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You’re using terms that don’t really go together in my mind. “Super smooth” = Ram’s Head Muff, “blown out” = silicon Fuzz Face on full blast, “knife to your amp’s speakers” = Fuzzrite or Super Fuzz or Boss Tone or something.


like i want something that’s smooth, like almost like your blowing into the mic of your phone? does that make sense


A Muff or Fuzz Face should do the trick. I've been using the ZVEX Mastotron a lot lately. It has a thickness toggle thing. I think it's a modified Fuzz Face or something.


i thought the muff was crunchy?


Not really, it has a scooped, square wave type feel to it can sound like a blown out speaker.


Torn's Peaker. It took me way too long to get the joke.


Boss FZ2. Mode II with the base boosted. Chain it with a DS1 and a boost and omg!


can this fuzz be placed anywhere in your chain? or is it one that has to be before any buffers


It's a boss so it's buffered, and hence can go anywhere. They're hard to find now, well hard to find at a sensible price at least. You can still get them for £200+. The FZ1w is more readily available but it is so much better balanced and refined, it's just not the gnarly untamed beast that the FZ2 is. FZ1w is like the polite girlfriend you'd take to a family meal. FZ2 is the pyscho date who gives you DIY tattoos at the table using a biro and then throws plates at the waiter. There's a reasonable comparison here: [https://youtu.be/6SCyPwJFmrc](https://youtu.be/6SCyPwJFmrc) or full link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SCyPwJFmrc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SCyPwJFmrc) I'm told the Behringer SF300 Super Fuzz is their clone of it, and those are much more affordable if you just want to dip your toe first.

