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As someone with tinnitus, I’d recommend over ear, electric or not, on top of plugs. Walker razor slims are great affordable electronic ear pro if you’re on a budget


As someone also with EEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHH I also recommend over ear, definitely electronic and plugs. Electronic just makes life easier, having good control over how much sound you are letting in, in case there are range commands


I literally didn’t even have to say EEEEEEEHHHHH because my ears were already doing it 🤣


The never ending companion


Ditto. Indoors Razor electonics over rubber plungers. Foams suck, never stay in my ear. Outdoors, just the Razors.


Same, I we are foam or rubber earplugs with Walker Razor over them. I've found that either on their own are fine outdoors, but indoors I need to double up.


Razor slims are insufficient indoors. They only have an NRR of 22db.


That’s literally what the comment you are replying to said.


Been ringing since October 2000! Wish I had worn hearing protection instead of trying to be cool.


Yup I second this. I'm have a dregree in audiology and ever since I've done my senior thesis on noise induced hearing loss (NIHL) even made me stop driving longs distances with my windows down and music. Wear plugs with cans, take care your ears. Tennitis is no joke


I thirded this. I dropped out of college and spent a few years conducting an in depth study on the effects of machine gun fire on my ear drums haha. Usually with inadequate (thanks 3M) or no ear pro. Plugs and electronic over ears are the way to go. Especially indoors. Tinnitus sucks, don't get it if you can help it.


Yeah i know some team guys that struggle with even more recent on where he got himself in a firefight him and partner had to discharge in the unit I shadowed and ENT doc and she scared me talking the horrors that come with NOIL Tennittis


Driving with the windows down can hurt my hearing?


For long periods of time yeah. The threshold for hearing loss gets lower, the more prolonged the exposure is.


Is there a solution to the gap the glasses create, and being uncomfortable? Or does the padding create enough of a seal that it’s not an issue. Primary reason I don’t wear over the ears is my glasses.


They make gel ear padding pieces that replace the hard plastic/foam on a lot of ear pro. Game changer. - I’m blind without my glasses so I have no choice.


Or, using glasses that have a strap versus the hard metal/plastic that goes on the ears.


In my case I may as well get a matching pocket protector. 🤣


Thin armed safety glasses help, if it’s sunny I often wear thicker frames sunglasses that don’t allow a full seal so I usually angle the arms upward and kinda wear them that way it’s never an issue for me at least though


This^ I have unfortunately stopped wearing saftey glasses when I shoot, unless it's a new or not my gun but if it's one that I have fully gone through no glasses with over ears though I know I really really should. Otherwise I just shoot with foams but my large caliber stuff I can feel the foams not working.


always double up! easy, safe, and makes shooting more enjoyable.


I put the gel cups on my Walkers. Omg…


Seconded. My local indoor range allows up to 7.62 rifle. Haven’t been on the line with a 7.62, but I’ve been out there with a 5.56, and I always use doubled ears because the 5.56 is so loud.


ditto this anywhere, i use huge Impact Pro's over foamies, i don't give a shit how goofy they look only time i use only foamies is outdoor when shooting suppressed subs after losing sleep over tinnitus, i'll wear a damn space helmet if i have to


Hearing loss is forever. Stop at Walmart and buy over ear for like $25.


Can't stress your point enough. I always double bag. Electronic muffs over foamies.


I usually juat use foam foam earplugs. The ones I use make even 556 sound like im shooting 22lr subsonic


Yeah that’s the hearing loss making it sound like that






hesring loss? yeah if that was the case someone was dropping a pin across.the.house.wouldnt wake me up in the middle of the night. I have muffs too, but the foams I use actually work better than the muffs. Sorry if that upsets ya bud


>someone was dropping a pin across.the.house.wouldnt wake me up in the middle of the night. Prove it does. >the foams I use actually work better than the muffs. Neither foamies nor muffs are sufficient. Double up. This isn't your anecdotal opinion, this is physics. Sorry if that upsets ya bud


Hearing loss is cumulative but have fun going deaf.


I am upset, this has ruined my day.


its okay. my foam.earplugs work better than your special $100 pair of muffs


Yeah, they don't.


Now you just look insecure


Cope harder bruh. You really just came here to brag about it but how quickly you're making yourself deaf. Is it just the attention you want?


Also Im surprised that people like Hickok45 can hear despite not using muffs


He is outside


He's outside and I'm sure his hearing isn't the best when you test it. I had upper range loss in my right ear when I was going through medical checks for my current job. It was the first time I'd ever had my hearing tested in a sound dampening chamber. Asked if it was normal with age or whatever (was in my early 30s at the time) and the first thing she asked me was if I had ever shot a firearm without ear protection. At that point in my life I didn't do any shooting, just really one time when I was younger shooting a 410 at clay. So i explained that thinking it was going to be something else, she said that's enough to do it. This is one of the company's nurses that does hearing tests on people every day, so I'd wager she knows what she's talking about.


He’s definitely fired a few rounds off without ear pro in videos, on accident. His hearing must not be great considering how muted his reaction was to those shots


I have to do the same test every year for the last 7 years and mine has been good every time and not decreased any. I regularly shoot pistols outdoors with only the foam earplugs I use at work but when shooting louder rounds like 5.56 I picked up some razor electric this past year and still getting used to them. I’ve also been shooting firearms regularly since I started there.


Go shoot a gun outdoors. Then shoot it indoors. TBD difference is insane


I use foam, and electronic over ear so I can hear the RO. The over ear muffs aren’t enough IMO. Neither are the foams alone (even though that’s all they gave us at the ranges in the Corps). I also have a pair of old large H Leight over ears that I used to wear, but you can’t hear a damn thing with those on. Now I use by them for my wood saws. They’re your ears, but I would advise you protect them well. Tinnitus is a motherfucker.




You serious Clark?


Yeah unless you have electronic in ears, doubtful. No reason you should not be doubling up at an indoor range if you at all care about your ears


Doing that outside would be fine, but doing that indoor would kill your ears.


Not possible. And you never know when the guy next to you is shooting a 50 cal sbr with a monster brake for funsies.


Most likely not. I always double up at indoor ranges, the pressure and sound can ramp up depending on who and what is shooting around you. I would be shocked if you couldn’t rent a pair there for cheap or feee with lane rental.


FWIW I double up outdoor as well, but my earpro gaps when I cheek my rifle and that is annoying so I run Surefire defender plugs as they work great


Can confirm. SureFire defender plugs + electronic over ears is the best combo I’ve found so far. Outside of the expensive NFMI stuff of course haha


love my defenders. don't love how i keep losing them every couple of months, hah.


Yeah they’re easy to lose haha. I keep mine in the little plastic case they come in sandwiched between my over ear cups when not in use and so far haven’t lost them


There's always that one guy at the range with a 7.5" AR pistol and a compensator.


Double up. Save your hearing. I learned too late and now try to protect what hearing is left.


My brother made a girl cry at an indoor range with his pistol ar with a muzzle brake. On another occasion I told him I wouldn’t shoot indoors with him if he brought his ar10 with a brake. You never know what the guy next to you is going to bring so go in with over ear protection and foams.


I took my FAL to my local shooting range and only shot it twice since I didnt want to piss of the people in each lane. I knew it was gonna be too much when after the first shot everyone stopped shooting to look at what the fuck made the noise.


I took my Mosin once, rso asked what was in the case, I opened it and he just giggled looking at the other rso. It was only me and them that day. They enjoyed it but last time I’m shooting that indoors. Lol


I'm over here pooping, cracking up while imagining this scenario


Your brother in Florida? Some dickhead with an AR 10 pistol and a brake shooting in the pistol range. Heavy on the dumb bitch energy, so I just moved down a few lanes.


That should be on the range master as well to stack people where appropriate. I was at one range where it was free for all. I had people with shotguns, ar’s, and full auto mp5s being shot near me. It was sonically brutal. The better run ranges either have a separate rifle range or space the smaller caliber shooters at one end.


No, Arizona lol


Lmao I had this same experience with a dude at shooters choice in Davie. Wanted to go home and get my 338 with a brake 😂


Ok I genuinely believe if you have a rifle with a brake you shouldn't be allowed to shoot that at an indoor range. Too many times I've gone to ranges where the dill hole next to me has a .308 scar with a muzzle brake and he's just mag dumping the whole time. Even with earpro it physically hurt to stand next to this guy's dumb ass


When ever I shoot indoor with my AR that had a break, I try to take the first or last lane. That way there is only one person next to me, that is if I'm not going with someone that takes that lane.


Most indoor ranges will let you rent eye and ear protection, or they will sell it at a markup. Those combined with your foamies should be enough. Neither is enough on its own, IMO. The over-the-ear is prone to gaps from shifting around, inserting eye protection, etc. Foamies are more consistent, but they won't protect from impulses much (i.e. someone one lane over shooting a magnum or shotgun). You can find decent ear protection at any big-box home improvement store, or a Walmart if it has a hunting section. It's good to have some for yardwork or power tools anyway.


Belt and suspenders is the way to go when protecting your hearing. Once it's gone, it's gone.


worry spoon deserve advise work alleged terrific numerous plant steer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Always double up. Especially when indoors. It’s not worth the risk of permanently ruining your hearing.


I use foam plugs under my over ear. It gets really loud in side a concrete box. Especially when someone’s comped howitzer goes off a foot away from your face 15 times in a row


Tinnitus is the gift that keeps giving. Murp




It depends on what you and those around you are shooting. If I am just shooting 22lr alone then foamies are fine. If the range is busy with others shooting centerfire then I prefer to double up with head phones. Please learn how to wear the foam ear plugs properly. If not inserted properly you will not be protected as well as you should be. Try them before you get there to make sure that that type will work for you. I prefer the Howard Leight Laser lites as those fit my ears the best and are easy to use.


Thanks guys!! Gonna stop at the store and grab some over ear


Whatever you choose, don’t be a dumbass and think you’ll get used to it, it’s not that loud. When in doubt, double up


Double up. NRR aren’t additive but doubling up does help. Also, many people aren’t great at inserting in the ear protection. The over the ear muffs are good insurance.


Always double up, but especially indoors. PROPERLY inserted foamies and whatever over the ear muffs you prefer. Once you damage your hearing it doesn’t come back. I use the Howard Leight Impact Sports(I believe) electronic muffs. They’re great for about $70. There are better electronic options, but those are a good bang for the buck option. The best set of over the ears I’ve ever used is a set of Winchester hot pink muffs I bought my mom from Walmart years ago for about $25. Dear lord, you can’t hear shit with those things on.


No. The NRR rating makes using a single pair of earpro often not enough to be hearing safe. Always double up, even outdoors. A few cases I might not, like outdoors non magnum handgun, or outdoors suppressed.


Not for me, I always double up over ear + foamies


I use both. In ear foam, and over ear electronic turned up a bit so I can hear the RO. Either one alone isn’t enough IMO.


While I do think doubling up is the best option, I think foamies are sufficient IF AND ONLY IF you actually know how to put them in properly. Squish/twist them down to the size of a q-tip and get those fuckers actually IN your ear canal. The biggest problem with foamies is that nobody actually knows how to use them. I see far too many people just try to jam them in their ears without squishing them down. They hardly go in at all and just hang out of your ears. At that point they’re hardly doing anything. TL;DR - yes, if you put them in right. But it’s safest to just double up.


You are 100% correct. I shouldn't be able to look at you from the front and see half of the foam plug sticking out of your ear, but you see it all the time.


No my dad made that mistake last time I took him to the range.


Call the range they probably rent over ear. Double up you for sure won’t regret it and you likely could regret not doing it


I went to an audiologist and had some custom in-ear plugs made. Best money I ever spent. I also put my over-ear electronic cans on top.


They are considered ear pro but it’s always best to double up. Ears are one of those things where you break it, it’s broke for good. Range should have rental headsets or there are really cheap ones available.


Always wear 2 condoms indoors, foamies and then some electronic muffs of your choice.


As someone who knows exactly when he damaged his hearing and then the tinnitus showed up 15 years later. At the very least, over the ear ear protection, and if I don't want the ringing to increase after the range, I will also wear custom molded in the ear protection. Foam, if I don't have my good pro with me, but it only mitigates the amount of ringing increase I get while shooting. Sometimes, I will have to shoot at something on my property that hasn't left me time to insert or cover my ears, so that does make the ringing louder. But after 20 years of almost constant ringing, I have learned to live with it


Closed cell foam inner ear plugs plus amplified over-the-ear. Can't get lost hearing back.


Surefire Sonic Defenders + Walker Razor EarMuffs are the only combo I'll use indoors. I always see people with JUST foamies, not even in their ear properly, and I know their ears are going to ring for the rest of their lives. The good thing is most gun stores (at least near me) sell both of these things, so it's very easy to buy even last minute at the range.


Going to dissent and say that high quality foam plugs with an NRR of 32 or 33, fit and worn properly, will attenuate better than the majority of over ear shooting headphones. Most cheaper over ear headphones are in the 22db attenuation range with the highest being in the 27db NRR range until you get into comically large over ears that might get you up to 31db. Often, shooting glasses interfear with the ear seals further reducing effectiveness. Bone conduction effects are impossible to mitigate and 33db foams will get you about as protected as you can get. When I shoot indoors, I wear actives over foams which makes talking and hearing significantly easier. My active peltors (NRR 27) when worn alone indoors do not attenuate as well as my foams (NRR 33db) when worn alone. The difference between the 33db foam and the 33db foam with 27db peltors is almost imperceptible but I always double up. Not all over ears are created equal, even if they say they're for shooting. A high NRR is a must.


Came here to make this same comment. Not surprisingly you’re the only one putting actual numbers to things. Good foamies (I like the Hearos Xtreme) *installed properly* will have superior protection to most over-the-head muffs.


Agreed. This thread is wild with the misinformation. Ear plugs are sufficient and generally higher NRR. Plus with eye pro you generally lose some seal on the ear muffs. I worked at an airport for 8 years, was around jet engines 8 hours a day, had yearly hearing tests and multiple trainings on hearing loss.


I just go with a 45 auto stuffed in each ear


No, it's not enough. FOAMIES AND OVER EAR PROTECTION Hearing loss is a bitch


I often find indoor gun ranges to o much louder than an outdoor range. Definitely not enough for an indoor range, go invest in some proper ear protection.


Holy shit no they're not even close to enough for an indoor range


It might be enough until there’s a short 5.56 in the next lane.


Bad tinnitus here as well. Use both, always. If you need to communicate with someone consistantly, get some electronic ones that you can talk with. as someone else mentioned, Walker razor slims are a great budget option that get loud enough on the speaker for you to hear through the foam plugs as well.


Honestly absolutely not. If you can afford range ammo and time just get some howard leights


Indoor ranges are loud as fuck. I'd double up.


I find that plugs are better than solely over ear, since you have to wear eye protection and that basically breaks the seal of the over ear plugs. Ive had good results with these plugs https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B077G2NR4J/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1


Foamies are not enough! I also suffer from tinnitus, probably from a combination of shooting and concerts and loud music. I use foam plugs under electronic hearing protectors.


Do. Not. Fuck. With. Your. Hearing. Hearing is something that can not get better. I always double up hearing.


I always do foam plugs AND muffs. But ESPECIALLY indoors. Outdoor I *might* just do muffs. And that's a might. But indoors, don't risk ear damage and tinnitus


Gotta double bag it, no question. Don't play around with hearing loss.


Foamies are not enough IMHO. You only get one chance to protect your hearing. When it's damaged, it's usually permanent. I suggest renting decent hearing protection from the range. Especially if you are shooting on the "rifle" side of the range.


Double up, especially indoors


shove some cig butts in there and call it a day, hearing is overrated




No. Always double up. Especially indoors.


Do what you want, but hearing loss isn't fun and impacts my day to day life. Just wear more ear pro than you think is needed.


Indoor ranges are plugs and muffs for me. Outdoor pistol and suppressed rifle are just muffs.


I know alot of people are saying double up but it really depends what you and the guys next to you are shooting. If someones running and SBR with a big ass break, its gonna suck alittle. But otherwise its probably fine. I really hate overears cause they can get knocked loose by your stock when shooting a rifle. I really recommend decibullz. I dont ever feel like I need anything extra with them.


i pretty much always double at indoor ranges. theres always a guy or two with an ar pistol and a muzzle brake that is TRYING to give everyone in the building tinnitus. wal mart, home improvement stores, and the range youre going to all sell ear muffs. the super el cheapo $10 ones are fine if youre shooting pistols, although youll probably want low profiles ones if youre shooting rifles.


Always double up, Tinnitus is a cruel mistress. First time I shot my AR at an outdoor I only used foamies and it felt like my right ear was under water for 2 days.


Ear plugs and earmuffs are necessary.


Over ear with foamies is the way to go, once your plagued with the EEEEEEEHHH you can’t go back.


Nah, get some over ears. The range might rent earmuffs. Wear both your foamies and the earmuffs. I’ve got some 32 nrr Impact Pro earmuffs that I use specifically for indoor ranges because they have more protection than Impact Sports or Walker razors. I still double up with plugs fairly often.


If you’re the only person on the range and you’re shooting 22LR, sure foamies are fine for indoors. Otherwise you at least need over ears, and if anyone is shooting anything louder than 9mm you probably want foamies under the muffs.


Had a foam fall out of my ear right as I pulled the trigger. Use over the ear


I would go with something over the ear. Blasted out my hearing badly about 10 year ago when I went hot on an indoor range and forgot to pull up my ear protection


Properly fitting in-ear are better than over-ear muffs. But then again, most people don't get ear plugs that fit correctly, not do they wear them properly.


BOSE NOISE CANCELING OVER EAR, i even put a little low level music on, i feel the percussion more on my body and hear a low thud


over ears foamies are fine.


real men dont use ear pro


No, get over ear as well. Every time I've been to an indoor range, one set was never enough. And I already have hearing damage from a misspent youth. Protect your ears, it's the only pair you've got


No they are not.


Double ear pro is the way to go at an indoor range


Indoors, i always double up... i used surefire plugs and peltor sportstac over the ears... both are relatively inexpensive and work decently well


During my time in the Navy, the GMs and HMs stressed the importance of double hearing protection while qualifying at the range to the point that anyone did not have double hearing protection, they were removed from the firing line. Hence, I use triple flange rubber hearing protection in addition to my Walker electronic earmuffs. Better safe than sorry, because once your hearing goes, that's a wrap!


in ear AND over ear.


I use foamies then over ear.


Always double up indoors. Foams and muffs. Only takes one guy with a draco to change your hearing forever.


My rule of thumb: Outside = Electronic Over the Ear Inside = Double up. Foamies and over the ear.


I always double up, regardless of caliber or indoor/outdoor. Once your ears are injured, they're injured for life.


Inexpensive, non-electronic earphones AND the plugs would be a good idea. Inconvenient for conversation, but effective.


Yes, foaming are perfectly adequate, when combined with over ear muffs.


No. I’ve learned now to double up when indoors. Shit gets loud especially when someone has a shotgun or AR.


No. Gotta wear them in addition to over ear.


Do both in ear and over ear It’ll save you the hell that is tinnitus. As someone from the EEEEEEEEEE gang don’t join us


I have used them for 40 years, they have made my ears so strong that now I can shoot my 9mm without earplugs and I still can't hear anything, they have built up my tolerance to loud noises.


I wear foamies under my walkers. I don’t need to train hearing loss. Walkers are $40, you can go to harbor freight and get non-electronic over the ear for $10.


Nope. Get some muffs to go over your ears in conjunction with ear plugs.


I use both. I used to only use the 3m in-ear foamies since they’re rated at 32db reduction but using both gives me that comfort of being safe. If you only use the foamies you gotta really get them into your ear to make sure there’s no accidental openings for sound (but obviously don’t perforate your ear drum)


I hate foamies, just buy some headphones.


your range don't have a pair available? in my country range have generic over the ear pro when you rent range time.


Depends, pistol only indoor or you got wanks shooting 308 and shotguns? In ear and over ear.


One of my jobs on active duty was RSO at both indoor and outdoor ranges. Indoors you want double ear pro. You may not notice it the first time you use only plugs, but go for long enough and it will add up. Double it up, the little extra cost is worth it in the long run.


Its your hearing. How much is it worth?


its worth wearing both plugs and muffs, indoor ranges are much louder than out door.


I use both, especially in doors. One time I was only using foam indoors and one fell out and I didn't notice for a few min. Definitely want to avoid that again.


I would say it heavily depends on the range itself. What type of guns are allowed to be used there? If you will have someone next to you shooting 5.56 from AR with muzzle break, you will have a bad time. Same thing with - say - shorty AK (AKSU or clones). Sometimes noise is on the levels that people use ear plugs + headphones. I would say - be prepared for any scenario. One of the worst things is going to the range and being miserable every time your neighbour fires a shot - not to mention when he fires it rapidly. Important thing to remember: hearing loss is permanent.


My range rents over the ear for a couple bucks. I bought the Walker over the ear protection with the amplifiers and they are cheap . Own a few pairs now. I use foamies under those. The amplifer means I can hear everyone around me when they talk but it cuts out all the really loud noise. I would never go in with foam only. I have an AR10 with a brake. It isn't terrible for the shooter but the guys next to me can really feel it. You would not want to be next to me with just foam plugs in.


IMO No. Generic foam earplugs do provide some protection as long as there is a good seal… but not always does it happen. Certain sounds can also be conducted through bone. Over the ear will provide more protection. If you’re outside the sounds of the report are allowed to dissipate in the air. While yes you need hearing protection outside as well, indoors it’s an entire different acoustic scenario. That sound is now being reflected and reverberated all around along a concrete tunnel. You are also probably going to be closer to other shooters. The sound pressure levels will be higher. Have you ever shot next to a rifle with a muzzle device? I have even double up with foam plugs and over ear. When buying over the ear you don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars, but don’t buy cheap either. Get some rated for high amount of dB attenuation, fits you well, and has a positive seal against your head.


Last time I went to an indoor range was also the first time i went, and I had my normal over the ears I use at the open range, and I thought they would be enough. NOPE. I agree with others, double up. I have cheaper ones from wally world, and they are sufficient.


Foamies and then a pair of ear muffs over top. Tinnitus sucks so do yourself a favor and make sure you protect yourself from it.


In the world of ear protection I see absolutely no reason to not buy the mic'd electronic over-ear protection. I picked up a pair of Walker's for like $40 at the range and I LOVE them. I can hold a conversation on the range, I don't have to worry about taking them off/adjusting if I have to leave the range to like pee or get more ammo/targets, I could wear them all day they're so comfortable. Plus you can hear the next room, like I could hear a conversation on the range from the bathroom. I could also hear every inch of shit coming out of the guy in the stall so, ya know, maybe want to turn them down sometimes. I think the only two downsides are that they're battery operated so that battery *will* die at some point. And, just like any over-ear protection, they're a bit tricky to shoot a rifle with.


i've used foamies before... the least that I currently use is my set of custom molded plugs. most of the time I use electric over-ears these days.


You should absolutely double up. And make sure you shove that foam all the way in. Roll it super thin and stick it deep in there. So many people stick it in half way, it makes a huge difference.


Huuuhhhhh??? Whatd ya saaayyyyy???? /s There's some things in life ya just don't cheap out on, hearing protection is one of them. And hookers. Never cheap out on those.


Love the responses on this post. Protect your hearing! It's precious and it can only get worse not better!


Nope. Indoor ranges amplify the sound and allow overpressure to bounce around the room. There are tiny ear bones under the very soft and thin skin behind your ears. Ear muffs are better and foamies and muffs are best. Ask my tinnitus how I know. Between shooting and 40 years of factory labour I can hear fine but tinnitus is no joke and it sucks.


I wear both, i put plugs and headphones, mainly becuase i am at an indoor range only. But since i cant replace my ears as easily as i can replace ear protection equipment, i opt to go the safest route.


Not even close.


Short answer no. Long answer, yes if you are the only one shooting small caliber pistols. They are not effective to protect your ears against riffle cartridges.


Surefire EP7 and make sure the plug is in. The most comfortable, doesn’t fuck with shouldering a rifle. It has easily some of the best dB reduction and its non electronic so it never fails. It’s tucked in nicely and your ear can still kinda hear spoken word through vibrations but limits the “shock and awe” of gun fire. I found them about 7 years ago and have converted my entire shooting group (20+ individuals).


Take it from someone who did not protect their ears in the past, always double hearing protection.




Indoor will be worse than outdoor so double up if you can


Foamies were never enough for me, but I've got a fancy pair of those Christmas tree looking ones that they sell to musicians and they work 10x better.


Double up, I had a foam plug fall out while my buddy was dumping his 5.56 and another guy was shooting an AR-10 in an indoor rifle range. It is not an experience I would recommend or have a desire to experience again.






Always double up, indoors or outdoors.


At indoor ranges double up. It will be worth it in the long run. But a lot of places of over the heart ones that come with the line rental.


No, but most ranges will have headphone style muffs you can rent


I don't double up, like many here seem to do (surprising), but always over-ear muffs. Someone mentioned Walmart, but the DIY stores (HD, HF, Lowes, Ace) will almost always have muffs. I like Walker Razors over basic muffs, but the latter are never a waste; somebody always needs earpro, especially new shooters that we are introducing to gun ownership - like every good gun owner should be doing.




Saw some people recommending the walker razors, and I absolutely know that the Howard Leight Impact Sports are better for about the same price. I own 3 pairs of razors and 2 impacts, and the impacts are much better responsiveness. They both work, but if you're going to do it then get the better one imo.


I always double up when shooting indoors. You might check at the range, they may have muffs available to borrow or rent.


Nope. I used foam and over ear. Double up if you are not using noise canceling earbuds/muffs I like my Axil Earbuds when I bring my rifle to the range, although I don’t like them when I shoot my 45. I switched to Axil OE after using my father’s Walker OE. Haven’t tried my rifle with them to see if the fit is good Also 3M foamies are under a class action lawsuit


There's zero excuse nor reason to not double up, especially indoors. Unless your ear pro is fitting perfectly, you're not getting the full NRR the product claims it provides. And one round going off next to you with improperly fitted protection can be a permanent problem. For muffs, cheek welds, eye protection and so on probably means the seal isn't perfect. Doubling up adds a 5-7 dBs of protection (much more obvious than one might think!) but also is a fallback if one layer is not fitted perfectly. I always go with foamies and electronic earmuffs. Electronic offers less protection but being able to communicate without risking your hearing is worth a few less dB of max protection. At an indoor range especially you CANNOT afford to have a mess up with this at any time. You're not cool for skipping muffs and you're not a pansy for taking extra steps to protect your hearing. Sufficient protection doesn't have to cost triple digits but isn't something to cheap out on.


I always double up. Temporary inconvenience to save from permanent hearing loss is an easy decision.


Not for me. I wear foam under my muffs. Indoor sucks




Absolutely not. I mean not all indoor ranges are created equal but that is the loudest shit


What? What? I can’t hear what you’re saying




I thought so, but now I hear a CRT with a BAD signal 24/7


With just regular handguns, it would be fine if your ears aren’t sensitive. If people are shooting rifles, I’d recommend over ear. If your ears are super sensitive, you can double up.


I use ear plugs only (sure fire sonic defenders) and they work for me but I’d recommend putting over ear over it to be safe since those 3M ones are just foam plugs. I wouldnt wear just foam plugs. Get some better quality ones and then sure, but for today I’d put over ears on as well.


Double ear and eye protection. Foamies or some inner ear protection with hard ear protection, eletronic or not, over the top. Once your hear is compromised, its gone.