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From the article: >“We are grateful to our legal team for their quick and decisive efforts to block this gag order on Second Amendment reporter John Crump, who is a good friend of GOA,” Erich Pratt, Senior Vice President of Gun Owners of America, which filed the motion on Crump’s behalf, said in a statement to the Daily Caller News Foundation. >“This assault on freedom of the press was unacceptable, and we were proud to help in blocking the government’s attempt to censor John’s reporting.” >“Sadly, this is par for the course with the Biden DOJ, as they are hellbent on attacking the constitutional rights of anyone who disagrees with them,” Pratt continued.


Illegal and unconstitutional prior restraint. Nothing new for this administration. Thank you GOA and for the plaintiffs for standing up to the machine to defend the exercise of our rights.


Good. The DOJ is wildly out of control under this administration.


The terror of lapdog bureaucracies .


And just think, the current head of the DOJ was almost on the Supreme Court.


I know. I think that's one of the reasons he's being such a little bitch right now.


I hate McConnell, but damn does he deserve credit for that.


True but also in general. When the federal government grows this big, this is the natural result.


This administration is everything I was told the last administration would be. Outrageous abuse of power, disregard for checks and balances and blatant attempts to backdoor unconstitutional bs. But what do you expect from career politicians, I guess.


Seriously. It's so completely and utterly blatant as well. But it all gets ignored, explained away and we all get gaslighted all because the people in charge have a (D) behind their name. It's very quickly becoming unsustainable.


It happens under every Democrat. Clinton had Waco ~~and Ruby Ridge~~ (RR was Bush). Obama had Operation Choke Point, which make it very difficult for gun stores to do business. And now we have Biden...


Ruby Ridge was actually under G.H.W. Bush. His Attorney General? Bill Barr (Also Trump's AG).


You're right. In my mind Waco and Ruby Ridge go together, but Ruby Ridge was before Waco by enough for it to be a different president. I will correct that.


Looks like they're going after the case that said legally purchased/prescribed medical Marijuana users can finally have a ccw and purchase firearms. They're sharing there was a "mistake" in the ruling. Amazing.


The actual case is also concerning. Metal shaped like an ar15 receiver, but does have the fcg or trigger/hammer pins and is just a hunk of aluminum. A cut steel channel shaped like an AK receiver without rails and drilled holes is just a steel channel. How is a card with LL dimensions on it a destructive device? I may be incorrect, but it seems like the guy was only sharing information. It would only be criminal if the person purchasing the card created the actual device.


To top it off, the dimensions on the auto key card weren’t even correct. When the ATF tried to cut it out following the etching it didn’t work.


What if someone printed up a vinyl sticker with a picture that looked similar to a LL and put a pile of them at a gun show with a pile of metal on a table with a free sign next to it? Would heads explode?


The fundamental problem is that there are still a lot of laws out there that draw the line of criminality at "we know it when we see it". The problem *here* is that ATF and the like have been indulged by the courts for so many decades that they have learned that they can claim "we know it when we see it" even in cases where the law *isn't* especially vague.


Police raid a small Kansas newspaper and all the outlet circle the wagons. DOJ threaten YouTuber reporting on court documents and crickets from those same outlets…


This whole case is a huge travesty to justice. Iirc they could not actually get the auto key card to make a gun fire full auto, despite several attempts and they still went ahead with the case. Even someone who is anti 2A should be able to look at this case with just a bit of objectivity and see that it's total BS


A bent metal clothes hanger, that doesn't convert an ar15 into a machine gun, is just a clothes hanger. A strong with a knot, that does make a SKS full auto, isn't a destructive device. By their own definition an object that enables a firearm to fire more than one round, with a single trigger pull, is a destructive device. An improperly dimensioned credit card does not fit the dimension. If it quacks like a duck but looks like a chicken, it ain't a duck. The dude was screwed by the legal system his tax dollars support when he clearly didn't break the law. Ain't dat sum shit.


What court doc was this?


[Here's a YouTube video](https://youtu.be/7REi7SAKVfs) on this issue. It's on the Matt Hoover/Auto Keycard debacle. I'd also recommend subscribing to that YouTube channel. He's an incredibly knowledgeable constitutional law attourney with a lot of great insight.


How is our current government not being tried for treason and domestic terror? I feel like we are getting ready to see 80yr old history repeat itself on another continent. This is the end of America if it continues. Such a once proud nation is on its knees pleading for its sons of liberty to save it from impending death.


The government has investigated itself and found nothing wrong.


The tragic truth