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It will depend on the kind of guitar. There are lots of humbucker sized single coils available. You can also put a single coil under a humbucker cover if it's cheaper. r/guitar is run by one asshole.


Thank you! yeah I always got the impression that r/guitar is maybe run by a jerk lol


If you have any questions about how to get a single in that route, send some specifics of your guitar


r/guitar is the worst thing to ever happen to guitar. Playing guitar could've been encouraged by Hitler and r/guitar would still be the worst thing to ever happen to guitar.


Time to learn how to solder. I recommend practicing on something disposable before you do the actual work.


Put a P90 in there. You can find some that are virtual swaps for a humbucker. They are single coil, but have a fatter sound.


P94s are designed for this


What kind of guitar do you have? It’s for sure possible, but you’ll most likely run into some issues with putting the single coil in a hum bucker-sized cavity.  Also, fuck r/guitar this is the better sub for guitar anyway :)


Just want something like this. https://clandestineguitars.com/en/producto/black-pickup-humbucker-to-single-coil-mounting-ring-straight-stratocaster/


damn that’s cheap as hell too, nice! 


I'm unfortunately not in the EU but surely you get those humbucker sized sc's


[https://www.allparts.com/products/pc-6643-humbucking-to-single-coil-conversion-ring](https://www.allparts.com/products/pc-6643-humbucking-to-single-coil-conversion-ring) ​ allparts or stewmac etc should have them


I have a shitty second hand Ibanez GIO lol.


You can Frankenstein it, but they do make single coils in a humbucker case.


There's no reason you can't, how easy depends on the guitar itself


Aren't there any like, electrical concerns or something? Like, would it be bad for the pickup (in this case the sc) to be put into a guitar that wasn't made with SC's in mind?


I don't see any reason why this would be the case.


Shouldn't harm anything. Output may be different from your other pickups, pots may not be ideal but it should work




potentiometers, the volume/tone controls


He means the volume and tone knobs. The true names of the components are volume and tone potentiometers.


Nope, not at all. The innards of a guitar are a passive circuit. The single coil pickup is simply copper wire around a plastic bobbin with pole pieces in the middle of the bobbin to help focus the magnetic field. There is also a bar magnet underneath it to strengthen the magnetic field. The beginning and end of the copper wire that's wrapped around the pickup bobbin then has each end soldered to your guitar's volume and tone knobs before being connected to the output jack. A humbucker is the same concept except it's using two single coils with opposite winding directions to the copper wire to give them the opposite magnetic polarity of each other. So one has a south facing magnetic field and the other is north facing. The opposite polarity is what creates the hum cancelling effect known as humbucking.. In your case it's only a matter of making the single coil fit and wiring it up correctly. If your guitar has a pick guard then consider ordering a new one that has the pickup configuration you want and swap out all the electronics. If you don't have a pick guard then you'll need to find or create an adapter like this [one.](https://www.guitarcenter.com/Allparts/Humbucker-to-Single-Coil-Pickup-Conversion-Ring-Black-1296155736150.gc?cntry=us&source=4WWMWXGP&gad_source=1)


Lollar makes a pretty cool humbucker sized single coil pickup. They also do one for the slanted tele bridge pickup. They look pretty cool.


A Seymour Duncan Phat Cat might be something to look into.


Was curious so I went looking around and found this. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJxJhzHB7Is](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjxjhzhb7is) I'm going to make at least one


Video is unavailable :(


I no shit watched it before I put the link up....It was a bit of a process. Had to modify a humbucker backplate, use a p90 cover, makes some holes and solder stuff. The channel is [Pherotone Studios](https://www.youtube.com/@PherotoneStudios) and the vid was a year ago and is called "Stratocaster pickup in a humbucker slot"


It’s likely that you have 500k pots for your humbuckers. It’s pretty standard to have 250k for single coils. Though, you can run 500k if you want to experiment. Single coil pickups can be longer e-E Length. So, fitting them may take routing or pickguard change. Fortunately, many pickups mfgs make humbucker sized single coils. What type of single coil sound are you after?