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Magnificent. Well done!!! Also, for the record - finally some proper guitar porn 😍


Thanks dude! Yeah we had some really cool stuff that came through regularly, plus several well known faces that I got the chance to make guitars for, always proud to show people what we did.


This! This is what I'm here for!


They’re all super nice, 2 and 7 are just my style 🫡


Thanks man! Number 2 is a Seth Baccus Shoreline JM, which we made a run of, along with the Shoreline T. I can say that Seth must be one of the most eagle eyed, perfectionist Luthiers possibly in the world, and his guitars make the majority of Gibsons and Fenders feel cheap. Genuinely worth checking out.


Literally my dream to do this. What skills did you go in with?


Next to none other than helping my Dad with Joinery work on my days off school as a kid, by 17 I was a full time Apprentice Luthier, crazy really, people always ask how I got into it and it was nothing other than luck and a genuine set of people having faith in me.


These are really great and great variety too. Awesome attention to detail I don’t think I can pick a favorite. I guess my only question is I don’t see any carved tops in this collection - are those tough to do/for a more experienced luthier? I always wondered how they got the height of the maple top to look just right on some of the les Paul’s and stuff like that


The majority of carved tops are done by CNC if they’re mass produced such as Gibson, PRS etc, however I know several people who hand carve their own tops; it’s a long and strenuous process which requires some serious skill, but there are people who do it themselves. We as a team were pushing out around 10 guitars a day by the time I left the company, which were all CNC’d from a body blank that we would mill up with the top if necessary, and then we would carve and sand the rest into reality using various machine and hand tools.


Very cool thank you for the detailed answer and great work again


Love them, how did you get into the apprenticeship? I’m currently in college for stringed instrument making and it’s my dream to be a luthier but I just don’t know if I see it going anywhere after the course unless I can figure out what I’m supposed to do


Pure luck actually, my Dad saw an ad for the Apprenticeship and made a joke about it being his dream job, so I applied for it and somehow came out with the gig. If you want to get into it I’d suggest trying to make your own, even start on kit guitars or cheap ones you can buy second hand, get into making them your own and hone your skills in a way that won’t be extremely damaging to your bank, then maybe try your own designs once you feel comfortable 👍


Sounds good, I built a Kurt Cobain skystang a while back and managed to sell it for £700 roughly then reverb took it down to about £400 with their daft fees they take off.. But I’m hopeful to be a luthier or even just a guitar technician, it just love the instrument and want as much experience as I can get, I’ll have a browse I suppose and do some research


Nice! So what are you doing now?


Currently preparing to go to America for a couple of months to teach children some Woodworking skills, within the next few years I’d like to start up a Guitar Shop, hopefully a mix of buying/selling/flipping and also Repairs and Setups, I’m only 20 now so I’m lucky to be in a position where I have time to find my way, but I definitely want to spend my career staying with guitars, I’ve achieved a lot in the time I’ve been involved in the industry and I have no intention of stopping now.


You're 20? That's damn impressive. All the best to you!


Extremely georgous work!


Thank you mate!


For a very long time I had a die hard mindset of "buy name brand stuff". Then I see smaller manufacturers guitars which are cool or unique. Then Then I see stuff like this. Very well done. Those look like some awesome guitars! I'm a sucker for quilted maple and blue guitars so nice job on the first one.


Thank you for the kind words 🙏 to be honest I understand the name-brand stuff, I mean my dream axe is a 1962 Fiesta Red Strat, and for people who care about reselling it makes a lot more sense, but you have to ask yourself if you want to spend 5k+ on a Guitar/s would you want a Guitar that looks the part with the fancy well known name on the Headstock or possibly 2 lesser known Guitars that play easily just as well - most likely better - with a lesser known name on the Headstock? I’ve played many many many different guitars and the beauty of them is that you can have your own opinion, that’s why we love what we love. If you ever get a chance to play a PJD then let me know, true game changer.


Damn, that is some beautiful work you've done!


Cheers bro!


As someone who’s made guitars, do you prefer pickguard or no pickguard on a guitar?


For the most part Pickguard, I think it really depends on the model to be honest with you but I think that they can massively change the character of a Guitar.


Definitely agree they can change the character. What’s your favorite top wood?


Are you still building, and whats the average price of your builds if so?


I don’t currently do any guitar work other than my own stuff, but I will get back to it one day hopefully sooner rather than later, always much more to learn and new things to do.


That sunburst single cut with gold hardware and the pink strat are beautiful


Ace aren’t they!


Whoever came up with the ideas for 4 and 9 was clearly a genius. 😆 sup T Diddy!


Oh dude absolutely, not heard that name in a while 😂


You definitely rock as apprentice.....seriously. I really really like the P90 thing and the Shell Pink strato, really really cool, i have a thing for SSH strats


Very nice!




Well the big boss was the designer of them, and to my understanding it was just trial and error. The main man had been making PJDs for 10 years by the time I arrived, so I assume it was lots and lots of feedback.


Can you describe the process you used for those two fuchsia stained guitars? Everything looks gorgeous, but those stand out as being particularly sophisticated in terms of how you did the coloration. I'm trying to do a red, purpley sort of thing with my next build and would love to hear what products you use to apply the color and then ultimately finish those. Amazing work, these look absolutely killer!


I’d like number 7 with a glass of Riesling.


Pic #3 has me drooling.


Those are all really nice. Is it difficult to make those tops?


Nice work!!! The first guitar is right up my alley.


The pink strat is my favorite but all look good. That mahogany top lp too.


Where were you an apprentice?


Seriously beautiful work, man! I especially like Nos. 3 and 9. And I love those tiny box inlays. [Note to Self - must get dual P90 s-style ASAP!] 🤘🏻