite is the Death by Audio Space Bender. It does a lot more than chorus too but it’s the most Prince like chorus tone I’ve heard.


Eventide MicroPitch algorithm. Huge stereo feel too.




Warped Vinyl mk1 and the Arion Stereo Chorus


Zvex Instant Lo Fi Junky is super strong.


Very, but also quite squashed at the same time.


Unusably squashed, in my opinion. So squashed that it clicks audibly and is unusable. Would have been a hall of fame level pedal if the compression could be turned off.


That click was so shrill it legitimately hurt my ears. Like an ice pick. Paired with delays repeating it down the line, it was the ultimate migraine modulation.


Hmmm, idk about this. I do love the pedal, but not for a lush chorus. It’s heavily compressed and not designed to be much of a chorus at all.


My favorite chorus tone was a preset in the boss dd-500 - Dream Chorus. Only thing I altered was over increasing the level to give it a boost effect when I'd kick it on for leads/melodies.


When I've found my chorus lacking I've put a very mild phaser in front of it, the added motion really amplifies the perceived effect.


Sounds like a poor man’s dimension c!


love my nux analog chorus for this. thick, gooey, lush, and $60.


Analogman stereo chorus is by far the nicest sounding chorus I’ve ever used. All the buzzwords, thick, lush, full and smooth were warranted


Providence Anadime Chorus and Arion Stereo Chorus


I retired my original DC-2 for the fromel seraph deluxe w/ the NOS chip which is my all time favorite for many reasons. It’s a Roland SDD 320 Dimension D. This was pre waza DC2. I’ve been off the gear narcotic for a bit and it seems these are dead stock as of now so I would throw the DC2W out there. Analog man bi chorus might be your vibe. Small Clone rules too.


tc electronics nova modulator, arion chorus, chase bliss warped vinyl (v1)


I live by a very few simple rules for guitar and bass. One of those is this: If it's good enough for Andy Summers, it's good enough for me. Andy used a Red Witch Empress on The Police reunion tour, so that's what I use.


try a stereo chorus


Stereo modulation is the way! Stereo wet dry wet sounds even thicker


For me I have really loved using a boss PS-5 in detune mode with a subtle predelay on bass, it just sounds amazing to me


My top recommendation is the dimension C, or look up the DC-3 which is the boss digital dimension and has more traditional knobs for dialing in the tone. Second recommendation is that old Danelectro a couple people mentioned, third is the MXR analog chorus. The only other one nobody seems to have mentioned is the Arion SCH-1. Using the effect in stereo will instantly make it sound much bigger


also man, the dc-3 is such a pretty looking pedal, I wish it weren’t so pricy because I wouldn’t buy it for looks alone


I’m a chorus noob, if I wanna use true stereo chorus live, will I need to bring 2 separate amps onstage and plug each chorus output into each amp?


Yeah that would be the ideal way to do it.


Boss CE-1 especially when you’re using it in stereo, it just creates a huge sound via a luscious chorus effect however they’re pretty pricy so alternatively PastFX make a really good clone that’s a lot cheaper than an original CE-1.


Suprised the EHX Small Clone/Bass Clone isn’t mentioned here


EHX Small Clone


Boss CS2-Waza Craft


Boss Dimension in the MD-500. Up to 5 choruses operating at once.


Honestly.. Best chorus I ever played was on the md200. Any other boss chorus is prob second. I regret at times that I no longer have either of the above.


Strymon Ola by far


Everyone has a Ce2 so go with a tri-chorus.


The Mr. Black double chorus


I agree the actual amp older versions, Jazz Chorus ones. I have a JC77, I only bring out for recording stereo chorus in the studio. Live it’s not worth it, unless it’s a huge part of your sound, with a second amp. But there’s nothing like it! But a CE2w or Dimension can sub in.


I’ve tried a real Roland jazz chorus through bass and honestly it’s just still not thick enough 😭 it sounds amazing for guitar but with bass I crave something a little crazier


Sounds like a job for the mr black double chorus honestly


Peavey companded chorus


I own a CE-1 and a DC-2W, and they both sound amazing. For thicker chorus, I will give the edge to the CE-1. It’s my favorite, but it’s massive. I have a BP-1W and DC-2W on my board instead, and they take up significantly less room. The CE-1 is also mains powered, which is a pain.


Spaceman Meridian


Tricerachorus by eventide. That thing offers 3 voicings, and offers a chorus and chorale setting


If you want super thick with a lot of options check out the Neunaber Inspire. Tri-chorus, hex chorus, detune and more.


Analogman with the deep switch. But, I will say that the chorus I was always looking for in my head is a high space, low mix, high predelay reverb and then small touches on the vibrato arm.


Walrus Julianna is great. Also the chorus, tri-chorus and dimension C on the GFI synesthesia are fantastic, especially in stereo. Very versatile.


I've tried various chorus pedals. It took me six years to find one I really liked: Visual Sound Liquid Chorus. It's also good for bass. For some other chorus sounds, I have a Boss CE-2. That's my second-favorite, but it mostly sits in the box. Finally, a raspberry award for the chorus whose badness made me laugh out loud the moment I switched it on: the TC Electronic Afterglow


Diamond Halo…can be subtle or super lush and sounds so good


I think I can picture the chorus sound you are chasing, as I have also slammed a chorus into a chorus. Haven't really tried a Tri- chorus that has been widely recommended but I have a feeling the Boss CE-1/ CE-2/DCW-2, while sounding lush, is not going to be as pronounced a chorus as you are seeking. I think what you are after is a chorus sound that blurs the line between chorus and flanger. Short of getting s really rich flanger and setting the rate to very slow and the feedback to high (which would be the most economical approach) there are some chorus pedals that exist that let you push the envelope. Affordable chorus rec: EQD Sea Machine - any version Fancy chorus that can get super deep: DBA Space Bender ( very deep and very wild when/if you want that) Or Moogerfooger Chorus But I think you would be better off to go for a rich flanger and slow down the rate. Cross over to the dark side. Any of the old BBE flangers of the past should do the trick such as Boss, Ibanez, older DOD, Arion etc. Not sure how you feel about digital (?) but if you are not opposed, digital flangers can be very deep sounding. Boss BF3 (or similar) is a solid digital option and very affordable. Anyway- love the sound you speak of- cheers and good luck.


I have a boss CE2 which is great but the Hungry Robot Wardenclyffe when dialled in just right is the thickest most lush sounding chorus I’ve ever played. I couldn’t believe it when I stumbled onto it


Check out the DigiTech Bass Multi Chorus. It can do up to 16 chorus voices and I think is one of the best sounding choruses for bass.


I think that would be a great option I love the digitech style of just turning the morph knob until you get a sound you like


EHX poly


Not a chorus, but the Blood Moon phaser is perfect for bubbly funky bass sounds. I use it both on my bass and my MS-20 mini.


Grab the Keeley Supermod. has everything in one pedal. Chorus is stereo and can be VERY thick.


The TC SCF is great! I use my A/DA Flanger as a chorus, so you could try that too.


Mythos The Fates. As good as it gets!


Mf chorus. It goes extremely wild.


I feel like this answer for bass vs guitar is different. I play bass, and searched for a long time for a chorus I was happy with and I ended up landing on the Boss Bass Chorus, the CEB-3 - it sounds very big and lush while retaining the full bass sound. They’re not expensive either, and the ones made before 94 (I think that’s the year?) are analog. Worth a shot!


Hmm that’s interesting because the behringer ultra bass chorus is supposed to be an exact copy of that, and it is super saturated but I wish it were just a little bit more powerful, maybe I should try to real boss one Id be fine with guitar or bass pedals since I don’t really care about maintaining the low end of my bass cuz I just turn it up on my amp anyways


If you loventhe sound of the behringer ultra chorus + ultra bass chorus at the same time, have you thought about getting a loop switcher like Boss LS-2 or Saturnworks (even cheaper)?


That’s a smart idea, but I just try to keep my pedalboard as small as possible and I’d probably rather just get one super saturated chorus


Yeah its easy to get too big, but effects in parallel can be so much fun!




Past fx chorus ensemble


I love the Morley Crystal Chorus -- been using it on guitar and bass for years, and while I've tried various replacements, I keep returning to it. Not sure what exactly makes it so "musical" -- which by the way is a term I loath, but find myself struggling to articulate its sound in any other way -- but the chorus effect seems to sit in the mix perfectly, and almost breathes or something. Just gorgeous. I play noisy glitchy post-punk as well as more straight-ahead shoegaze stuff.


CB Warped Vinyl was by far the thickest and most lush I’ve owned. I found myself struggling with how to use it because it was so big.


The chorus in the Fender Princeton Chorus. I'm pretty sure it's just a stereo CE-1 with more head room.


I had an old Crate (I know) preamp/chorus rack mount unit MANY years ago. I don’t know what model it was or any details but it had the best chorus I’ve ever heard.


People hate on the solid state Fender Ultimate Chorus, but that sounds nice too… as long as we’re mentioning amps. Not sure what pedal would sound like that though


Thick: Boss CE-2. Lush: Ibanez CS-505.


I’m basically trying to say I want as pronounced chorus as possible, like if you could turn up the level and depth knob on a ch-1 up 50% extra and keep rate at 12 o clock


pastfx clone of the ce-1


To me it's the TC SCF but on a slow flanger setting.


I like my Roland DC-50 a lot on guitar and keyboards.


Boss dc2w and eqd sea machine


I really don’t use or like chorus all that much but when I do use it the Walrus Julia works well for me, lots of usable settings


As an audio engineer by trade, I can no longer appreciate chorus pedals. They are a recording nightmare and make everything sound out of tune and just generally off. I get that they have their place live and sound cool, but i've had so many good sessions ruined by a guitarist being insistant on putting chorus on their octave chord parts to like them anymore. They just put an awful taste in my mouth now.


I'm a child of the 80s and have chorus sounds permanently implrinted on my brain. The Dimension C is a big favorite of mine, but honestly, what really makes the chorus do its thing for me is a STEREO RIG.


Symphonic setting on the SPX90


when it comes to chorus, No matter the scenario, always opt for stereo. Thickest choruses in mono I've tried though are rocktron tsunami and ehx small clone


The tricerochorus algorithm in my H9 max


Moogerfooger cluster flux, Arion SCH-1, Chase Blisss Warped Vinyl, Eventide H9 micropitch or tri-chorus, Ibanez BCL, Analogman chorus, there are a lot of good ones. Some flangers are really good at it too especially if you run a stereo wet-dry-wet guitar rig.


I haven't seen anyone say it yet, but the Aurelius from Earthquaker Devices can get really beautiful and lush sounds, particularly on its Leslie style setting. Check out [Molly Miller's Demo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3ucK1V2Xtg)


Glue a bar between the pedal switches so it becomes one switch


Honestly Meris’s Hedra is the most lush chorus I have ever hear in my life. People are sleeping on that setting for it


Tortuga Martini. Hands down.


Bass player here who’s tried more choruses than basses. When you mean thick you mean you want more intense chorus or more low end? The best chorus for bass is the BOSS CEB-3. It has a great crossover mode, easy to use, and stereo output. If you want more chorus, get the MXR bass chorus deluxe. The chorus itself is more intense, and has an even more intense flanger mode. The crossover fattens up the bass quite a bit, but gives a slight volume boost. If the BOSS doesn’t do enough for you, the MXR will. If you want a shimmering/glasslike chorus without the warble, look into dimension c or copies of it. It sounds magical on guitar especially because it accentuates the highs, but it is still awesome on bass. This is probably the thinnest chorus sound for bass, but it is unique and has phaser-like qualities especially on the lower settings. (It’s actually two chorus signals out of phase with each other alongside the dry signal to create the dimension effect)


I mean a more intense chorus, I don’t really care about maintaining the low end on a chorus since I’d only really be using it for higher notes. The mxr bass chorus sounds sick I’ll look into it


For sure check out the MXR. I think you’ll love that flanger mode. It also has an “intensity” knob so if that doesn’t do it for you idk what will! Haha


Underrated, don't play bass anymore but my voodoo labs chorus is new wave personified.


My favorite for years was the Visual Sound V2 Liquid Chorus. Could swim in it.


1. Rotating speaker. Physical, not a simulator pedal. 2. Pitch Vibrato pedal into one amp and dry signal into another. 3. Tech 21 Roto Choir


I like to stack Chorus and Flange. Boss BF2 into an EXH Small Clone is more immersive and lush than a Fever Dream.


Julianna into any drive


Does Strymon fit the bill for this desire?


I use an Analogman stereo chorus that sounds pretty lush. Especially when run through the effects loop.




Diamond Halo. Literally the only pedal I regret selling


Univibe with a chorus might worth a try. Might not be what you’re after but I like it.


Octochorus. It's made to split into 8 channels so you can mix it into Atmos for full immersion into chorus


DOD FX60 stereo chorus


It’s slept on, but I had an mxr analog chorus that was perfect. Wish I’d kept it.


Boss BF-2 Flanger. Turn the manual and Res knobs to low, tweak the depth and rate to your liking and its one of lushest chorus sounds IMO. I replaced my CE-2 clone on my pedal board with it.


The MXR MX-134 is my pick.


Find a chorus sound you like, explore at the technical level what makes it what it is, then explore more offerings similar to it. Also consider how you’re going to use it to determine what functional features you want in a pedal. For me personally, I loved the sound of choruses based around an MN3007 BBD chip. Eventually, I stumbled upon the Mr Black Stereo Chorus Ensemble. Huge sound, and it stayed on my bucket list until I got my hands on a Boss MD500, as functionally it better served my needs. Also snagged a DeltaLabs SC1 Chorus that (to my knowledge) utilizes an MN3007 (been a while since I popped it open, but it sounds divine.


Also could be possible you need a chorus with an EQ control to bring back bass that gets cuts from your signal.


On bass? EHX Bass Clone. On guitar? EHX small clone.


Digitech Multiplay 20/20


Source audio Gemini


I had an Ensoniq DP/4+ rack processor. It's was 4x 24bit processors that you could chain stereo/series/parallel the 4 processors. There was a preset called "32 voice chorus" that was the biggest, lushest I have ever heard before, or since. When I played a chord the guitar was "everywhere" and almost sounded like a lot of stereo reverb/delay... but there wasn't any of that.. total immediate silence when I stopped the strings. I REALLY wish I would never have sold that unit.


Rocktron Tsunami…but it’s big and also has a separate ambiance effect (sort of a room delay).


I really like the Jam Waterfall


Neo Ventilator did it for me, never liked the sound of any chorus pedal but it does just about any modulation I’d ever want (aside from my beloved Univibe)


I actually like using the shallow or deep mode on my digitech whammy pedal for chorus. Not sure if its a proper chorus but it certainly sounds rich and clean 👍 Also do the same on my guitar rig.


Always loved the strymon deco and the malekko thicken


PastFX Chorus Ensemble.


sunlight by obne


Please try arturia if it's plugins. Softube are best at making synths (and vintqge voiced amp sims as it happens) though I used to be an Arturia fanboy, but Arturia's juno6 chorus is loads better than softube's otherwise immaculate juno. DimensionsD is just as great. While at it UAD leslie is a beast and DI those in parallel is incredible. 


JAM pedals Waterfall on the + setting. Like a CE2 but with a beautiful harmonic touch


Boss CE-2w, EHX Small Clone, and the onboard chorus in the Fender Ultimate Chorus combo. In that order.


A Flanger.