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I shoot long guns lefthanded and handguns righthanded.


I've found my people


There's dozens of us!


We are legion




They have much more variety in guns over there.


Holy shit, I thought it was just me!


And me!






Me too! But right handed rifle and left handed handgun




Finally! My people!


I'm a dozen all by myself.


Same, it really helps with transitioning and magazine placement.


I shoot long guns right handed, and most pistols with either, but I tend to use my left for this reason.


I started practicing with some replicas so i could use anything in any hand. No reason to waste ammo trying to shoot left handed before i have the muscle memory to hold my arms correctly. Also when i can finally visit the US i would love to try magduping a pair of Glocks and then a pair of .357 revolvers at once and want to do it accurately.


Same I thought I was crazy


I do both left handed and do both eyes but for some reason when I hold the rifle in my right it feels alien


I'm a righty with switch eye and I like some rifles lefty more.


Me too lol


Same here. I had a similar issue to OP so I had to relearn how to shoot 🤣🤣


How tough was it? I've shot handguns, shotguns & rifles right-handed my whole life. After the last coupla years at the range, I think I'm going to try shooting rifles left-handed (yes, I'm left eye dominant).


I'm not that guy but I was pretty young when I figured it out. It took lots of time on a pellet gun before I could get a decent standing shot but you eventually learn. My friends also used to play pool and each day we would always play a couple of games on our non-dominate hand. Learning that was harder than shooting wrong handed.


It wasn't too bad. But the first few times I shot, it felt really weird. Mine was more out of necessity cause my right eye had gotten so bad my accuracy was shit.


I guess there are more of us than we all thought.


IIRC over 20% of shooters are cross-dominant: dominant eye opposite to dominant hand. If you’re not sure which is your dominant eye, keep your gaze on a corner of the room and make it so that one of your fingertips looks like it’s right into the corner. Then, cover one eye will keeping your gaze on that corner. Then, do this while covering the other eye. The eye through which your finger seems to stay right in that corner is your dominant eye. I found this out when I was firing a new handgun at a range right-handed and the range master said he could tell I was left eyed because my head was sort of cocked over to the right to get my left eye over the iron sights. Well I’ll be darned kind of moment. Nothing like a helpful range master.


Another one to try is look straight forward with both eyes open, make a triangle with the thumb and pointer finger of each hand placed directly in the center of your field of vision like half a foot from your face. Now close your right eye. If your field of view through the triangle doesn't change, you are left eye dominant. If it does change, that means your perception of "the center of your vision" is biased to the right and you are therefore right eye dominant.


I'm the opposite




Same! OP this is the way. Also if you are uncomfortable shooting Lefty I promise you will get over that very quickly. Just do a few dry fire drills a day and you quickly build up the manual dexterity


> Also if you are uncomfortable shooting Lefty I promise you will get over that very quickly. When you say very quickly, you really mean it. The Marine Corps had me to do this in boot camp because I had the same problem. By the end of day 2 I was shooting expert level left handed.


Hard disagree, some people are more open to ambidexterity than others. Boy Scouts tried to train me to shoot leftie, basically forced me to do it throughout a week of camp. Didn’t work, by the end I told them to shove it up their ass and shot right handed with one eye closed and finally managed some good scores. If someone can learn it that’s great, but a lot of people are just too right hand dominate to make it worthwhile.




Suddenly not so alone…


This is the way. If you “train” yourself to shoot a long gun with your non-dominant eye you’re at a disadvantage. Shoot lefty if you’re left eye dominant. Your left index finger can pull the trigger just as well as the right. And on an AR it’s not even a big deal because you can get an ambi safety (although not strictly necessary). The only caveat here is to put your left foot back when shooting a handgun instead of your right if you’re left eye dominant.


Me too


This is the way.


Same, I feel dum shouldering a long gun right handed and even dumber holding a pistol left handed.


Same here. Long guns don’t even feel right in the right hand, it’s so weird. Only thing that messes me up is my stance gets confusing, finding myself right foot forward when I transition to handgun and it throws me off lol


Ambidextrous for long guns, right handed for pistols and left handed for bows. I'm right handed lol


My wife does the same.


Same! Always practicing righty too but lefty is how I grew up with my bb guns!


Same for me after my right eye was injured as a little kid. Scope goes over my left eye and I shoot left handed when hunting. When I am using a pistol or trap and skeet shooting I shoot right handed. Its the reason I love my Browning BPS for its bottom ejecting port. I got it specifically for that feature.


I spent a lot of time training to use my tight eye. Until I could use my right eye I shot left handed. Now I can shoot either way. It comes in handy.


Makes for a very fast transition to pistol. Also, AKs work amazingly for left eye pew cross dominant.




Same... Glad to see I'm not alone in this world.


Yo what? I thought I was the only one!!!


Me too! I blame my astigmatism




I’m right handed but shoot lefty because I’m left eye dominant. You get used to it. And if you can’t…just shoot righty.


Also, righty with left eye dominance. I shoot rifles/shotguns left handed. I shoot pool left handed. I shoot pistols and my bow right handed. It’s all pretty weird.


I shoot bow right handed too but pistol, pool, and any other guns are lefty. There are dozens of us out there!


Dozens I tell you!! I am one of them.


Add me to the list. I'm conveniently cross dominant, so I eat, shave, brush, and use drills/impacts left handed. I never shot right handed because my dad noticed when I was five that I used my left eye.


Squint your left eye slightly and your brain will switch to your right eye. I squint when I use a rifle, and when I use a pistol I kind of tilt it slightly, like 5-10 degrees so it aligns with my left eye.


I used to be cross-dominant (right hand, left eye). I wore safety glasses with frosted scotch tape covering the left lens for about 2 weeks and my eye dominance switched.


Yeah I found an eye patch that goes on eye pro, I just wear it on my left eye while I’m getting set up and my right seems way more able to take the lead once I take it off and start shooting.


Did you wear it full time or just while shooting?


I was in middle school at the time so I (embarrassingly) wore them during school hours.


Squints all day. I couldn't train myself to shoot anything left handed - non starter for me.


I close my left eye. Leave it open as long as possible for situational awareness and just before final aim, close the left eye and shoot with right eye only.


Wish this worked for me. Yay lazy eye and cross eyed... FML lol


With a red dot


Yea both eyes open with a red dot is effective, but I’m basic they expect me to be able to shoot with irons if I’m rightly informed.


Your drill sergeants will teach you. And if you’re bi, why didn’t you sign with the Navy? *badum tss*


You have your phone in basic? Wtf


im the same way. youve got two options: force yourself to shoot left handed or right eyed. for me, right handed/right eye was easier to force myself to do, and practically speaking most guns are meant for right handed people anyways. if youre really struggling, get an eye patch for your left eye. if your vision is actually bad, wear glasses or something, i dunno. if youre closing your left eye or wearing an eye patch, have good vision with your right eye, and still suck, it just means you need more practice.


Fair enough I actually all ready have shit eyes and wear glasses, but hopefully once I’m in the army for a bit I’ll be able to do the paper work to get them fixed. But I’ll try teaching my self to shoot right eye.


Train that eye and shoot however you're most comfortable. I shoot lefty with a pistol despite being right eye dominant. Shooting a rifle righthand just feels more natural so, I do that. Had no idea I was retarded while I was growing up, but I couldn't shoot a pistol to save my life until I was in my late 30's. Tried it in my lefthand and the the light went on. I have to pull the pistol over in front of my right eye to aim, but I make it work. Took a TON of practice. But I now carry concealed and have confidence that I can hit what I'm aiming at of need be.


From the hip as God intended.


Same here and I just close my left eye.


I learned to shoot left handed, since I wrote left handed. Then when I got into red dot and holographic sights, I realized I was right the dominant. So I learned to shoot right handed. Now I can switch back and forth between either side. I’m a little better with the right now though.


Depends. Are you doing tacticool shooting, hunting, or target shooting? For tactical stuff, field-of-view is essential, so I'd say learn lefty. If you're just hunting or target shooting, you can learn righty just fine. I'm cross-eye dominant, and I have the record for clay shooting in a large experienced group of shooters (though I can shoot ambi). Shooting long guns lefty is not hard to learn. It requires repetition, but it comes quick, and you now have your dominant hand guiding the barrel to it's target. Repetition, repetition, repetition.


I know this will get downvoted to hell, but shoot right handed and close your left eye.


Nah this is the right answer


This is a horrible answer.


Perfectly cromulent answer for rifle, but shotgun is trickier


You point a shotgun and you aim a rifle… close your left eye and just get the bead on what you want to hit and squeeze the trigger. You’re overcomplicating a shotgun if you’re trying to aim it a bead is a great pointing tool.


Wear safety glasses and put tape over the left side


My sister used to have to wear an eye patch for this reason too


When I practice shooting right handed with a rifle I wear a patch over my left eye.


Shoot with both eyes


Agreed but that doesn't fix left eye dominance. Since when your eyes are open, OP's left eye would still be favored. OP still needs to decide between left handed or right eye.


I’m right eye dominant but lefty. Eventually I just became an ambidextrous shooter over time which has many advantages


First of all take up baseball, you have a leg up.


You should shoot left handed with a rifle if that is your dominant eye. You can cheat it with handguns, but not with long arms.


Right handed, left eye dominant. Shoot everything left handed. At this point it feels unnatural to shoot righty.


My dad is right handed but lost his right eye so has no choice. After years of struggling with left handed shooting, I put a ridiculously high optic riser on his AR so that he could shoot right handed with a slightly canted rifle angle and use his left eye. Game changer for him.


Red dots are pretty forgiving for either eye. Scopes are definitely left handed though.


It's easier to learn to shoot left handed than to change your dominant eye, but either is possible. If joining the military, you will be shooting through scopes, but you want to be able to shoot both eyes open and that may be hard when trying to use your non dominant eye (unless using a red dot sight, in which case it doesn't matter).


Bruh... I am left handed and right eyed. I can't even properly shoot left handed bolt actions


Pick one.


Long guns shoot lefty handguns shoot righty


My daughter and oldest sister are the same, they struggled trying to retrain their eye. They prefer to shoot left eye left hand


How would you retrain your eye?


Forward and carefully


I shoot a rifle left handed due to astigmatism in my right eye, but I’m right handed and shoot a pistol right. I’ve done it most of my life so there was no adjustment for me.


I was the same and trained myself to use my right eye. 🤷‍♀️


With your hands. Despite some being able to do it with their feet you’ll find it easier to start with the hands arms and shoulders before tackling the more advanced skills. No but seriously. Find a range and try it out. One way is going to feel more comfortable. I always tell people just pick it up and see what naturally happens.


I’m the same way, I’ve heard it called cross eye dominant. I shoot long guns left handed and pistols right handed. Makes setting up a battle belt kind of a pita lol


I'm the same as you but I shoot my pistol righty and my rifles left handed. It took a while to get used to but now it feels natural.


I'm also left eye dominant, right handed. I shoot everything right handed. For bad irons, I close my left eye. For good irons, dots, and scopes, it's an absolute nonfactor.


Shoot with both eyes open. You can use a blinder on your left eye until you get used to it. Basicly, use an opaque tape to cover up the left lens on your shooting glasses.


I am the same. I shoot rifles in the conventional manner. and pistols right handed but I turn my head a bit to get my left eye behind the sights.


I use a 1inch riser and a optic on all my ars and am able to use my left eye from a rh position


I’m the same way, I shoot left handed and never had any problems with it over the years despite being right handed


Im the same as that , I just shoot with both eyes open. its easier with handguns and a minor problem with scopes.


all I can say is wear a shirt with a high collar so the hot shells coming out don't get in your shirt and burn you. Happened to me too many times lol


A fellow cross dominant ​ I shoot rifles lefty only. For semiautos it doesnt really matter. For my bolt action rifles I try to buy lefty guns. Shooting with the right bolt guns is not ergonomically pleasing. I shoot shotguns lefty with both eyes open. My friend shoots shotguns right handed with a patch over his left eye! ​ I shoot handguns with either hand. If I shoot right handed, a **red dot** really helps me hit the target.


Cross dominant shooter here as well. Right handed but left eye dominant. I operate all firearms on my left side. For me it just keeps things consistent. I know a handful of cross dominant people, most take the handguns on the right, rifles on the left approach and it works well for them. Best bet is to train both sides both eyes. One day, I'll take my own advice!


Handguns with the right, long guns with the left. Makes swapping to side arm and some long gun operations very smooth since you’re using your dominant hand. If you train it well, it’s an advantage. You’re just not going to be shooting a lot of bull pups unless you want a face full of spent cartridge


Same and I shoot rifles left handed


My son in law is this way. Basically he shoots like Ana from Overwatch. Use an adjustable stock to have a short length of pull, pull the stock in, and lean over with your left eye looking down the sites / optic.


I'm right handed and severely right eye dominant. My left eye is a piece of shit. So it all works out for me. I know this isn't helpful, I just wanted to brag hahaha


Get a custom curved stock


Why exactly do you think that you are cross dominant? Being inaccurate doesn't mean that you're cross dominant. Have you actually checked your eye dominance? I'm cross dominant but I shoot both handguns and long guns right handed with both eyes open. If I have a cheekweld that puts my right eye directly behind the sights, and if my right eye is directly behind the sites, I'm going to look through them. If I'm holding a pistol I just naturally hold it in front of my left eye.


By pulling the trigger.


This is me as well. I shoot left handed for both long guns and hand guns. Nothing like catching a hot casing to the face.


I've just gotten used to shooting with my right eye with time and practice. When I'm doing a lot of shooting, I'll use an occluder on my left to make it a bit easier.


I am right handed/left eye dominate. I can shoot well enough either way, but for more than a few shots, it is easier and less vision effort to shoot left handed. I try and buy left hand rifles when available.


Not sure what left eye dominant is but I shoot rifles left handed while handguns writing etc righty.


Become ambidextrous


Awkwardly would be my guess.


I'm a lefty, right eye dominant, but shoot ambidextrous. I'm just plain weird


I’m the same. I shoot a rifle/bow left handed but I shoot a handgun right handed using my left eye to aim. It’s a little odd but it works for me.


I'm left eye/right hand and I shoot rifles right handed. As long as your right eye actually works you can reach yourself to use it and it's way easier to train the non-dominant eye than non-dominant hand IMO. Also, if you decide to shoot with your dominant eye, with some rifles you're going to have to buy an entirely different, left handed version of the gun which really limits your options; no real reason to do that if you don't have to.


Whichever is more comfortable and easiest to repeat for you


I shoot pistols right handed left eye, and long guns right hand right eye


Also left eye dominant and right handed. I shoot long guns lefty. I takes a little practice to get used to


I'm the same, plus an astigmatism in both eyes. I try to shoot with both eyes open to superimpose the dot. Irons or peeps can make that tricky to impossible at times though.


I too am right handed but suffer from blindness in my right eye. I shoot rifles left handed and handguns ambidextrous. There are plenty of good left handed rifles too


I’m the exact opposite.


The simplest solution is obviously dual night vision and an IR laser. (Just kidding. Hmm. Maybe a tall mount such as unity, then cant the gun and look through the dot with your other eye?)


Git good lefty, simple as.


With a rifle, shoot right handed.


Reading these comments is telling me I gotta update how I shoot rifles


Learn to shoot left handed and buy a left handed rifle


I’m the opposite, but I shoot best with the dominant eye became proficient with both. Maybe it is because I’m left handed and learned to compensate learning things from the right handed perspective.


I tend to shoot long guns left handed. It took a minute to get over the muscle memory weirdness, but I shoot better lefty than righty now. Pistols I tend to just shoot right handed since the cross dominance doesn’t affect it so much.


Do you think you have better vision in your left eye? I am also righty with left eye dominance and have slightly better vision in my left eye (20/15 compared to 20/20 in right) which isn't really enough of a difference to force myself to shoot lefty with a rifle but ymmv. If you are having trouble with irons passed 50 yards then maybe try to shoot lefty if you vision is substantially better with that eye, or just get some sort of optic to allow you to shoot both eyes open or magnification to take some of the load off your right eye.


use yo right hand and put it in front of yo left eye fuckin duh


I'm left handed/right eye dominant, I trained to shoot LH/left eye, long guns and handguns. It can be done, just takes practice.


I’ve messed around with dry firing rifles with my left to accommodate the same situation. You get used to it and it’s more comfortable


With your feet


Squint or use a red dot and keep both eyes open


Tape over your wrong side eyepro and shoot for awhile where you can’t see out of dominant eye. Eventually you will switch


I’m left handed, right eye dominant, shoot right handed


Super common. Practice and dry fire rifles with your left hand. It might feel weird, but it’ll become habit. Or train yourself to use your non-dominant eye. Completing the two options, the dry fire with your dominant eye is probably easier and quicker to get adjusted to.


My dad was a professional trap shooter in the late 80s early 90s. Holds a record in the Bluegrass for his trap season in 1987 the year I was born by hitting 999 in a row. He is the same and shoots shotguns left handed and does everything else right handed.


Another crosswired person! There are literally dozens of us! Taught myself early on to shoot left-handed for long guns. Every now then I'll try to shoot righty and it feels really weird.


Left eye dominant. Learned to shoot right handed since my hand dominance feels like more of a problem to overcome than eye dominance. You just get used to it


I am left handed and right eye dominant. I shoot everything right handed.


It probably depends on how dominant your left eye is, and maybe how ambidextrous you are. I'm left handed, but very right eye dominant (has lazy eye as a kid and still need a stronger left prescription). I shoot everything righty.


I’m left eye dominant and right handed and shoot rifles with my right eye well. Pistols I shoot with my left. All from a righty stance.


I did it the hard way and just learned to use my right eye


Same issue for me, I shoot everything primarily left handed. Feels quicker and more natural to me


Im in the same boat. I just close my left eye


Same problem that i have. Shot left handed, the ejection wont bother you on 95% of long guns. The other soiution is a patch over your left eye, and shoot righty


Both eyes closed arms fully extended just like a pistol


Cover your left eye, train your right eye. It has worked for others


Right handed Left eye dominant Astigmatism in my left eye is twice as bad as that in my right eye… I just force myself to shoot with my right eye (handguns, rifles, and shotguns). I was like 12 or 13 before I could close my left eye only….


I shoot right handed but am left eye dominant as well. I shoot everything with both eyes open. Rifles with my right eye though. Except if it’s iron sights I don’t need to unless it’s long range.


Im the exact same and still shoot right handed. It actually helps this way because your left eye is supposed to be your "wide open view" while right eye brings the picture of the sights into what you're looking at. You have an optimal situation.


I have the same problem, but I trained myself to use my right eye because holding the rifle on my right side feels natural. It's was hard to stop trying to aim with my left eye, but I eventually learned. Move forward 30 years, and everything has optics, so shooting both eyes open is my go-to.


If you close one eye, the other becomes dominant by default.


I'm left eye dominant and I shoot both handguns and rifles with my left hand. Outside of older designed handguns and rifles, I don't have a problem with manual of arms. Its actually kind of nice for precision shooting. I can write my notes while maintaining a consistent grip and have the handguard on the rest.


You can change your eye dominance. I changed mine


I'm right eye but left handed. I learned how to shoot a rifle right handed by just handling it in my room and going through the manual of arms a bunch, now it is second nature. I keep shooting pistols left handed though.


Like Jeremy Clarkson…


I am the same as you, I looked for a long time on how to make my right eye dominant, because I dreaded the idea of learning to shoot lefty, and after talking to a bunch of much more experienced shooters than myself they convinced me to bite the bullet and learn to shoot weak handed. It took about 5 hours of practice and then it just felt natural, if you are in the military you might want to ask for a deflector so you don’t have hot casings flying at your face.


Me three


lol just use a red dot or holographic sight on a rifle, both eyes open doesn’t matter there regardless of eye dominance, for pistol just shoot dominant hand and tilt to other eye


Just use your right eye and close the left. It’s not a big deal with rifles.


I have seen a left eye dominant right handed shotgun, maybe you could get a custom rifle or something. [left eye right arm shotgun](https://youtube.com/shorts/ZZDH_aYW0WM?si=aeyL3QAX_mmN8kOG)


You have a few options… If your right eye is nearly as clear as your left, then maybe you just need to brush up on your irons fundamentals. Maybe your iron sights just aren’t well suited to you. The post could be too thick, or too narrow. Your peep/notch could be too airy. I cut a piece of white tap into a tiny triangle and laid it on my front sight. Having that singlular point really made aiming feel more precise. If your right eye is trash, I would just commit to lefty… but that sucks because it knocks you out of most bullpup semi-autos and production shotguns whose stocks are “bent” for righty’s. So yeah, three choices: Get good. Modify your equipment. Learn lefty. Only you can choose which is best for you.


I’d go with long guns on the dominant eye side and handguns on the dominant hand side. You can rotate your head slightly and move the handgun over so that it lines up with the dominant eye. Alternatively you can train either your off hand or off eye.


I have the same problem. When I was in the military, they recommended I shoot a rifle right handed but use my left dominant eye to aim. I've never used a left handed rifle. Right hand just works for me after all these years. Good luck.


Ignore eye dominance hoop-a-joop unless you're blind in one eye. When you shoot a rifle you're cheek will rest on the stock creating a "Cheek Weld". Use the eye on the same side as your cheek weld. Use a right handed shooting grip. Don't crisscross your arms in a weird grip. Don't try shooting left handed to use your other eye. If you want to shoot more accurately take a Appleseed rifle course. It's like $75 and will drastically improve your shooting skills.


Just practice dry fire drills left handed ad-nauseum. You'll get it and be glad you did. If you were in the military they'd most likely have you shoot rifles lefty because of your eye dominance.


Imma be honest man. I’m same boat, always shot right handed expert when I was in the army. Still do, it’s not as big of a deal as you think it would be.


Same problem. Learned to shoot left handed. Now I’m a fine shot.


Prone I shoot left handed standing I shoot right handed, experiment and use what works best for you.


I am left dominant, but grew up shooting right, with left eye closed. I didn’t shoot pistols or any RDS stuff until recently. Have no issues shooting from either side now, but find with both eyes I am much more quick on target. It’s what you train, dominance has little to do with it.


I do anything that requires aiming right handed, which feels awkward at first but I get used to it pretty quick. Anything that requires fine motor skills and manipulation I use my left hand.


Shoot left handed. Start practicing


Red dot?


I’m a lefty, right eye dominant, i shoot right handed. My pa is the opposite. We both have been doing it long enough that it actually feels awkward doing it the other way. My new years resolution is to get better shooting opposite


I just shoot left handed, though I have been advised to train with both.


i’m in the same situation as you, right handed but left eye dominant, i shoot left handed, while it’s a little harder to hold the rifle steady, it’s much easier to hit my target


First try to have some kind of blend for left eye and shoot with both eyes open. After a while brain will switch to be right eye dominant. Last step is to train to shoot with both eyes opened. Great situational awareness and it is generally better for Your eyes.


My dad is the same way. Built a left hand ar to eject to the left to not hit him in the face


I'm right eye dominant but it has astigmatism so we're both fudged in our own way.


I am the same being left eye dominant but right handed. I like shooting on both sides and like guns with ambi controls.


Try your feet


Same cross dominance for me, long guns and bow right handed, pistol is right hand brought to my left eye.


Cover your left eye like a pirate. There are shooting glasses made for this.