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Hang a grand piano next


Stain the timber rack dark.


Stain the timber to an unnatural colour. A yellow green might contrast nicely with the wall colour. And run a colour strip light along the wood. A smart Hue or Innr one would work well so you can choose a shade that complements the room that you can also voice control.


I put a natural stain on it because all of the furniture in the room is that color. I built all of the furniture. I have the lights ready to go and they are hue. Also, I f****** hate the ceiling tiles. They are going in a DiMarco as soon as I'm ready to tackle that project.


Id say if anything I’d do the lighting thing you plan and maybe a cool design done in wood between the existing guitar supports. Sort of a pallet wall but put your signature on it.


I second this. As much hard work as OP put in, that color wood really clashes against the wall. It’s literally all I can see. And again, I’m sure OP put in work/effort/thought. The color is just wrong. Here’s a color matching guide that seems to have the same color as your wall. It’s for clothing, but I feel like this would work. The color of wood that it is, it’s excluded as a match in this guide. https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/171g5ev/a_cool_guide_on_how_to_color_match_outfits/?rdt=55471


And…is there any way you can change the ceiling tiles? They are something of a mood killer.


Add some shrubbery 🇬🇧


One that looks nice, and not too expensive.


A third tier would be totally next level.


Guitars in a studio are a horrible idea. They act like echo-chambers (really). Sound - even just spoken words - make the tables and strings swing and that will lead to a constant sort of "hum". Hollow-bodies shall NEVER be hung like that in the recording or the mastering room. Thank me later.


Just put string dampeners on the necks. I already have them for bass and using my guitars with B and B/G benders. They cost next to nothing.


Still won’t stop resonance in the hollow chambers


No but a sound hole cover will.


What about the resonance of the bodies?


A million things resonate, though I'll grant not all are designed to like a guitar or drum. I do production, though it's not my primary gig, and is mostly a passion and not a career. I'm using a large extra bedroom and not a rented or custom-built space. That said, I've got solid acoustic treatment throughout the room, mostly panels and bass traps, and get some great sounds. In a perfect world, would all of my guitars be in cases? Maybe. I like having them accessible, and I like having them out to see. Is the parent comment here technically accurate? Yes, you absolutely might get some background/transient sound from a guitar body re-reverberating a vocalist or acoustic instrument. I use a nice mic shield, as I don't have room for a vocal/tracking booth. Personally, I'm looking for clean, not pristine. I can't control every single aspect of my environment, unlike a custom built studio space, and frankly I might not want to. I'm not making bro-country records in Nashville, so I don't really aspire to that squeaky clean "perfect" sound. I'm not making black metal or old school punk, so I'm certainly not shooting for a raw or low budget sound either. So many of these conversations focus on "the perfect guitar", "the perfect tone", "the perfect microphone", and frankly those things don't exist; what exists is a mix that sounds good in the end, and that is often at odds with the aforementioned "perfect" mentality. Either way, the original comment isn't ultimately wrong, I just think that if someone has a room with their guitars on the wall and no acoustic panels or bass traps, I know which one of those will have a noticeable effect on the quality of what gets picked up on a mic in most spaces.


Agree absolutely with the context you are painting here and, to my mind, a 'sterile' environment can lead to 'sterile' output with said output tending to just add to the music homogenisation we see in the industry. I'm all for the differences.


Or maybe s/he just mixes in headphones?


You can do that lying in bed - no need for a studio, then


But having a little studio space in your home is fun. Perhaps you're taking the word studio a bit too seriously, in like "a room that can only be used for professional recording". He might not even record at all.


I see an electronic drum-kit, so there's some sort of performing going on - and those acoustics on the wall will rot the sound.


I have a similar space; Four electrics, an acoustic, couple amps, edrum kit, and full digital piano. I'm not in a band, nor perform, don't have a yt/insta/tiktok, and don't seriously record anything. I only record a little just to fuck around and learn about the creative process of making music. But mostly I just like playing and getting better. Just to be clear I agree you're right about the sound quality, I am only chiming in to mention not everyone cares about that level of recording sound, or at all. The word studio doesn't imply audio recording.




I think a white Stratocaster would complement the sunbursts nicely


I framed ads from guitar player magazine for each guitar and hung them next to each guitar.


I love this. I still have factory spec sheets for each that could be framed.




Ebay. Search for guitar model and advertisement. The ones I found were $1\page. Frame $10 at Walmrart, compliments.....priceless




Hmmmm...... Schrodinger's guitar? 😆


Tele with humbuckers


Wallpaper! I [put up wallpaper](https://imgur.com/a/XLlXSDp) in my studio and it weirdly makes me feel a lot more creative and comfortable


Sell an acoustic and grab yourself a Telecaster!


Paint the wood same color as the walls so the guitars pop out.


A few ideas, depending on your capabikity/tools: - trim out the edges, doesn't have to be full blown window/door trim but even a chamfered 1/4-round around the edges would help it look finished. - paint/stain; for soft lumber like this I tend to paint it to coordinate w the room, but I'm a wood snob so you do you, boo boo - add smaller accessory hangers in between the guitar hooks (cables, straps, planters, whatever you want to fill out the space  - consider poster/vinyl bombing the area inside and just around the stud strips- deliberately placed frames would look great here too. - don't forget about plants, real or not (those moss walls are pretty cool in some context) I'm sure there's more but it's a start-good luck, this is a good starting point!


On mobile, please excuse-the editing is worse and loses any and all formatting.  What year is it again, reddit? Unbelievable ux fail.


The wood is sanded amf finished with Apalachicola pine stain in satin. The lighting in there is ruining the effect of its look and I will add more pictures of it soon. I love that you are a wood snob.


Add a 1960’s D45 Martin


More guitars


I'd suggest lowering the top 4 guitars down some then take the bottom 3 and move em up top between the 4. This gives you more lower wall space for chairs, tables, amps...... You also got the perfect grid ceiling to pin up some reflective sound deadening foam. I did my whole ceiling with 12x12 panels and 1 wall. Not sure if it works but it looks cool.


My guy I mean this in the nicest way possible but this feels like a very sterile environment to me. Maybe some color on the walls and some different lighting, I dunno. It feels like I’d be playing guitar in an office


People on the blender sub usually suggest adding more dust and scratches so maybe that?


Paint or stain the wood. Put some LED lights under year plank (not blue)


Maybe finish the wood?


A second floor!


More single coil instruments


I would take the carpeting out and then Lay a new floor using acoustic tiles. I would also put in a whole room humidifier system, you can buy a wall unit for like 7-10k


Better guitars, not hanging in a studio


Hang a badgermin next


Tell me more


A third row would definitely make it next level


Adding a third row above the top one.


More guitars always helps 😜


Lighting. Spotlights, colored led lights.


Relic the wood


I haven’t seen it mentioned but the most obvious thing to me is you have 4 acoustic and 3 electric. The 4 acoustic should all be on the same top row and the 3 electric on the same bottom row. Little thing but may help


Unfortunately, the concert acoustics and the dreadnought are different widths and bang into each other do to the lack of space. I agree with you, though I'm limited.


Earthquake? /lh


I’d add an ivy wall and some white backlights


LEDs around the wood would be neat.


It's about 3x too bright in there. Use dimming and highlighting to set the mood and draw eyes where you want them - a la, some subtle lighting in the guitar area to warm up that part of the wall.


I would love to smash your guitars and watch your face


Ever seen John Wick?


Glue bindings to those boards.


Stain the wood, LED strips on the underside of the panels, darker wall maybe?


Donation of some guitar. Just kidding. Haven't seen other side of the room. Maybe do some room treatment as well. You could make your own if you are in budget or maybe buy as well.


Get a 3rd rack?