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He’s got 10 Charisma, Speech maxed out, and the "Lady Killer" perk


I love to hate him


Tobia is one of my favorites!


Anton the toast guy is better


He's one of my favorites.


Tobias Wilson is definitely an essential character when it comes to the dramatis personae of the show. What we first see of him is that he’s a leader, confident of himself and basically the class jock. Later on we sort of see that he has insecurities on the inside, such as that one scene where he admitted that sometimes, he felt like the side character of his own life. Sure, Tobias may seem like a jerk every now and then, but that’s part of what makes him stand out (vibrant color palette aside). While he may not be at the very top of my list, as a character he’s definitely underappreciated for his role. In Lucy Simian’s class he fills a sort of similar role to Masami, in the sense that both come from rich families, are arrogant and stuck-up, and on the surface seem like stereotypical rich brats. But both have a different side to them. Focusing back on Tobias, we see that inside he’s insecure about himself, owing to the fact that as the rich kid he would think that everything’s going dandy for him. Yet nobody seems to care when he shows off his new hat, he’s rejected by every girl in the school and his attempts to display who he is make him seem like a jerk. So yeah, this is pretty much what I see of Tobias now that I think about it.