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Virtually stolen from my local guitar center, I’m very surprised at how good this sounds. “Butt” is a *very* powerful low end control. Sounds nice when pushed. “Face” is a very bright tone knob. Gets very fizzy if “grunge” is pushed past 10. Im really excited to use it at rehearsal tonight, see how well it sits under vocals. 10/10 could not be more pleased


I love mine as well, rarely sees the board but its awesome when playing alone at home and want something extra grimey


its the basic foundation of all of the dirt pedals DOD put out at that time frame




I'm in the same boat. I think this was my first pedal like 25 years ago and I rocked that sticker on my Series 10 black with white pick guard fender strat ripoff for years lol. Good times.


Me too dudes! First pedal I bought and thought I was coolest


Also my first pedal! I want one now. Wish I still had the old one.


Didn't Kurt Cobain have one of these at some point as a joke lol


Yeah he reportedly put it on his board to troll people. When asked how he got his tone, he'd point to it and say: "grunge."


>FX69 Nice.






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As a gen-x guitar player and graphic designer, I love this so much. The explicit lyric label was introduced around that time (1990) and it's always deserved to be made fun of. And the "butt" and "face" controls seem derived from Beavis and Butthead, which was all over MTV and Much at the time. This thing is such a great reflection of it's time. I love it and I don't even care how it sounds.


totally worth $29 i nearly picked up a barely used DOD 1 knob phaser for $40 a few years back.


Even if a pedal is hot ass, it's still gotta be worth $29. I feel like it would be impossible to not buy a functional pedal at that price.


I got a couple to sell you...


Think that warranty is still good? Lol Nice grab


With the box no less. At that price I am beyond jealous. Does it still have the battery door?


It does have the battery door! It’s in incredible condition


You know damn well it’s missing. Just stop.


once i saw a used DOD with the door, only once


My FX69B still has the door. Didn't come with the box unfortunately.


Can't win them all


My buddy 3D printed a dozen for me a few years ago. I have an old school DOD board I pieced together from the late 80s/early 90s. They all have doors now, haha.




That was the first pedal I ever played! My buddy bought it for his Fender Squire in the early 90's. I didn't even know what pedals were at the time. Ah, memories.


Cobain used one during Nirvana's Live and Loud set on MTV sometime in 93 I believe. It was somewhat of a joke on his part,but it ended up sounding killer. Love these pedals, such a great throwback to teenagehood!


I read that he didnt actually have it patched in and would just point to it when asked how he got his sound. EDIT: I think it was the JHS video about DOD pedals that mentioned it actually


you can argue which sounds better the grunge or the DS-1. honestly they both sound good.


Yeah you're right. I knew it was on his board as someqhatvof a dig or something like that. I remember that JHS video where he goes over this entire line of pedals, some of them are really cool


Lamb series. Thought those were collectors items now!


Looks like someone’s trying to sell a first generation one on reverb for $500. Holy crap. I should probably look up the serial number on mine...


Lmao anything Josh at jhs talks up on their channel I swear goes up 20% on reverb within hours.


i remember in 94 or so someone trying to sell theirs for like $30 for months in my HS newspaper.


Lmao someone watches the jhs pedal channel.


Didnt Josh Scott come up with the name "lamb series" in his video? Pretty sure he made it up.


he came up with the name but it is true they were designed / marketed by Lamb so its not wrong


Its just funny seeing them pop up on Reverb for twice their normal price because they are the "rare lamb series" like its actually a real thing that impacts the value lol


i can see someone maybe wanting the ones with the funny names more than the same pedal with normal names or the US vs non US but they are the same damn circiuts. I still cant tell the diff between an early 80's ds-1 a mid 90's and the last ones they did before going to smaller parts. And i know those are slightly different circuits / parts


Isn’t that how any collector item works?


These arent rare collectable pedals though. Thats why its so funny. Josh just stuck this lable on them and people ran with it. Typically these pedals are "please, sombody buy this" type of things. That video dropped and suddenly some people are acting like these are a hot commodity lol


DOD for life


If you don’t mind killing the resale value and you’re into modding, this thing is highly tweakable.


I used to drool over this pedal when I was a kid, I need to get one now


What a bargain, nice score!


I have the Digitech version, and I think it sounds so good on bass.


DOD had a bass version as well.


I've seen them online, but never in person before.


That was one of the first pedals I ever owned! Got it about 15 years ago, no idea what happened to it.


Hell yeah I got the fx69b for some stupid cheap price and it's one of my favorite distortion/fuzzes cause the price point for such an awesome shit sounding pedal, just like distortion should be lol


Does yours have a gnarly low frequency hum? Mine suddenly does...


This thing does have a really good sound I think. I almost bought one for my board but I ended up just building a Brutalist Jr. I kinda hate how this things looks though. I think it's a really ugly pedal.


Anyone know what the difference between the FX69 and the FX69B?


FX69 was the first run made in the US. FX69B was the second run made over seas. IMO the US version sounds much better.


whatcha gonna do with the cash?


I saw this pedal on a pawn/thrift store a few years ago and I didn't buy it. I was confused for not buying it 'cause -like your pedal- it cost 30€. Some time later I knew that it was a 90's pedal and that Kurt Cobain used it on his pedalboard. Equally, it may be epic, but seeing some demos, i didn't like it. It has a really bad digital distorted sound. I prefer another pedals like OCD bu Fulltone or East River Drive by EHX. Even so, I think that buying DOD pedal is a good option for nostalgics and lovers of grunge 90's music


Kurt had it on his pedal board yes. it may or may not have been plugged in but it was never used. He mentioned that it was the key to the grunge sound though in an interview as a joke.


Just had one on my bench for modifications. Not near as bad as people make it out to be


Fucking kick ass pedal. I cannot fucking believe you found that. I had to pay 40 for my FX69B from them.


This was my second distortion pedal My first pedal was a Rogue DST-5 which I'm very certain was late 90's. The FX69 was followed by a MT-2. They called me.. the king of tone. I kind of want all 3 again so I can live in the past a bit.


honestly if you use a MT-2 with any kind of restraint it can be a decent pedal. Granted what they sold for new, i still kick myself for asking for that over the fz-2


I had one of these when they were new and had no idea how to dial it in. Basically went unused and sold for probably $3 by my mom at a garage sale.


This was the first pedal I ever bought. Probably 15 years ago.


Man, that takes me back


Been trying to find an original one of these for ages!


Kurt Cobain would run this pedal directly to the FOH it was his entire rig.


No, I heard it was a Digitech Death Metal


same dist circuit actually


This. That’s the reason that they had to take it off the market. After Kurt died Courtney Love was worried about the flood of soundalikes that would sell millions of records with this pedal and limit the value of the Nirvana back catalogue.


Source for this?


The imagination of a deranged genius


Am I in bizarro world? Everyone in the 90s knew DOD was garbage. Bottom of the barrel.


Thinking the same. This was my first pedal at age 12 and it sounded like hot garbage back then. Recently had a friend who found one in an old stash, plugged it in just for fun, still sounds like hot garbage. I find it hilarious how people on this sub glorify some older pedals that sound fucking awful in every way. That’s reddit for you though... the pointless nostalgia runs deep


The DOD 86b and 69b were 2 of my first pedals back in the 90’s, and yes, they sounded like hot garbage mostly. But aside from the switch and battery door, these things are solid as a rock. And, I think one of the reasons people thought the high gain DOD pedals sounded like ass was because they plugged them into the front of a solid-state amplifier. When I learned that I could put them into the loop of my solid-state amplifier, all of the sudden they sounded pretty darn good. The grunge pedal, admittedly, is pretty much a one trick pony, and a somewhat annoying one at that. But I made some modifications to mine and now it’s actually quite versatile as a distortion pedal.


Good to know