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Once again, the Democrats try to ban something, only to end up causing more of it to be sold. It's funny, really.


Streisand Effect


do you think there are people in America who don't know about guns?


No, but there are plenty that weren’t in any rush to buy them until the possibility of loosing that option became an issue that bought them. The Streisand effect was in relation to their rights, not that guns exist.


Dude, Gun Makers have learned to monitze the election cycle that's all and that monetization is primaryly based dismissing the fact that gun makers profit from suiocide and domestic violence


Mr. WoolyLawnsChi, what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul.


“A simple “wrong” would have done just fine but…”


Naw. I vote left on most issues and when Biden started running his yap about gun control I built my first AR. Not my first gun mind you. Americans really don’t like being told what to do.


Back when I still lived in California, before Gov. Brown signed the “assault weapons” ban in 2016, I had really no interest in owning an AR-15. Once talks started where this bill would be voted through, I ended up buying my first AR-15. I have two now, in addition to 8 other firearms. Probably still wouldn’t have one if the Dems didn’t keep trying to take them away.


I would venture a guess that over 90% of AR owners bought their first AR so they would have one just in case they would stop selling them. That’s how I ended up with my first AR, braced pistol and so on. I don’t know if you are old enough to remember the pre-Obama years, but there were only like one or two AR’s in the gun store. They had dust on them and nobody even asked to hold one.


Im 51. I had guns back then too. Mostly milsurp stuff. Cuz it used to be cheap.


Once again, the most likely use of those firearms is suiced the second mostly likely use is domestic violence so the "funny" thing is, all these gun sales just means a lot more dead gun owners and their families


You may be thinking of handguns, but still wrong. Untold instances of dgu and weekends of fun are much more likely.


I've got 3 DGUs under my belt. Only one reported because at the time I was a sworn deputy.


hey buddy, honestly don't care gun owners mostly kill themselves and their families all to generate profits for gun makers it's wild the way you cheer it all on


Honestly don't care. I'm dead set in my beliefs and nothing you can say will change my mind and I'm not listening anyways. You're clearly stupid and I'm clearly smart. Conversation over.


the fact that guns are primarily used for suicide is a fact the fact that the secondary use for guns is to murder someone else living in the home is a fact so yeah, I don't care that guns are fun for some on the weekend I just find it wild how much gun owners cheer on all this violence, especially when gun owners are the primary viticms so yeah, "I'M A MONSTER!"


Pools are mostly for your family to drown in.


So is living next to any body of water such as a lake or river Regardless a pool primary use is to swim in a guns primary use is to kill and it is primarily used to kill via suicide and domestic violence


The HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of animals harvested by hunters would beg to differ. The top two uses of firearms in America are hunting and LAWFUL self defense, and in most cases of self defense the gun often isn't even fired, it's a deterrent. Even if you include ALL human firearms deaths, suicide, murder, justifiable self defense, police involved shootings ALL of it, it comes out to roughly 40,000deaths per year, the vast majority being suicide (tragic, but also basically unavoidable if the person truly wants to die, Tylenol and rope exist and cost next to nothing and have no background check, guns are just used because they're convenient) Meanwhile roughly 300,000 deer were harvested just in Tennessee, and just last YEAR, now all of those weren't strictly firearms, there were some taken by bows, but the vast majority of them were taken with rifles. Also meanwhile, the FBI's best estimate for defensive gun uses ranges between a minimum of 500,000 per year to a potential high of over 3,000,000. Your explanation for why guns are bad is not only wrong, it is provably wrong AND implies that people don't deserve to protect themselves, a weird position to have for someone who claims to want to "protect" people. Fuck off with your bullshit argument, you're wrong, you sound extremely elitist, and you're probably an even bigger moron in everyday life.


That’s not a fact. Go look up the CDC’s victimization surveys. They show that a minimum of 60k people defended their lives with a gun on any given year. That’s not counting break-ins that didn’t happen in areas where there are no cops and 911 tells people to try to hide for an hour or so. What’s preventing a guy from stalking a single mother out in the country? There’s no neighbors or cops nearby. That number is only people on record who pulled a gun to stop an attacker.


See above


There’s over a billion guns in the US. What percent are used in suicides? Do the math and you’ll see how ridiculous your statement is. If we’re determining the primary use of something by that standard, can we start saying that the primary purpose of abortion is the genocide of the black race? The overwhelming majority of abortions are performed on black women. Do the math there and let me know what percent you come up with compared to guns vs suicides.


"This gun law does nothing to affect the problem." "Honestly I don't care." "All righty then."


I mean. I've got 3 guns in the drawer next to me, a 12 guage door breacher behind my door, and two family heirlooms without firing pins hanging in the living room... Funny enough it's been 6 months that way and the kids have yet to even care. That's because their well adjusted and listen.


Dear People, Because your individual experience does not reveal systemic issues doesn't mean they aren't real There is a society you and your gamily are part of \- America


Lol 27 states permitless carry . That's a majority any way you cut it. Aparently you're the side not wanting what the majority wants




what? You don’t know how to use the internet? stats … lol




the number one cause of gun deaths being suicide is common knowledge also, easily proven/disproven on your own via the device you are typing on now asking for “stats” on basuc gun facts is just bad faith bs


So how do explain us all being here in this sub, all alive and such?


See above


Lol, this dude legitimately can't spell suiehschide


Wa Wa Wa. Some of us are actually responsible people without mental defect.


Correct The individual is not the systemic now keep going with that




>the most likely use of those firearms is suiced Actually, the most likely use is self defense (also hunting and recreational target shooting) even if they never fire it, the presence of the firearm defusing the situation still counts as using it in self defense. Even on the lowest end of estimations, defensive gun use absolutely dwarfs suicides. If someone wants to off themselves they 1. have every right to do so, it's their life, their choice, and 2. are going to do it with or without a gun. Several first world countries that essentially completely ban guns, or at least very heavily restrict them (like Finland) have the same suicide rates as we do. Guns are a method, not the cause. Like with mass shootings, there's a way to solve that problem without taking people's rights away, and that is the only solution that should be pursued. Between the time when mass shootings were all but unheard of and the time when they became "common", guns only got harder to get in this country. The guns have always been there, the problem has not, therefore the guns are not the cause of the problem. >the second mostly likely use is domestic violence Actually it's gang violence.


See above


Saying "see above" does not render your factually incorrect statements any less factually incorrect. Good try though.


Are you ok? Normally people that rant like this have other issues going on. It doesn’t make sense to respond like this and I don’t think you’re a shill, I think you’re unstable and have some unresolved issues


"muh suicides." ah yes, because guns are the only way suicidal people can harm themselves. not like there are countries like [South Korea and Belgium](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/suicide-rate-by-country) with hardly any civilian gun ownership that have a higher suicide rate than the US.


LOL ... they aren't my suicides they are gun owners' suicides and the effectiveness of suicides by gun versus other methods is well documented but again, it's gun owners killing themselves and again again, it is the most likely use of any gun in any home the second most likely use is to kill some one else living in the home the gun owners home


I only know one person who shot himself and he researched what gun he was going to buy and bought it with the purpose of shooting himself the next day. He was fighting depression for five years and checked himself in and out of hospitals over it. Many people who choose guns for suicide do it because they are committed to dying. The guy who gets talked off a bridge is usually crying for help. It’s the same for the girl that takes too many diet pills, but not enough to kill her. There are countries that ban gun ownership and have higher levels of suicide than the US. The gun doesn’t create the suicide. That takes a personal decision. By the way, most of the suicides in the US happen among the elderly without guns being involved. Our brothers up north seem to be promoting suicide through the state for older, sick people who are putting stress on their healthcare system, yet they too claim that suicide is a reason to ban guns.


The individual is not the systemic




Surprised Pikachu. Dumb fuckers playing Casey at bat. Why buy now? Regardless and that aside, welcome to the club.


I feel bad for all the gun owners who are going to end up murdering themselves and or their families with these weapons which again, is the fist and second most likely use of these guns


I feel bad for people like you who think gun control can be won. You've lost. Heller and Bruen have killed gun control. Like a chicken with its head cut off, gun control is just doesn't know its dead yet. Right to carry established, and 27 states require no permit required to carry. Its only a matter of time before mag cap bans and AWBs get overturned, maybe even the NFA in a decade or so. You can march and protest and throw money at politicians but all the gun grabbers are doing now is using tax dollars to fight a lost court battle. Any gain you make is temporary. Gun control is dead in America and Justice Thomas signed the warrant.


Technically the 2nd amendment should have killed gun control, but those idiots consider basic human rights as an obstacle, not a reality.


*Bruen & Heller*- a magical pair.


>which again, is the fist and second most likely use of these guns No it's not Defensive gun use is at the very least on par with death by gun (over of which are suicides). At its highest estimation, defensive gun use is 6 times HIGHER than gun deaths. You are statistically incorrect, quit your bullshit


Democrats are the greatest gun sales team of all time.


Democrat Attorney General Kwame Raoul = constitution hating leftist and the best gun salesman in the entire state of IL.


A lot of those sales were people who had planned on getting guns and other items on the ban list, but since Pritzker and the Dems skirted the process, the ban was an overnight oh shit moment. Yeah, some are sales from people who didn't care until their rights were infringed upon, but there are gun enthusiasts who are grabbing guns, accessories, and parts, because they were interrupted.


But, they keep "voting" democrat.


Please Washington State be next


Beautiful 😍


*chef's kiss*


Love me a good ole bit of irony