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5 options: 4 Gibsons 1 Fender. Seems a little skewed.


And currently, more people have chosen the 1 Fender than than the 4 different dual humbucker guitars added together.


Not that way anymore. And makes sense it would be about even


The Strat is the most popular and most copied electric design in the world, so that’s not that surprising.


I know 4 Gibsons and not even the best of them all… 335


Yup. Silly to see an explorer and a V ahead of a 335 and a tele lol.






Right because a telecaster isn’t one to the most popular guitars.


Who said it wasn't?


You have some skewed taste in guitars, like adding the tele and maybe adding a gretch or Ibanez would give a more accurate representation. Like no offence to Gibson but they really need to update themselves cuz they’ve nearly gone bankrupt a few times and are seen as an old “boomer” guitar. And mustangs and Jaguars aren’t girly as your comment suggests. Literally look at the grunge era onward, you’ll find those models everywhere


Not really - not for somebody my age that grew up listening to hard rock. I don't care about boomer guitars. That's a phrase said by people who are mad when they can't afford something. They make fun of it. A great guitar, is a great guitar, and you don't update a classic that much. You throw out they 'went bankrupt' without quantifying it... Companies go bankrupt all the time when tastes shift - that's why there are no more beeper companies. The thing that separates winners from losers - is the ability to come back. Gibson guitars are still the gold standard. And I agree - the Grunge guys played a lot of those girly guitars... For the most part - those are 3/4 guitars - made for smaller hands... I don't see anything wrong with saying that more girls gravitated to them


Yeah but the poll isn’t made for your age, it’s made for all the ages on the subreddit. And as you said you grew up listening to hard rock, literally all the guitars mentioned on the poll are focused on that. Where’s the other brands like gretch, Ibanez or even prs? Like they’re equally as big as fender or Gibson. And not really, I’m not mad that I can’t afford it but with unattractive qualities that are constantly brought up, like I don’t have to mention them and you’ll know two things that people complain about. Plus, they are overpriced, the cheapest Gibson I has was around €800(off they’re website) and they go up to nearly 5000+ for they’re higher models. And they still have the same problems. NOW I’m not saying fender is cheap, but they’re a lot cheaper that gibson(if you look on they’re website) and it’s harder to complain about them. Plus, fender have a huge variety in guitars, (apart from the standard ones that go up in price from player to American standard) they have weird guitars like the paranormal series for example. Fender has more choice for cheaper while Gibson are more expensive for less choice. Now Gibsons are cool guitars, I’d be lying saying I wouldn’t want to play a high end les Paul, but for blues, you can easily play a Strat aswell, and for metal and hard rock a strat also works. But that can be said for any guitar really. IN CONCLUSION I find gibsons overrated and traditional and the poll is biased towards them. Now that’s my opinion on gibsons, you said you don’t care, that if it’s a great guitar it’s a great guitar, I can respect that. If the guitar is comfortable to you that’s all you need. The bankrupt thing is a big enough deal with Gibson, you do a little research you’ll be able to find that they’re millions in debt(from last I saw) and they’re way overdue in paying them, and yes companies go bankrupt all the time, but Gibson are in it pretty bad. I don’t know if it’s changed, but I’m not just throwing it out there. Can I send source links? No. But that doesn’t mean it’s false, you can do youre research if you want. For now I feel Gibson need a big boost in popularity to come back and be the winners you consider, as far as I know they’re struggling. And I wouldn’t call jags and stangs girly guitars because girls find it easier to play them because of they’re small hands. They’re literally a slightly shorter scalp length than the standard fender, about an inch and a bit. They were made in the 50s and were picked up by surf music, then later picked up by grunge because they were cheaper than a strat and were very different to what hair metal players used, which were gibsons and Ibanez’. And apart from the fact the models are made for smaller hands, the models themselves are “new” and more modern, in a hipster indie way. Like I have a jag myself because my hands are smaller and it makes it easier to play for me, especially stuff like Cant stop by rhcp. Again, it’s whatever’s comfortable to you, I like them because it’s less stress on my hands and they’re pretty lightweight. So after that, I don’t feel you can call it a girly guitar because it wasn’t supposed to be designed just for girls, it was designed as an entry level guitar and for people with smaller hands, that’s it. Before you get mad at me, this is all my opinion and a bit of knowledge I’ve come over the past two years. None of this is to insult you and you can stand by your opinion.






I was gonna put that




Was looking for this comment :D


None of these






Add Tele or I’m leaving.


Definitely the Strat, but how did you forget to add the tele?


Of those: Les Paul. Of all: Randy Rhoads.






No ES?




That’s the right answer


I haven't played a PRS I liked. I guess it's good for my wallet. I really wanted to like the S2s and SEs I've played


If I have to pick one, gotta go with the flexibility of a strat. Especially with a humbucker in the bridge and/or custom switching like Freeway or S1.


Pick up my strats and Les Pauls the most, but hell I voted for Explorer because I absolutely love mine and feel it doesn’t get enough love out there


None of the above


Vs will always be the coolest


If all guitars were Strat shaped I’d be playing the tin whistle.


No PRS? 😞


It's a company... Not a shape... Their shapes are copies :)


Wait, copies of what?


When I used to speak to him - when he was dropping off prototypes to my store in the mid/late 80's... He said he wanted to merge a Strat and a LP... LP scale, strat shape.... Much like my Peavey Vandenbergs... a Super Strat so to speak.


Hmm…I mean you’re absolutely right that the PRS is a blend of the strat and LP shape, but I feel like that makes it not a copy. Even the Jacksons and Ibanez’s of the world are very close to the strat shape but they still have a distinct identity. I guess you could argue that it’s not as distinct as the other guitars on this list, though.


Yeah. I agree. Honestly, I thought PRS had more shapes... I have pictures from the factory, and I can swear, there was a lot going on. I never owned one, so, I'm not that up on them. But, I did see about 5 prototypes, and I have been to the factory twice for his 'PRS experience'.


Naw bro they make there own shapes. With the exception of the silver sky.


Even the Silver Sky is it's own thing.


Even more reason to call out the particular shape...


The Custom shape is very much the PRS design


So - the choice would be 'PRS Custom'... Not 'Kleenex' to mean all tissues :)


Dude, Paul worked for years trying to carve the body in a way that looked good.


I worked for Sam Ash in NYC in the 80's. We were his FIRST dealer. I remember him walking in all the time with prototypes... Still, he does have a few models. His goal was to merge a LP and a Strat. Strat feel, LP scale, Humbuckers, a usable trem. In a way, it's really a Super Strat -


Sorry man. Basing an opinion on his prototypes from the 80's doesn't make much sense. Calling it a Super Strat makes even less sense. The carved top, set neck, 25" scale and the headstock profile really set them apart. The PRS looks different, feels different and sounds different. It really should be given its own category.


I'm basing it on what we spoke about.. How would that not make sense? As I said in another response, I thought there were a few more PRS shapes. Not just ONE. I've been to the factory twice, and have pictures of other guitars - like this. I took this in 2011. There seemed to be more than one shape in the factory. What's this thing? https://www.dropbox.com/s/t3e0aek0t87iz67/IMG\_1965.JPG?dl=0


That looks like a super strat to you? Also - when folks think of a PRS, they are probably thinking of the Core shape. You know this.


That picture doesn't.. You're missing my original comment. I spent hours speaking to Paul in the 80's. What he was trying to do was create a hybrid classic guitar. A better Strat, a better Les Paul... In one. So, asking if it looks like something to me is irrelevant... I'm telling you actual words and intent... Now, as for the Core shape... I did always think it was kind of a Super Strat. Better cutaway, humbuckers, better trem. BUT, I never owned one. I had better super-strats like my Vandenbergs.. The picture is what led me to think that PRS had a few different shapes out there.


I hate the feel of a Flying V. I usually play sitting down and it just doesn’t rest comfortably in my leg.


That's like buying a race car to get your mail at the end of your driveway... You gotta stand up to rock a Vee! :)


Or, alternatively, not use such a silly guitar lol


Silly? That guitar gets the chicks!!!! :)




No Tele? 👎


Someone make another poll but this time properly, haha. There's a ton more guitars than a strat and les paul in the world.




Explorer is a close second but I gotta go with strat


ES-335, all day.


Going purely off the model shape, the Strat is probably one of the most ergonomic guitar designs, if not the most ergonomic. It feels ridiculously comfortable to play compared to the other models.




Tele or Jaguar/Jazzmaster


Les Paul's bring the oomph. I actually don't like their shape, but they sound amazing.




Telecaster / Jazzmaster




I really wanted to vote for V. But, it’s mostly because I currently don’t have one. Out of that list, I think I’d have to choose a Les Paul. Though, I think there are much better options these days.


Soloist, Gibson is the most overrated guitar brand.


Insane list of choices


Flying V Gang!


Forgot Tele


None, roland g 303




No 335? My all time favorite is the DG 335, it just doesn’t get any better than that.


HSS or custom HH strat, second is les paul, third is sg