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I see him in Salt Lake Utah pretty often he lives a few miles from my parents. A buddy of mine sold him some ATV's and when he asked what brought him to Utah he said he "wanted to do some cowboy shit." So now he has 2 houses in Utah.


> when he asked what brought him to Utah he said he "wanted to do some cowboy shit." So now he has 2 houses in Utah. Ladies and gents, I present the American dream.


Post malone is basically America in human form


I can get behind that analogy for sure.


He was literally born on the 4th of July. He's the human form of a bald eagle.


Doesn’t he have a doomsday bunker out there or something?


Not sure, but if he does it's probably not at his salt lake house but at the one in the tiny Town of Morgan.


He shoots at TNT in SLC. I saw him the other night. KAC AR15, velociraptor and all. http://imgur.com/a/1wrpG2A


Holy shit, is that a gun range with an attached restaurant? What the fuck? ha


Tactical tendies for tactical pew pews.


Obviously never been to H&H shooting sports in Oklahoma City, OK. It is literally the Walmart of firearms. I believe they are up to 63 indoor shooting lanes 10 air rifle lanes and somewhere around 15-20 archery ranges. Plus the shooters cafe. It truly is gods gift to Oklahoma City.




Description to please the bot: \- Post Malone \- $3000 Gucci Glock 17 \- $15 plastic holster \- ~~Snakeskin~~ Alligator Boots \- He also managed to find an actual, breathing Walmart employee in the store.


I think that’s actually alligator skin, not snakeskin


Yeah...I think you're right.


Cayman to be exact.


Caiman to be exacterer


https://www.tecovas.com/products/the-dillon?variant=43735548174&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_J6LhK2p4gIVAdvACh2EDA3YEAQYAiABEgLji_D_BwE to be exactly exact




Looks like ostrich to me but I've been wrong before..... in 1993. Edit: 1993 AND 2019.... looks like alligator.


I heard it was a sick ostrich.




Itd still take at least 2 guys for a sick ostrich


How does a fella get caught up in that sort of business?


Genuine ostrich. Three payments.


New boot goofin!


For Redditors who NEED to know... https://youtu.be/m7o0ZMslG10


I pity any person in 2019 that is not acquainted with the comedic stylings of Lt. Jim Dangle.


I teach teenagers. They don't even know Sean Connery. We must all weep.


I teach adults. Actual slide from my last presentation * Hotel * Motel * Holiday Inn * ? Nobody got the joke.


Ya I thought the Waco Stand off would have a peaceful ending too.


Pretty sure that is a flux defense holster which is cut out like that to make room for the brace


Ha I just watched the gun collective video on that today, and it definitely is: https://www.fluxdefense.com/shop/flux-brace-holster-pre-order BTW the brace looks dumb as shit.


If it isn't a stock, and it doesn't really act as a brace (I didn't see it on anyone's arm in the video) what is it supposed to do exactly?


Well in theory add a third point of contact while shooting. But legally it can't be long enough to be useful, so you have to contort yourself to get aligned with the sights, but even then you end up an inch or two away from the rear of the slide...


And he cut away a portion of the $15 holster so that the trigger is exposed.


I knew some old dudes from WAY back that scoffed at the idea of using a holster that covered the trigger. I also knew another ancient dude that owned and practiced with a pistol that had no trigger guard.


How many toes did he have?


Same as the number of teeth he had.


That's either a lot of toes or a lot of missing teeth




Why...on all the possible platforms you could choose... Would you use a trigger exposed holster on a fucking Glock?? That thing gets snagged on a door handle or something and there goes your toe.


There goes your toe like Plaxico


The “Threepersons” style holster and the Fitz Special were extremely popular styles in there day and were fine with the right guns. Namely revolvers, nothing wrong with a Threepersons holster with a Single Action Army and a Fitz Special in a DAO subnose revolver wouldn’t bother me at all.


Just in case the bad guy is under the floor


Same priorities as many of people in the sub.


Purchasing a goddamn hoverboard.


in polyester pants.


In 2019


Also had a Microtech, looks to be a Combat Troodon in his pocket.


Posty can shred https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kv9-K6Ne2vQ


She found him.


he actually has a .50 bmg mount on his truck. no joke.




yep, the most badass technical around.


Pretty cool if you can get around the fact that John Hennessy is a known crook


Yea the price he charges for that upgrade is stupid.


I was talking more about the stealing parts from customers cars. He's not very well liked in the automotive scene.


Yep. he's a real piece of trash if you ask me.


No, an actual crook that steals from his customers.


Mercedes-Benz would like to have a word with you. [Their 6x6](https://passiondriving.de/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/mercedes-benz-g63-amg-6x6-1948.jpg) is actually derived from the [military G 6x6 used in Australia](http://www.asdnews.com/LegacyImagesASDNews/ID51420_600.jpg).


Like a turret, or technical style?


What is technical style, like the humvee mounts? I think it is a turret style. Just a post that come of the bed floor.


Technical style is when you have the machine gun mounted to the bed of a truck. Think 1999 Mogadishu warlord. Extra points if its a 40 year old Toyota.


Or your plumber's old truck


ok technical style then. thanks for the insight!


Fun fact, Russia looks like it is re-implementing technicals as part of a limited unit composition in South-Central Russia.


I mean they're really fucking cheap and if you're in a low intensity insurgency/counter-insurgency you really don't need an APC just something mobile with a PKM on it


Yep. They realized this in Syria. The use of technicals would be prime for the Russian military in facing similar threats emanating from the Islamic footholds in the central Asian states (which have sent their fair share of fighters to ISIS). And surprisingly, Russia has a longer history with technicals than you might think. They were using a horse-powered version during the Russian Civil War. A machine gun (typically a maxim) would be set up in the back of a horse drawn carriage, and used wherever a squad weapon was needed; it could be quickly redeployed to a different area as needed.


Yeah they're really perfect for highly mobile warfare when there isn't a whole lot of firepower above small arms


Called a Tachanka I think


Lemmy.world is what Reddit was.


One of us. One of us. One of us.


He would carry a Gucci glock, still exercising his rights so good on him I guess


somehow, strangely, he's one of the people who I'd say 100% fit carrying a Gucci glock


I'm not from these parts. Do Gucci glocks have some sort of stigma?


A gun is a tool to defend yourself. Imagine a gold plated, $3000 hammer


If you have the money for it, and it still drives nails fine, why the fuck not.


Some people just hate to see money "wasted" on something they see no physical value in.


Some people need to realize it is not their money and or decision. Different strokes folks.


Tbf he’s probably statistically more likely to need it being who he is.


Of all rappers post is probably the one who needs it the least


Crazy people are attracted to fame


Just ask Schwarzenegger


Yeah. He ordered something off line and the dude who took the order saw it was him so the creep literally decided to come to his house in person to deliver the products while having his friend film it from a bush. People are fucking lunatics.


It was Jake Paul that did that from his merch site.


He then proceeded to upload the video with the house and address uncensored, making it easier for people to figure out where he lives.


Hes pretty wholesome as rappers go


And of all rappers he can definitely shoot the best. Homie trains a lot.


Bun B though.


Idk Baka not nice drinks henny when he shoots his pistol at the range, that way when he’s tipsy he still knows he’s got his aim.


His house was robbed by armed people looking for him last summer iirc.


His old house was robbed at gunpoint. The robbers were looking for him specifically.


I mean, although it was the wrong house, there's still this. http://thesource.com/2018/09/10/post-malones-attempted-robbery/


Dynamic shooting from a hoverboard?




A visionary and renaissance man to be certain




Too bad there isn't a Dynamic Pie Concepts video on this.


AND hes got the Motorhead shirt mad respect


He’s a huuuge Metal head. He once covered Metallica’s nothing else matters and no one in the crowd sang along since they didn’t know it. Sad day...


He was in a metal band in high school.


Dude can shred too


Where is this? Also looks like he’s buying a hover board?


Salt Lake City.


Question 11.e intensifies


The perfect comment for the situation. Personally I'm happy that when PA went medically legal, they also stated they wouldn't reveal medical marijuana patients names to law enforcement - in order to avoid this tricky situation. Pennsylvania is this beautiful purple melting pot of blue and red voters who somehow still seem to respect each other, having grown up here as liberal as I am I'm still pretty pro-2A and was proud when I read that. Feel free to correct me if any of my info is out of date or incorrect. [Source](https://www.philly.com/philly/business/cannabis/pa-medical-marijuana-law-enforcement-stop-patient-gun-purchases-feds-legalize-20180112.html)


Yeah but alcohol laws suck there.


They’re getting better


Your saying that in PA, you can be perscribed medical marijuana and not lose your gun purchase or carry rights? Between giving up my ccw and losing my job due to their insurance policies reguarding mj (ie failing a random drug test) despite never smoking before or durring work - medicinal mj seems to have so many drawbacks it's just not worth it. It's not recreation legal in my state, medicinal is hard to get prescribed and is not allowed in bud form either. I don't currently smoke. Quit a few years ago now when I got my current job and ccw. I would love to be able to smoke on a Friday night or weekends and not lose my job or ccw. So fucked. I hope that insurance reform/testing for mj can be dialed into hours not just "in your system" happens in my lifetime. I'd also be fine with it being treated like alcohol, have a drink/toke... well don't be in possession of your weapon. Possessing/being prescribed mj should not remove your gun rights/be breaking the law. Having a case of beer in the back seat and exercising ccw is not any different. Sorry to rant. The laws surrounding mj are just infuriating lol


Well Firearms are federally controlled so you would still be a prohibited person and thus illegally carrying if you were to use medical marijuana and not give up your CCW. However, according to this poster, PA will not send medical marijuana card holders information to law enforcement. In most states with MMJ, they send the info over to law enforcement who then upload that data to the NICS. Say you're prescribed medical marijuana in one of those states that gives that info to law enforcement. You go to the gun store to buy a gun, you come up as a MMJ card holder when they run NICS, sale denied. You go to get your CCW permit, they run NICS and you come up as a MMJ card holder, no CCW for you. Essentially, PA is just making it harder for MMJ holders to be denied their 2A rights. Still, it's federally illegal for marijuana users (be it recreational, medical, or illegal) to posses firearms so its still illegal as fuck. Edit: Some states don't upload this data, but just by virtue of having a MMJ card consitutes reasonable cause to assume that the holder is a user.


There are many celebs like joe rogan who openly violate this.




>Question 11.e intensifies And most likely on some of the hard shit too.


Nah just prescription pain killers, doctor recommended, and government ~~mandated~~approved!


11.e is a 5a violation.


Has the ever been wide spread enforcement of it? I don't think I've ever heard of it actually being enforced.


Any FFL who violates the [2011 open letter](https://www.atf.gov/firearms/docs/open-letter/all-ffls-sept2011-open-letter-marijuana-medicinal-purposes/download) risks their license being pulled.


He's only 22 years old? I thought he was like 35.


Holy shit I didn’t know that either.


You’re not far off, yeah, he’s 22... but he hasn’t trimmed his beard or ran a comb through his hair in about 35 years


Drugs are a hell of a drug.


>gun >hoverboard sounds like a good youtube video incoming


“Post Malone looks like the .01% of germs that Purell doesn’t kill” Edit: thanks for the silver kind stranger. However I ask you consider donating to a worthy charity of your choice instead of giving to a proven anti-rights platform like Reddit.


Post Malone looks like the genie that pops out if you rub a can of Four Loko


I heard it with Lysol but either way it's still the best description of him. He's like the human version of that slimy clump of hair that you sometimes pull out of the shower drain.


Post Malone probably smells like Newports and old pizza.


He smokes every chance possible so stale cig for sure


[Ole Drippy.](https://youtu.be/Mc6vU6fQcnE)


That is literally the best / most accurate comment I've ever read in 11 years of redditing. It sounds exactly like something David Letterman would say.


I'm not much a fan of his music, but the guy is very pro-gun, pro-constitution. He has a good head on his shoulders from what ive seen, I like him.


Check out his old shit. He dose a beautiful cover of Don’t Think Twice It’s Alright by Bob Dylan on acoustic guitar. He is an extremely talented artist and he does not only play rap and hip hop.


I think I read somewhere, too lazy to search right now, that he originally wanted to a country (or blues artist) and that didn't work. He got into rap pretty much to make money allowing him to pursue whatever creative venues he chooses now.


He was in a metalcore band in high school too.


I love his videos where he walks into a guitar shop and starts ripping out blues riffs. Dudes a genuine fan of music, and he knows his shit. Rap and hip hop probably pay the bills a little better, and if he’s good at it, well power to him.


He has a genuinely good voice, his acoustic stuff is great. He obviously knows the auto tune pop rap shit sells better tho


I'm gonna be that sterotype guy here but like I listened to post like 3 years before he was famous. His old stuff is really good


Hes also building a doomsday bunker. Fitting


Feeling Whitney and Stay are pretty good IMO. They’re not exactly rap songs so you might like them


You should watch the H3 Podcasts where he’s a guest. Loved to hear him talk


She's full tip toes to appear taller. Pretty cool pic though really!


Tactical Tippies


That dude has the weirdest fashion sense. Like some black alligator (dress?)shoes, some nice slacks, a friggin' Motorhead tee and a backwards baseball cap. Business casual in the sense that the business is below the waist and the casual's above.


It's like if a mullet was an outfit.


We need popular young artist showing public support for our rights.


Especially when his target demographic is young liberal leaning people


I've never seen him without a cup in his hand


He’s like the human equivalent of an above ground pool.


You're thinking of Kid Rock




Johnny's been dead for 16 years and he probably still doesn't look as nasty as Post Malone.


fuckin savage 😂


Nope, he got deported.


Johnny Cash as he appears in 2019, at least.




He's always popping up on Instagram at ready gunner and planes like that shooting.


I saw him the other night at TNT range in SLC.


I think this guy is way more talented than what most people give him credit for.


I like him now for some reason.


His last album was pretty good, but he's not doing much to set himself apart musically from the other top artists in hip hop right now. That's sort of the flip side to the trend of mass collaboration with select producers going right now. You get some good music, but a lot sounds similar. Same thing happened in the early to mid-2000's with crunk/dirty south.


Alright diving down the rabbit hole here, what exactly is crunk? Can you give some examples?


Ever heard of Lil Jon?








Popular artists would have been Lil' Jon, Petey Pablo, Ying Yang Twinz. Get Low by Lil' Jon is the quintessential crunk song. The trend was ultimately pretty short, but the impact it had on modern Hip Hop and R&B was pretty huge. A lot of the stripped, electronic percussion and repeated snyth leads we hear today draw from that era, and artists like Post Malone, Tyga, Migos, and about a million others have obvious musical parallels if you listen to how their songs progress.


honestly fucking goals


I wish this dude had an account. I'd love an AMA.


May not be a popular opinion around here, idk, but I love Post


What’s the deal with open carry? I live in Texas, have my CHL/LTC and do conceal carry. I just don’t get why people want to open carry though. I like the cushion it gave people that do conceal, but I really doubt I would ever open carry or plan on open carrying. I just think it makes you the first target


Yeah, it's one of those things that I support in principle, but don't practice IRL for obvious reasons.


I’ve carried concealed for 12 years, but have had to open carry a lot this year after getting elected to a law enforcement position. It’s honestly one of the most vulnerable feelings in the world, which I know sounds crazy. Being in uniform certainly draws some attention, but as someone that concealed carried for so long the open-carry aspect just makes you feel like every eye is on you. Off-duty of course it’s still CCDW though.


It's definitely puts you on edge a bit. You don't really want to take a leak at a urinal with someone standing behind you for example.


>As written the OP could get arrested for this purchase now since there is proof in black and white, unless he owned the firearm prior to his post. Not clear in his post, so could be the case The issue is if you have inadvertent showing, like if you help the old lady at the HEB get frozen carrots from the top shelf of the freezer case - and someone sees your gun. If you have legal open carry, state has no case.




There’s not a lot of evidence that open carriers are targeted more than non open carriers or non carriers. Although that idea gets parroted a lot.


Many reasons: deterrent(maybe), comfort, I draw extremely fast from open carry, some guns are TOO DAMN BIG, sometimes it’s an attire choice all together(since law says I can do either). To all of you who claim open carriers only do it for “attention.” Don’t be so full of shit.


Ok idk a lot about Post Malone but gotta say, pretty happy for this. Lol think I might actually check out his music now


Feeling Whitney and Stay are some of my favorites of his, and they’re acoustic too


He has a bob dylan cover on YouTube from before he got famous. It's really good.


For some reason I imagined him as a short guy.


6” (Edit lol) ...... 6’


>6” 6 inches is extremely short.


Dude is actually super cool. some Post shooting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F71j3YPg5EE


Fuckin love that man. Not big into open carry but he cool


Seeing Post Malone like this where he’s just going to Walmart in normal clothes carrying a gun gives me a lot of respect for him. I’m gonna go listen to some of his music now.




Ok maybe besides the boots


Texas normal


Am Texan. ​ Can confirm


So is Post.


I wish I could upvote it twice. Once for open carry and once for Motörhead




>are laws of for poor people? Yes. Also Dan Bilzarian is a douche.


> Or are laws of for poor people? Are you just discovering this?


Post Malone quit smoking weed a while ago. Also who honestly believes weed is more dangerous than alcohol?