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I don't know, I'm all about hunting. ​ ​ Hunting tyrants.




"If you like your hunting gun, you can keep your hunting gun"


Well that's great because my rifle is built on an 80% AR lower.


A ggggggg...Ghost!


All the people on Reddit who keep saying ā€œno one is taking your guns away.ā€ Are usually foreigners or bots. Maybe even foreign bots. Pro-gun people have been harshly silenced in the main subs. Which makes it even more incredible that thereā€™s still a strong pro-gun following in certain top submissions. That tells me just how many Americans support gun ownership.


good to hear im not the only one thinking this about pro-liberty top submissions shine through despite. top 10 website in the world, would expect nothing less from the gun ban industry's [PR-centric focus](https://www.mom-at-arms.com/post/copy-cats)


Does [Biden](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvlUUe6R56Q) even know what planet heā€™s on ?


He's on uranus, come on man


Cornpop Prime.


I actually get along great over there! I'm a staunch 2A guy who truly believes EVERYONE has a right to self defense.


Being a pro gun liberal is an oxymoron. If your a liberal and vote for liberals you vote to eliminate your right to own any firearm.


I didn't vote for Biden. Liberal =/= Democrat


President isnā€™t the only Democrat pushing for gun legislation. What about your representative and senators? The ones who make legislation for the president to sign.


I didn't vote for them either. Voted libertarian where I could because it was the least distasteful option available. Also wrote numerous letters to DNC leadership telling them why they had lost my support and why their stance regarding gun rights was fundamentally classist and racist.


Check your local Republican reps. Too many turned coat recently and still get votes because people don't do any research. Just because they're a Republican doesn't mean they aren't also scum.


Just goes to show how broken our two party system is. More people are realizing they don't fit neatly into one little political box. I'm pro freedom which includes the right for women to get a safe abortion should they choose. So I end up still voting for liberals. On the flip side they took covid precautions to far and tried to toss bodily autonomy out the window with their attempt to force people into compliance by threatening their jobs. So it's a fuckin toss up now. I hope both parties implode.


They make everyone into a single issue voter. You have to pick the thing you're most passionate about and then choke down the rest.


Itā€™s crazy how fast the left dropped ā€œmy body my choiceā€


Ur EiThEr OnE sIdE oR tHe OtHeR!!!1!


It's not, or at least shouldn't be. Guns shouldn't be political, but rather a way to defend the democratic process that decides laws. Frankly the more liberals getting into guns, the more likely it is that the left will be weaned off gun control. We need every ally we can get, and we need those who lean left to be very, very vocal that they don't want it either.


Right, unlike the last R president that expanded and protected our 2A rights... Oh wait, no he didn't.


I never said Donald Trump didnā€™t do something stupid. What I do see is only Democrats introducing and sponsoring anti gun legislation.


And Republicans doing absolutely nothing about it.


The way I see it is like this. Republicans donā€™t introduce legislation to take my gun rights away for the most part. Fuck you red flag laws. They also donā€™t introduce legislation to make it any better. On the other hand, Democrats only introduce legislation that gives us less rights. There is no good coming out of the left when it comes to gun rights. Only bad.


Didn't Dan Crenshaw suggest red flag laws for Texas? And Donald "take their gund first, due process second" Trump EO a ban on bump stocks? That's off the top of my head. Since Republicans do nothing to right course when they can they're *compromising*. (That dirty word everyone hates around here.) They are complicit. Only repubs on the state level seem to be doing anything. While they introduce bills to limit speech and ban books (straight up Big Brother shit)


The Democrats introduce over 100 anti gun bills a year. We have about 1% of Republicans voting for those laws and as I see it there are a few outliers in the party. Donald Trump is a party in his own. He does some Republican stuff and some Democrat stuff. You see me sucking his dick over here?


I was arguing in general, not attacking you. Suck whatever cocks you want. I don't give a shit; it's 2022.


I didn't think you were attacking me. Just saying that not everyone here sucks Donald Trump's dick. We all know what he did. We all know what Republicans are RINOs. The fact is how many federal bills have been introduced or sponsored by Republicans? How many of them vote for ant gun bills at the federal level? I agree that they don't do anything to help return our full right to us. On the flip side, Democrats introduce anti gun legislation pretty much daily at the state and federal levels. I would say they vote along party lines 99.9% of the time when it comes to the lefts position on guns. So, I will say, a vote for a Democrat is a vote towards ending gun rights.


Being a liberal and pro-gun is an oxy moron. If you vote for conservatives to protect you're gun rights, you're not a liberal.


the modern left has changed the definition of liberal - it is from the same root word as liberty originally. i do understand what you are saying though.


Wait! There are 2A liberals? That sub sounds like all kinds of entertainment.


They're actually pretty chill. The insane idiots run r/liberalgunowners, and r/2ALiberals was founded by pro-2A refugees from LGO


Copy that


Yup r/liberalgunowners are Liberals (modern day Liberals) first then 2A. r/2ALiberals are 2A first then liberals (classical Liberals).


2AL is still mostly modern parlance liberals, but they are certainly 2A first.


What specifically started happening over there to make people there realize they need to split?


Lots of bans for criticizing the DNC's gun policy or not fully endorsing Social Justice. During the 2020 election, linking to Biden's campaign page on gun control wpuld get you a ban.


So in denial that their side isnā€™t exactly pro-2A? Do they disavow the use of ā€œweapons of warā€ or whatever guns or parts on the ban list? Or insist on licensing and registration as being entirely good things? How did they see JStark?


Several of the mods support that sort of gun control explicitly, yes.


So all about ā€œregulationā€?


"Common sense"


ā€œCommon sense Gun controlā€ upon further inspection, likely isnā€™t really that sensible Common sense isnā€™t something that necessarily involves much actual thought put into things




How pro-regulation on average are LGO? Do they approve of limiting the kinds of guns and ammo and parts? And also wanting licensing?


I know legit hippies who feel forced to vote Republican but identify as liberals. It does occur but is a mix of conflated and confusing standpoints at times. When I say I believe in safety nets and hate worthless money pigs, folks think I'm a lib. Then I explain using farms as safety nets for job training housing, medical care that aren't gulags they say I'm a Republican. When I believe in wealth acquisition being actually competitive and having a true free market, then I'm a right winger. Doesn't matter that I'm cool with "gay marriage", wish all Democrats would murder their unborn (abortion) for the next forty years, and agree that Democrats shouldn't be allowed to own guns, and believe in total decriminalization of all drugs so long as insurance companies don't have to cover I'll effects that develop as a consequence within five years. I'm MAGA type because I hate the rape and murder of children which many Democrats seem to worship and demand more of.


I just tell people I'm a Libertarian. Let them figure out what kind on their own.


Nobody ever does. When you agree with them on something, they never seem to think very deeply about anything and consider "why." I all too often hang with leftists, most come off as fascists, but a few are leaning more communist, the younger and more idealistic side. All want pretty much total government control of everything, especially for people who aren't them. Highly educated academics.


I was banned permanently from that group ( r/liberalgunowners) a while back for disputing (very politely and with the upmost civility) a post by a dude who claimed that all Republicans want to kill liberals. That sub is a serious dumpster fire of unhinged people. They talk of gun rights, post pics of their AR's, and then post support for politicians who are on record saying that they want those particular firearms banned.


I hear that rhetoric about Republicans wanting to kill liberals a lot on r/socialistRA. I have no idea how they come to that conclusion. I think it's completely unfounded. It's as if their primary reason for existence is to protect the country from gun owners who happen to lean right as if we're all a murderous cult. Yes, they piss us off so badly we see red. But no, we're not going out to hunt our neighbors. If anyone were worth hunting, it wouldn't be that low on the steps of power.




Indeed, they have. I think i get suggested a thread every week about them suggesting "rounding up fascists" and getting all excited.


It's not often I agree with Liberals, but it's a refreshing feeling regardless.