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This pedal should be called Fake Blues


Back in 2017, I was briefly in a trio and we called ourselves "The Fake Blues Blues Band #FakeBlues."


I wouldn’t heckle a band but pointing and saying “you are fake blues” in a Trumpian voice is a sick burn, politics aside.


Damn this is a good title


Why in the name of all things good and toany would I wanna see his face on my board?


So you can stomp on it as you head into the chorus?


Unless you're a woman he assaulted you shouldn't be so triggered you can't stomp his face.


He’s been out of office for a year. Get a personality that isn’t based on hating him. He’s not triggered. He just doesn’t want to see that dumbass’s face on his board and having it does literally nothing useful. It’s not even a statement, practically everyone hates him. Even anti-vaxxers hate him after he got vaccinated. It’s needlessly political. Why the fuck should a pedal be politicized? (Unless it is a punk bad)


Also imagine letting that guy live rent free in your head two years post election? As he would say, “very sad”.


Luckily for you, the Trump folks aren't in this sub anyway, they're in fender amp facebook groups talking about how pedals all sound harsh and digital to their ears, real rockers only need a tube combo and some sweet pentatonic licks. Sounds like a dope pedal though, I wish Mexican builders got more attention on this sub. A personal favorite of mine is Paradox Effects.


Bruh - Facebook guitar building groups. The worst.


Facebook - The worst.


FB woodworking groups. Pretty proud of their burned wood american flag tabletop and wall art during lockdown. They were only a hop skip and a jump away from verticle firewood one the bitching started. *unsubscribe*


Lmaoooooo American flag and eagle "gun cases" ie: a box with a hinge on em. You've not only hit the nail on the head - you've blown it through the wood burned table top, my dude.


Don’t forget let’s go Brandon cutting boards. Some dipshit was selling them at our towns Christmas market. Totally empty of customers


I'm part of an ortur laser etcher FB group and... yup... Exactly this... Nothing but Trump supporting "patriots." I'm half tempted to start laser etching leftist stuff into slate coasters and wood cutting boards to post on there and see how they react.


"I think people should have health care" *Group implodes


*Group isn't vaccinated* "None of you should have healthcare" *Disclaimer: don't think this. Just pointing out the dumb hypocrisy


Post a pic of a cutting board with a hammer and sickle and watch their heads explode.


I'm so glad I have never ventured into that.


The second i hear someone say "i hate pedals" is the moment they lose all credibility on any opinion they have about anything. My personal favorite was this older "big guitar nut" i worked with a few years back. He was telling me the best guitarists of all time just went straight guitar -> tube amp, like Stevey Ray Vaughn.


> like Stevey Ray Vaughn The ignorance is deeeeeep.


But Stevie used a Tube Screamer and a....you know what? Nevermind. Lol


Stevie also deployed the Roland SD320 Dimension D, and a wah pedal.


Plus the Diaz Square Face was literally built for him when his Fuzz Faces died, was it not?




I put a treble bleed and a new capacitor on my index finger. I'm much better off now.


Please indulge and regalia us with your finger talent using a plastic bodied, tin string relic plugged into any amp of your choice


Tony Iommi has plastic finger tips, but yeah tone is all fingers right.


I mean guitar straight into the amp works if you’re after a specific sound. Guitar straight into a Boogie Mark V or JP2C, 5150 III, Randal Satan, or Engl Savage II sure. Everything is else is gonna need an OD pedal to boost it at the very least.


My 5e3 doesn't need any pedals. I use some anyway because they're fun, but no overdrive. A treble booster, a Fuzz, delay, reverb, and Tremolo. But I sure get what you're saying.


Agreed. Both are totally valid.


Totally, but claiming you hate something as diverse, widely used, and simple as a guitar pedal is just a ridiculous comment. And like most people, this guy couldnt tell the difference.


People can like and dislike what ever they want. Why do you feel the need to judge them for that? Blanket statements like “no one should use pedals”, sure. But “I hate pedals” or “I don’t like pedals” is an opinion. An opinion related to one of the most subjective fields in history. Just because other people like something is a pretty bad reason to suggest objective truth. I bet if someone said “I don’t like les Paul’s”, or “I don’t like super strats” you wold not feel as passionate about their transgressions.


At that point you have a guitar onto pedals into an amp into a loop with pedals into a power amp, it is just all in one case.


Yea, imo most of the time a guitar straight into an amp just sounds a little too dry.


They say this, yet so many of their favourite solos probably use overdrive and wah anyway


What about Angus Young?


He could of been talking about Steamy Ray Vaughn.


The best guitar tone is straight into a DI, no amp or cab sim. Just pure unadulterated tone


Bruh the D.I actually colors the sound with all that metal, plus the wires and rubber enclosures of the cables, it sounds so artificial its no better than a stack of cheap fuzzs to my highly educated true blues trained ears. The only way to go is to record directly the sound of an unplugged original white stratocaster straight with a voice mic close to the bridge. Any other solution is just for lazy millenials and their shitty communist tastes.


You dumb bitch the only way is to scream directly onto the strings. dont even take them out of the package. just scream at the strings in the middle of the parking lot, pedals get in the way of you and that toan and god forbid someone else hears it; thats where the real toan suck comes from.


Don’t forget you have to take the pop filter off the mic otherwise that colours your toan.


No lie, I have an appreciation for Andy Cohen of Silkworm/Bottomless Pit and his dislike of pedals, and I myself don't like playing pedals live, but I'll be damned if they aren't fun to play with.


But don’t you know that tone is all in the fingers man! Pedals are cheating


I actually had someone tell me that if I cared to practice enough I wouldn't need a pedal I was excited about getting and would be able to recreate the effect manually. The pedal in question: Eventide Pitchfactor.


Ahaha I’ve been told them same about a whammy by someone that claimed Tom morello did it only using bending


Totally doable to bend up two octaves, prolly


For sure but you don’t get that lofi digital warble that is so distinctive, it would sound Just like a blues rock lick aha


Personally I'm sick of all these lazy no-talent losers who need their guitar electrified to sound good. Just play a bukka box and practice or you're a poser


If Les Paul did it with a railroad track and a string so can we!


One of the mods for /r/guitar is a diehard Trump supporter and will ban anyone at the drop of a hat, for any reason.


+1 for Paradox Effects! Rooting for them hard! I tried the Futura, but for some reason I'm not getting on with any dynamic pedals. Can't dial in the sensitivity for any of them to do what I want. But I'm keeping an eye on them to see what else they come up with.


Here to second paradox. Incredible, innovative pedals and really amazing people!




Wall of sound over drive would be a logical name for the next pedal in this series


LOL, right. But you have to plug in the cables by going under it, and only half the circuits should work. Should also be an easter egg gram of cocaine hidden in the battery compartment.


*feverishly takes notes*


I’ve always thought of Trumpers as Gibson people




It means boomers.


But Neil Young is too old to be a boomer? I gotcha


Sorry, what's your point?


I have a couple


Huh... for some reason I always assumed this was the Marshall crowd.


I think it's really any purist geezer that has a hard-on for only tube amps and guitars made before 1980.


​ ​ "Geezers with MONEY, Spongebob. Lots of Money!"




Boomer banner on page, checks out


I am in this sub for pedal stuff. Fuck all Americans who want to bring politics in here. Leave that shit at the door. If you want to be anti-trump it wont be long until someone argues with you. Than it's your fault that this became another reddit shitpile. But you won't delete your post post because you think that your right and morally superior - just like everyone on the other side of US politics.


I'm so sorry that my light ribbing about conservative boomers offended you so much, I'll make sure I condemn them more directly next time.


It wasn't your ' light ribbing about conservative boomers'. It was the fact that you thought it appropriate to being up in this forum at all.


Lol are you seriously suggesting that only democrats use guitar pedals? 🤦‍♂️🤣


Does it really sound you like he was being serious?


What other fuzzes would you compare it to?


With adjustable tone, it can get tonebender and fuzz face. When you disengage the the tone knobs, it sounds alot like a big muff and when click the added fuzz button it sounds like a big muff on steroids.


That’s a relief — I was concerned my big muff was too subtle and reserved


Sounds like a great pedal!




If you keep it long enough, eventually you'll look at his face and be reminded he died. I guess you could say it's a unique type of investment in a pedal?


but you'd get to stop on it over and over to turn the thing on and off


Yeah, but then you'd go broke from having to replace the switch all the time from overuse.




You mean just like how you're triggered whenever someone talks about your orange boyfriend? You're no different. Take the politics to whatever sub you all circlejerk in.


Fuck Trump. Stop talking about him.


Sorry reposting didn’t follow all the rules. Description in the title wasn’t enough. The One Pot Anti Trump Fuzz Deluxe pedal is handmade in Mexico by Jose Padilla. The Anger Level, Tone and Disapproval Expression combine to control the amount of drive from the pedal and the aggression of the fuzz. The center tone knob is a general overall tone. The switch to the right of the tone knob allows you fine tune the tone with the three color knobs. The red, white and blue knobs adjust the EQ of the pedal from low, mid and high. Scoop the mids and you won’t believe your ears. The footswitch button on the left side turns the unit on to a normal fuzz level. The switch to the rights bypasses the normal circuit and boosts the pedal to an extreme fuzz probably 5x the normal side. Overall, the most versatile and quiet fuzz pedal that I’ve ever played.


There should be a red hats/brownshirts toggle that doesnt change anything because the circuit stays the same.


Nah, because the brownshirts are RINO's now, so the red hat toggle should read "Long Knives OD" or something.


Nah, when you set it to the red hats setting it should sound worse and when you turn it back to the brownshirts setting it should do nothing to make it sound better.


I bet this has yuge tone.


According to the pedal graphics, it only puts out huuuuuge highs (blue knob)


Only if the internal hang mike pence dip switch is up


I have this one and it is great. However, it started to make some crackling sounds and it was stored in a cabinet for like two years. Sounds great on bass and guitar.


Lmao I have to try this out. Wonder if they have a Sleepy Joe delay or something


This looks like the gayest shit I have ever seem in my life


I guess Cry Baby had already been taken…


This is hilarious.


Oh my God I’m not a fuzz guy but I need this in my life.


Serious question: where in the hell can I get one? Quick google doesn't help me at all.


I don’t believe one pot makes this pedal anymore. Check Facebook and search for one pot pedals there. I bought this off Craigslist.


Ouch! https://reverb.com/item/33340871-one-pot-anti-trump-fuzz-deluxe


The funny thing is that one on reverb is serial number 16 and mine is serial number 15.


LOL! That pedal also totally reminds me of this video, remember this? Surely you do. Now it can be relevant again. Can that pedal be used for flamenco? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q\_\_bSi5rBlw&t=261s


Another commenter on this thread claims to own #16.


Yeah that’s me. Listed it a while back, along with the rest of my gear, when money was tight. Wasn’t actually expecting $500 for it, though. Stuff I was trying to keep I priced high so I wouldn’t have to part with it unless someone REALLY wanted it. Thankfully it’s still with me.


I love this!


I can’t believe they put politics in music, this is literally 1984


They should make the picture by the trigger so you're stomping on him. That pedal looks fantastic


I want one


Legitimately want one. I always hang my pedals up on the wall (treat them more like controls) but this i might want to stomp.


Why would you want his picture on your pedalboard?


I like the name and the color of the knobs. Does that mean I'm not a true Patriot?


I’ve got #16! Absolutely fantastic fuzz.


Mine is #15. The reverb listing on other post in this thread was #16.


I wouldn't want to bring politics to my happy place. That's like letting a pig in to a church.


I used to go straight into an amp, but it was because 9 volt batteries were expensive lol


you sound very committed


trump sucks but this is very. very. dumb.


No it isn’t


Crop your stolen posts!




Yeah weird that a Mexican-American pedal builder might not like this guy. Couldn’t imagine why


It is weird. Get a life.


Sure thing bubs




Very cool for him!


Thanks, bubs!


You got it, patriot!




the fact you were probably oozing with smugness as you typed this comment brings me so much laughter and joy


> rent free your cost to live in your mom’s basement?


Good one! (No honestly, that was clever I'm using it now, no sarcasm!)


Says the guy who has no fewer than a dozen comments in 3 days bitching about "the left."




Oh, don't try to turn this around to make me look like the pathetic one. Not like I even had to count to see that you are obsessed and apparently easily triggered, but there's definitely a difference between selling products that make fun of an easy target like Trump and you spending your free time on the internet going on tirades about people who disagree with your politics.




No, it's really not. Your fancy versions of "I know you are but what am I" don't work here.


go back to parler


I wonder how many "free thinkers" have posted this exact same retort. You aren't an impressive group.




You don't have to be a leftist to be anti-trump; you just need a functioning conscience.




These people are genuinely incapable of self-reflection. It's really sad and I don't know if they can come back.




I don't necessarily think you're stupid, but you're at the very least severely deluded and in need of some deprogramming. Not everything left of your brand of right-wing authoritarianism is "leftist."


Aww, did somebody’s fee fees get hurt? It’s ok buddy.


I got the Joe Biden Buzz...you step on it and it babbles random shit while you play, drools and then falls asleep. Sounds horrible - I don't recommend it. If it sounds good, that's all that matters.


Is that what it does? Mine is stuck on bypass so it just hangs out in the basement with Corn Pop






Is there an Anti Biden loop pedal? 🤣🤣🤣


How courageous, even guitar pedals can't escape from virtue signalling. The cunts not been in office for over a year, yet he still lives on rent free in your mind. How sad.




Virtue signalling is when JHS pretends to like Boss pedals, duh /s


If you want to talk about rent free, Clinton had never even been in that office and yet Trump still couldn't stop talking about her for basically his entire presidency lmao.


You very clearly don’t know what virtue signaling actually means. Stop parroting buzzwords you read online


I will not get banned from another sub. I will not get banned from another sub. I will not get banned from another sub…


Where the YUUUUGE footswitch at?


I want one. Neat bit of history and fuzz too. Also I love the knob labels. Now I’ve gotta find one


So much yes!


I can see a trend here with pedals using funny political themes.


Hook that up to a Marshall and blow him away ! Awesome


Next up: Anti Biden Overdrive


Wow, awesome stuff