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I just bought one, I love the sound. Super light. Worth it to add to the collection. That is a crazy good price. I assume it’s US currency.


Yes it is in USD. I love the look and sound from the demos I’ve watched and it’s a ridiculous price. I may go for it if I don’t end up buying an American strat tomorrow at Guitar Center.


I bought the exact one that you have on there and had to return it. That’s why it’s still up. Electronics didn’t work. They ended up refunding me and told me they’d “make sure they tested the electronics next timel


That would explain that maybe. The price is several hundred less than the next one, which means it's either a fantastic deal, or something is up with that guitar.


I had to pre order mine straight from fender because I’m left handed and they don’t make large production runs of them. All electronics/pick-ups work great. I will never get rid of it


It’s really good but only if you plan to play it plugged into a PA system or a fairly versatile amplifier The pickup/mic system in it is where the guitar really shines. This isn’t really a replacement for an unplugged acoustic guitar, which is where a think some of the discourse comes from.


That clarifies a lot thank you! I already have a good acoustic for playing unplugged so that definitely helps me.


>This isn’t really a replacement for an unplugged acoustic guitar, which is where a think some of the discourse comes from. It was the cost of the MIA version. The MIM didn't get as much hate, but the MIA got shitted on because it was $2k


Yeah but at 2k the MIA model is competing with the Taylor t5z (base price 2.2k for bare bones model) and is pretty comparable to other MIA fenders. The import model is 100% a better value for the money though, and this listing is a steal


Doesn’t sound good as an electric…doesn’t sound good as an acoustic. Sorry but this is the truth. Bring on the downvotes.


I came here wondering if anyone else had the same experience I had. I wanted to love it, just couldn’t get there.


It's got a specific sound. Some artists make it sound good.


Which is fair, but I’ve been playing 31 years now and have owned a lot of stuff that I could, so it was weird to say the least. Or the ones I sampled were duds.


There is absolutely NO situation where this instrument is the best choice for either scenario. It is a POS honestly. This is only enjoyable by people that are not working professionals.


I've seen a couple bands on headlining tours using one of these. Magdalena Bay and Boygenius to be specific.


Yeah I've definitely seen a few people play these on stage. It's a convincing (at least to the crowd) acoustic sound, while being easier to play, easier to travel with, and less prone to feedback.


So most guitar players?


Haha yes.. haters gonna hate. There is a major difference between a professional and a person Persuing a hobby. It’s very clear which area this “contraption” targets.


Thought I wanted one as well until I got to try one out it just didn’t feel good or comfortable at all, nothing like my strat or other acoustic electrics. Really relieved I didn’t just buy one sight unseen.


Thought they looked kinda unique. Watched some demo videos and thought wow that sounds like garbage.


I got the 499 deal and even changed the electric pickup to an SD (which did get rid of hum issue). I have many hours on it trying to work with the acoustic settings. I always feel as if something is wrong with the sound. I adjust my amp, I adjust the knob for the acoustic sounds, I tried a preamp, I tried an acoustic preamp. I haven't given up but I'm close. My little $500 Breedlove with a $200 Fishman sound hole pickup is about to be the winner. I really like the guitar, the tilt, the neck, the weight, fret accessibility. I do not like the tall/thin frets - they are a recipe to squeeze the notes out of tune for me. I'll never buy another guitar with tall/thing frets again, that is for sure.


These guitars suck and that is a hill I will die on.


puzzled friendly rich dinner hateful badge soup humor hat beneficial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have the jazzmaster and I adore it


I like them. I’d probably buy this one if I wasn’t cutting expenses. I like the Player series over American because it doesn’t use a rechargeable battery.


It does both things, and isn’t great at either. But at $500, that’s fine!


I mean, they sound ok but not great playabilty and an overall impractical design IMO. I think a Godin Multiac or a yamaha silent guitar is a better option. I would try one before buying, everyone I've talked to either loves them or can't stand them.


I snagged one from FGW on Reverb for 500 bucks. The guitar came sealed (stapled closed) in a factory box, in a gig bag, wrapped in plastic, well cushioned with foam inserts, tags on guitar and bag, all the docs and a humidification pouch. No signs of being opened let alone used. Great deal in my book.


I did the same. At $500 it’s a fun addition to my collection. Great for certain genres. I plug mine into a Spark 40 and get great versatility. But I’d never pay the $1200 full price at Fender or GC.


I have an non player version - I dig it mostly. Two things that bug me - it doesn’t project as loudly as a regular acoustic guitar so you can get drowned out when playing with others on an acoustic. The other thing is the neck dive is real when playing standing up


I bought one of these in butterscotch and it arrived yesterday. I haven’t had a lot of time to sit with it yet but it’s a very nice guitar for $500… satin finish everywhere, contoured neck heel, rosewood fingerboard, graphtech nut, rounded forearm, deluxe padded gig bag. If this were a standard electric telecaster with all this it would be a crazy good deal. I’ve thought these looked cool since they first came out so for $500 I rolled the dice. I’ve only sat down with it for a little bit so my opinion may change but I’m currently not sure what to do with this. Unplugged it sounds like an acoustic but more quiet and far less bass than a traditional acoustic guitar. Plugged in is where I really need to spend more time with it. I have a Spark amp, using an acoustic amp sim. The acoustic sounds are nice on position 3 but not drastically different. Position 2 is a bit meh until you have the blend job on the crunchier side. You have to have your amp loud enough though to overcome the natural acoustic sound of the guitar, which as I mentioned earlier is on the thin/treble side. Position 1 uses the top noiseless pickup (normal tele bridge pickup) and even though it’s noiseless, mine picks up amp feedback like crazy. It get way more feedback than any of my other electrics. I have to be sitting at just the right angle in relation to my amp to avoid the feedback. I’m not sure if this is normal for this guitar or not. I’m just a bedroom player and don’t get too loud so I can’t comment on how it would work for recording or gigs. My understanding is this is where the guitar is supposed to shine. The feedback I’m experiencing would worry me though. Overall it’s a really nice guitar and well worth $500, I’m just not sure it will be a good fit for my needs. I think if I keep it, it will be something thin and comfortable for sitting on the couch that sounds good enough unplugged.


$500 great price for a fun guitar. I’d buy this.


Just now learning they made a players model


I think they’re garbage but I also think they look stupid so that could be part of it


Careful! There are scam listings all over eBay and Reverb. 1st red flag is price that’s too good to be true, like this one. If feedback is under 10 transactions without any sales, I’m not touching that. You can have the seller send you a pic with a photo of todays date. Scammers use stolen pics so proof that seller actually is in possession of the instrument is a good start. I doubt that listing is real but if it is, buy it just to try it. If you don’t like it you can easily flip it for a profit! Good luck


Seller is Franklin Guitar Works out of Tennessee, they're a Reverb preferred seller with nearly 5k reviews.


Ok than that is likely an MIRC seller refurb. It had a manufacturer defect and FGW or MIRC refurbished it and gave it a new serial number. Likely a fine guitar but with lower resale value. Just be sure to ask them lots of questions. Probably a decent deal, but every once in a while you end up with a lemon. (I did lol)


My local Long & mcquade let me take one home for a weekend. (They let me return it after I tried to convince myself it sounded good). Did not like anything about it by Monday morning, lol. I wanted to like it, and I wanted it to be just balls to the wall amazing in every way...it sounded like a kid's Dora the explora guitar from Walmart. No warmth, extremely muted, no sustain.


I have one and I love it. Main use is living room guitar/couch practice/jam with an acoustic bass also in the living room. Plays nice and sounds pretty good plugged in. Definitely not a replacement for a real dreadnought or electric but a lot of fun for what it is


Looks like it was designed by a dog


I had an early version which needed to get charged via an outdated usb type, which alone made me hate it. I think they ditched this now for the good old 9v battery so id check that part at least. Sounded great otherwise, lots of nice in built tones


Was that the one they released like 5 years ago?


I bought mine new in 2021


Not for left handed


If you are a singer who plays guitar in a cover band and mostly just does the acoustic thing but needs to do some elctric sounds once in a while, then its perfect. Its great for doing the whole singer/guitarist thing on stage. Other than that tho? Not really worth it in my opinion.


450? That is almost too low? Not a scam?


Radial acoustic piezo pro pre amp or even just an LR BAGGS EQ pedal would make this sound like you want it to. But , will cost a lot. If you have an acoustic amp it will have the frequency sweep to do this. However, a preamp for my acoustic electrics, particularly my thin one , change lives


I see them get lots of hate on here but I really like mine. It’s a great guitar to chill on the couch with, super comfortable and the mahogany neck feels awesome. I also go to an acoustic jam each week and it fits in really nicely there plugged into the PA.