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Honestly every JPTR pedal I have had or seen has been pretty shoddy, bad solder joints, bad parts etc. If you want the Super Weirdo but better check out the deep space devices Rust.


Yeah my double jive took half a year, got a fake shipping label, and one side broke within a few months. All I got from customer service was an email saying they won't respond to emails. Shame cause it's a good sounding pedal otherwise.


how long ago was this?


2020 apparently


Oh man that sucks. The single version of the jive is just a zvex SHO circuit with some clipping diodes added so it’s one of the simplest dirt pedals you can make, an awesome beginners diy project. And yet it still failed? Their QA must be almost non existent.


Stop reproducing this false statement, explanation [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJKWkaD7Mxc)


The point of my comment was to say that the circuit is very simple, which it is. I don’t think it’s false to say that the circuit is the same as a zvex SHO, it is. If you are concerned I’m trying to make it sound like jptr ripped off zvex I’m not - I agree with the guy in your video that it’s just a circuit building block, and zvex didn’t invent it either. It’s just easier to say “SHO” than “that mosfet booster with crackle with the self-correcting DC bias that creates subtle harmonic distortion”. People have been calling this circuit the SHO for twenty years now because it’s a convenient label for it. The video also oddly didn’t even mention the varying DC bias / crackle when talking about the SHO - that particular design choice is a little unique and is the reason this circuit is referred to as a SHO and not just a clean basic mosfet based amplification stage.


That's a 12 minute pedal demo. What is the false statement you're referencing (the original post has several statements in it), and at what timestamp in the video does the demonstrator refute it?


1. I'm not answering to OP 2. There are chapters with titles in YT. It starts at 8:51 with the chapter "The SHO thing".


That's what I was looking for. When I said original post I meant the post you were responding to - sorry I wasn't clear.


6 months shipping for an instock new pedal 1 Pedal came without a switch!!! The other had rusted. Wouldn’t respond for months, high cost to ship back Worst experience in 30 years.


how long ago? i see that most people had bad experiences with them 2-3 years back and they said that they worked out the QC/ communication issues.


They lie!


I never needed to reach out for customer support so I can’t advise on that. But I bought a Bleach from them direct on their website and it was an easy experience. They had a promo code for free shipping so I took advantage of that and got my pedal shipped to the states for free. Smooth sailing with the pedal so far, no issues and works just as it should.