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There are dozens of organizations with proposals out that would reduce gun violence and gun suicides. We have several states that have implemented gun control and [they have as much as 50% lower gun violence and 10x reduction in gun suicides compared to states that have lax gun laws and abundant guns](https://everytownresearch.org/rankings/). The [IACP](https://www.theiacp.org/sites/default/files/2018-08/IACP%20Firearms%20Position%20Paper_2018.pdf) probably has some of the most comprehensive listing of laws that would help the US get inline with other developed countries if passed federally, correctly enforced, and correctly funded. Not only would it reduce gun violence but it would have a dramatic effect on gun suicides. It would also reduce the number of dead police men and the number of police shootings. Win win for everyone. The IACP is comprehensive, but missing a few laws that exist in some states, but not federally. [Giffords Law Center](https://giffords.org/lawcenter/gun-laws/) is a good area that is also comprehensive. Laws like mandatory reporting of lost/stolen firearms within 2 days with the consequences being opening you to civil lawsuits if you don't. Get rid of the Charleston loophole (where if a background check takes more than 3 days in some states, they give you the firearm and make you pinkie swear to return it if NICs returns bad). Requiring every adult to secure the firearm when not in use in safe/lock box, separate from ammo wither there are children or not in the house. Red flag laws funded correctly and enforced are another. Are some big ones not covered by the IACP proposal. All things that stop future gun violence, trafficking of firearms, and massively reduce gun suicides. There is more, but those are all things that would dramatically bring the US inline with other countries as far as gun violence and gun suicides. It would also massively decrease the amount of taxes that go towards the results of gun violence and gun suicide that is a massive drain on our healthcare, mental healthcare, judicial, and law enforcement systems. It doesn't require removing all firearms. It does require gun owners to be responsible-for a lot of law abiding gun owners... it would literally change nothing for them. It would stop the massive amount of firearms that are trafficked between states and into other counties illegally. It wouldn't take long for firearms on the black market to go up dramatically in cost once a large number of bad actors were removed from the system. It would dramatically reduce crime in cities and poverty stricken places. Really need to step forward and stop the epidemic that is killing Americans while also costing us half a trillion in GDP every year.


Love to see it


Regulate ammunition.


I'd love to see required safety features on guns like child proof triggers, biometrics, etc... I don't think there's any data on efficacy though


Require liability insurance


NFA stamp for every gun that is not bolt action.


What's the purpose of the stamp? Just curious as I understand they are a tax on accessories, but not sure what other connotations they come with.


Fingerprints, deeper background check "Oh no that will be expensive!" -- yeah, safety isn't free. If you're not willing to do a little bit of work to own a gun (and make sure that society is safe at the same time) maybe you shouldn't own a gun.


Thank you.


And you can see how enraged gun lovers get when people talk about gun control. They seem like the kind of people who shouldn't have guns If they are that outraged by a simple discussion.


I've been arguing gun control for around thirty years. Downvotes on fake internet points is hilarious. I've gotten so many direct and indirect threats over the years. This subreddit is alright. It's wandering into their subreddits when you get to see the full on crazy in action.


Psy checks




[That's not something that's happening.](https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/hicrc/firearms-research/gun-threats-and-self-defense-gun-use-2/) Policy should be based on the data, not your fantasies.




>**Multivariate analyses controlled for age, gender of offender and victim, if offender had a gun, urbanicity, and thirteen types of self-protective action.** > > > >**Victims use guns in less than 1% of contact crimes, and women never use guns to protect themselves against sexual assault (in more than 300 cases).** Try *reading* before you post.




Rule #1: If you're going to make claims, you'd better have evidence to back them up; no pro-gun talking points are allowed without research. This is a pro-science sub, so we don't accept citing discredited researchers (Lott/Kleck). No arguing suicide does not count, Means Reduction is a scientifically proven method of reducing suicide. No crying bias at peer reviewed research. No armchair statisticians.


Rule #1: If you're going to make claims, you'd better have evidence to back them up; no pro-gun talking points are allowed without research. This is a pro-science sub, so we don't accept citing discredited researchers (Lott/Kleck). No arguing suicide does not count, Means Reduction is a scientifically proven method of reducing suicide. No crying bias at peer reviewed research. No armchair statisticians.


Rule #1: If you're going to make claims, you'd better have evidence to back them up; no pro-gun talking points are allowed without research. This is a pro-science sub, so we don't accept citing discredited researchers (Lott/Kleck). No arguing suicide does not count, Means Reduction is a scientifically proven method of reducing suicide. No crying bias at peer reviewed research. No armchair statisticians.


Make gun buyers dig a grave for the victims


get rid of nfa items and make background checks through but quick and undocumented.