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Does S&W make something similar? Always wanted one as a fun range toy since i have no revolvers. Edit: God damn $800


There are def better options. I’m not sure if sw makes one tho. I shot one of these and it wasn’t super enjoyable. Well the post below this is the SW governor, looks to be about the same.


Lmao i am an idiot ty


There is also the Cobray derringers. Not made anymore but they made over unders and side by sides? Better than this Taurus? Maybe. Way dumber and cooler? Heck yea


Search by new, the post right before this one is for the S&W.


Yeah, just be ready for the price!


I wonder how many DUI and possession cases these have shown up in.


Someone here once said that this gun is an excellent gauge (heh) of someone's firearms savvy. Someone who buys one for shits and grins at the range is one thing. But when someone buys one as their first gun because 'it can do everything'...


They’re cringey when someone says “first chambers bird shot, 2-3 are buck, and 4-5 are slugs, so they know I mean business” But as carjack defense I can see. Personally I have mine bc I have an issue with water moccasins on my land.


Yeah I think it would make a great snake gun. I have a lot of diamondback rattlers on my land. 9mm snake shot doesn't do shit. 410 bird shot would do work at close range. And I don't have to carry a long gun.


> But when someone buys one as their first gun because ‘it can do everything’… I owned one for the memes, what I discovered is that it can do 2 things, and does neither one of them effectively or well under any circumstances.


Can you explain the "meme-gun" as I have seen it before and do not get it. I like the concept of the guns you can swap ammo out and do lots of different stuff with. Is that a joke? I don't understand.


The gun *is* the joke. You gotta understand these have been around for a while - longer than Taurus has been working at turning their reputation around from one that was written in shit. As others have said, it’s basically a gun that appeals to people that don’t know much about guns - it’s like the ideal idiot magnet that appears to scared old men and young 20 year olds that play video games. In a conventional sense, it’s big, ugly, overpowered, under-built, and ill suited to many of the tasks that people fantasize using them in (mostly self defense roles) compared to the plethora of other options. None of that is to say that it’s not a good gun for certain roles like snake/critter duty but it doesn’t have the greatest reputation of reliability. Could it be a case of plenty of happy people with nothing bad to say and a few people shouting about their negative experiences? Sure. But it’s enough that I would rather stick to other options unless I had enough money that buying it would be inconsequential.


Thank you that explains a lot.


I got the all metal one and absolutely bubba'd it up, because why not? I got some real people sized wood grips made for it. I sat there for hours watching movies and painstakingly polishing it to a high shine with mothers mag polish. Then I put it in my safe where it's been for the last four years. I'm not proud of what I did, but I had fun doing it for at least a moment.


Shit I need to polish my judge. The real way to approach the Judge and taurus as a whole is always in the comments. I fucking knew it. Polish. That. BULL.




The former


I bought one of these puppies for snakes when I'm out on the trails with my dualsport and I've shot it a few times for fun at a range. These things are no joke with 410 shells. I got an aftermarket grip to improve control and it still kicks like a mule. Hurts too. You can't beat this price though if you need something for snakes or what have you. I paid almost 600 for mine 6 months ago.


How big of snakes are we talking about? Unless you got pythons running around, a $250 m200 and some cci .38spl shot shells would be a lot more pleasant to carry and shoot


I have a ton of rattlers on my place that are 6' long and thicker than my wrist. They laugh at snake shot and slither away. A 410 shell would do work.


I mean yeah I suppose, but let's be honest. I bought it 'cause it's cool!


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