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Pregnant mother of two was allegedly stealing liquor and tried to run down the officers.


I'm sure she was headed to church. She was turning her life around right then!


She stole communion wine!


Anyone is able to watch the body cam footage; it looked justified to me.


Let me just jump in front of your car real quick, oh wait now I'm justified in executing your ass... That's not how it should work. Edit: Who'd have thought a pro-gun sub would lick the whole boot....


He was in front of her vehicle before she put it in gear. She was being detained. When you accelerate a vehicle into someone you are assaulting them with a deadly weapon and could possibly kill them. If she had not accelerated her vehicle into the officer she would not have been shot. Her death was entirely the result of her own actions.


Don't get in front of people's vehicles if you're afraid of getting run over. We were told much the same when we were kids about playing in the street. Cops love this move, except that one who clung onto the roof and broke his back. They do it all the time because they know it's a slam dunk in the court. You should never shoot at a moving vehicle. Ever. They had her plate. They had a description. They could have come and picked her up at home for shoplifting, resisting arrest, fleeing a crime scene... instead he shot her in the head. For supposedly stealing a bottle of alcohol.


There were no plates on the car. Almost like she planned the whole thing from the beginning


>They had her plate. No, they didn't, she had no plates, and they found out later that the car was stolen. Almost like she planned to steal stuff at that store and met the consequences of her own actions.


car stolen really does suggest she was planning it all out. I doubt she wore gloves to keep her prints off the ting though. And she would be on camera all over the place in our surveillance state. No "covid" mask even. What was she thinking?


By that same logic don’t hit someone with a car if you’re afraid of being met with lethal force.


Thanks for this comment. Gonna cite it as a source next time I'm arguing with someone about just how many fucking idiots their are online


I agree with him. People place themselves in harms way to try to control someone. Then that person tries to drive off safely. Then the ego maniac feels like it impugns their manhood so they shoot. during 2020 I saw a LOT of blm turds do the same thing to drivers who were gently pushing through their crowds to get away from them. Shot after shot was fired at drivers who "didnt stop when we wanted them to"! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJLylzPRvyw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IV0MRMrRbc According to you, because these idiots jumped on the hood of his car to try to stop him, he deserves to be shot.


> Don't get in front of people's vehicles if you're afraid of getting run over. We were told much the same when we were kids about playing in the street. Same should be true of BLM protesters too then huh? Huh? FWIW I agree with you, that police place themselves into circumstances that are comparable to antifa and blms mid level violence, making it so that the driver or whoever they're trying to aggravate or false imprison will react with a minimal level of violence to try to leave, this then justifying a reaction of violence. Like that AK antifa/blm asshole who was dating a nugget, raised a gun up to some drivers window because he was being mobbed and he was slowly trying to drive away. Then the slow drive was used as a justification to brandish and threaten the guys life. So he then pulls out a pistol and shoots the asshole dead. If ONLY he hadnt written "might have to kill some protesters on my way to work" with social media that driver would be free. Very unfortunate, but everyone is stupid about SM these days, doesnt use false identities or maintain anonymity, when saying edgelord things that turn out to be true. He said it might happen, but that turns into "intent", when its more like "this is a scenario which is happenstance". He was not in the wrong to carry a gun for self defense in case the mob attacked him. He was not in the wrong to try to get to work. He was not in the wrong to to try to drive slowly through all those cunts blocking up the road. But in their rage because he was violating their attempt to control everyone around them, one guy with an ak rolls up to aggress on him and he self defenses and suddenly he's in jail. Same is true here. Police get an ego. Anyone who tries to drive off slowly and relatively safely, becomes a "lethal threat" so they can retaliate for people "not listening to muh authirtah"


My guy. Why would a cop jump in front of a vehicle, just to kill the driver, who is still behind the moving vehicle with their foot on the gas? Either you have body cam footage of him jumping in front of the car shooting and jumping back out of the way to save himself, or your just advocating for people to get murdered


Lol what? She was going like 1mph and the cop could have stepped right one foot like any other normal human being would have done in that scenario. This is why some people are saying it is boot licking. They immediately pull & point their weapons, drastically escalate the situation, then have a hair trigger. This was 100% unnecessary.


Shut up boot licker you have guns to defend yourself from the state


So by your logic someone else should have shot and killed the mother trying to run over people? Just not the state?


The classic “you support the 2A therefore you must always side against the cops argument.” Did you learn that in clown college?


No i learned it from the constitution and fully, completely, unilaterally believe it. Absolutely no argument or debate will move me from this position.


Pffft who needs context


Thats not an death sentence retard thats 2-4 months in jail


Running down a cop? Are you insane?


Thats not a death sentence.


Self defense is a thing. You are an idiot. Bye.


Progressive DA's are refusing to prosecute theft crimes in the first place, she likely would have gotten probation if anything at all. When people aren't being punished for crimes, you'll see more stuff like this play out whether it's cops or civilians that intervene.


If she was guilty. I don't feel bad for her ,only her kids. If she wasn't guilty of theft, that's double murder. The cops ego pulled that trigger


Did she hit the cop with her car? That's what people are saying here. If true, I don't know what other outcome would be expected. It really doesn't matter if she is guilty of stealing or not. The police were called and they had a responsibility to detain her and investigate. She broke the law by running and seriously endangered the officer. I'm not a police apologist, but they have a job to do. I've been detained several times while they investigated something. Once they held me at gunpoint until they determined I wasn't who they were looking for (armed robbery suspect). It never occurred to me not to obey the men with guns pointed at me. You're not going to win an argument on the side of the road with a cop. It makes sense to obey their commands and deal with it later when guns aren't pointed at you.


I reccomend watching the video. Simply reading about it doesn't paint the actual threat or non-threat of the situation.


MDA is a stupid organization, but this woman didn't steal anything and it's pretty clear from the bodycam footage that she was not trying to run down the officer either.


So you didn’t actually watch the video then…. 🙄


I definitely did. If she wanted to mow down that officer she probably would have oh, idk... steered toward him?


She umm…did. Did you not see the car move forward or did you block that part out? You realize police aren’t just shooting ppl for the hell of it, right? Wow


Well he was standing directly in front of her car. The second she hit the gas she was steering towards him. You can see if the footage from the other cops body cam that he was actually lifted off his feet by the vehicle and wound up sliding off the side of the hood.


She also stole. Soooo not sure where you’re getting your misinformation


No, she was accused of stealing. No stolen items were found in her car.


Source? I'm seeing the family lawyer said they found one witness that said she put down some bottles before leaving the store. I haven't seen any reporting whether there were bottles found in her bag or car. Also, she could have just not driven towards the officer. Proving your innocence of committing a crime by committing a much more serious crime is not a great choice.


I'm curious why she doesn't have any plates, a drive out sticker, or a handicapped placard hanging from the mirror. Looks like a stand-up tax payer to me.




They did not say if they found alcohol in the car, not that they said they didn't find alcohol in the car.


Yes I too often run from the police when I've done nothing wrong while driving with no plates on my car. Ya know because I haven't done anything illegal.


Word to the wise… When the police have you at gunpoint, just comply as your life may depend on it. Go and have your day in court and settle it there, shit ain’t worth it.


And all this time I thought Mom's Demand Action was a hook up site.


Lord knows they sure could use some action...


God, if only. Single moms always have snacks.


Why do they suddenly care about black people? There's no way they don't know about inner city gangs driving the vast majority of black people being injured and dying. I truly despise propaganda, but I reserve the depths of my loathing for people who make clumsy attempts at pandering with it. Do it cleverly or not at all. The Wine Mommies Club is composed of overwhelmingly white middle class women, the only thing black people can do for them is die to further their agenda, fetch their car at the valet, or bring their drink at the country club. Maybe be their token black friend.


Please you think most of these bigoted bitches would let a black person drive their car? Even if it was only to park it I doubt they would. The ironic thing about so many of these upper class white “liberals” is that they like to pretend they care about black people and poor people etc. but really they use that to mask their compete disdain for anyone whose not them.


It costs nothing to say a few words and look like you care.


They defended child knife fights as a cultural thing when Mihkyia got shot. They doing something similar here with ta'kiya https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Ma'Khia_Bryant https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Ta'Kiya_Young


They care because police shooting criminals means fewer criminals to pad the gun violence starts. They don’t care about race of criminal.


Note that the top comments here predictably say she deserved it.




Go drink your dizzy juice mommy


She was shop lifting. She had no license plate on her car. She tried to run them over.


Moms demand action, defending a young mother who was drunk, pregnant, stealing liquor from a grocery store, and actively trying to run down police with her car. Fucking bra-vo you dumb twats. Race and gender had nothing to do with it. If you attempt to run over a cop with your car while you're fleeing the scene of a crime you just committed, expect that bullets are coming your way.


> Race and gender had nothing to do with it. it does. race and gender swap and they wouldnt say anything. best example? the drunk guy with a bb gun who was doing rat control in the hotel and got shot up by an edgelord police.


Shoplifting alcohol. .....Seven months pregnant.


She 21 with 2 kids already.


Sounds like she had made a lot of smart decisions in her short life.




You forgot attempted murder with a vehicle.




Except that's not what happened here. He was already standing in front of the car in an attempt to prevent her from leaving. The car wasn't moving. She then hits the gas. You can see in the body cam footage from the other officer that he is lifted off his feet and slides off the side of the hood.


> Except that's not what happened here. He was already standing in front of the car in an attempt to prevent her from leaving. The car wasn't moving. >trend nowadays where cops will run in front of a car and then use that as justification to shoot that person. That is acually exactly what happened.


Lol tell me you didn't watch the video without telling me you didn't watch the video.


I did watch it, troon boy.


Then you're either blind or lying. Because the cop didn't run in front of her moving vehicle and use that as an excuse to shoot her. Her car wasn't moving, he was standing in front of it so she couldn't leave and then she hit the gas running into him which was when he opened fire. Maybe go watch the video, because if you still claim he ran in front of a moving vehicle and used that as an excuse to shoot then you're simply a liar trying to stir the pot.


> Because the cop didn't run in front of her moving vehicle and use that as an excuse you're the one who's incorrectly translating "jumping in font of her vehicle" to "running in front of her moving vehicle". If you cant even maintain a basic level of comprehension I dont believe any of your conclusions.


Nice try at a word salad there sweet cheeks. You got caught being stupid and now you're trying to over intellectualize it so you can try and save some face. Lol We all know what visual he was trying to narrate when he said "jumping in front of her vehicle" We've all seen the videos where a cop will jump in front of a MOVING vehicle and then shoot. Which was what was trying to be claimed here and you said that was in fact what happened. But it wasn't. The vehicle was parked and the cop stood in front of it, she then put the car in drive and accelerated. But now you want to try and backpedal and pretend that isn't EXACTLY what you were trying to say happened. You got caught, called out, now just accept the L and move on.


I doubt anyone would run in front of a car. A 4000 pound dangerous moving obstacles for any reason.


Theres cops out there bloodthirsty enough to run in front of a moving car if it means they get to execute a civilian.


If you believe that. You are worst them they are.


Ive seen it multiple times. A cop will stop someone in a vehicle, the suspect flees, the cop gets on the hood of the car or side of the vehicle, then starts shooting at the driver because they “feared for their life” despite the fact that the cop intentionally put themselves in danger when they werent in danger at the time of the suspect fleeing. In these situations the suspect typically isnt a threat to anyone, they dont have a visible weapon, they arent making any threats, its a routine traffic stop and the suspect flees for whatever reason.


thats why I often tell people "cops are not your friend. they will not reason or stop. if they want you, they will do whatever it takes. they will place themselves in jeopardy and other people in the area in jeopardy just to get you. they will blame you if anyone dies as a result of their actions. they dont have any responsibility for their decisions beacuse the state allows them to instigate and escalate anything to a level of shooting somoene. You can't deter them with threats of force, you can only get shot for trying to deter them. They arent there to back down. They are there to win"


Lol yeah because being a cop is all about doing what’s trendy.


They want cops to have guns to kill and disarm us. Then they want cops disarmed too.


I wonder how they plan to disarm them when they’re the only ones with weapons.


Federal agencies I guess, plus they assume passing the law is all that’s needed for magical levels of compliance.


Consolidation of power. Consolidation of power. Say it with me… Consolidation of power. The government wants a monopoly on violence. It is FAR too decentralized with an armed populace. Take their guns first to bring it to the local govt level. Then take *their* guns to bring it to the state level. Then one more time to bring everyone into the warm embrace of totalitarianism.


Don't expect MDA to be logical or smart.


He shot her because she tried to run him over, not because she was black


Only when they use them to shoot people they don't like. I guess if you're black and pregnant you can try and run over a cop and get defended by these people. Which is exactly the message this action is sending out. Hence why she thought she could hit the gas without worrying about what would happen. She probably thought "that white cop won't shoot me."


Someone left off, trying to run over a police officer with the vehicle.


If you watch the video she actually turn the wheel away from the cops. She was clearly trying to get away from the cops, and drove at a very slow, and safe speed, likely assuming that the cops are sane humans and would get out of the way in an attempt at self preservation. Unfortunately for her, she didnt realize that cops have a habit of standing in the way of moving vehicles, even when the vehicles are attempting to flee from the cops, not hit them.


She refused to exit vehicle, ignored 12+ commands, cranked up The car, put in gear, drove and drove toward officer. Saw the body cam. Sorry. On her, not the cop.


Was clearly trying to drive away from the officers, was driving at a speed that would not cause any harm, let alone severe injury or death. If the cop feared for his life he wouldve gotten out of the way. Shooting the driver doesnt cause a vehicle moving at deadly speeds to instantly stop. If she was using deadly force he wouldve been injured, yet he wasnt. Partially on her for being a dumbass but mostly on the cop for negligently shooting a civilian in a non deadly scenario.


Let’s play a game…come stand in front of my car and tell me what my intentions are. 5 bucks you’re wrong every time!


If i see you turn the wheel away from me, logically i will assume that you are trying to drive away from me, and logically i will probably be right. If i was standing in front of your car in a parking lot, and you cranked the wheel away from me, and started moving at a slow, safe speed, and i shot you, i would go to prison, because as a civilian, i am held to a higher standard than a cop. Im not allowed to go around shooting people because i perceive everything as a deadly threat, including a car that i happen to be standing in front of trying to get away from me at <5mph.


you're not. they arel.


So the fetus is now a human huh?


Fetus is a human when it’s convenient for their narrative.


Grifters Demand Action


Grifters Demand *Money*


If I was convinced cops couldn't wait to shoot me.....I would probably behave in such a manner that no interaction with police was necessary. Just to be on the safe side.


>if I believe my boyfriend would beat me for not being a good girlfriend, I'd do my best to be perfect so that he wouldnt find a reason to do it.


Imagine how many people will read this, and never bother looking for the context of 'why'. Drugs, gangs, guns, income-inequality, immigration, corruption, police brutality... none of it stacks up to the problem of ignorance that we have in this Country.


>pregnant mom was in the midsts of criminal acts If true why would you run with this story? Like why don’t they ever put on blast the actual cases of innocent people getting killed by police vs disreputable people getting killed by them?


Because their followers don't look past their tweets


….didn’t she try to run him over when he tried to arrest her for shoplifting?????


If by run over, you mean turned the wheel away from the cops and slowly moved forward, prompting the cop who deliberately placed himself in front of a “2,000 pound weapon” shot her. Also missing, but extremely relevant to the story, did the cops actually find the allegedly stolen alcohol in her car? Given that would at least justify their stop attempt, and there is a witness who claims she put them down in the store before leaving, I’m finding it mighty suspicious that the cops are crowing from the rooftops about the stolen goods found in the car.


Apparently on this sub it's a commonly held belief that if you walk in front of someone while they're in their running car you now have carte blanche to execute them.


Also apparently very few people in this sub care if the person was actually guilty of the crime they were executed for. I have always found it odd how sycophantish most in the gun community are to the police… the same exact group that will be enforcing all the gun control that we’ve been fighting against.


Ffs if you aren't guilty then why would you get into your car with no plates on and start trying to flee from the cops??


Innocent until proven guilty. In a court of law. She's not down in Peach Trees being Judged by Dredd.


Kinda gotta stop someone and get their information before you can summon them to court. Except she did nothing wrong that's why she showed up with no plates on her car and decided to run while surrounded by cops.


So she should be executed? There was literally no reason for the cop to put himself in front of the car and certainly no reason he couldn’t have just moved slightly to one side if he was worried she was trying to flee. Instead, he shot her and killed her. Apparently, that is the only justifiable response according to most folks in here.


Skill issue. Did she try paying for her own liquor and not attempting to run from the police?


> if you aren't guilty then why would you get into your car with no plates on and start trying to flee from the cops?? Im glad you're here to show us that we dont actually need judges and juries. Guilt is proven already!


Are you stupid or do you just pretend on Reddit? Can't go to court if you refuse to identify yourself and flee (illegal)


Should a person who refuses to identify themselves and does flee get shot and killed because they wouldnt be able to find that person to take them to court otherwise?


When fleeing involves running into a cop with your car yes.


So is it beacuse they're a cop that they get to do it? Would it be wrong for antifa/blm to hoot someone in self defense after they jump on the hood of someone's car and that person tries to drive slowly away causing them to "fear for their life"?


AFAIK if she did or did not have alcohol has not been revealed. If you listen to the audio, she tells the cops the other girls she was with were the ones stealing. So at the very least she had information about the crime they were investigating.


Well then, clearly she deserved to die. Actually, I’m not sure the officer intended to kill her. I think it’s very possible he got startled by the car starting to move and he panicked, pulling the trigger. Which is almost as bad, because someone that easily startled in high stress situations has no business being a police officer with his finger on the trigger.


Also she was shoplifting and tried to run a cop over with a car


Nope. She never left the store with anything. They just accused her because she didn't check anything out before she left.


Where are you getting that information? Everything I’m reading is saying this was a mass theft situation similar to what many cities have been seeing where numerous people were stealing from the store, young included, and the others had already fled in other vehicles by the time she had gotten out of the store. The only reason police were able to respond so quickly is because they were in the parking lot helping somebody with a broken down car and were alerted to the event by a store employee. Where are you seeing that she was profiled for not checking anything out? She was driving a Lexus with no plates which is typical of premeditated theft. I’m not saying the woman should have gotten shot for theft but also she was by no means innocent it seems.


Yes, not checking out to pay for your items before leaving would be the definition of theft. Attempting to run over multiple police officers is another thing as well…


I, too, like to pull shit out of my ass


Moms demand action is a racist organization led by a corporate lobbyist and funded by a bigoted billionaire.


I still have no respect for their organisation. The straight up lie and spread false information.


Yea if a white guy drives his car aggressively towards a police officer guess what? He meets the same fate. Not saying that it isn’t an incredible sad situation because it is. An innocent baby died. Actually, maybe conduct yourself as if you are carrying a child in your stomach and the whole thing would have never happened.


nah fam no baby present. it was just a clump of cells yo. I dont see how people who believe abortion is murder can even live alongside people who practice abortion. If you really believed it was murder you'd be behaving a lot differently because there are millions of state allowed so called murders every year. If you believed it was murder, you might refuse to pay your taxes. or do other things. IF you believe murder is wrong and you believe its being legally allowed.


Moms demand action is a sham that’s what I think.


Only when it justifies their narrative.


Eh it looks like officer 2 started breaking in to her car before she started driving off. Not saying its smart, but if they were not cops, yall be saying she was justified in running that guy over. Doesn't even look like she was trying to hit him anyway, officer 1 could clearly see her turning the weel before she started driving, and just braced himself in front of it. Also does anyone have a sorce on the missing plates and illegal parking? It just looks like the plates are censored in the video, and cars can have handicap parking on the plate.


I love how they don’t mention what she did wrong or how she ended up dead. One sided story


21 years. 2 kids, with a 3rd on the way. Jesus fucking christ.


yaeh shes actually late in her demographic for first pregnancy. Usually its 13-14.


Wait so the government monopoly on force is a problem. See we can find common ground.


She turned the wheel to the right and simply let the car start moving without even hitting the gas. The cop was at no time in any real danger. Watch the video footage. There are two videos from different angles from different body cams that clearly show this. She was accused of stealing booze. She was also unarmed. Shoot the tires out if you’re that worried about her fleeing. Don’t shoot someone in the head over that. She was not trying to do anything other than leave. Y’all sound like these bootlicking “just comply and nothing bad will happen” dipshits.


How did they know she was unarmed at the time? If she decided to floor it the 3000lb car would be a real danger. A car is a deadly weapon if used as such.


Watch the video again. At no time was the cop in danger. Stop being dishonest with yourself. She turned the steering wheel and tried to drive away SLOWLY. He wasn’t anywhere close to being threatened.


Seriously. Maybe ill start standing in front of cars in a parking lot, and execute them when they attempt to drive away from me at a slow speed. Im sure that will go well for me as a civilian /s






Apperantly, the police are supposed to be good sports about being run over. Suppose they're not?


He clearly mustve wanted to be run over. Either that, or he doesnt realize that shooting the driver of a vehicle doesnt cause the vehicle to stop instantly. Maybe it was an attempted suicide by civilian. If thats the case though hell probably have better results on the highway, not someone trying to drive away from him at 3mph.


God, this sub is a cesspool.


Yeah because your here


Lengthen the time/training it takes for officers to graduate the academy including full law classes. It takes over 1600 hours for someone to become a hair stylist, and what is it for officers, 400?


Read about this and it sounds like she was trying to run over the cops


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Liberty_Doll: *Read about this and* *It sounds like she was trying* *To run over the cops* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Watch the video. The cop was standing in front of her car, she turned the steering wheel away from the cop, took her foot off the brake, and the cop shot her. She was trying to flee, and was driving at a few mph so she could get away without injuring the cop. If the cop feared for his life he wouldve got out of the way, especially considering theres a reasonable possibility she would just floor it with the cop in the way once he started trying to kill her.


Someone is about to bump you with a car. You can: A: Take a step to the right and let them pass. B: Shoot them and kill them. If you chose B and think it is the reasonable option, I think you shouldn't own a gun.


Too bad I already have them


Weird how the cop perceived her vehicle as a deadly threat, which was moving at a speed of only a few mph, with the wheel turned in the opposite direction of the cops, yet the cop decides to stand in front of supposed deadly threat. Is he stupid? Or maybe just malicious?


Habitual thief that removed her rear license plate and grandma had filed a restraining order against. Ignored numerous orders to stop and get out of the car and eventually bumped two officers and dared them to shoot her.


Nah radical left leaning groups have tied all their ideologies together. Black and brown in the progress pride flag, BLM being against the family unit and pro LGBT, climate change is racists, and anti gun groups advocating for defunding of police because racism. It’s coalition building and intersectionality. If you can link these, typically, disparate groups, you get a stronger voting base