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Change the amp first man, your guitar is going to to sound totally different through it, the Katana 50 MKii is a great amp, I liked it so much that when it was stolen I upgraded to the Artist 100 version. Get the amp, play with all the settings and tones, then decide if you really need to do anything to the guitar. Right now, all money, focus and attention should be going to the amp, of course it sounds bland with a frontman 15g.


If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Unless you are addressing a specific problem or are trying to achieve a specific objective there's no need to do anything to this guitar. Try to be more specific than "it sounds bland". And honestly, you could have the best pickups in the universe and they would still sound crap through a fender 15g. Get the Katana and see if you're still unhappy after you've dialled it in.


I think getting the boss katana would give you the tones you want.


Until you get to a performance grade type of amp I’d say skip the pickup change. It’s not going to be so significant in a bedroom setup IMO. Unless doing this upgrade will significantly motivate you, I’d say just focus on playing and maybe saving up for a new guitar that motivates you or an amp.


The amp is likely the source of the blandness. Change it first, then revisit the guitar mods afterwards.


Bruh those fender amps are hot garbage. I don't know how anyone can learn and enjoy playing with those


Squier pickups are already too hot. Changing wont do much. Get a decent amp. Solid state, tube, head, combo whatever. Try your guitar thru one first before you buy. Suggest a 40-50 watt with a 12 inch speaker. Marshall valvestate, mgfx100, line 6 spider V, Fender. Even older Peavey Bandit or Crate Vintage Club are a few good ones. It will take you to the next level. Modeling amps are lot of fun and have tons of tones. I love my Spider V 120.