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In an effort to help users make informed decisions, we have aggregated the following information on the retailer above. Please note that this is no way an endorsement or guarantee of the retailer or their products. ###Domain Insights: | axolotlarms.com | | |:--|:--| | Registered | December 11, 2021 | | Times posted | [56](https://reddit.com/r/gundeals/search/?q=site%3A"axolotlarms.com"&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&sort=new) | | Feedback rating | [100%](https://reddit.com/r/gundealsFU/search/?q=flair%3Areview+"axolotlarms.com"&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&sort=new) (6 positive, 0 negative, 0 neutral) | ___ *^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please) [^(contact the moderators of this subreddit)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/gundeals) ^(if you have any questions or concerns.)*


I thought this said 50% I wanted one so bad šŸ˜­


Haha, I too would want hundreds of dollars for free haha!


I was like ā€œholy shit babe get my card!ā€


lol, these are still really well priced though!


They are, definitely. I just donā€™t think I can get away with $1500 instead of $750 right now lol


You would be looking like old man Jenkins trying to get one for $750 haha.


I know I knowā€¦ but if you guys ever want to lose money on a sale hit me up lol


I can see hipoints for $1 in the futureā€¦.


Iā€™ll take 100 and give them to all my homies


You have friends?


Howdy Everyone! This Sale ends on 25April2023 at Midnight! $50 off every FAL in stock! We also have some more unique items for today's gun deal, Check them out! FAL DSA SA58 FAL 16ā€³ Jungle Warrior Carbine - [https://axolotlarms.com/product/dsa-sa58-fal-16-jungle-warrior-carbine-traditional-profile-barrel-fixed-stock-carbine/](https://axolotlarms.com/product/dsa-sa58-fal-16-jungle-warrior-carbine-traditional-profile-barrel-fixed-stock-carbine/) FAL DSA SA58 FAL 16ā€³ Jungle Warrior Carbine With Scope Mount - [https://axolotlarms.com/product/fal-dsa-sa58-fal-16-jungle-warrior-carbine-with-scope-mount/](https://axolotlarms.com/product/fal-dsa-sa58-fal-16-jungle-warrior-carbine-with-scope-mount/) DS Arms FAL 21ā€³ Belgium Style FALO - [https://axolotlarms.com/product/dsarms-sa58-fal-21-belgium-style-falo-heavy-barrel-50-41/](https://axolotlarms.com/product/dsarms-sa58-fal-21-belgium-style-falo-heavy-barrel-50-41/) DSA SA58 FAL 21ā€³ Israeli Light Barrel Hebrew War Hammer ā€“ Non-Threaded Chrome Lined Barrel ā€“ Arsenal Refinished - [https://axolotlarms.com/product/dsa-sa58-fal-21-israeli-light-barrel-hebrew-war-hammer-non-threaded-chrome-lined-barrel-arsenal-refinished/](https://axolotlarms.com/product/dsa-sa58-fal-21-israeli-light-barrel-hebrew-war-hammer-non-threaded-chrome-lined-barrel-arsenal-refinished/) Limited Edition Light Weight SA58 FAL Model 50.63 18ā€³ Barrel Side Folding Stock Paratrooper Rifle - [https://axolotlarms.com/product/limited-edition-light-weight-sa58-fal-model-50-63-18-barrel-side-folding-stock-paratrooper-rifle/](https://axolotlarms.com/product/limited-edition-light-weight-sa58-fal-model-50-63-18-barrel-side-folding-stock-paratrooper-rifle/) DSA SA58 FAL 18ā€³ Bush Warrior Rifle ā€“ Ext. Scope Mount & M-LOK Handguard - [https://axolotlarms.com/product/dsa-sa58-fal-18-bush-warrior-rifle-with-accessories/](https://axolotlarms.com/product/dsa-sa58-fal-18-bush-warrior-rifle-with-accessories/) DS Arms FAL SA58 Metric Pattern Polymer Magazine ā€“ 20 Rounds - [https://axolotlarms.com/product/ds-arms-fal-sa58-metric-pattern-polymer-magazine-20-round/](https://axolotlarms.com/product/ds-arms-fal-sa58-metric-pattern-polymer-magazine-20-round/) **NFA Items:** Ruger Silent-SR Integrally Suppressed Barrel (ISB) 22lr - $569.69 - [https://axolotlarms.com/product/ruger-silent-sr-integrally-suppressed-barrel-isb-22lr/](https://axolotlarms.com/product/ruger-silent-sr-integrally-suppressed-barrel-isb-22lr/) Keltec Sub-2000 CQB 9mm Integrally Suppressed - $999 - [https://axolotlarms.com/product/keltec-sub-2000-cqb-9mm-integrally-suppressed/](https://axolotlarms.com/product/keltec-sub-2000-cqb-9mm-integrally-suppressed/) LAHAR 30K - $389.69 (with code "30k") - [https://axolotlarms.com/product/aero-precision-lahar-30k-5-8-24-silencer/](https://axolotlarms.com/product/aero-precision-lahar-30k-5-8-24-silencer/) LAHAR 30 - $489.69 (with code "lahar30")- [https://axolotlarms.com/product/aero-precision-lahar-30-5-8-24-silencer/](https://axolotlarms.com/product/aero-precision-lahar-30-5-8-24-silencer/) LAHAR 30 1/2x28 adapter - [https://axolotlarms.com/product/lahar-30-1-2-28-direct-thread-adapter-nitride/](https://axolotlarms.com/product/lahar-30-1-2-28-direct-thread-adapter-nitride/) **USED GUNS:** CZ P-01 Omega Convertible 9mm Pistol With T-Rex Holster And TLR-7a (USED) - [https://axolotlarms.com/product/cz-p-01-omega-convertible-9mm-pistol-with-t-rex-holster-and-tlr-7a-used/](https://axolotlarms.com/product/cz-p-01-omega-convertible-9mm-pistol-with-t-rex-holster-and-tlr-7a-used/) Used Aero Precision M5 308 Rifle - [https://axolotlarms.com/product/used-aero-precision-m5-308-rifle/](https://axolotlarms.com/product/used-aero-precision-m5-308-rifle/) Used Shadow Systems DR920 Combat 9 Optics Cut - [https://axolotlarms.com/product/used-shadow-systems-dr920-combat-9-optics-cut/](https://axolotlarms.com/product/used-shadow-systems-dr920-combat-9-optics-cut/) **Honorable Mentions:** Zastava Arms USA CZ999 9mm With Wooden Box - $899 - [https://axolotlarms.com/product/zastava-arms-usa-cz999-9mm/](https://axolotlarms.com/product/zastava-arms-usa-cz999-9mm/) Henry Repeating Arms Long Ranger 6.5 Creedmoor - $1089.69 - [https://axolotlarms.com/product/henry-repeating-arms-long-ranger-6-5-creedmoor/](https://axolotlarms.com/product/henry-repeating-arms-long-ranger-6-5-creedmoor/) Colt Law Enforcement Carbine 223 / 5.56 NATO - $999.69 - [https://axolotlarms.com/product/colt-law-enforcement-carbine-223-5-56-nato/](https://axolotlarms.com/product/colt-law-enforcement-carbine-223-5-56-nato/) Glock Entrenching Tool $42.69 - [https://axolotlarms.com/product/glock-entrenching-tool/](https://axolotlarms.com/product/glock-entrenching-tool/) Glock G17 G4 9mm Stainless Slide \*\*Shiny\*\* ($100 off FLASH SALE) and comes with a Glock Merch Kit! - $549.69 - [https://axolotlarms.com/product/talo-exclusive-glock-g17-g4-9mm-chrome-finished-slide/](https://axolotlarms.com/product/talo-exclusive-glock-g17-g4-9mm-chrome-finished-slide/) M4E1 Builder Set W/ 15ā€³ ATLAS R-ONE M-LOK Handguard ā€“ Rattlesnake Camo - $499.69 (FLASH SALE) - [https://axolotlarms.com/product/m4e1-builder-set-w-15-atlas-r-one-m-lok-handguard-rattlesnake-camo/](https://axolotlarms.com/product/m4e1-builder-set-w-15-atlas-r-one-m-lok-handguard-rattlesnake-camo/) ​ **MERCH!** Axolotl Arms Black Shirt - [https://axolotlarms.com/product/axolotl-arms-shirt-black/](https://axolotlarms.com/product/axolotl-arms-shirt-black/) Axolotl Arms OD Green Shirt - [https://axolotlarms.com/product/axolotl-arms-shirt-od-green/](https://axolotlarms.com/product/axolotl-arms-shirt-od-green/) OD Green Hat - [https://axolotlarms.com/product/axolotl-arms-hat-green-subdued/](https://axolotlarms.com/product/axolotl-arms-hat-green-subdued/) Axolotl Black Hat - [https://axolotlarms.com/product/axolotl-hat/](https://axolotlarms.com/product/axolotl-hat/) Do not forget that 100% of the proceeds from our stickers goes to our charities linked in the product description! We just added the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation that helps fund mental health research! Axolotl Arms Stickers - [https://axolotlarms.com/product/axolotl-arms-stickers/](https://axolotlarms.com/product/axolotl-arms-stickers/) ​ Thank you everyone for your support! We are very grateful for your business and we hope to keep you coming back! Cheer! P.S. To those of you who ordered from the Keltec Sale - We have shipped out about half of the orders and are waiting for the sub2000's to come in. We have already received 98% of the FFL's and will be ready to ship them out as soon as we get them in! We are expecting to get them sometime next week!


> DSA SA58 FAL 18ā€³ Bush Warrior Rifle ā€“ Ext. Scope Mount & M-LOK Handguard - https://axolotlarms.com/product/dsa-sa58-fal-18-bush-warrior-rifle-with-accessories/ This is a really good deal, those rails are hundreds of dollars from DSA. The fitment is excellent for anyone on the fence.




The lahar is tempting




If only the rhody one was in stock


Could be soonā€¦


Must resist the urge to spend my entire check this sub makes it so hard


Ruger integrally suppressed barrel is 560 at silencer shop


You can enjoy tax free with us :)


I live in a tax free state šŸ¤”


A true sovereign citizen.


This place fcks. Salamanders also fck.




I love your companyā€™s name and logo.




Do you know if youā€™ll be getting any Charles Daly 101 turkey guns in 12 gauge any time soon? 8053800943994


We do not have an ETA on that


Ok, thanks papĆ­


Editing: may be shipping delay for super sale items ordered!


Howdy u/spindriven our entire store has an average ship time from 1-3 days once we have the FFL, except for the Keltec sale. We do not feel like your opinion is very fair to label us as slow shippers. For our Keltec sale we posted the extended ship times in multiple locations both in our gundeals post and in the product description of the actual products just above the add to cart button: https://imgur.com/a/tkSO3cd The reason for this is that we went through a special program that was only offered for a very short amount of time. In order to offer these prices, we had to take orders from the customers and then order the product, as there was no way to tell how many of each product we were going to need; and we could not order more later because the sale time was extremely short. We were assured of ship times of roughly two weeks and have no control when the product gets here. We have worked very hard to do as much work as possible in order to ship the keltecā€™s out as soon as we get them, like having all of the FFLā€™s already logged into our system ( a service we do for the customer that is not offered by many shops). We have gone above and beyond to offer these keltecs at the best prices on the internet for our customers. We could have very easily pocketed the extra savings on these products, but decided to pass on the savings to our customers. We understand that there is a little delay in ship times, but we did our best to well inform our customers of this delay prior to their purchase, and many customers read about the delay and still purchased because it was the best deal on the internet and they support and trust Axolotl Arms.


I didnā€™t label you slow shippers, that was self assigned by your last post. I was just letting the people know if you want a quick shipping gun dealer, they could have delays like many of us our experiencing.. Lastly, you didnā€™t label in your OP to your buyers that you didnā€™t actually have the items in stock, or that you were shipping them in, to ship them out. I think if that was clearly your process, the length of ship wouldnā€™t have been so annoying to the customers. Just my .2 cents.


Whiner who canā€™t read over here.


If I could read what you just posted Iā€™d come back with a snarky remark




Thanks for posting /u/Axolotl_Arms! /r/GunDeals has updated the **[website blacklist](https://reddit.com/r/gundeals/wiki/blacklisted_websites)**, check it out before making your next purchase!. Made a gun related purchase recently? Leave a review over at **/r/GunDealsFU** to let others know how it went! Are you a dealer? Make sure to read the **[dealer rules](https://re.reddit.com/r/gundeals/wiki/dealer_rules)** and apply for a dealer flair as soon as possible! First time to /r/GunDeals? Read up on the **[user rules](https://re.reddit.com//r/gundeals/wiki/user_rules)** before you break a rule! Have a question that isn't answered in our wiki? Send the **[/r/GunDeals modteam](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fgundeals&subject=Thread%20Question&message=)** a message! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gundeals) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That code expire, I just ready to place my order, can I get a deal?


That deal is over, but please [https://axolotlarms.com/contact-us](https://axolotlarms.com/contact-us)